It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother

Chapter 30


Why did Qi Zhifan and Pei Yuyang come to participate in the field survival training? The team leader instructor said a lot of reasons in front of everyone, saying that the Criminal Investigation Brigade of S City strongly recommended them to come over, let the two of them observe and study, hone their perseverance and physical strength, and accumulate survival experience and so on.

It sounds good on the surface, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that these two people must have a lot of background, probably because the rich young master is really bored, and if he wants to come here, it is just a "wild tour".

Wei Han thought about Pei Yuyang's father of the section chief, and Qi Zhifan's grandfather of the chief of the bureau, and immediately thought of one sentence with emotion: Alas, being rich and powerful is extremely capricious.

After the instructor yelled "Disband", everyone moved freely.

"Juanjuan—" Pei Yuyang galloped towards Jiang Chengrui.

Jiang Chengrui's face twitched. In fact, he really wanted to hide, but he also didn't want to see Pei Yuyang chasing him all over the field, so he simply stood still and was hugged by him.

Seeing Jiang Chengrui obediently being embraced by him, Pei Yuyang was even more aggressive: "Juanjuan, not seeing each other every day is like three autumns, not to mention we haven't seen each other for more than two months, nearly sixty days! In the future, I will never leave you even if I die, let's sleep together tonight... ah!"

Just when he was halfway through his words, Jiang Chengrui punched him in the stomach and said angrily, "Dream! Go home quickly and hug your pig."


Qi Zhifan, who was envious of Pei Yuyang a second ago, sympathizes with him in this second.

Qi Zhifan walked straight up to Wei Han: "Have you noticed that I've lost weight?"

Without Wei Han, the food quality of the Qi family is really worrying!

"... huh?" I haven't seen the real person Qifanfan for many days, usually in dreams, Wei Han still can't tell if this is reality? Or a dream

"You...are you thin? Where are you thin?"

Wei Han stared blankly at Qi Zhifan's face, it was still pretty to death, suddenly his eyes moved down, and he looked at Qi Zhifan's crotch, he was still big and energetic!

"Not very thin." Wei Han concluded.


Qi Zhifan pursed his lips, it was impossible to communicate happily, they were not on the same channel at all! Moreover, where did this guy look in his eyes just now

"Are you all gay? Hehe, it's disgusting."

At this time, a chilly annoying voice came over, Shao Yi folded his arms, his face full of disgust, and behind him were several guys with the same hideous appearance, who all laughed "hahaha".

Wei Han stared, Jiang Chengrui immediately clenched his fists, and was about to step forward, but Qi Zhifan took the first step. As soon as he passed, he gave Shao Yi an over-the-shoulder throw, and immediately knocked Shao Yi down.

"Bang!" Shao Yi's heavy fall to the ground immediately caused quite a commotion, and everyone who didn't know why quickly surrounded them, feeling more and more that these two special students were really not easy.

At this time, Jiang Chengrui and Pei Yuyang were also whispering in low voices.

"Wow, Qi Zhifan has practiced before, right? I really want to fight with him when I have time." Jiang Chengrui was gearing up, his eyes lit up, and he really wanted to learn from Qi Zhifan.

"Afan has always been good at martial arts. After all, his father is a policeman." Pei Yuyang nodded, then shook his head again, "Hey, fight? No, Juanjuan, a cute blue boy like you can't be so violent .”

"It's annoying, you talkative." Jiang Chengrui patted Pei Yuyang's head again.

Seeing Shao Yi in such a state of distress, several younger brothers from the C University Public Security Police Academy were dumbfounded. One of them, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, quickly helped Shao Yi up, and angrily scolded: " new bastard! Go, Let's go tell the instructor."

Seeing this, Qi Zhifan didn't intend to stop him at all, and Pei Yuyang still had a calm expression on his face, and said lazily: "You can go and complain, anyway, Afan and I don't care."

With the backing behind them, no one here can move them.

"Enough!" Shao Yi scolded a few younger brothers with worrying IQs, the dark light in his eyes flickered and flickered, and he knew that Qi Zhifan and Pei Yuyang must have a lot of background, and they can't provoke them at will for the time being.

In the end, Shao Yi turned around and left angrily, and before he left, he gave Wei Han a hard look.

At this time, Qi Zhifan, who is smarter than a fox, saw the clue again: "Wei Han, has he bullied you before?"

"" Wei Han shook his head and explained dryly, "Don't look at me like this, after these few months, I have become a lot stronger."

After all, Wei Han thumped his chest hard. To be honest, he didn't want Qi Zhifan to know all the embarrassing things about him, his younger brother is so awesome, he can't be too useless as an older brother.

Suddenly, Qi Zhifan stretched out his hands to pinch Wei Han's face again, and found that the flesh on his face was obviously less than before: "I knew you would become dark and thin, tsk, you're much uglier."

Wei Han: "..."

Couldn't Qi Fan Fan sincerely praise him

At night, Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui, who had been tired all day, and several other teammates from the same team went into a big tent to sleep together. In case the instructor raided them in the middle of the night, they didn't bother to take off their clothes, so they just lay down on the ground casually, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Qi Zhifan and Pei Yuyang were originally arranged to sleep in a tent with the instructor, but both of them shook their heads, tacitly went to look for Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui.

As soon as he entered the tent, Qi Zhifan smelled a smell of sweat and frowned slightly. He looked down again and saw that Wei Han was sleeping in the middle of two or three big men, and their arms and legs were almost touching each other. !

