It’s Hard Being the Bad Guy

Chapter 111: end


The scale of the landslide is huge, the disaster points are scattered, and it happened on multiple road sections. The original whole national road was divided into several long and short sections by mud and rocks. Fortunately, Wen Ai and Wang Jue were traveling on a section of the road that was less dangerous, and their speed was not fast. They were dizzy in the mud and mist, and slid a lot obliquely, barely stopping in front of the guardrail, no matter how fast they were before One yard, they are bound to collide with the guardrail on the side of the road.

The landslide only happened in an instant, and it came and went quickly, and the sound of surging soil quickly subsided. Immediately, Wang Jue jumped out of the car with the milk cat in his arms. Drenched in the torrential rain, he ran towards the way he came, and soon encountered a large army who also abandoned the car and fled for their lives. The crowd passed through in a coma, and after entering the safe zone, the sky gradually cleared up, and the world gradually became clearer. The people stuck behind did not know what happened. They stood outside the car and watched the oncoming group of disgraced refugees. Curiously stop for an inquiry or two.

When he got here, Wang Jue slowed down, changed from running to walking, and finally stopped slowly in one place. The noisy conversations around him and the impatient trumpets reopened his dull ears, which made him really feel that he had returned to the familiar world, and his heart fell back to reality, flooding with mixed feelings of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Wang Jue turned the kitten in his hand on his back, caressing and hugging carelessly. Fortunately, his little baby is fine, and he is not afraid of belching his own farts, but if he wants this soft lump of milk cat on the tip of his heart to be buried under the dark mud, even if he thinks about it a little bit, He's going to be heartbroken.

Wen Ai was so kissed that her nose and mouth were squeezed together, and she couldn't dodge. At first, she thought that she had escaped from death and endured it, but then she couldn't help it anymore, and bit Wang Jue's raised lower lip.

Wang Jue was taken aback for a moment, his pupils sparkled instantly, and he was a little embarrassed: "Baby, do you want to stick out your tongue?"

Wen Aixin said that you thought beautifully, and flicked her tail forward, which made Wang Jue eat a lot of hair.

"Someone's hurt!" Some people ran towards them.

Wang Jue turned his head, and three figures staggered out of the dust, two big and one small, limping and supporting each other, and fled towards this side in panic. Squinting his eyes and staring for a while, Wang Jue struggled to see the familiarity from the three black and yellow intertwined faces. Isn't this such a wonderful family, like a nest of chickens screaming in the supermarket , Now that he has become a beggar chicken in embarrassment, it is really a good reincarnation.

Wang Jue gloated, telling you to leave my car just now and pretend to be a grandson with me, and now he is really a grandson. retribution!

One leg of that strange man was probably broken, and he was dragging weakly on the ground, with his whole body weight on the other leg. For this reason, he had to stick out his beer belly awkwardly, looking very funny. Several well-meaning people who helped around surrounded him, maybe someone accidentally touched his wound, he howled in pain, pushed away the people around him rudely, and kept cursing: "You fucking idiot, how can you lift someone like that?" Is it? Do you want money? I have plenty! If you hurt me again, I won’t give you any money, you idiot!”

The man was short-tempered, grabbed his trouser leg and lifted it, and said angrily: "The mortuary of my hospital specializes in lifting dead people!"

Due to the widespread disaster, the dredging work was progressing slowly, and the rescue team could not arrive in time. Wen Ai's group was blocked by landslides before and after, and they were trapped in a dilemma. There are many others with the same fate as them. Helicopters brought supplies to them, and a few uniformed men from neighboring counties ventured across the landslide to manage and maintain order.

Hundreds of people and more than 30 tents were put up in a hurry, so they could somewhat shelter from the wind and rain. Wang Jue was eating in a tent once, and his mobile phone got a signal by accident. A bunch of similar news headlines immediately popped up, all of which were reporting on the landslide. He clicked on a random video, which happened to be broadcasting their section of the road, and paused to zoom in. He actually saw that strange family's car, the entire front of the car was embedded in the soil, and the coquettish stand was probably crushed to pieces. Wang Jue was enjoying himself while watching, and almost stuck his chopsticks in his nostrils.

