It’s Impossible That My Evil Overlord Is So Cute

Chapter 63: We don't need to be too troublesome and tired to become gods. Qian (Part 2)


"and then?"

The land girl who was dragged to Sakura's apartment by Jasmine lay down on the sofa bored and asked with a disinterested expression.

"That god was judged to be a 'harmful thing' by the cloud scale on my body, and bounced away..."

Xu Shenxing said with some embarrassment.

"Ahem..." Lori, the land god, choked on her own saliva.

"Ah, actually not all of them bounced off, I'll accept the name of the god for now..." Xu Shenxing hastily remedied.

By the way, the god position is basically composed of three powers: "divine power", "divine grace" and "divine punishment". Shoes, and the name of the god is almost equivalent to the sign on this outfit...

So what Xu Shenxing did was to throw all the outfits brought by others into the trash can, then took off the label on it, held it in his hand, and said cheerfully, "The clothes are too ugly. "It's pretty much the same thing.

"So it doesn't matter if you call me Martial God Xu Shenxing now..."

"It's a miracle you weren't killed."

Loli, the land god, rolled her eyes.

"Because my masters and uncles can't beat seniors." Qin Xingyan who was on the side added.

You must know that the high-level executives of Bailu Temple who wasted a piece of God's Master card for no reason wanted to die at that time...

"So why did you bring him here?" Lolita, the land god, ignored Qin Xingyan who was Jasmine's accomplice and dragged her here before, but continued to ask.

"I just want to ask, how is Jiang Jin's spiritual pulse now?"

Since he left Jiang Jin for half a month, Xu Shenxing actually didn't know much about Jiang Jin's current situation.

"Those two guys from Shangjing had some tricks. They created a branch at the place where the spirit veins leaked, channeled all the leaked spiritual energy into a room, and sealed the spiritual energy there through the barrier."

"Sorry, let me ask... the owner of that room is called Xiao Zhengyi, right?" Xu Shenxing interrupted the girl.

"Hey, have you gone to see it?"

"..." Xu Shenxing remained silent.

No wonder Xiao Zhengyi took the opportunity to cry to himself yesterday after his body was replaced with a girl, saying that his house is full of monsters.

All the aura leaked from Jiangjin's spiritual veins was concentrated in one room, bathed in that concentration of aura, it would be strange if the things in the house didn't turn into monsters...

"I heard that the gods will instinctively repair damaged spiritual veins, so don't you have nothing to do with Jiang Jin's spiritual veins now?" Xu Shenxing, who felt that he couldn't elaborate on Xiao Zhengyi's problem, simply changed the subject.

"The problem of Jiangjin's spiritual pulse can be regarded as 'since ancient times'." The land god sighed: "You should also know that Jiangjin is very close to Huangquan. A hundred years later, a hole connecting the underworld and the present world appeared on this land... If it hadn't been for the Yaonu of a local patriarch of the noble family in Jiangjin, who used her own body as material to block it by reenacting the ritual of Nvwa mending the sky At the entrance of this cave, I am afraid that those things that are extremely hostile to the living in the underworld will come out—if that happens, it will really end badly."

"However, because of that time, there was a gap in Jiang Jin's veins. Although I tried my best to repair it, at most I could quietly maintain it in an unbroken state... Then a lunatic appeared more than a hundred years ago. He opened the passage to the underworld again, but before he started to do evil, he was sealed at the entrance of the underworld by the master of the White Deer Temple at that time. With the help of his seal, the damage to the ground veins has not yet reached an irreparable level... and then You should know about that too."

Speaking of this, Land Loli looked a little dispirited. She lay on the arm of the sofa with a gloomy expression, wondering if she remembered the unpleasant things in the past.

Xu Shenxing crossed his arms and began to think.

Although he didn't have much self-awareness when he just returned to Earth, but judging from his experience during this period of time, he is probably already the strongest person on Earth and even in the solar system, but the strongest does not mean omnipotence.

For the current problem, maybe a magician who is proficient in sealing is more useful than his savior who punches the solar system and kicks different worlds.

Why don't you just cut off Huang Quan? If he was a little more serious about unfolding the holy sword, it's not impossible for him to do this.

The question is, who can guarantee that Jiang Jin's spirit veins will be restored after Huangquan is gone? And maybe after Huangquan is gone, there might be even more serious sequelae to the world itself...

"It's a pity that Jasmine is not good at sealing..." He could only sigh helplessly after pondering for a long time but still to no avail.

As the former devil king, Jasmine's magic is more inclined towards combat and destruction, and there are also a lot of auxiliary magic, but basically there is no seal type.

Olavia (the different world that Xu Shenxing once saved) has people who are proficient in sealing magic, and even the seal on Jasmine was developed by her based on the magic formula on the holy sword. It's just that the current Xu Shenxing doesn't have the ability to go to that world - if he splits the world at will, it is more likely to fall into a messy different dimension.

Speaking of which, the country on the side of Centaur seems to have some weird technologies, but now he has no way to contact the other party.

"White Deer Temple has tricks like seals... but the cultivation base is quite high. Except for the previous generation of temple masters, it seems that no one has learned it now." Qin Xingyan also added on the side.

"Anyway, I can last for a while... You guys should slowly figure out a way during this time."

Lolita, the land god, seemed to finally get her spirits up and jumped up from the sofa: "I still have Tanaka Feima's event to play today, so I won't accompany you."

"Is it really all right?" Xu Shenxing looked at the land god Lori and frowned slightly.

Although it looks nothing at first, but if you look closely, you will find that the girl's body seems to be slightly transparent.

"Ah, it's okay at this level, it's just that the consumption of divine power is a little bit higher..." The girl smiled slightly, showing a mature temperament completely different from her appearance and age, she stretched her waist: "I have endured this The favor of the land for thousands of years, now is the time to repay it... "

Immediately afterwards, her smile dimmed, and she muttered a little desolately: "No, maybe, seven hundred years ago, I should have walked this road instead of her..."

Jasmine who came out of the room at some point stood on tiptoe and patted her on the head.

"You are also a land with stories."

"...Can I hit her?" The corner of Tu Tu's mouth twitched, and the feeling of being independent from the world just now disappeared instantly, and he turned his head and asked Xu Shenxing.

"Please." The latter shrugged: "I mean, if you can fight."