It’s Better to be the Empress Dowager

Chapter 97: Pamper


After all, Empress Dowager Yao is a deep virgin woman. Even if she is the Empress Dowager, her power is still among the servants and servants, and military affairs are completely out of the question. The Queen Mother Yao wanted King Jing to guard the northwest, but she was worried about King Jing, so she came up with a trick to use women to spy on news.

Maybe it shouldn't be said that this is a trick, if there is such a woman in the world, can King Jing know that it is a meticulous work and can't help but be addicted? Tang Shishi didn't know if there was such a person in the world, but obviously, this person would not be her.

Tang Shishi just wants to be an empress dowager and enjoy peace. What is the grievance between Empress Yao and King Jing, and Tang Shishi? They fight against them, and Tang Shishi wants to run for his own future.

As for the Empress Dowager Yao, she can handle it casually.

Tang Shishi's days of leaving early and returning late lasted for several days. Gradually, she became accustomed to going to the study early in the morning to order Mao, and then spent a day in the Baoxia with nothing to do. When it was dark, she could no longer turn around. When the wind blows, you can call it a day and go home. Except for the first day, Tang Shishi never saw King Jing again.

The days on her side are very quiet, and there is a sense of indifference to the world. However, in the plot, the progress of the male protagonist and the female protagonist is pushed fast. When Tang Shishi goes home every night, he can see a thick stack of new plots, and sometimes, even several chapters can be updated in a day.

Most of them are daily, such as who I met today, what I said to the prince, what kind of strategy the master arranged, and so on. Sometimes, the prince would ask Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun what they thought. Ren Yujun was too dumb to say anything, but Zhou Shunhua was able to come up with new ideas again and again.

Zhao Zixun's attitude towards the two women also changed unknowingly, although in Tang Shishi's view, Zhao Zixun's position was biased from the very beginning. Zhao Zixun's Tianren originally came for Zhou Shunhua, and Ren Yujun was just incidental, but in Ren Yujun's view, things may be different.

Ren Yujun only knew that she and Zhou Shunhua went to serve the prince at the same time, and what Zhou Shunhua would do, Ren Yujun was also not bad. Obviously there were three people at first, but Zhao Zixun gradually fell in love with Zhou Shunhua.

It's really pitiful, Tang Shishi turned a page, and said quietly in his heart, it's a pity that Ren Yujun and Zhou Shunhua sisters turned against each other, in this case, let Tang Shishi bear all the bad consequences.

As long as Tang Shishi stole Zhao Zixun's favor and left Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun unloved, wouldn't it be fair

She is such a kind genius.

Tang Shishi flipped over which plots he had missed, obviously painful heart infarction, but it was okay to comfort himself, it was just a little thing that didn't affect the overall situation. She flipped to the latest part, and saw that the title of the next chapter was "The wind, the snow, the moon and the rain are in the sky, and the wine and the rain are all at this time."

Tang Shishi looked back and forth, and found that in the subsequent titles, there was also a plot of "rain". Tang Shishi pondered, lost in thought.

It was a coincidence once, but the repeated appearance of "rain" means that there is at least one love scene between the hero and the heroine, which appeared on a rainy day? Tang Shishi raised his head and looked out the window. The wind was blowing, and it seemed that it was going to rain soon.

Is it tomorrow

Early in the morning, Du Juan came in from the outside with a water basin. She rubbed her arms and complained, "It's really annoying, it's raining again. It's inconvenient to do anything in rainy days."

Du Juan spoke with his mouth, and the movements of his hands were not delayed at all. She adjusted the hot water, and when she turned her head, she saw Tang Shishi standing by the window, looking out absentmindedly.

Du Juan couldn't help but lower his tone, "Girl, what are you looking at?"

Tang Shishi murmured, "It's raining."

"Yes." Du Juan Xuxu continued, "It suddenly rained in the middle of the night last night, and it didn't stop this morning. It was very cold. Girl, remember to bring a cape when you go out today, and don't be blown by the wind when you come back late. ."