The rice is a self-heating convenient box lunch, and it is given per person, so naturally there is no room for warming. Every time Wang Jue waited until Wen Ai was full, and then ate up the half-warm leftovers. The apples given out every day were also fed to Wen Ai. The little boy also had Wang Jue in his heart, and he shook his head and refused to eat it. He stood up, pushed the apples in front of him, and looked at him obediently. Wang Jue was even more reluctant to eat it. Kissed him hard: "Baby, eat, I see you eating happily, and in my heart it tastes better than eating an apple."

Wen Ai squatted in a standard cat pose, lowering her head with drooping eyebrows, feeling particularly embarrassed about going back and forth.

"Such a small cat knows how to give you good things, Xiao Wang, you and your cat have such a good relationship." Wang Defu, the one who bought potato chips in the supermarket last time, and was kicked by the bear kid later, was in Sitting next to him, he looked at them kindly.

Wang Jue said proudly: "I was raised shortly after I was born. Don't lose your temper from time to time. You can be clingy. If you don't see me for three minutes, you will get anxious."

"Meow!" Wen Ai waved his tender paw, and scratched him twice without pain, as if to refute his words.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, little guy." Wang Defu peeled his own apple with the knife on the keychain, cut it into small pieces, put them on the aluminum foil cover torn from the instant rice box, and pushed it in front of Wen Ai, "Eat Bar."

"How can this work!" Wang Jue was very surprised, "Uncle, since entering the tent yesterday, I haven't seen you eating, at least eat an apple."

Wang Defu gnawed the peeled apple peel bit by bit, looked through the rolled-up tent curtain, and drifted to the mound lying on the road in the distance, and said with a dazed expression: "It's okay, the road is fast, I can go out, it's okay, fine… "

Trapped in the wilderness for no reason, the people in the temporary camp were a little anxious, but Wang Defu was one of the people who wanted to go out very urgently, and often went to the uniformed personnel in the temporary camp to inquire about the progress.

These uniformed personnel were only paid for by the public in neighboring counties and towns, and their thoughts were spent on both sides. You said that they had a good life, but somehow they were dragged to accompany them to be trapped in the wilderness, and their attitude was naturally not much better. When they encountered inquiring about the situation, most of them would wave their hands and let them go away impatiently. Wang Defu always knew Be smart, stop before the other party gets annoyed, and leave with gratitude.

The Qipa family obviously doesn't know how to read words and expressions, let alone how difficult it is to mess with local snakes. They just think that this golden dragon will make others bow their heads wherever they fly. When receiving a lunch box once, the wonderful husband fell to the ground on the spot and yelled: "What did you give me? Is it for people to eat? I think you put all the national disaster relief funds in your own pockets. Is it enough? It’s not enough for me, I’m a coal mine owner, so you can buy some for me.”

Hengmei in uniform said coldly: "Get out of the way after you finish receiving, there is still a queue behind."

The coal boss wanted to challenge him, but two people came, and one of them picked him up and "sent" him back to the tent mercilessly.

The coal boss's face was so colorful, he sat in the tent with his legs limping, and he didn't speak for a whole afternoon, his face turned green.

The eight or nine-year-old second-generation coal worker didn't stop, despising the unpalatable rice and stale apples, so he asked the coal proprietress to squeeze the juice for him, and if he couldn't squeeze the juice, he got angry and threw away the rice and apples together. When Wang Defu saw it, he felt it was a pity, so he picked it up and fed it to the sparrows. The sparrow was full, flapped its wings, and met the second generation of coal who was holding a balloon and just broke into tears. As if called by a mission, he flew past him at low altitude and burst the balloon.

The coal boss's family is incompatible with the camp dominated by "poor culture", so they are eager to fly through the barriers and return to the world where they control power. But there were too many landslides, and the rescue team couldn't make up the progress all night. They were in the middle, so there was no good news from both ends.

