It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother

Chapter 22


"The store manager, Xiao Jiang didn't come to the store again today?"

"Well, Ah Rui asked me for leave on the phone, saying that he was a little uncomfortable and wanted to rest at home these days. I wanted to take time to visit him, but he kept yelling not to, and I can't do anything about him " Song Bohao smiled helplessly, his smile was full of pampering.

"Shop manager, when did you and Xiao Jiang meet? I think you often go to his house." Song Bohao always dotes on Jiang Chengrui like his brother, which makes Wei Han a little curious.

"It's very early. Our parents were friends when we were young, so our two families often visit each other." Song Bohao said, his thoughts drifted a little far away, "I remember that Uncle Jiang and Aunt Liu were still there, and Sister Chenghui It's not as cold as it is now, and there is always a smile on his mouth."

The topic suddenly became serious, and Wei Han gave a light "oh", and didn't want to keep bringing up those irreparable sad things of Jiang's family.

It was Monday in a blink of an eye, and Jiang Chengrui didn't come to school, so in the grappling and fighting class, when two people were practicing boxing, Wei Han had no company, and could only press his legs by himself, ready to practice Practice speed running.

Their samurai teacher, surnamed Huang, was originally from the armed police. He had always been optimistic about Jiang Chengrui, a student. Jiang Chengrui was also very active in class. It was strange that he didn't see him today.

"Wei Han, did Jiang Chengrui ask for leave?" Teacher Huang walked up to Wei Han and asked.

Wei Han nodded: "Well, Xiao Jiang seems to be sick."

"It's strange, that kid is usually in good health, why is he sick? I think you are quite familiar with him, so go and see him for me later."

After finishing speaking, Teacher Huang patted Wei Han's shoulder heavily. I don't know if it was intentional. The slap made Wei Han grin his teeth and his smile froze. The astonishing force is really not something ordinary people can bear.

After class, Wei Han called Jiang Chengrui's cell phone.

To be honest, Wei Han was also very puzzled. Even if a Lianjiazi like Xiao Jiang fell ill, it would not be a serious illness. The body should recover soon. Could it be that something happened

"Hi, Xiao Jiang, I'm Wei Han, what's wrong with you?"

"'s nothing, just a little uncomfortable."

Unlike Jiang Chengrui, who was straightforward and candid in the past, the voice on the other end of the phone was obviously covering up something. Wei Han heard something wrong as soon as he heard it: "Xiao Jiang, you can fool others about this matter, but you can't fool me. Is there something wrong at home? ? Or your sister she... "

Jiang Chengrui hurriedly interrupted Wei Han's guess: "It has nothing to do with my sister, she has been busy all the time, and the family is fine, it's my own business."

"Then what's the matter with you?"

"Erhan, I was kissed by a man, and it was my first kiss."

Wei Han instantly petrified: "..."

In the afternoon, knowing that Qi Zhifan had no class, Pei Yuyang didn't bother to stay in the jewelry company that Pei's father arranged for him, so he drove Qi Zhifan out to play, and went to a fencing gym that Pei Yuyang often went to.

On the 14-meter-long and two-meter-wide kendo, Pei Yuyang lost the previous foil match, and now the two began to compete in epee again.

Qi Zhifan's gaze was like a torch, he changed his previous graceful movements, and aimed at the opponent's effective parts. His fencing movements were so fast that Pei Yuyang had no time to attack, so he had to block them one by one, but his arm was still stabbed a few times.

"Yo, Ah Fan, you've been very angry recently, you're always so ruthless in your moves."

Qi Zhifan didn't answer, but when he thought about Wei Han, his chest felt tight.

Does that bastard have to be hanged on a tree? Knowing that Chu Chuanyao likes female teachers, he still foolishly helps him chase women, which is ridiculous.

"Let me guess, is it related to that Chu Chuanyao?" Even though he was hit three times, Pei Yuyang still smiled casually.

Qi Zhifan frowned deeply, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and he started to lash out again.

"Purple sheep!"

Suddenly, a childish voice sounded from outside the arena.

Xiao Yi who didn't know when appeared really frightened Pei Yuyang quite a bit, and Qi Zhifan knocked the sword out of his hand when he didn't pay attention.

Seeing Pei Yuyang dumbfounded on the spot, Qi Zhifan took off his helmet, glanced at Xiaoyi, and looked at Pei Yuyang again: "Your son?"

