It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother

Chapter 23


In City C, Wei Han met Lu Yan.

Lu Yan laughed, exchanged some polite words with Wei Han, and let the handsome guy beside him go first. He also yelled to invite Wei Han to dinner, so he dragged Wei Han to a noodle restaurant.

"This one is delicious, try it." Lu Yan said with a smile, very enthusiastic.

Wei Han nodded, took a few mouthfuls of noodles, the taste was really good, and then he became a little interested in the pastry chef of this shop, as expected, the master is among the people.

"Brother Wei, didn't you say that you will come here for training in the future? Feel free to come to me when the time comes, and I welcome you anytime."

Wei Han smiled embarrassingly, thinking that at the beginning, he really did not misjudge this person, in fact, he had not met him a few times, and because of Qi Zhifan, he was forced to leave S city, but he did not expect Lu Yan didn't care about it at all, it was so interesting.

Alas, such a good man has been let down by this scumbag like Qi Zhifan.

"Lu Yan, the person next to you just now is..."

When Wei Han asked, Lu Yan immediately became shy: "Oh, he is Brother Yuanpeng, three years older than me, and he has always taken good care of me since I first came to City C."

"Haha, it seems that you are doing well."

Wei Han smiled gratifiedly, that's fine, instead of choosing a man like Qi Zhifan who doesn't have him in his heart, it's better to find an ordinary and honest person who really cares for him.

"Brother Wei, is Zhifan okay?" Lu Yan asked casually, looking very relieved.

Wei Han froze for a moment, then waved his hand: "He is still the same, he just likes to make money. A scumbag like him is not worth your attention at all."

"I'm sorry about my cousin's incident. Also, I feel that Zhifan has always hidden a person in his heart. I may be the same as his previous boyfriends. They are just a substitute for that person." After finishing speaking, Lu Yan Eyes lowered.

"Huh? Then he is really a scumbag." Wei Han frowned.

Lu Yan shook his head: "Actually, he was very tolerant of me. I was the one who chased him at first, and I also proposed to break up in the end. After listening to you the other day, after watching that horror movie, I really felt tired and didn't want to I can't force this feeling any more."

Wei Han was taken aback, and the noodles slipped from between the chopsticks: "So you dumped him? I always thought it was him..."

"Oh, my cousin also thinks that's the case. Brother Wei, you should try to understand Zhifan a little bit more, and you may find that there are still many misunderstandings about him."

After tossing around for a week, Wei Han, who had a sore back and backache, finally returned to S City.

At the station, Wei Han was dragging his luggage, since both Qi's father and Wei's mother were not free, so he didn't expect anyone to pick him up, but Qi Zhifan was already waiting for him.

For some reason, the moment Wei Han saw him from a distance, a soft place in Wei Han's heart was touched, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Qi Zhifan came over, took his big backpack for him, looked Wei Han up and down, and concluded lightly: "It's a lot darker, but it's not skinny."


Wei Han gritted his teeth, would this person die if he said something nice? The mouth is always so poisonous.

For the next three days, Wei Han and his criminal investigation majors will rest.

On this day, Wei Han slept until noon. There was no one else at home, so he made his own lunch and felt a little idle, so he was busy cleaning at home again.

He will do some housework when he has nothing to do, although this will make him appear "virtuous" as a big man, but this habit was formed by Wei Han since he was a child, and he can't change it for a while.

While sweeping the floor, Wei Han found a small blue USB flash drive in the living room. He didn't recognize who it belonged to at the moment, and he wasn't sure if it was still usable or not. Just plugged it into my laptop.

This time, he knew it was definitely Qi Zhifan's.

Logically speaking, Wei Han shouldn't watch it casually, as this involves personal privacy issues. But think about it, since its owner is Qi Zhifan, Wei Han couldn't hold back his curiosity, and the words of Lu Yan that day rang in his ears, and he said to himself repeatedly: This is for the elder brother to better understand the younger brother and promote family harmony. Development.

As soon as he opened the USB flash drive, it was full of materials, including learning, and financial data that gave Wei Han a headache when he saw it, but there was a chy file that made him a little concerned.

Wei Han clicked on it and saw, Nima, it was full of personal information about Chu Chuanyao, and his face immediately sank: This bastard must have specially investigated Xiaoyao before! Getting close to Xiao Yao must have been planned for a long time, what is the purpose

The next second, when he clicked on a picture, Wei Han completely froze in front of the computer screen.

Of the two junior high school boys in the photo, one is Qi Zhifan, and the other is handsome, how could they look so similar to Chu Chuanyao? !

Could it be that this person is the one in Qi Zhifan's heart, his first love

In order to understand the cause and effect, Wei Han thought about it, so he had to call Pei Yuyang.

Pei Yuyang was obviously frightened: " did you know about this? It's impossible for Afan to tell other people."

"Don't worry about how I know. I want to know what happened to Qi Zhifan's first love right now?"

"Sorry, I can't say that. The consequences of Afan's anger are very serious, unless..." Pei Yuyang changed the subject and smiled meaningfully.

"Unless what?" Wei Han suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Help me get Juan out."

"You don't know how to date yourself?" Wei Han called out, and he guessed that the cliff was related to Xiaojiang.

"Juanjuan has always been very shy, so I definitely don't want to come out without even thinking about it. When I go to his house, her sister doesn't welcome me very much. Why don't I go to the dessert shop? The store manager Song also looks at me very unfriendly. Oh, I'm so sad." Pei Yuyang sighed softly.

Wei Han thought for a while, but he still couldn't sell his teammate: "No, don't always think about eating Xiaojiang's tofu! If you are really sad, you can hold your pig and eat it for a couple of bites."