People gradually realized that their stay might be longer, and a depressive atmosphere spread in the camp. Everyone began to complain, vent negative emotions, and even clashed with the uniformed personnel, questioning whether anyone would come to rescue.

The local snakes wear uniforms that have not been worn once for hundreds of years, barely sticking to the rules and regulations of serving the people. Anyone who doesn't obey the rules.

Unexpectedly, the coal boss had friction with them again that night, and the other good leg was broken.

There is a hillside on the right side of the camp and a lake on the left. It was night, and the crickets kept chirping. After the dark clouds that had hovered over the sky for two days drifted away, the summer heat came back again, making people sweat profusely. Wang Jue left the smoky camp with the cat in his arms, went to the lake, found a big rock and sat down to cool off.

The night wind came slowly, and a fallen leaf in the center of the lake was blown leisurely to the edge of the lake. Wen Ai patted it mischievously with his paw, and the water splashed in all directions, disturbing the two small fish at the bottom of the leaf, which bounced away in two opposite directions. Facing gradually drifting away.

Wen Ai chased one of them until it disappeared into the deep water, and then came back bouncing back, repeating the same trick, taking pictures of all the fallen leaves by the water, disturbing the fish's dream.

In the moonlight, the innocent and lively kitten is smiling happily, and its whole body is covered with a layer of silver light. Wang Jue's gentle eyes followed him, her heart was very clear, full of affection, every step Wen Ai was bouncing, seemed to be stepping on his heart, making those full of affection tremble and about to overflow.

"Baby, come here." Wang Jue stretched out his hands to him.

Wen Ai had fun by himself, covered in water droplets, plunged into Wang Jue's arms, and rubbed his head coquettishly against him, just like what Wang Jue said - so clingy.

After a long period of intimacy, the moon rose to the sky, Wen Ai jumped next to Wang Jue, and together with him, looked up at the moon quietly. The shadow of the moon was cast in the middle of the lake, and a pair of fish were playing in the middle of the moon, but it turned out to be the pair that separated just now. The anxiety and depression that permeated the camp did not come to the two of them. They were not in a hurry to go somewhere, and being by each other's side was the best destination.

After watching the moon in the middle of the night, Wang Jue gently picked up Wen Ai who was sleeping soundly. When passing by the grove, he vaguely heard the voice of someone calling. It was slightly familiar, and he stopped to distinguish. It was Wang Defu's honest voice.

"After so many days...what if it's the end...reopen to traffic..." he suppressed the panic in his voice, "what have to be responsible...give the money to my daughter..."

Wang Jue had no intention of eavesdropping. When he walked by, he only heard a few words intermittently, and they didn't even have a clear direction, but he keenly sensed something unusual.

The days are getting harder day by day, and Wang Defu's spirit is getting weaker and weaker. Because he only eats apple peels and water, his dark face is deeply sunken inward, his cheekbones are protruding, his eyes are dull and dull, and he leans against the corner and doesn't move much. His life will not be long. look. He used to tease Wen Ai with Wang Jue, but now that Wen Ai took the initiative to show his affection, he remained indifferent, and continued to open his eyes that were about to break out of the frame, worried, as if some bad luck was coming, and he was always in fear. Only occasionally shaking the bag of potato chips and hearing the sound, he can still roll his eyes and think of his daughter who is far away in his hometown.

Wang Jue slapped him several times, but he didn't get any clues. The people in charge of the camp said that they shouldn't care about such crap as whether to eat or not. In fact, I want to find clues from the chat with him.

Wang Defu kept the secret secret and kept his mouth shut. Once he was shaken, but in the end he hesitated to speak. Wang Jue still returned without success. On the contrary, Wen Ai saw him rubbing the sparrow's head after feeding it, in exchange for a burst of pecking, the interaction was very harmonious.