"How could I have such a big son? I'm very clean!" Pei Yuyang retorted immediately, "And I'm not like you, I only like men."

"Zi Yang Yang, you are responsible!" Xiao Yi yelled again.

Qi Zhifan's eyes changed: "Responsible? So you still have pedophilia."

"I'm wronged!" Pei Yuyang yelled, with a resentful expression on his face, "Afan, who do you think I am?"

"It's just a pervert."

After finishing speaking, Qi Zhifan waved his hand, and went straight to Xiaoyi. Xiaoyi who just got out of school was carrying a schoolbag, pouted, and was full of anger.

After that, the three of them went to a nearby tea restaurant.

Pei Yuyang specially asked the waiter to prepare milk for Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi insisted on drinking Coke, hit and bit Pei Yuyang, Pei Yuyang was not afraid of him making trouble, and continued to coax Xiao Yi with a smile on his face.

Qi Zhifan swept across the two chattering adults and children on the opposite side, and lightly uttered the words "Coke Kills Sperm", and immediately, his ears became much clearer.

"Xiao Yi, you are really capable, how did you find me?" Pei Yuyang stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Xiao Yi's head.

Xiao Yi seemed to be angry with him all the time, and hid in the past: "I went to your house first, Uncle Chen told me, and then he sent someone to send me here. But after getting out of the car, I let those black-clothed monsters Uncle has gone back, because I'm going to make a surprise attack!"

The "Uncle Chen" in Xiao Yi's mouth is the housekeeper hired by Pei Yuyang. Because Xiao Yi secretly went to Pei Yuyang's mansion without telling Jiang Chengrui, he recognized him after several visits.

"Heh, you are a villain, completely different from your brother."

"Huh! Ziyangyang, you rascal, just bullied my brother to be honest." Xiao Yi's face changed, and he pulled Pei Yuyang's mouth, "Say! What shameful thing did you do to my brother four days ago, confess Be lenient, resist and be strict!"

"It hurts!" Pei Yuyang couldn't laugh in an instant, and quickly grabbed Xiao Yi's tricky little hand, "Xiao Yi, good boy, I'll have to rely on this mouth to kiss me in the future."

"You dare to kiss my brother?!" Xiao Yi widened his eyes.

Qi Zhifan was very calm, raised his eyebrows and said, "I kissed you, have you slept yet?"

With another knowing blow, Xiao Yi stuttered in fright: "You still... dare to sleep... sleep..."

"Absolutely not!" Pei Yuyang waved his hands again and again, looking as if he had taken advantage of it, but he looked very aggrieved, "The volume is too lethal, I only kissed it a little that day, and it ended up being killed." He pushed him into the river, fortunately I can swim, otherwise I would have drowned."


Qi Zhifan suddenly didn't want to know this person.

"Hahaha, you deserve it!" Xiao Yi laughed loudly and asked again, "But afterward, why didn't you come to him once?"

Pei Yuyang sighed softly, and shook his head slightly: "I went to the dessert shop to look for him once before, but Wei Han wasn't there at the time, and the store manager Song put on a straight face, saying that Juanjuan wasn't there, and quickly kicked me out. I thought Juanjuan was really angry and didn't want to see me at all."

Seeing that Pei Yuyang looked helpless and lonely, Xiao Yi immediately became not angry with him at all: "My brother doesn't want to see you, but he hasn't seen anyone else either. He has locked himself in the house for three days."

Pei Yuyang was surprised: "What! What happened to Juanjuan? Is he sick?"

Xiao Yi raised his chin: "I really want to know? Then go back with me and have a look, you must be responsible to my brother!"

Before he finished speaking, Pei Yuyang got up instantly, and hurriedly put on his coat: "Afan, I...I have to leave first, you..."


Qi Zhifan waved his hand, curled his lips into a smile, and continued drinking tea leisurely. It seems that some things just need to be solved in a "brutal" way, why not try it when you go home at night.

The next day, Jiang Chengrui finally came to class. At first Wei Han was a little worried about him, but Jiang Chengrui seemed to be enlightened and looked very energetic.

Wei Han was a little strange and asked, "Xiao Jiang, that Pei Yuyang..."

For the first time, Jiang Chengrui didn't avoid the name at all, and said straightforwardly: "He came to see me last night."

