It’s Impossible That My Evil Overlord Is So Cute

Chapter 111: Re Mythical stories from scratch (1)


Is this what death feels like

It was pitch black, surrounded by cold touch, unable to breathe, like drowning...

Wait, drowning


The girl jumped out of the water and coughed uncontrollably.

Then she looked at the surrounding scene in surprise—it was the small river after she was taken to the mythical age by the parrot.

Immediately afterwards, she didn't care about climbing ashore first, but just lifted the hem of her clothes.

What was there was his smooth and white lower abdomen, without the internal organs and blood that flowed out after being cut in half, and without the white bones, his body was still well connected.

"... Is that a dream?" The girl put down her clothes and muttered in disbelief.

"Unfortunately not."

The one who answered her was Biancaitian who had turned into a parrot, and its voice seemed a bit helpless: "You were indeed killed by that visitor from another world just now."

"What the hell is going on!"

Pansy was emotional, and shouted at the parrot with an expression about to collapse.

But don't blame her, anyone who is killed once inexplicably will probably not be able to calm down.

"Well, before answering your question, are you sure you don't come up from the river first? You'll catch a cold."

"This kind of thing is not... Achoo!"

As if to confirm the parrot's guess, the girl's words were interrupted by a sneeze just halfway through.

She bit her lip with a reddish face, walked ashore reluctantly, then sat aside and began to wring out her clothes.

"Let's start from the beginning... Didn't I say before that the reason why we can return to this era is to rely on the power of the five other gods? So in fact, there are five powers on this Jade of Heaven: Among them The first power brought us to this era, and then you need to reserve one to realize your wish, and you need one to return to the original era. In addition to this, there are two more powers, these two powers Is to give you the existence of 'insurance' ... once you die, the insurance will be triggered to return you to a specific point in time."

The parrot sighed quite humanely: "I didn't tell you at the beginning, because I was afraid that you would take it lightly if you knew about this mechanism... Who knows, even if you didn't know about this insurance, you would still die right away."

"It's all because of that guy's brutality! In other words, this mission can't be completed at all! Let the guy who kills people without blinking his eyes follow us... Or rather, even if I can, I don't want to be with that kind of guy." The murderers act together!"

Wuye complained frantically.

"All in all, let's try to be cautious when talking to him this time..." Parrot didn't argue with her whether it was Xu Shenxing or Shijie who was wrong, but just suggested so.

"No!" But the girl firmly refused: "I don't want to communicate with that kind of guy!"

Thinking that the other party is the kind of cold-blooded murderer who will kill with a sword if he finds something wrong, Wuye will feel the horror of his whole heart being held and blood frozen before he died again.

She stood up and walked in the opposite direction where the visitor from the other world was about to land: "In short, if you want to correct the historical deviation, there must be other ways!"

"Hey, I said, now is not the time to lose your temper..."

The parrot hurriedly followed and tried to persuade: "If you don't find him now, you will lose the other party's whereabouts later, and it will be much more troublesome to find him again."

It's a pity that its persuasion obviously couldn't impress the girl's heart. In the end, the two of them walked all the way, left the woodland where the small river was, and came to a fairly wide area at the foot of the mountain.

Viola found traces of human beings here - a large area of farmland full of grains and various paths scattered among them, and a human village mainly composed of thatched huts can be seen in the distance. It may be near noon, and there are faint Curls of cooking smoke rose.

"Want to go over and take a rest?"

The parrot, who had given up trying to persuade the girl to find the visitor from another world, flew aside and asked Wuye.

Wuye hesitated.

The folk customs of Fusang are relatively late, and there are many strange customs in various places. Regardless of whether she is welcome or not, it will be bad luck if she is killed as a monster.

Just as she was hesitating, an old voice came from the rice field not far away.

"What's the matter here, Miss?"

Viola hurriedly looked over there, and found that the speaker was an old man in his seventies, wearing rags full of patches, holding a sickle in his hand and seemed to be harvesting crops.

"Miss... are you talking about me?" Wuye asked, blinking.