At that time, Wen Ai was picking a few mulberries nearby, and came to look for him happily, but when he saw this scene, he was immediately sullen, and ignored him for the whole afternoon, this was the first time he carried out the cat's coldness to the end, and from now on, he will judge people with his head. Wang Jue didn't know why, first coaxed, then sloppy, and finally grabbed the little paw and kissed, tried one by one, it didn't work, the person kept pointing their butt at you. Wang Jue racked his brains for a while, and finally came to a conclusion.

That night, in the dead of night, Wang Jue slipped out of the camp with ease, soaked in the cold lake water in the middle of the night, and insisted on taking a bath while shivering. When we went ashore, it became colder when the wind blew. After wiping it dry, he hugged Wen Ai in the grass tremblingly, and pressed him to his chest: "Baby, smell it, did you take a bath?"

Wen Ai was awkward and kept struggling, but Wang Jue held onto his soft body and didn't dare to use any real force, so he escaped slipperily from his hands and jumped off the ground.

Wen Ai was about to leave when she heard Wang Jue muttering behind her back, as if raising her arms to smell herself: "It doesn't stink, I haven't washed it for four or five days, why don't you want to get close to me? Hiss—"

His voice was trembling due to the excessive cold, Wen Ai's heart softened after he took two steps, he climbed up Wang Jue's thigh and chest to his shoulder like a rod, and licked his face.

Wang Jue hummed intentionally with his eyes closed: "Well, baby, use your strength."

Wen Ai: "..."

Wang Jue suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders. The milk cat dumpling, which was so light to ignore, suddenly increased to the weight of an adult, and he was caught off guard half kneeling on the ground.

Wen Ai also felt a force refill his whole body at that moment, and then dissipated again. He froze for a moment, jumped off the ground, and gestured anxiously under Wang Jue's nose, and finally stood up, walking on two legs like a human being, the little boy was so funny.

The monster race obtains energy from the love of human beings. Wang Jue does his best to serve his little ancestor every day. Today, he even had an oolong. He forcibly endured the cold night in the mountains to take a cold bath. Wen Ai's lost demon power should also be replenished came back.

Wang Jue thought that Wen Ai's transformation was naked, so he picked up the cat and ran towards the camp. The weight in his hand increased and decreased several times on the way, and the frequency became more and more intense. Finally in the tent, Wang Jue was sweating all over his body, but it dispelled the cold air from the lake.

Wang Defu was not in the corner where he usually stayed, and everyone and the cat breathed a sigh of relief. Wang Jue found a set of clothes for Wen Ai, and put him on the rough floor. A small cat sat in the center, and a piece of the quilt was softly sunken.

There was silence in the cramped tent. Big eyes met small eyes for a long time, Wen Ai meowed uncertainly, and wagged his tail standing behind him.

Wang Jue squatted in front of the floor, casting a shadow that firmly covered Wen Ai, giving him a unique sense of security: "Brother is here, don't be afraid, no one is coming, let's slow down."

Until the sky turned pale, the two of them froze stupidly all night, their postures froze. Suddenly there was a lot of noise outside, and the sound of hurried footsteps passed by outside the tent. Everyone in front of the camp guessed what happened, and everyone went in that direction.

Wang Jue just went out to take a look, and when he came back, the milk cat was gone, and a small ball was raised under the quilt, convulsing violently.

Wang Juelian yelled several times, but there was no response from under the quilt. He was so anxious to death that he didn't dare to open it rashly. At a critical juncture, a hurried footsteps ran towards the tent with a clear purpose, Wang Jue hurried out to intercept, and bumped into a hurried person head-on. The man pointed to the front and said, "Hurry up, hurry up, Wang Defu has rebelled, and he is gesticulating with a knife! Don't you live with him, go help! Someone will die!"

Wang Jue was also shocked when he heard that, Wang Defu is a good man, and he has become weaker and weaker these days, why did he suddenly use the knife? Unable to find a reason to refuse, Wang Jue had no choice but to pull up the tent and follow.