Wei Han was startled: "And then?"

"Then I beat him up and calmed down." Jiang Chengrui smiled and was in a good mood.


Wei Han suddenly feels sorry for that idiot sheep, but he thinks that he is shaking M, so he should be very happy.

In the evening, as soon as Wei Han entered the door, before changing his shoes, Qi Zhifan suddenly appeared. He stretched out his arms, supported the wall with his hands, and forced Wei Han to the wall with his powerful aura.

Wei Han immediately felt oppressed, and raised his eyes stupidly: "Qi Fan Fan, you... what are you doing?"

Qi Zhifan's eyes were deep and his tone was calm: "Pei Yuyang kissed Jiang Chengrui..."

"Well, what then?"

"Then… "

At this moment, Qi Zhifan hadn't finished speaking when the cell phone in his trousers pocket rang.

Qi Zhifan frowned, chose to ignore it, and continued to look into Wei Han's eyes: "Then I also..."

Wei Han's phone also rang...

Qi Zhifan: "..."

This week, Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui's criminal investigation team came to City C under the organization of the school.

According to the arrangement of S University in previous years, in the second half of the semester, Wei Han’s criminal investigation class will have a period of training, especially for students who choose criminal police, there will be three months of intensive training, and they will always be in C City for closed training .

In order to familiarize themselves with the training environment in advance, Wei Han and the others also came here first.

In the training base, there are not only students from Wei Han's school, but also students from other police academies. In order to increase their competitiveness, they are usually together with students from the Public Security Academy of University C, and each coach randomly assigns them to the training base. team.

Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui were still very close, and they were assigned to a team again. However, in the same team, there are still a few nasty guys with big C, especially one named Shao Yi, who is very arrogant and arrogant because he ranks first or second in various skills.

No, when practicing long-range shooting, Shao Yi got into a fight with Jiang Chengrui, and insisted on asking the coach to have a match with Jiang Chengrui.

For ordinary students like Wei Han, the best score is at most 7 rings, but Jiang Chengrui and Shao Yi's level is much higher, basically either 9 rings or 10 rings, and Jiang Chengrui's highest score is still 10.7 rings.

After coming down several times, the two were evenly matched. Shao Yi smiled coldly, feeling that this was boring, and said that he would change it to a moving target. Once this kind of shooting starts, the required number of ammunition must be fired continuously without interruption. It is a test of the shooter's quick thinking. He must have quick response, accurate judgment, and good psychological self-control ability.

They chose the standard speed event of 50 meters. The pig target ran 30 times at a slow speed, and then 30 times at a fast speed. The shooter fired a total of 60 bullets.

In the end, Jiang Chengrui still won Shao Yi with 580 rings and gave him a thumbs up.

Wei Han also took the opportunity to stick out his tongue: "People should be more modest, you know? Shao Zida."

"What are you calling me?" Shao Yi said sullenly.

Getting used to seeing Qi Zhifan's angry expression, Wei Han's courage was also cultivated, instead of retreating, he took a step forward: "Shao Zida, I'm kindly trying to persuade you to 'be less arrogant'."


After that, Shao Yi, who had only a weak impression of Wei Han at first, became interested in Wei Han.

A week will soon pass, and on the last day in City C, Wei Han went to the local characteristic small commodity street, planning to buy some souvenirs to take back home, and then see if there are any suitable gifts for Chu Chuanyao.

"Wei Han, Brother Wei?"

When passing by a boutique, Wei Han was suddenly stopped by someone. When he looked back, it turned out to be Lu Yan, who he hadn't seen for a long time. There was a tall and handsome guy standing beside him.

The author has something to say: Wei Fan Fan: My heart is so tired, it is so difficult to play a wall [Manual goodbye]

Author (Grapefruit): Don’t be tired, let’s pick up soap~


Wei Xiaoshou (wash, wash, take a bath) ( ⊙ o ⊙ ) ah, the soap fell down (bent down to pick it up...)

Qi Xiaogong (suddenly opened the door and barged in, smiling charmingly)

Wei Xiaoshou: (° △ °|||) Very annoying? ! Wait... wait a minute! The ground is... the ground is slippery—

("Boom" is annoying to get the flat ground throwing skill)

Qi Fanfan: Dead grapefruit, come here~ I promise I won't beat you to death!