Pei Yuyang gradually realized that Wei Han and Qi Zhifan lived together for a long time, and also learned a bit of his poisonous tongue.

"It will be my birthday in a few days. You can come together. Dear Xiao Hanhan, just take pity on me. I will know everything about Afan and that Ou Yizhe. "

Being disgusted by "Xiao Hanhan" gave me goosebumps all over my body, Wei Han yelled: "Fuck you 'Xiao Hanhan'! Speak human words."

"Brother Wei Han, please please."

Wei Han's eyes turned straight, and he pondered for a long time in his heart, on the one hand, he thought that Xiao Jiang hadn't resisted this idiot, and on the other hand, he wanted to know about Qi Zhifan's first love, so he finally gave in.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Ou Yizhe, to be precise, this man is not Qi Zhifan's "first love", but his first crush. The two of them met in elementary school, and went to the same middle school and high school together, but halfway through high school, Ou Yizhe suddenly went abroad, and Qi Zhifan continued to stay in China.

As for the reason, it can be regarded as Qi Zhifan's bitter history. When he was going to confess his love to Ou Yizhe, Ou Yizhe said that he already had his own heart, and then went abroad with another brother who was a few years older than him. Ou Yizhe left very decisively, no matter how Qi Zhifan tried to persuade him to stay, he still left without looking back.

Qi Zhifan had a serious illness, and then became cold-hearted and cold-hearted, putting money first.

Knowing that Qi Zhifan had been so hard, instead of laughing at it, Wei Han sighed that "the same is a fallen person at the end of the world". He stared blankly at the two people in the photo, remained silent for a while, and secretly copied the photo to his computer.

In the evening, when Qi Zhifan returned home, Wei Han took the initiative to hand over the USB flash drive, obediently "surrendered himself".

"I already know everything about Ou Yizhe."

Wei Han lowered his head, and even told this matter frankly. Anyway, the shrewd Qi Zhifan will suspect sooner or later, so it's better to say it now.

Qi Zhifan's expression was a bit complicated, and he cursed in a low voice: "Pei Yuyang has that big mouth."

"Don't blame him. I forced him. I shouldn't have done this. I've taken care of it. You can beat or scold if you want, just come on."

Wei Han bit his head and said, because he couldn't guess the punishment of the moody Qi Zhifan at all, but he was still a little scared in his heart.

Whenever he saw Wei Han shrunk into a ball in front of him in fear, Qi Zhifan felt extraordinarily comfortable, sitting on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said lightly: "You find a way to make me happy. "

"Huh? It's that simple, is it true?"

Sure enough, Wei Han could never guess what Qi Zhifan was thinking.

Qi Zhifan raised his eyes and nodded.

Wei Han rushed into the kitchen without saying a word, he has been Qi Zhifan's brother for so long, he doesn't know anything else, but he is very clear about this brother's picky taste, and he also knows that he likes to eat the things he made.

After washing his hands, Wei Han sharpened his knife, but was interrupted by Qi Zhifan's voice: "Wei Han, if you come out, the food doesn't count."

Wei Han put down the knife and didn't cook food for him, it's a bit difficult now. He glanced at Qi Zhifan's face several times, and found that no matter what he looked at, Qi Zhifan was expressionless, and suddenly thought that he had never seen him smile happily all this time.

"Cough...cough cough." Wei Han cleared his throat, feeling emotional, "Then let me sing for you."

"Shut up."

In the next second, Qi Zhifan sternly dismissed it.

"Oh, you ask a lot, and I don't know anything else."

"Dancing." Qi Zhifan spit out two words lightly.

Wei Han was distressed again: "How can I know this? I don't know Latin dance, ballet dance, folk ballroom dance, street dance, belly dance, and pole dance. I don't even dance Yangko. Good brother, you If we really want to see it, we can go downstairs and watch the aunts dance in the square."

The veins on Qi Zhifan's forehead twitched, and he gave Wei Han a cold look: "I just want to watch you twitch."

Just listening to this tone, it is undeniable, Wei Han almost wants to cry, but what is wrong with Wei Han today? It's fine, why do you have to watch a big man like yourself dance

If this was normal, he would have risen up and resisted, but who told him to do something wrong now, he was right, and thinking about Qi Zhifan also had a sad history, he reluctantly twisted his waist.

Qi Zhifan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his gloomy face obviously improved.

Three circles to the left and three circles to the right, with his neck twisting and his butt twisting, Wei Han could only shake his body in such an awkward and awkward way. Not even a wrinkle.

Qi Zhifan didn't tell anyone, because of Wei Han's appearance, he seemed to have gradually stepped out of the grief that Ou Yizhe brought him back then.

"Is it possible to push the hips?" Qi Zhifan asked.

Wei Han thought about those Hallyu stars on TV. He leaned back slightly, bent his knees, and tried to push back and forth. The clumsy movement immediately made Qi Zhifan laugh out loud. He was really amused. up.

In just a split second, Wei Han was dumbfounded: Wow, I didn't expect Qi Fanfan to look super cute when he smiles!

Smiling for the Pomeranian, Wei Han decided to make persistent efforts and twisted vigorously, but with a scream of "Ouch", he twisted his waist sadly.

"What's wrong?" Qi Zhifan immediately stepped forward and supported Wei Han.

"My back hurts."

"Why does your back hurt again?"

"I was injured in training before, so I guess it hasn't healed yet." After Wei Han finished speaking, before he had time to react, Qi Zhifan lowered his head and rubbed him with his hands.

"Brother Zhifan! You..."

At this time, Wei's mother and a little girl about ten years old stood at the door of the house.