Along the way, from the excited description of the reporter, we pieced together the truth of the incident. The camp near the landslide point is usually cordoned off, and one or two people are idly guarding it, preventing them from passing. Now there are circles of people surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. Wang Jue struggled to push through the crowd. Before he could get to the front, he heard Wang Defu's emotional voice: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! You don't care where I go no!"

"Put down the knife." The voice of the uniformed officer was still emotionless, but he was probably afraid of killing people and making it troublesome to clean up. It was rare to say a few more words, "The road is still blocked, you can't get through. There is a notice on the top, be careful of another landslide , don't think your life is too long!"

Wang Defu shouted in despair: "I have the final say on my life! If something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it! Let me go!"

In the crowd, you were persuading him with every word I said, and Wang Jue managed to squeeze his head out. Accompanied by the exclamation of the crowd, he saw Wang Defu being thrown to the ground by two people who circled behind him. The knife was dropped, and he was kicked far away. Wang Defu was like a rooster that was about to be slaughtered, struggling hysterically in the dust, muddy tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and finally gave up gradually, his face ashen and motionless.

Standing not far away, Wang Jue felt that Wang Defu's life was extinguished at that moment.

"Don't push people to the ground!" Wang Jue ran over and negotiated with the uniformed personnel.

The incident aroused the alert of the Disaster Relief Headquarters, and an armed police team was sent to pick up Wang Defu, a dangerous person. Wang Jue sent him to the helicopter. He wanted to tell him something, but he knew nothing about Wang Defu's situation and had no way to comfort him, so he had to shut up silently. . Wang Defu was already in a trance at that time, and when he stuffed the leaked potato chips into Wang Jue's hands, what appeared in his eyes was no longer strange madness, but deep fatherly love.

Wang Jue took the potato chips and solemnly promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely bring them."

After another day in the camp, the road finally opened. When people withdrew from the camp, it happened that the night was thick, and everyone was either happy or tired, carrying their luggage and looking at the road under their feet. Naturally, no one noticed that the boy next to Wang Jue had a pair of ears hidden in his short black hair.

Wen Ai's transformation this time can be said to have transformed into Wang Jue's heart. She has changed back to a pretty face, and still retains a pair of fluttering ears and a long, thick, fluffy tail.

Several thick layers of mud had accumulated on the off-road vehicle, Wen Ai sat in the co-pilot after a long absence, closed the door and let himself go. The ears that were folded in the hair stood up, and the tips of the ears were soft and drooping. Wang Jue hurriedly wiped the car window to a usable level outside, jumped into the car, first grabbed Wen Ai's furry ears, then grabbed her tail, and licked it from root to head, smooth to the end.

Wang Jue sighed contentedly, and finally his life was complete.

Wen Ai pulled his tail back into his arms, not letting him touch it: "You can't drive, the car behind will come later, it will definitely block you."

Wang Jue leaned over to the back seat, pulled out a baseball cap, and put it on Wen Ai's head: "Don't let others see your ears."

Wen Ai took a picture in the rearview mirror, turned the brim of the hat back, revealing two rows of white teeth: "It looks much better this way!"

Covering the hair, leaving only a few strands on the forehead, the fresh and clean facial features are more prominent, full of youthful feeling, tender and tender, and a pair of smiling eyes are very contagious.


Pure enough to kill.

Wang Jue's eyes gradually changed, he leaned over, trapped him in his arms, raised his chin, kissed him lightly, and said in an ambiguous tone, "If you laugh again, I'll play with you."

The corners of Wen Ai's eyes and brows were filled with indifference, he snorted, and opened his mouth to do something.

"Shhh—" Wang Jue stretched out his index finger and pressed his rosy and plump lips, "It's an extra crime to raise an argument, and I have to drag it out to fight in the field."

The eyes of the two met within a short distance, Wang Jue's eyes were deep, and the eyes shot out were so soul-stirring, Wen Ai blushed and her heart beat when she saw it, she let out a "woo", lowered her eyelids, and escaped from this close-to-fire confrontation.