"Of course, the women in our farm family are not as delicate and tender as you, Miss, and the clothes are strange but beautiful. I have never seen that kind of fabric before. It must be Heian-kyo (Heian-kyo seems to have appeared in the Nara era. name, but let’s just treat it as a precious cloth that has existed since ancient times.”

The old man bent over and said cheerfully.

"Actually, we are on our way to Amber River."

Seeing the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, and Viola Wuye also said her destination: "Grandpa, have you heard of it?"

Amber River is the name of the place told to her by Ben Caitian who turned into a parrot.

According to the parrot, there is only one way to go from the human world to Gaotianyuan, and that is to go from the place where the rainbow starts and step on the bridge of the rainbow to the kingdom of God.

However, the starting place of the rainbow is not fixed, it changes every hundreds of years, and is managed by the local dragon god. This time, the dragon god Otohime of Kohakugawa is the one who manages the place where the rainbow started.

"Amber River... Sorry, little old man, I don't know, but there is a businessman in the village who has been to Heianjing, maybe he knows."

The old man thought for a while, and then replied slowly: "Well, if you don't mind, I'll go to the village with you to ask."

"Hey, how embarrassing it is..." The girl repeatedly waved her hands to decline: "And this will hinder the work of the grandfather, right?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," the old man laughed heartily, "It doesn't matter when these things are harvested, but it's not every day to ask the way for you, Miss."

As he said that, his mood seemed a little depressed: "And looking at you, Miss, I will think of my daughter who passed away... Sorry, I'm sorry, I have nothing wrong with you, little old man, I hope you don't mind, Miss."

"It's okay." After the other party had said this, it seemed a little unreasonable for Violet to continue to refuse, so she could only smile bitterly and say, "Then I'll leave it to you."

After arriving in the village, the girl found that the villagers were unexpectedly kind and hospitable. Hearing that it was her first time here, the girl greeted her one after another.

Several children surrounded her asking questions, and even the eloquent parrot suffered a disaster, and had several long tail feathers pulled out in the chaos.

And I also asked about the approximate location of Amber River from the traveling businessman who claimed to have been to Heianjing, but the salesman's kind of shameless sales made her a little bit overwhelmed. Fortunately, before her patience ran out, the old man waved a cane to help her out.

In other words, although it was the first time she had seen this kind of village, Viola Pentaphylla felt that she didn't dislike this kind of vibrant and lively place.

"Sorry, there have been no outsiders in the village for a long time, so those guys have gone too far."

The old man brought the five-leaf pansy to his home, saying that he wanted to invite her to dinner.

"It's okay, I'm also very happy to be welcomed by you." The girl replied with a smile.

By the way, at this time the parrot was resting one wing on the wall, facing the wall with its bare tail against the pansy, it seems that the absence of tail feathers made it quite depressed...

The grandfather does not live alone, there is an old woman and a young girl in the house.

After knowing that this little girl is actually the daughter of the old man, Violet has no choice but to lament that there were no entertainment activities at night in ancient times.

The little girl was a little shy at the beginning, hiding behind the old man, only showing half of her small face and looking at Wuye cautiously, but any movement of Wuye would scare her into running behind the old man.

In the end, Pansy Wuye had no choice but to grab Bian Caitian, ignore the opponent's struggle and put it in the girl's hands as a toy for her to play with.

After holding the little girl in his arms, even Pansy, whose whole heart was tied to the concubine's elder sister, had the urge to shout "Primary school students are amazing!".

Calm down, lace and lolicon are not an attribute.

The girl's reason warned her in her mind.

... Wait, there seems to be no conflict between the two.

What interrupted Viola's train of thought and kept her from going astray was the stew brought by the old grandma.

There seems to be no good seasoning in this era, but a little coarse salt and the taste of the ingredients themselves, as well as the grandmother's mastery of the fire, are enough to make the whole dish extremely delicious.

The only pity is that although the staple food is rice, the taste is very strange. It seems to be different from modern rice, and there are small stones in it...

