It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother

Chapter 31


Wei Han was dumbfounded, and in the next second he quickly took off his coat and put it on for Qi Zhifan: "How can I let my younger brother spoil my elder brother, besides, I promised Uncle Qi and mother to take good care of you."

There is no "rival in love" relationship with Qi Zhifan, Wei Han really wants to be a good brother.

Qi Zhifan took the opportunity to grab Wei Han's hand again, squeezed it tightly, and then looked into his eyes: "Wei Han, I don't want an idiot brother like you, I..."

"Erhan, why are you still standing there stupidly? The rain is getting heavier and heavier, we have to find a place to shelter from the rain." Jiang Chengrui who was not far away suddenly shouted, and interrupted Qi Zhifan again.

The rain was ferocious and soon turned into a torrential downpour. Fortunately, Wei Han and the others found a cave in time and hid in it.

Seeing that the torrential rain would not stop for a while, and there were no wild animal footprints, feces, or nests around the cave, they calculated that it was getting late, so they planned to spend the night inside.

After the fire was lit, they sprinkled some ash near the entrance of the cave to prevent the infestation of snakes, scorpions and poisonous insects. After that, a few people had a simple meal and were ready to go to bed. However, there were too many uncertain risk factors in the wild, so they still had to take turns to watch the night.

In the first half of the night, Jiang Chengrui and Pei Yuyang were together, and in the second half of the night, it was replaced by Wei Han and Qi Zhifan.

The two sat by the fire, watching Wei Han rubbing his eyes, yawning again and again, as if he didn't get enough sleep, Qi Zhifan nudged him with his elbow: "Hey, go back to sleep, I'll stay by myself That's it."

Wei Han waved his hand: "No, no, it was agreed before that the two of us will be together. Besides, the two of us can chat to pass the time. If you are bored by yourself, it is easy to get sleepy and doze off... Ahh!"

While talking, Wei Han suddenly sneezed, and Qi Zhifan frowned.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Wei Han slapped several times in a row, touched his nose, smiled wryly at Qi Zhifan, "very annoying, I seem to have a bit of a cold, so don't sit next to me , so as not to infect you."


What is this called? Instead, Qi Zhifan pressed even tighter, and touched Wei Han's forehead with his big hand: Fortunately, this idiot doesn't have a fever.

"Go to sleep." Qi Zhifan said with a serious face.

Wei Han's head was shaking like a rattle drum: "It's annoying, let's chat. Just tell me about some fun things you have encountered since you were young? What did you like to play when you were young?" ?”

Wei Han was still very curious about this genius younger brother in front of him.

Qi Zhifan casually picked up a tree branch, and began to draw on the dirt. Wei Han stared at it, and after a while, Qi Zhifan drew a staff.

"Is this the sheet music for the piano?"

"Well, Canon's staff."

Wei Han: "..."

Ah hello, is this the rhythm of bullying him to read less

"Uh, I really don't understand this." Wei Han twitched the corner of his mouth and forced a smile, "It's very annoying, why don't we talk about it."

"Say something? Okay, right after the three-month training is over, you still have the final examination, right? Now, I'll help you review your theoretical knowledge."


Before Wei Han could react for a moment, Qi Zhifan opened his mouth and recited the police law. After Wei Han listened to the first few items in the general rules, they were exactly the same as what was written in the book.

Wei Han: "..."

Damn, are you really human? Can we still have fun

In Qi Zhifan's mouth, there were one by one, from the general principles of the police law, powers, duties and discipline, to organizational management; Wei Han listened in a daze, thinking that Qi Zhifan had good intentions, so he didn't want to interrupt Qi Zhifan.

The rules and regulations of the laws and regulations are quite boring, usually Wei Han can't listen to them, but now they are really comparable to hypnotic spells. He only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and then he closed his eyes again and again, and finally fell into Duke Zhou's arms completely after a short while.

Seeing Wei Han leaning on his shoulder and already falling asleep, Qi Zhifan curled his lips and smiled, very good, the goal has been achieved.

Not daring to make too much movement, Qi Zhifan hugged Wei Han and lay down slowly, and then gently placed his head on his lap. The ground was hard and hard, so in order to ensure that Wei Han could sleep comfortably, Qi Zhifan simply let him sleep directly on his lap.

Wei Han was the first to be treated like this.

By the light of the fire, Qi Zhifan stretched out his hand and stroked the bangs on Wei Han's forehead, carefully scrutinizing this face that he had been thinking about for more than two months. Wei Han's cheeks on both sides couldn't pinch any flesh, and the thin ones were sunken, but the outlines of his brows and eyes were much clearer; his chapped white lips had never healed, and there were several cuts on his right hand.