Wang Jue smiled lowly, raised the corners of his mouth, and leaned close to his ear: "I'll mess with you tonight." He stuck out his tongue, licked Wen Ai's small earlobe, tasted the taste in advance, pulled away and went back to drive .

The two changed their plan and took a detour to Yunnan Province first to see Wang Defu's family...


On the night when Wang Defu was picked up by helicopter, the news came out that he had 68 pills of poison in his body, a total of 500 grams. Because he stayed in the intestinal tract for too long, the packaging broke, the toxin broke out, and he foamed at the mouth. He died in the hospital. on the way.

No one knew how Wang Defu survived his days in the camp. The deadly poison was in his stomach, and a time bomb threatened his life at any time, but he could only wait hopelessly, and be careful to be an ordinary person not to be conspicuous. After that, he could no longer reach the trading place in time to discharge the drugs, and there were only two ways in front of him, surrender or die. He also struggled. When chatting with Wang Jue, when he was alone insomnia in the middle of the night, he thought about surrendering himself, but the gloomy voice of his family echoed repeatedly in his ears: "If you dare to call the police, I will chop off all the heads of your family. , wife and daughter sold to make chickens.”

Wang Defu's death was already doomed, and his last attempt to cross the cordon was an outburst of despair, the final domination and squandering of a miserable life.

Wang Jue blamed himself very much for a time. If he had paid more attention to Wang Defu's behavior and called the police in time, Wang Defu might have been imprisoned or sentenced to death, but at least he could hand over the potato chips to his daughter with his own hands. The daughter's smile goes to the execution ground.

Wang Defu's hometown is in a remote village in southern Yunnan. When Wang Jue and Wen Ai got out of the car, the Wang family looked at them with vigilance and vigilance. They didn't let go of their guard until they said they had brought news of Wang Defu.

Wang Defu has three children. The two sons who are in junior high school are already able to carry the family's farm work. Right now in the field, the youngest daughter hides behind her mother and looks at them timidly. The oldest in the family is Wang Defu's 70-year-old mother, smiling. He got up with a wrinkled face, and his mouth was full of gaping teeth: "What message did Fuzi ask you to bring? Are you coming back?"

Facing these expectant faces, Wang Jue couldn't speak the words he had programmed thousands of times, and stood there with his head bowed, looking difficult.

Wang Defu's wife was the first to notice something unusual, her face was a little pale, and she forced a smile and asked, "What's wrong with his dad? Did something happen? He went in, went in? I told him many times that he should walk the right way outside... ...he... you, tell me..."

"Ah!" Mrs. Wang yelled in panic, pointing at Wang Jue's back, her old legs trembling, and she slumped on the ground.

Wang Jue turned his head abruptly, it was Wen Ai who carried the urn out of the car.

Wang Defu's wife kept her eyes shut and fell unconscious on the ground.

"Mom!" Yaonu didn't understand what was in that box, seeing her mother fainted, she jumped on her and shook desperately.

"Guifang, Guifang!" Old Mrs. Wang burst into tears, and rushed over, shaking her hands, unable to point at Guifang's people.

"I'll come, I'll come!" Wang Jue immediately stepped forward to give an emergency rescue. Wen Ai went to help Mrs. Wang, but the old man threw herself on the urn with her face pressed against the lid, crying like it was the end of the world.

It was truly the end of the world for this home. After waking up, Guifang hugged her mother-in-law and daughter, and her mournful cries alarmed the neighbors.

Wang Jue and Wen Ai couldn't even say a word of condolence, so they could only do their best to help the family who had lost their backbone with the funeral. Crying all day long, the young daughter of the Wang family finally realized belatedly that her father had become the black and white photo in the mourning hall forever.

The little girl looked like her father, with a dark face, a thin body, peach eyes swollen from crying, and asked how her father died.

Wang Jue took out the pack of mustard-flavored potato chips: "In order to let you have endless potato chips."

Wen Ai tugged at his arm and shook his head slightly.