After the meal, Viola was taken by the little girl to play together in the field, catching butterflies and fishing frogs, which made the girl feel as if she had returned to her childhood.

Originally, the parrot would have jumped out to stop the girl from wasting time like this, but the little girl played with it before the meal, and spent the whole afternoon resting on the corner of the wall covered in scars.

After dark, unlike in the city, in this era without light pollution, you can clearly see the stars all over the sky. Lying on the soft grass and looking up to the sky, the magnificent Milky Way and an afternoon of crazy play also make the girl The depression in my heart was relieved.

The little girl who played all afternoon was so tired that she fell asleep on the grass. Wuye could only smile wryly and carry the girl back to the village.

The old couple hadn't fallen asleep yet, and they were waiting for them to come back while enjoying the cool at the door.

Seeing Pansy with the little girl on her back, happy and kind smiles appeared on their wrinkled faces.

At night, although the place to sleep is only a hard floor, Wuye feels that she will fall asleep soon.

"Hey, are you okay?" Bian Caitian, who had regained his strength after facing the wall all afternoon, jumped to the wood she used as a pillow and asked.

"What's the problem?" the girl asked in a daze.

"Work, work, have you forgotten why we came to this age?"

The parrot scratched the girl's hair with its claws resentfully, but was slapped away by the half-awakened girl like a mosquito.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now... I'll be able to work normally starting tomorrow."

"I can't rest assured at all! What you said is exactly the same as the author with advanced procrastination!"

The parrot that was fanned into the firepit flew out with flapping wings. Fortunately, the fire in the firepit had been extinguished, otherwise the black color on its body was not just stained with carbon ash, but burned out.

"How should I put it, after seeing the old man's family, I have a real sense of what I want to do." Violet Violet tried her best to open her sore eyes, looking at the roof of the thatched house with some air leakage, her eyes were gentle: "If you fail If so, people like the old man will also be affected... I want to save them, save our world... "

"Are you just now making up your mind!"

"Needless to say, I was brought into this era forcibly by you, and I was killed by that hedgehog-headed murderer before I was ready for anything. I'm already fine without a mental breakdown..."

"So, from the beginning you've been... Moshi, Moshi, are you still listening?"

"Hoo hoo..."

"Have you fallen asleep yet... Really, starting tomorrow, you must work hard."

The parrot sighed helplessly, then snuggled up to the girl's head like an ordinary bird, inserted its head into its wing nest, and fell asleep soundly.

"… Awake… "

"... hurry... come..."

"... wake up quickly!..."

Viola was awakened by a violent shaking.

She opened her eyes with bird feathers, and found that it was a little girl who woke her up.

The old grandma sat on the side with a sad face, and the old grandpa was nowhere to be seen in the room.

The girl rubbed her eyes and asked in a daze, "What's wrong?"

"Miss, it's better for you to leave here quickly." The old woman squeezed out a stiff smile.

"Ugh~ Ebisu-kun, don't do such a thing~"

The parrot on the side was still talking in sleep, judging from the tone, it seemed like a dream.

"Now it's..." Wuye, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, yawned, looked out the window, and found that it was still dark: "What, it's still early morning."

"Big sister, run away!"

But the serious look of the little girl made Wuye's drowsiness disappear instantly.

She also vaguely felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

"What's going on?" So she asked.

"The Lord Mountain God is coming to collect the offerings." The little girl's expression was a little fearful and lonely, which made Viola's heart ache: "If the big sister doesn't run away quickly, she will definitely be chosen as a sacrifice by the Lord Mountain God."

"Mountain god? Sacrifice?"

Viola's brain was a little overwhelmed.

Could it be the evil custom of offering human sacrifices in some regions

"In the past, it was obvious that the notice would be given long in advance, but today, for some reason, there was a signal for a sacrifice." The old lady also added with a sad face.

"Signal, what is that?" Wuye was still a little puzzled.

At this moment, she seemed to hear a rumbling sound coming from a distance.

"This is the signal, if we don't deliver the sacrifice it demands..."

Before the grandma could finish speaking, the grandpa walked in quickly from the door with a panicked expression.