He knew that if Wei Han's clothes were lifted up, there would definitely be many bruises on his back, waist, and legs. This idiot... Thinking of this, Qi Zhifan's heart ached slightly.

Suddenly, Wei Han turned over, turned his face to Qi Zhifan's inner thigh, exhaled bursts of breath, all sprayed into the middle of Qi Zhifan's crotch...

How could he bear such a strong stimulation, Qi Zhifan stiffened shamefully, and the tall tent was propped near Wei Han's slightly open mouth.

The deep dark light in his eyes was beating, Qi Zhifan tightened his lips, and with a big hand, he pinched Wei Han's upturned buttocks, pinching and pinching those two lumps of soft flesh...

This night is destined to be long and tormented again.

The next morning, the heavy rain that had been raining all night finally stopped. Waking up, Wei Han found that he had slept on Qi Zhifan's thigh all night, so he jumped up immediately in fright.

"Strange...very annoying, yes...sorry!" Wei Han apologized in a flustered manner, "I accidentally fell asleep last night."

Seeing Wei Han startled, Qi Zhifan, who had just woken up, shook his head: "It's okay, did you sleep well last night?"

Qi Zhifan obviously asked this question knowingly, thinking that he had contributed his own thigh to serve Wei Han.

Wei Han nodded: "Yeah, usually when I wake up from training, my back is sore, but today, I only have a little pain in my buttocks, as if someone pinched me hard, it's weird. "

Qi Zhifan: "..."

After packing up their things, the four of them put their backpacks back on their backs, left the cave, and continued to set off.

After crossing a single-plank bridge, they came to a bush. Not long after they left, there was a "bang" gunshot, which really scared Wei Han and the others.

So, they ran in the direction of the gunshots, and soon saw Shao Yi and several of his followers. At their feet lay a wild boar that had just fallen to the ground.

"Yo, look who this is?"

The little boy with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks whistled as soon as he saw them, full of provocation.

Shao Yi snorted coldly, in an arrogant gesture with his nostrils upturned. On the evening of the first day here, he saw the newcomers Qi Zhifan and Pei Yuyang for the first time. It was because he didn't pay attention for a while, which made Qi Zhifan feel overwhelmed. Certainly.

"Shao Yi, what are you doing! There are obviously regulations that prohibit excessive hunting of wild animals." Jiang Chengrui was the first to rush forward, shouting dissatisfied.

"If we don't kill a few to eat, will we starve to death? I want to kill a few deer to taste the venison." Another fat boy shouted.

Wei Han also wanted to say something, but his eyelids kept twitching, and he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the forest, and the ground shook suddenly, and there were waves of howling wild boars from behind. Looking from a distance, the leading few big wild boars were not normal in size, and everyone was shocked!

Fuck, this shit is a herd of wild boars about to charge towards them!

It was too late to say it, and the frightened crowd quickly dispersed. Because of yesterday's heavy rain, the soil was loose, and in a hurry, Shao Yi slipped and fell to the side of the steep slope.

Seeing this, Wei Han shuddered and grabbed Shao Yi's arm, but the downward impact was too great, he couldn't save people, and instead fell down the steep slope along with him.

"Wei Han!"

Qi Zhifan reached out to pull, but it was too late, he couldn't even grab a corner of his clothes, Wei Han and Shao Yi had already rolled all the way to the bottom, and they could no longer see their figures.

I don't know how many overlapping bushes they ran over, and Wei Han and Shao Yi's bodies rolled all the way uncontrollably. The stones rolled down together, hitting Wei Han almost fainted several times.

When he finally came to a stop from the rolling, because Wei Han kept biting his lower lip desperately, suppressing the consciousness of fainting, he didn't go into a coma directly. His eyeballs rolled, wanting to see Shao Yi's situation.

The disheveled Shao Yi was lying not far away, but he seemed to be in a bad condition. His left foot was pressed under a big rock, and he fainted.

Wei Han was startled, and quickly got up, gritted his teeth and lifted up the boulder forcefully, pulling out his pinned left foot.

He knelt down to observe Shao Yi's left foot, and weighed it with his hands. Wei Han sighed, alas, the ankle bone is probably broken.

Wei Han looked at Shao Yi's face again, and thought that although Shao Yi was always against them, he was not considered a good person, but he was not a bad person with a heinous crime.

After looking at the surrounding environment, Wei Han's complexion became even worse: "Too bad, I'm really lost now."

They rolled down all the way from the top, and they definitely couldn't climb up. It seemed that they had to find their way again, and since he didn't have the map with him, he could only take one step at a time.