Wang Jue gave him a firm look.

The little girl took it and immediately tore open the package, grabbed a large handful of shattered potato chips and stuffed them into her mouth, one after another, gobbling them, her mouth arched forward, almost unable to cover the food. She was choked to tears by the strong smell of mustard, but she grinned: "I remember it, and I will always remember this smell."

Both of them couldn't bear to watch anymore.

A few days later, the two drove away from the mountain. Wen Ai looked back, and saw that the depths of the mountain were gloomy and gloomy, and in the silence, there was still a deep sorrow lingering. Before they left, the two left most of the money to the Wang family, hoping to do their best to help a little materially. The pain of losing a son and the sorrow of forgetting a husband can only slowly settle in time.

As tourism funds bottomed out unexpectedly, Wang Jue saved money and planned to buy a house. The two spent a few days in Yunnan Province before embarking on their way back. On the way, I accidentally received an invitation to invite Wang Jue to participate in an exchange meeting in Jin Province. So I changed the road again and passed slowly. When I arrived, the time was almost right.

The organizer arranged the hotel in advance. In the evening, Wen Ai entered the bathroom first, washed off the dust, and came out loosely wrapped in a bathrobe. Since the time in Qiuluan Ancient Town, Wang Jue hasn't driven Hunxuan for a long time, and now he sees Wen Ai's little face flushed by the heat, walking towards him staggeringly, with a slightly drunken and charming appearance, with a umbilicus. The evil root of the next three inches is about to move. When Wen Ai walked by, he stretched out his feet to make trouble, Wen Miaomiao was so dizzy that he almost fell into the scheming trap of the shit-shoveling officer.

Wang Jue fulfilled his wish to catch the tripped little Bao'er, and blew on his face: "Drunk?"

Wen Ai leaned lazily in his arms, crossing her legs once and for all: "Nonsense, and I didn't drink."

Wang Jue's fingertips lightly touched Wen Ai's ankle, from bottom to top, slid inch by inch into the hem of the bathrobe, and kneaded lightly and heavily: "I've been drunk for a long time, and you have to be drunk too."

"Hmm..." Wen Ai hummed, wrapped his arms around Wang Jue's neck, rubbed his head against him so comfortably, and said softly, "Slow down..."

After Wen Ai had a good time, the whole body was exhausted, let Wang Jue burn with lust, but refused to touch.

Wang Jue rudely pressed his wrists on both sides of his head, rubbed sparks in his eyes, and gritted his teeth: "Will you let me go? If you don't let me go, the overlord will forcefully bow."

Wen Ai's eyes were blindfolded, still floating in the aftertaste of the orgasm, she said angrily, "Then go take a bath."

Wang Jue bit his teeth hard on his collarbone: "Wait! I'll play tricks later, and I'll hang you up and fuck you tonight."

The bathroom door was closed heavily, and Wang Jue could be heard to be very anxious. Wen Ai lay paralyzed on the bed, feeling like his body had turned into a puddle of water. At this time, there was a harsh sound of shouting and smashing things in the corridor outside the door.

Wen Ai's curiosity defeated his laziness, slipped out of bed, walked to the door step by step, and looked out through the peephole. The room opposite the door was wide open, and a furious woman grabbed another young girl in scanty clothes by the hair, dragged her to the corridor, beat and kicked her like crazy, beat her everywhere, and cursed all kinds of nasty words viciously. if. The girl was unable to fight back, she was beaten until she kept crying and screaming for help. Standing beside him was a fat man with a cane, with his back to Wen Ai, unable to see his face clearly, he completely stood by and watched.

Just at that moment, another middle-aged man came out of the room and walked out while pulling up his pants: "Stop!"

"Do you feel distressed?" The woman sneered, not only did she not stop, she slapped the girl's face even more ruthlessly, "It was this vixen who slapped the girl, who came out to seduce other people's husbands at a young age!"

