It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother

Chapter 19


On the school's BBS, the latest high-energy post about "cohabitation", with pictures and the truth, was overblown in a short while.

Floor 1: The host saw with his own eyes that Wei Han and Qi Zhifan went home together? ! Put the picture below. (The picture shows two people taking the bus together, and entering the same building in the community together)

Floor 2: Damn it! Is this the rhythm of their cohabitation

Level 3: Didn't you already meet your parents and come out

4th Floor: The two started living together when they were still in school. Could it be that they have a close relationship and have decided to live together since they were young? No, it's too cute to poke me!

Floor 5: Hahaha, I was firmly on the True Love Party before, and now I am going to pay for it.

Floor 6: Take me upstairs, so I can look forward to their wedding!

7th Floor: That's right, I will write about their married life in the next article, and adopt a boy and a girl by the way, and the family is happy.

8th Floor: The text here is useless, but I will try my best to draw pictures.


When Wei Han poked it in, his face was pale and uncertain, as if he had one head and two big ones. He couldn't take it anymore, and felt that they couldn't stop their brains.

"Qi Zhifan, haven't you noticed that I've been in school lately, uh, a bit troublesome?"

Back home, Wei Han hesitated, wanting to ask Qi Zhifan to deal with these scandals.

He himself had explained it countless times, exhausted his tongue, but everyone was still dubious. If Qi Zhifan could also come forward to clarify, then maybe it would be all right.

"You want me to help you?"

Qi Zhifan raised his eyebrows a little, he also saw that Wei Han always had a mournful face these days, and kept avoiding him on purpose.

Wei Han nodded straight, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Yeah, you are the god of learning, the vice president, and the shareholder of S University, please help me a little bit. I can make something for you to eat, and you can eat whatever you want. All right, it's up to you to choose."

"No, it feels so troublesome." Qi Zhifan lazily patted his ass and left.

Wei Han: "..."

Huh? Is food temptation useless? The flame of hope was extinguished in an instant.

But it's strange to say, how come Qi Zhifan doesn't care at all, acting like a normal person? At present, the administrator of the BBS seems to have evaporated again, and those posts have not been deleted at all. Could it be that Qi Zhifan still doesn't know about this matter

Alas, probably Qi Zhifan has several jobs and is usually very busy, so he is too lazy to gossip about himself for the time being.

In the pastry shop, these days are extraordinary times, Wei Han almost stays here except for class, and only goes home after dinner at night. He wanted to get through this period of time, and when everyone found out that he and Qi Zhifan had nothing at all, or there was a new topic, and the scandal subsided, they would naturally forget about it.

The store manager, Song Bohao, was a little puzzled, why Wei Han, who was still a student party member, insisted on coming to the evening shift? Jiang Chengrui knew it well, and patted Wei Han on the shoulder, expressing deep sympathy.

Because Wei Han came home late, Mother Wei had no choice but to cook. This also caused the food quality of Qi Zhifan and Dad Qi to drop significantly. It can be said that the gap is too big.

So, Qi Zhifan came to the dessert shop where Wei Han worked part-time.

There were some students from University of S in the store, but Qi Nanshen's sudden appearance caught their attention, especially the girls in Wei Han's class, who were even more excited. They knew that Wei Han was working here, and now that Qi Zhifan is here again, isn't it just to see his sweetheart.

For Qi Zhifan's sudden visit, he even asked Wei Han to serve him by name. Wei Han was so scared that he couldn't help but hide in the back kitchen and dare not come out.

Song Bohao was a little confused, so Jiang Chengrui saw that there was no way for Wei Han to hide all the time, so he wanted to give him some advice.

"Wei Han, does he know about the scandal between you and Qi Zhifan?"

Wei Han put on a bitter face and shook his head: "I probably don't know. He has always been scandalized, so he probably doesn't bother to care about it."

"Then why don't you tell him directly?" Jiang Chengrui asked again.

"I... I can't say it." Wei Han became embarrassed.

Does he have to tell Qi Zhifan himself that they were misunderstood as a couple, and his elder brother is still under pressure!

Usually Wei Han's face is not so thin, but if the other party is Qi Zhifan, he can't let it go.

"Then how about I tell you? Anyway, Qi Zhifan is waiting outside." Jiang Chengrui rolled his eyes.

Wei Han hurriedly stopped him: "Don't...don't, Xiao Jiang, I don't want to trouble you, I still have to make it clear with Qi Zhifan myself."

"Well, that's right. You have to let everyone know that you are his brother, that's all."

So, holding the plate of food, Wei Han hesitated, and finally walked in front of Qi Zhifan.

Qi Zhifan, who had been waiting for a long time with his legs crossed, raised his eyes: "Why are you so slow? You can really dawdle in there."

Wei Han curled his lips and said nothing. After putting down the plate containing the cake, he brought him ice cream. When he was walking, Wei Han only felt like a glow on his back, and countless pairs of eyes around him were watching his every move. .

The Adam's apple moved, and Wei Han opened his throat: "Qi Zhifan, I'm your brother, right?"