"It's not good, old lady, pack up your things and run away! I don't know why the mountain god is angry, if you don't run, it will be too late!"

As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind blew the roof of the straw house together with the upper half of the house into the air.

Then the girl saw the true face of the "mountain god".

Even if the opponent is thousands of meters away, it can be seen at a glance. There is no other reason, but because the opponent is too huge.

It was a giant beast with eight heads and eight tails. If its figure was compared to the nearby mountains, it was even higher than the mountains. The rumbling sound was just that when it crawled across the ground, it crushed towering giant trees and crushed boulders. It's just the voice of a fan!

It has eight heads like poisonous snakes, each of which is bigger than a truck. Its sixteen eyes are extremely blood red, and it spits out scarlet snake letters. The saliva dripping from the corners of its mouth will cause waves of white smoke to rise from the ground.

Its eight tails are stronger than steel bars, and unintentional wagging of the tail when passing down the mountain will knock off a large piece of the mountain.

Such a terrifying giant beast, just standing in front of it, can't even arouse the desire to escape.

"It's Yamata no Orochi! Damn it, Amaterasu Omikami never mentioned this at all!"

At this point, the parrot finally woke up.

It cursed angrily, then flapped its wings suddenly, and its body, which was originally only a little bigger than a chicken, instantly turned into a giant with a wingspan of more than five meters—of course, to Yamata no Orochi, it was only the difference between gravel and rice grains. .

The parrot's claws firmly grasped Viola's shoulders, and with a wave of its wings, it flew up with her.

When facing Xu Shenxing, the opponent's sword, which was faster than that of the Thunder member, gave Bian Caitian no room to stop it, but if it was the current situation, it naturally had no reason to sit back and watch the five-leaf pansy die here.

"Wait, what about the old man and the others!"

Wuye immediately recovered and asked.

"... You'd better not look down."

The parrot was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

Not long after the Yamata no Orochi appeared, the flash flood broke out.

Even though the people in the village had started to run softly, they still couldn't escape the mountain torrents. The villagers who had greeted the girl during the day were sucked into it by the huge turbid yellow waves, and died.

"Wait, that little girl..." Viola bent her head, and found that the little girl of the grandfather's house was lying on a cabinet—it was one of the few wooden furniture in the grandfather's house—and shivering with drenching.

"Biancaitian, can you take another person with you? That little guy's weight should be fine." Pantheon asked loudly.

"Let me try… "

In this regard, the parrot can only try to do its best.

"Big sister?" The little girl stretched out her hand when she saw Pansy and the others approaching her.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you out of here..." Wuye also reached out to the girl.

However, just when they lowered their altitude and wanted to rescue the little girl, a huge snake head protruded from the huge waves, swallowing the little girl together with the cabinet in a flash!

The startled parrot immediately flapped its wings and flew high, accelerating to a height of more than a thousand meters, barely entering the safe range.

"Ah..." Wuye looked at the arm in her hand, which was only half left, and let out a mournful cry that even she herself didn't know the meaning of.

"Why! Why is this happening! Whether it's the old man or the little girl... what's wrong with them! Why did this happen!"

After a while, the girl hugged that half arm and began to cry.

The parrot sighed and couldn't say anything.

Yamata no Orochi wreaked havoc below them, and there were no living people to be seen within a few miles.

Just as Bian Caitian was about to leave here with Pansy, the girl suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Hey, I remember you said at the beginning that the one who killed Yamata no Orochi was not the Susanoo in the myth, but the visitor from another world pretending to be Susanoo, right?"

"Yes, that's it. Are you going to find him now to avenge the villagers?"

"No, it's too late—I'm going to save them!"

"But they are all dead... Wait, why not... Don't be impulsive, you only have one chance to be resurrected..."

Before the parrot could finish speaking, the girl broke free from its claws and fell towards Yamata no Orochi from a height of thousands of meters. No fear could be seen on her face, she just clenched her fists and roared hoarsely.

"Before that—you damn monster punch me first!!!"