"Stinky bitch! That's fine!" The middle-aged man stepped forward and pushed her away, and held the girl who was about to be knocked out in his arms, "I'm going to die! I'm looking for my woman, and you are your wife. Well water does not violate river water, so don’t mess around here. Divorce if you make trouble again!”

The woman was stunned, shouted and rushed forward to tear him together, the makeup that was spent was black and white, making her look like a ghost, crying almost madly: "Do you have a conscience! Do you have a conscience! I worked so hard to keep your house, but you were out drinking and drinking! A meeting? A meeting went to bed! You are a bastard! Are you worthy of me!"

The heartless husband was annoyed when she scratched his face. He slapped her back and slapped her on the ground: "Don't talk about your relationship! Didn't you marry me for money? Get lost!"

After finishing speaking, he dragged the bruised girl and was about to enter the room. The fat man who had been beside him and had nothing to do with him suddenly moved.

The two of them were not doing well, and they were wrestling together half a catty. Only then did Wen Ai see clearly that the fat man who was so hard that he blushed and tried his best was the coal boss!

The plot instantly increases several levels!

After hearing the news, the security guards of the hotel came and forcibly separated the two parties who were fighting inextricably. If you act rashly and offend the nobleman, just let them stay where they are.

The outsiders all left, and the woman lost the arrogance she had just now, with a haggard look, and said hoarsely: "Brother Da, I let you see a joke, I..."

The coal boss's face was brightened, and he smiled funny: "We don't talk about this between you and me."

The woman was silent for a moment, unable to hold back her emotions anymore, she crouched down, clutching her hair and covering her face, crying bitterly: "Brother Da, back then, if I had married you..."

The coal boss reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's not your fault, it's my fault that I didn't have money back then."

"What's the use of having a lot of money? I now understand that no amount of money can warm people's hearts." The woman woke up from the pain: "Brother Da, I was wrong back then. My life has been ruined. I hope you don't do it again." My mistake."

The woman staggered away, and the coal boss stood alone for a while, wiped the corners of his eyes, and walked away on crutches, his luxurious accessories collided with each other, and the dull voice echoed in the empty corridor: "Money is not important, everything in the world If the business fails, the money is not in place.”

But the word love has never been a business.

Until the dazed back of the coal boss disappeared from sight, Wen Ai still pressed his eyes on the cat's eyes, feeling mixed feelings for a while. Unexpectedly, behind the coal boss's never-to-leave money, there is such a realistic love tragedy hidden. The gloomy funeral in the mountain village in southern Yunnan, and the depressed and desperate faces appeared before my eyes.

Life and death in the world are so tough and decisive, leaving no room for manoeuvre.

Wen Ai was feeling sad, suddenly her waist tightened, the world spun, and she was pressed on the bed by a steaming strong body. He withdrew his hand and struggled slightly: "Wait, let me tell you something!"

Wang Jue blocked his mouth impatiently: "Let's talk after we finish!"

Wen Ai pushed his head away, and quickly recounted what happened just now.

Wang Jue couldn't resist him, so he had to sit up naked and asked, "Do you still remember what we did in the mission world? Is there anything you haven't experienced before?"

The farewells of the past six generations flashed before Wen Ai's eyes one by one, and the sentimental corner of his heart suddenly brightened: "But it still failed to separate us, and instead made our bond deeper and deeper."

"So—" Wang Jue pointed out the maze for him, "True love can transcend time and space, even life and death. It's like the coal boss helping the eternal cinnabar mole in his heart without asking for anything in return, just like the little girl of the Wang family will remember it forever The taste of mustard chips."

Wen Ai nodded thoughtfully, and Wang Jue's seductive voice drifted into his ears, "It's like I always fall in love with you at first sight, like you've never been cruel to me, like—your body will Always remember me."

Being turned into a red wave, warm and lingering.

In the fierce rhythm of the unity of soul and flesh, the two are in harmony with each other without distinction.

Ai Yuemo means that no matter when, where, or under what circumstances, Wang Jue can stand up to Wen Ai.

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