The words were astonishing, and the onlookers were stunned, and all of them were dumbfounded.

Qi Zhifan also stopped what he was doing, and looked at Wei Han playfully: "...Why, are you going to put on an air of brother to suppress me?"

"Damn it! I'm so busy, please go to the BBS when you have time, what's the relationship between us, goodbye!" Wei Han shouted, biting the last two words very hard.

Looking at Wei Han's back, the corners of Qi Zhifan's lips raised an imperceptible arc...

He just found out about this a few days ago, and seeing Wei Han's distressed appearance, he found out that there was an affair between them after he inquired a little bit. It's strange, Qi Zhifan is not only not angry this time, but is looking forward to how Wei Han will solve it

As he expected, Wei Han couldn't bear it anymore, and still revealed their real relationship face to face.

Afterwards, the "brother" relationship between Wei Han and Qi Zhifan became known to Mr. S again.

However, since Wei Han and Qi Zhifan have no real blood relationship, some rotten sisters brainstormed again and confirmed the brother setting, and a lot of brother stories followed the trend—

Like "The Domineering Brother Falls in Love with Me", "The Stunning Brother Don't Mess With Me", "The Private Favorite Brother of the Rich and Young", "Love Brothers Without Limits", and "The Black-bellied Brother's Pit Brother Plan", "Qi Shao The only favorite cute brother"...

Seeing that, Wei Han almost spit blood on the phone screen!

Shit, why would it turn into a forbidden love between brothers, and most of them are in the style of the president's text! Nima, is there a lower limit for this group of people

Wei Han shed tears of remorse in his heart: It was better not to explain at the beginning, but now the description is getting darker and darker, and it will inevitably be involved with Qi Fanfan.

On the weekend, Pei Yuyang asked Qi Zhifan to play tennis. After playing for a while, Qi Zhifan felt bored and sat aside to rest.

In the past, Pei Yuyang would definitely pester Qi Zhifan and play a few more rounds with him, but since he knew that Qi Zhifan had hypoglycemia, he didn't dare to make him tired, so he just let him go.

He found other players to play with him, and because the opponent's skills were not good, it was Pei Yuyang's turn to be bored again, so he also retreated from the court and walked towards Qi Zhifan.

Qi Zhifan was very interested, and kept staring at the phone looking at something.

Pei Yuyang was a little curious. According to his understanding, under normal circumstances, Qi Zhifan usually reads books on finance and business, as well as detective novels. Translated original version, rarely read e-books on mobile phones.

Pei Yuyang took a closer look, and as soon as he saw the words "overbearing brother falls in love with me" at the top of the screen, he was shocked...

"Afan, you... you actually read this again... you listen to my advice, reading too many novels like this will affect your IQ."

"..." Qi Zhifan glared at him, then turned and walked to another place.

Pei Yuyang hurriedly chased after him, earnestly saying: "Good, Afan, don't you believe me? I really do my best for you. When the time comes, your IQ will drop, so don't blame me for not reminding you."

"You're very noisy, don't disturb me." Qi Zhifan, who was exposed to this kind of novel for the first time, expressed his interest and needed to study it.

Pei Yuyang: "..."

What should I do, did Ah Fan take the wrong medicine today

This scandal continued until the summer vacation, and it did not subside.

Wei Han saw that Qi Zhifan didn't seem to want to say anything more, and he was still enjoying it. He looked at the joke and knew that he couldn't count on it. He thought that it would be better after the next semester.

And in the next semester, with the arrival of Chu Chuanyao, everyone has a new focus, and this incident has indeed passed.

Today is the day of registration, and Wei Han is welcoming freshmen at the gate of University S.

He suffered from insomnia last night, so Wei Han came early to wait. As time passed by, his heart became more and more anxious: I will see Chu Chuanyao soon, his "Xiaoyao"!

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and Wei Han connected it: "Hey, mom, why are you calling?"

"Hanhan, come here! Fanfan...he was hit by a car!" Wei's mother was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"What! Which hospital is he in? I'll be right there."

Afterwards, Wei's mother reported the address of the hospital, and Wei Han hurriedly took a taxi and went straight to the destination. After getting in the car, he turned his head and looked at the school gate from a distance. Maybe he won't see Chu Chuanyao today, but he waited for so long, and it's okay to wait another day...

In the hospital, when Wei Han arrived, seeing that the lights in the operating room were still on, his uneasiness suddenly intensified.

"Mom, Qi Zhifan..." Qi's father leaned against the wall with a sullen face, and Wei Han walked directly in front of Wei's mother. Before he could finish asking, Wei's mother's tears flowed down her cheeks.

Her voice was also trembling: "Hanhan, Fanfan...his bleeding a lot, and is...rescuing it."

Wei Han's heart skipped a beat, even though his face turned pale, he still patted Wei's mother on the back, and comforted softly: "Mom, don't worry, I believe Qi Zhifan will be fine."

"I'm sorry, he was trying to save me."

Someone next to him suddenly made a low voice, and Wei Han's heart thumped. This big boy still had the appearance and voice in his memory.