It’s Impossible That My Evil Overlord Is So Cute

Chapter 101: Start to be a god today (thirteen)


Human beings are social animals living in groups. From a normal point of view, after the era of thermal weapons, individual strength does not mean much.

But what if that power is enough to subvert the so-called common sense

There is no doubt that the powerful individual can break the rules of society, even disregarding the integrity of society, and extract the greatest wealth from the human body.

And Xu Shenxing is a strong man who can subvert common sense.

"Look, because I'm super powerful, there are indeed many ways to easily amass a lot of wealth if I want to."

Xu Shenxing is not very good at talking because he usually swipes his sword directly to look at it. While organizing the words in his mind, he said slowly: "For example, robbing a bank or something."


The girl had an expression of "I always feel something is wrong".

"Well, putting aside the bank robbery first, other methods, such as using personal safety as a threat, it is not difficult to get a group of outstanding men to work hard to make money for me, and I am not afraid of their betrayal, because even if I betray them, I can't do it. Even a little harm to me, and they will have to pay the price of their lives. After one or two times, most people will learn to give up the unworkable path of betrayal. Let's work honestly. After all, human beings' ability to adapt to the environment is almost Second to tardigrades and cockroaches."

"Livestock... what?" the girl said softly.

"Well, almost the same meaning. Because I am super strong, so even if someone came to crusade me, it would be useless... Although you may not believe it, even if I am an enemy of all mankind, I have no possibility of losing. So this kind of horror My rule will last until I get tired of it... In fact, after tearing my face off with human society, things like money are useless to me. Maybe then I will simply rule all mankind with iron and blood. "

As he said that, Xu Shenxing scratched his face, showing a somewhat wistful wry smile: "But I'm not good at governing territories, and the whole world will be in chaos by then. Those who have power will learn from my deeds, and the strong will do whatever they want. Everything from the weak is plundered, social development is regressing rapidly, and order, morality and justice will be completely trampled into the mud. Ordinary people can only struggle to survive in the lowest darkness... "

For some reason, Xu Shenxing's words sounded unexpectedly graphic, as if he had experienced it himself, and it was so real that Huakaiyuan shivered involuntarily.

"Compared to that kind of world, I still like the daily routine now... That's why I try to abide by the rules of the watch world as far as I can, and restrict myself to the category of 'ordinary people'. Because I am the most Strong, so no matter who or what existence wants to destroy the balance or order of society, I can defeat it as a law-abiding ordinary person... Well, in terms of the second point in the comparison, it is probably the so-called' Partners in justice' bar."

Speaking of this, Xu Shenxing tilted his head, as if he felt that something was wrong in his words: "Well, how should I put it... I'm not very good at saying this kind of words, so some words may not express the meaning clearly. Yes, in short, this is almost what I want to say, as long as you understand it."

To put it simply, it's almost like: I'm not targeting someone, but I'm so powerful that I live my life without even using supernatural abilities. Why do the trash here have any reason to jump out and make trouble.

"It's true that the words are vague."

Hua Kaiyuan's straightforward words made Xu Shenxing feel a little stomachache.

But immediately the girl raised the corners of her mouth in a rare way, showing a slight smile: "However, I almost understand the meaning. My lord, unexpectedly he is a good person."


Xu Shenxing's stomach pain intensified.

Recently, he always felt that he had received a lot of good person cards.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Xu Shenxing simply knocked on the railing like a child: "Okay, now it's your turn! Tell your troubles quickly, I will use it to make fun of you! "

"My story is not as interesting as yours, my lord."

The girl hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke slowly.

Huakaiyuan was once the branch of the greatest Onmyoji family, the Tuyumen clan.

In order to maintain the purity of the family lineage and the talents of the next generation of practitioners, several great Onmyoji families in Fusang will marry.

The Huakaiyuan family is no exception.

It’s just that in recent years, Hanakaiin has been gradually declining. In order to change this situation, the previous head of Hanakaiin, that is, Yuyuan’s father, Hanakaiin Yuji wanted to get married with a newly born family named Yoshida. Onmyoji families form an alliance.

If it succeeds, Huakaiyuan will usher in a chance of nirvana and rebirth - the Yoshida family is one of the few onmyoji families that are still on the rise in this era of lack of aura, and have a considerable family business in the secular world.

And the woman named Yimei in Yoshida's family also has a deep affection for Huakaiyuan Youyuan's father. Once married, she will definitely become a good wife who is considerate of Huakaiyuan's family. It is a pity that Youyuan was not able to find out about them before his father was alive. What is the relationship between the two.

Originally, the two were considered a match made in heaven, but because of an unexpected incident, their future was changed, and Huakaiyuan was completely pushed into the abyss of despair!

—Kakain Yuuto's father, Hanakain Yuuji fell in love with a monster.

What is the body of that monster, no one knows now. The only survivors who have seen the other party can describe it is that when the other party appears, it will always be accompanied by the raging flames like the red lotus fire and the burning eyes. beauty gesture.

It is precisely because of this that this unidentified monster is called "Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire" in the files of Yinyangliao.

Later, Yuji Hanakaiin and that monster had a child. Five years later, the news got out through some unknown means.

It is not uncommon for onmyoji to fall in love with monsters, but in order to ensure the safety of monsters, there has been a rule since ancient times that once an onmyoji falls in love with a monster, he must transform that monster into his own shikigami, and the shikigami cannot become the wife.

But Hanakaiin Yuji rejected this approach, he didn't want to restrain his wife as a Shikigami, and after having that monster, he didn't plan to marry anyone else either.

In the end, the heartbroken girl from the Yoshida family ran away from home without any news, and Yuji Hanakain was tried by Onmyouliao and put under house arrest.

And the Yoshida family, who became angry from embarrassment, also united with several other emerging Onmyoji families to attack the Huakaiyuan family, so the once prominent Huakaiyuan family completely declined like this.

After that, the monster named Tiandijiehuo made a big fuss in Yinyangliao, but was defeated by Tu Yumen Yuanqiu, who had just been promoted to Dr. Quan at that time, with the power of martial arts.

At the critical moment, Yuji Hanakaiin, who broke through the prison, blocked the joint attack of the surrounding onmyojis for his wife, but he was also seriously injured and dying. In the end, the fire monster took Yuji Hanakaiin and disappeared into the Yinyang liao above.

Three days later, the soul lamp enshrined in the ancestral house of Huakaiyuan, which represented Yuji of Huakaiyuan, went out, and the others didn't even know where the soul of the last great onmyoji of Huakaiyuan died...

"After the age of five, I never saw the woman who was my mother again." Youyuan said in a calm voice, but Xu Shenxing felt that under the girl's calm expression, all her heartache and pain for more than ten years were hidden. : "The person who raised me was Auntie Yimei. She has always protected me and prevented me from being bathed in other people's strange eyes... Until Auntie Yimei died of illness, she told me not to hate my parents, but to study hard Onmyoji became a great onmyoji just like my father, and revived the glory of the Huakaiyuan family. But, no matter what, I have to catch that monster with my own hands—"

The girl turned her head, and Xu Shenxing's eyes were full of unwillingness and hatred that Xu Shenxing had never seen on her face: "—that's 'Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire' that only gave me and Auntie Yimei countless painful memories!"