Du Juan said to go in to get the cloak, Tang Shishi took the clothes, and his mind was still flying outside.

Today, she must, must stare at Zhou Shunhua and Zhao Zixun. There is no opportunity, but also to create opportunities.

In the study, Tang Shishi took off his cloak at the door, and the maid immediately stepped forward to take Tang Shishi's rain gear. Tang Shishi revealed the light clothes inside, put on soft-soled shoes, and entered the room.

She asked, "Is the lord here today?"

The maid pointed between her fingers and shook her head, not daring to say any more. Tang Shishi understood and thanked him with a smile: "I see, thank you for reminding me."

Tang Shishi entered Baoxia and started transcribing for a whole day. Today, not only did Tang Shishi feel uneasy, but it didn't seem to be calm outside.

In the morning, several groups of people came in and out of the study. Tang Shishi kept her eyes on the outside. She found that the sound of the study was getting quieter and quieter. Finally, a rush of footsteps passed, and the outside was completely quiet.

Tang Shishi lightly walked to the door and quietly pushed open a crack. She watched for a while, then flashed out.

The study was empty, and even the servants were gone. This is simply a godsend opportunity, Tang Shishi picked up the cloak and quickly tied it to himself. When she was holding an umbrella, she suddenly realized that the door of King Jing's study was open.

She turned her head, and through a series of partitions, she saw for the first time the east room where Zhao Chengjun's office was located. This study, like its owner, is noble and appropriate, with volumes neatly listed on the bookshelf, and even unorganized letters stacked on the red sandalwood clubfoot table.

Tang Shishi only glanced at it, then calmly retracted his gaze. What does King Jing's stuff have to do with her? She was in a hurry to catch up with the plot and had no time to meddle in her own business.

Tang Shishi opened his umbrella and ran quickly into the vast rain.

It rained heavily today, and the wind was wrapped in rain, and the corners of Tang Shishi's skirt were quickly wet. Tang Shishi closed his cloak, grabbed a maid in the aisle, and asked, "My lord asked me to give something to the prince, where is the prince now?"

The maid did not doubt and pointed in one direction: "The prince is in Huxin Pavilion."

Tang Shishi said thank you and ran to Huxin Pavilion quickly. The northwest is dry, but King Jing did not know where to bring in a pool of living water and built a pavilion in the middle of the lake. Zhao Zixun was in good spirits while Huxinting brought beauty to appreciate the rain.

At this moment, there are bamboo curtains hanging on all sides of the Huxin Pavilion, and there is even a small stove in the corner of the pavilion to disperse the cold air on the water. Zhao Zixun sat in front of the wine stove and warmed the wine skillfully. He looked at the people behind him and waved, "There is no one else here, so you don't have to be restrained. Sit down and have a couple of drinks with me."

Ren Yujun's temperament is stern and instinctively said: "Sir, this is not in line with the rules..."

"Be well-behaved, you are young, how can you be like an old pedant, full of rules." Zhao Zixun sneered, and said, "It's okay to be bound by those rules and regulations. It's rare to see beautiful scenery today, don't be a disappointment."

Ren Yujun pursed his lips, knowing that he had said the wrong thing. Ren Yujun was stunned, Zhou Shunhua took a step forward and sat leisurely opposite Zhao Zixun: "Thank you, Prince. Prince, is this Sangluo wine?"

Zhao Zixun raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You actually know wine?"

"I can't say I understand wine. I lived in my grandfather's house when I was a child. My grandfather loved wine. I just learned a thing or two from it."

Ren Yujun sat slowly beside Zhou Shunhua, listening to Zhao Zixun and Zhou Shunhua chatting, from wine tasting to wine making, and childhood fun. Ren Yujun knew nothing about wine and couldn't even interject.

Ren Yujun lowered his eyes, and there was a haze in his heart. Although Zhao Zixun is the prince, but he grew up in the folk in his childhood, and does not like the style of the palace and Miyagi. He prefers to do whatever he wants, unfettered. Zhou Shunhua's arrogant, arrogant, slightly deviant temperament made it easier to please Zhao Zixun.

