It’s Impossible That My Evil Overlord Is So Cute

Chapter 12: Call from the Underworld (10)


Xu Shenxing naturally didn't care about the wailing of single dogs... because he was also a member of the single dog camp.

Of course, how others see it is another matter.

All the way to the flower bed of the abandoned dormitory in the back mountain, Xu Shenxing first turned back to his original state, completely unable to see the miserable state of the flower bed after being ravaged by Jasmine yesterday, and shouted twice in the flower bed.

But it was useless, the few stalks of dogtail grass in the flower bed kept shaking with the wind as if they were laughing at him for doing futile work.

Under Qin Xingyan's gaze, Xu Shenxing touched his chin and thought for a moment, then took out a coin from his pocket and threw it into the flower bed.

A hand emerged from the flower bed with lightning speed, grabbed the coin under Qin Xingyan's surprised eyes, and immediately wanted to dive back into the ground like a submarine.

Xu Shenxing plunged into the soil quickly with his eyes and hands, and then pulled something out like a carrot.

"It hurts, it hurts! It's, it's going to be broken... let it go!"

Qin Xingyan took a closer look and found that what Xu Shenxing was holding was a bunch of black hair.

Then came the land god who seemed to be crying at any moment: "Just now, I just won the first victory, and I didn't hear your voice! Let go, my stupid hair is really going to break!"

It doesn't matter if the hair is broken, right

Qin Xingyan was slandering, but considering that the other party was considered a god in size, there might be differences in body structure from human beings.

"Then Lord Land God, do you have a clue about what I asked you to do yesterday?" Xu Shenxing didn't let go, but continued to hold the opponent's hair and shake it back and forth.

"Human beings, what you do is blasphemy and disrespectful. If you are sensible, let go..." Before the land god finished speaking, Xu Shenxing tried to pull himself out, scaring the little girl into tears: "Wow, you are just kidding!" Yes! People are wrong, can’t they be wrong!”

Then the little girl spoke out all the things she had investigated.

Although it is almost impossible for ordinary people to investigate a person who does not have any identity information, as a supernatural existence, the means used by the land goddess to find each other are naturally beyond the scope of ordinary people.

As the guardian of this land, she will be aware of most people with supernatural powers when they come to this land, and this time the murderer is no exception-although usually, as long as people with supernatural powers don't hit Jiang She didn't bother to pay attention to the idea of Jinshi's land veins.

And the murderer this time should be said to be more unlucky. He never imagined that in this age of doomsday with thin aura, there would still be a land god in Jiangjin City, and he would foolishly choose a hiding place in a basement, surrounded by the earth on all sides, so that the land god The girl found him easily.

After telling all this, Xu Shenxing let go of his hand, and nodded to Qin Xingyan regardless of the appearance of the land god girl covering her head (to be precise, she was covering her hair) she was about to cry.

Qin Xingyan took out a handful of banknotes from her pocket, and stuffed them into the hands of the Goddess of the Earth without counting them, then followed Xu Shenxing and left here.

Although Xu Shenxing vaguely heard the shouts of "they are all small bills and the sum is not five hundred!" when he left the back mountain, but because the war was imminent and the money was not paid by him, he didn't care, so he told Qin Xingyan Let's go to the address that the land god girl said together.

That place is located on the outskirts of the city, but unlike Xu Shenxing's Ying apartment, it is in a relatively remote place in the south of the city, and the place pointed to by the address is an unfinished building.

It is said that in the previous planning of Jiangjin City, it was planned to transfer the city center to the south, and this side, which was originally a suburb of the city, would also be included in the new urban area.

After this rumor came out, the originally cheap land here suddenly became speculative. A real estate company bought this land and planned to build an office building. However, it was not completed due to various accidents, and the capital chain was broken. It was unfinished, and the planning plan for moving the city center to the south was inexplicably stranded, so in the end, the follow-up construction of this building came to nothing, and it stood in the wilderness in this semi-finished form without windows, and was gradually recognized. people forget...

There are a total of nine floors in the unfinished building, but only the lower five floors have been completed. Everything on the outer walls has been built, except for the windows. On the upper four floors, even the outer walls are semi-finished. Weeds can be seen everywhere in the building, and some walls are completely occupied by creepers, which looks extremely desolate. Xu Shenxing even found traces of animals such as rabbits and wild dogs inside.

In addition, Xu Shenxing wouldn't even know that there is a basement in this building if it wasn't for what the land god girl said.

As soon as he walked into the unfinished building, he felt a feeling of being watched from the dark, which made Xu Shenxing involuntarily vigilant.

Qin Xingyan, who hadn't experienced much battle experience, couldn't help shivering, crossing her arms and rubbing her hands subconsciously as if she was in a freezer. As far as her cultivation is concerned, ordinary temperature changes can no longer affect her. The reason why she feels cold now is entirely because the building is filled with a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere at the moment.

"Look, it looks like this is the right place." Qin Xingyan trembled for a moment and continued.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Shenxing's fighting instincts made him suddenly wake up. He turned his head and pressed Qin Xingyan's head. Amid the latter's exclamation, he kicked and flew out of the wall, and rushed towards Qin Xingyan. A dark shadow.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a Qing Dynasty official uniform, with a pale face, thick dark circles under his eyes, and two sharp canines reminiscent of vampires.

Also a zombie.

The zombie who was kicked in the chest by Xu Shenxing directly stuck to the wall, but the wall, which was not bad at the moment, was easily smashed through as if it was made of paper, and the zombie continued to castrate and hit two people on the ground. Roll to stabilize your figure.

"It's a corpse! It really is a ghost trick!" Qin Xingyan covered her head and raised her head, she couldn't help screaming when she saw the zombie: "Senior, be careful, this artificial zombie is extremely powerful and invulnerable..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw that the place where Xu Shenxing kicked Shiba's chest had collapsed, and it seemed that the inside had become a mess, and Shiba, who was famous in the practice world, also moved slowly because of this. .

At the same time, Xu Shenxing pulled out the exposed steel bars on the punctured wall, regardless of the concrete blocks on it, just twisted his hands, and twisted a few steel bars like noodles. Together, form a twist made of steel bars. Then he threw it hard, and the fist-thick steel twist went through the air, easily shot through the mouth of the roaring corpse, and directly nailed it to the wall while interrupting the opponent's roar.

Under such an almost headshot attack, even a corpse can only die of hatred...

All this happened in two or three seconds like lightning.

At this time, Xu Shenxing turned his head again, and asked a little embarrassedly: "What did you just say, I'm sorry I didn't hear clearly just now..."

"No, nothing." Qin Xingyan hurriedly shook her head. She changed herself to the position of the corpse in her mind, and then found out in frustration that even if she faced Xu Shenxing's thunderous and decisive attack, she might not be able to last longer. It seems that the battle between Xu Shenxing and her yesterday was definitely I put water... and it still puts a lot of it.

"Why are you so proficient..." Thinking of this, Qin Xingyan still couldn't help asking.

"Well, you'll be familiar with it right away?" Xu Shenxing replied uncertainly.

Are people who enter the Tao with martial arts all monsters! The girl suddenly felt that her cultivation method was weak.