Qi Zhifan's brows furrowed even deeper, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

He strode over and kicked the men who were sleeping next to Wei Han with his feet. Pei Yuyang who came in with him immediately protected Jiang Chengrui who was sleeping on Wei Han's left.

"Oh, take it easy, Afan, this is my home."

"...You take care of your own home."

Qi Zhifan said indifferently, anyway, he only cares about his own idiot "brother". After all, he simply lay down beside Wei Han.

Pei Yuyang also hugged Jiang Chengrui anxiously and fell asleep.

In the first half of the night, Jiang Chengrui, who was very uncomfortable due to being hugged too tightly, hit and kicked Pei Yuyang from time to time even in his sleep; Really tired, his whole body was held in Qi Zhifan's arms, and he didn't respond much.

In the middle of the night, everyone else was sleeping soundly, but Qi Zhifan opened his eyes.

Sleeping in the wild is very different from sleeping at home. Apart from the smell of men's sweat, there are repeated snoring sounds, harsh teeth grinding sounds, and very annoying mosquitoes.

"Crack!" Qi Zhifan slapped a mosquito to death, he hates mosquitoes the most!

There was a "buzzing" sound in his ears all the time, Qi Zhifan was extremely irritable, he was not the blood type that attracts mosquitoes, so it seems that the problem lies in Wei Han in his arms...

The next morning, Pei Yuyang pointed to the two big bumps on Qi Zhifan's face, and laughed until tears came out.

"Haha, I didn't expect the mosquitoes here to be so poisonous, they have bitten you like this. Afan, congratulations, it's rare that you can disfigure your face once, hahaha..."

Wei Han couldn't help laughing out "puchi", actually the disfigurement is not enough, after all Qi Zhifan's background is super good, but now his nose and right cheek have a big bump, which looks very funny.

Qi Zhifan was very upset, after glaring at them coldly, he silently lowered the brim of his hat.

Last night, not only his face, but also Qi Zhifan's arms and legs were bitten by mosquitoes, all of this was to protect Wei Han from mosquitoes, otherwise that idiot Wei Han would definitely be bitten awake.

Afterwards, when the few of them ate coarse grains, the picky Qi Zhifan looked disgusted again, and only took a few casual bites without eating too much.

Wei Han on the side patted Qi Zhifan, curiously said: "Qi Fanfan, you are not enjoying yourself at home, you came here to suffer and suffer, did Uncle Qi force you to come here? Want to train you?"


"Isn't it?" Wei Han was stunned, "Pei Yuyang dragged you here? Anyway, he came to chase Xiao Jiang."

"Half." Qi Zhifan said lightly.

"Oh, the other half..." Wei Han stroked his chin, thought for a while and said firmly, "It must be that you are used to living a good life and want to experience life yourself."

What's all this mess, does he look like such an idle person? Qi Zhifan was a little speechless, and went straight to the point: "I'm for you."

"..." Wei Han was dumbfounded.

At this moment, the assembly whistle sounded again, and Wei Han and Qi Zhifan, who had different thoughts, didn't say anything more, and hurried to line up.

In the next two days, Wei Han and the others carried out woodland search and river beach pursuit training. On the fourth day, the instructor asked them to form a team of four or five, and gave them new tasks. This was the biggest test in this field survival training.

First of all, food is a big problem. It was stipulated before that they were only allowed to bring food for three days during the seven-day field survival training, but now it was the fourth day, and most of them had eaten up all the food.

Originally, they had long heard that they would come to the island for training, thinking that there must be a lot of wild animals on the island, many people planned to take this opportunity to taste wild game. But before the team set off, the instructor announced a new rule: Excessive hunting of wild animals is not allowed during the training period, in order to maintain the ecological balance of the island.

They were disillusioned all at once, alas.

There are many regulations like this, such as domestic garbage not allowed to be left on the island, shooting training ammunition recycling, etc. In short, the training arranged this time is not only for them to improve their survival skills in the wild, but also to enhance their awareness of environmental protection.

Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui had acted together before, and this time was no exception. Of course, Qi Zhifan and Pei Yuyang followed behind them, and the team of four formed like this.

The few of them discussed it, and they should eat small hares and pheasants once in a while, and they could also go to the sea to touch fish, shrimps and crabs to satisfy their hunger, or they could barely pick some mushrooms and wild fruits.

After walking for a while, the four decided to take a break.

When surviving in the wild, in addition to food, water is also extremely important. Jiang Chengrui saw that there were several wild plantains growing around him, so he quickly cut them off from the bottom with a knife. Immediately, clean liquid dripped from the stems. The core of this plant has a high water content.

Pei Yuyang is also helping. The tender cores of wild plantains can also be eaten. In the case of running out of food, it can also satisfy the hunger a little.

In the wild jungle, it is always easy to get lost. At this time, Qi Zhifan was sitting on a rock and quietly looking at the map. While looking at the map, he pointed the hour hand on the dial to the sun to determine their position while looking at the watch on his wrist.

Suddenly, a few raindrops fell from the sky, and Qi Zhifan was just about to put away the map, but in the next second, there were hands on top of his head, and when he raised his eyes, Wei Han came over to block the rain for him at some point.

Wei Han grinned foolishly: "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you to keep looking at the map. I'll help you block the light rain. I'm pampering you right now. Good brother, don't you feel overwhelmed?" happy?"

Qi Zhifan's heart moved slightly, and he stood up quickly. There was a height difference between the two of them, and he also stretched out his hand to block the rain for Wei Han: "It's enough for me to pet you."

Wei Han's little heart skipped a beat.

Is it really like what Qi Fanfan said, he really came for himself