Ren Yujun clearly felt that the prince prefers Zhou Shunhua to her who always persuaded the prince to work hard.

The chatter and laughter continued in his ears, and Ren Yujun lowered his eyes, unable to see the expression in his eyes. After Zhou Shunhua finished talking about his childhood experience of climbing trees, Zhao Zixun laughed and said, "It's really an eighteen-year change for a female college student. You look at Jingmei Shuli now, who would have known how naughty you were when you were a child. I also climbed when I was seven years old. Passing the tree and being killed by my father…”

Zhao Zixun's voice stopped abruptly. Zhou Shunhua was waiting for the next words. Seeing Zhao Zixun stop, he subconsciously asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Zhao Zixun quickly regained his indifference, shook his head and said, "Nothing." But he refused to talk about this topic.

Zhou Shunhua didn't know why, so he changed the subject wisely. Zhou Shunhua didn't react, but Ren Yujun understood at once.

Zhou Shunhua has a superior family background and was favored since she was a child. She even dared to climb a tree to make trouble at her grandfather's house. Naturally, she would not understand the subtle and subtle inferiority and arrogance in the high gate compound.

But Ren Yujun understood, so she immediately noticed Zhao Zixun's gaffe. How could a child who really grew up in the palace have a hobby of climbing trees? Zhao Zixun was adopted by King Jing at the age of eight. Before the age of eight, Zhao Zixun was like a commoner child, climbing trees, digging the ground, and rolling in the mud. The father he mentioned was not King Jing.

It was his biological father, Xu Jing.

Only after Zhao Zixun was adopted by King Jing did he really see how rich people lived. It turned out that the common clothes that the Xu family were only willing to wear during the New Year’s Eve was the coarse cloth that even the lowest-ranking concubines hated in the palace. It turned out that rich families never needed to work, and a third-class servant girl beside King Jing had more hands than Zhao’s. Zixun's mother is delicate.

And King Jing, the man of noble birth, with royal blood flowing on his body, who owns the entire land under his feet, is an existence that Zhao Zixun dared not even imagine. The land in the northwest, and even the people on these lands, are the property of King Jing.

Yes, property.

After Zhao Zixun changed his surname to Zhao, he never mentioned his past life again. It was as if he had lived in Prince Jing's mansion since he was born, and he was used to those precious wine utensils, tea sets, and antiques since he was a child. If it wasn't for having a good talk with Zhou Shunhua today, Zhao Zixun blurted out that he would never have mentioned another father.

Ren Yujun lowered his eyelids, and for the first time found a place where he had an advantage over Zhou Shunhua. After Zhao Zixun accidentally said "father", although he immediately covered it up, his mind was still confused. His interest in drinking suddenly disappeared, and he didn't have the heart to talk to Zhou Shunhua again. Zhou Shunhua tried hard to find a topic, but the place gradually cooled down.

The three of them sat opposite each other, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward. Zhou Shunhua was about to find an opportunity to retire when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside.

The three turned back together and saw a woman coming from the lake with an umbrella. It was raining heavily, and she was like the only bright color between heaven and earth. After approaching, Tang Shishi naturally asked the maid to put away the umbrella and untie the cloak for her. Everything went smoothly as it should be. She was born to be served by a dozen servants.

Although Tang Shishi held an umbrella, he couldn't help getting wet from the rain along the way. Her bun was slightly soaked with moisture, and a few strands of broken hair were stuck to her cheeks, and the mess was even brighter.

Zhao Zixun sat up unwittingly. He looked at Master Tang and slowly frowned: "What are you doing here?"

Tang Shishi rushed over halfway all the way, breathing slightly at the moment, I don't know if he has caught up with the plot. Tang Shishi took a deep breath, walked into the pavilion, and saluted Zhao Zixun upright: "Greetings to the prince. Back to the prince, I'm here to send you a message in the name of the prince."

Zhao Zixun's expression changed abruptly when he heard King Jing: "Father has something to say?"

In the study, Zhao Chengjun paced to the table and casually flipped through the letters on the table.