It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother

Chapter 35


Last time in the small square outside the Doraemon-themed restaurant, Qi Zhifan suddenly appeared, interrupting the conversation between Wei Han and Chu Chuanyao, and then...then Wei Han's hat fell off.

Emma, Wei Han shook his head, it's really unbearable to look back!

Wei Han had already explained to Chu Chuanyao the oolong incident he caused. Chu Chuanyao didn't think much about it. He understood "like" very simply, thinking that Wei Han took care of him so much before, and he just liked him as a younger brother.

Wei Han couldn't help laughing when he heard this, shook his head, and simply confessed: "Xiao Yao, your thoughts are really simple, in fact...I'm actually gay."


Chu Chuanyao was silent, he needed to digest this matter.

"Before, I always thought that I liked you, but since I came back from the training camp, I realized that's not the case. Xiao Yao, if you don't mind, we can still be friends."

"... Well, wow." Chu Chuanyao smiled.

"Really?" Wei Han was so stupid that he accepted it so quickly? He originally thought that Chu Chuanyao would be reluctant for a few days. After all, he was a straight man in this life, and he was so obsessed with women before.

"Yeah. Although I can't understand this feeling for a while, Brother Wei, you are honest, your food is delicious, and you have helped me so much. I don't want to lose you as a friend."

After listening, Wei Han also smiled: "Xiao Yao, you really can't despair of love, what if you meet someone you like right one day? Tell me when the time comes, and I will try my best to help you find it."

"Oh, let's talk about it."

After talking on the phone with Chu Chuanyao, Wei Han has completely figured out his feelings for Xiaoyao. However, Wei Han couldn't make sense of his "brother" Qi Zhifan.

Flipping through "Records of Odd Annoyances and Resentments" at night, recalling the little things he had with him, Wei Han always giggled unconsciously.

But once he remembered that day when he came to look for him on his own initiative, Qi Zhifan's soft, emotionless "Brother" suddenly echoed in his ears very clearly, and Wei Han's heart was tugged.

He couldn't help but clenched his palms tightly, Wei Han still didn't want to give up.

After the three-month training camp, Wei Han and the others rested for about two weeks, and then they ushered in the final audit examination, including written examination, interview, physical examination, physical fitness and psychological quality assessment, etc. Students who have passed all of the above will be judged according to their overall scores. In order from high to low, the final political review is carried out.

Although the process was not easy, and Wei Han's physical performance was far inferior to the excellent Jiang Chengrui, he still barely passed.

Qi Zhifan is currently studying business after obtaining a master's degree in law, while Chu Chuanyao, who majored in financial management, has two years to graduate.

In the same class as Wei Han, some went to the criminal police team to learn how to handle cases, and some went to the patrol brigade, and drove a car to patrol if they had nothing to do. After receiving the 110's order to rush to the scene, if they couldn't mediate within three minutes, they were taken to the police station for handover; Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui went together to the police station where there were many miscellaneous disputes.

For this reason, after discussing with Jiang Chengrui, Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui jointly rented a house nearby for the convenience of moving in the future.

"Hanhan, Fanfan has already moved out before, I didn't expect you to go out now. Sigh, from now on, your Uncle Qi and I will really become empty nesters."

In the evening, when Wei's mother helped pack the clothes, she was a little bit reluctant to part with her son. It seemed that Wei Han really grew up in the blink of an eye.

Wei Han helped Wei's mother to sit down, squeezed her shoulder, and said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry, I promise I will come back to see you when I have time."

Wei's mother shook her head, disapprovingly: "At that time, you will be on duty often, and you will have time to go home when you are on mission? It would be more reliable for me to visit you. Hanhan, when you suddenly said that you wanted to be a policeman, you sent me Startled, and now... well, can't you go on patrol? It's easier that way."

"Young man." Before Wei Han could say anything, Qi Hao smiled and said, and then held Wei's mother's comfort, "Yingying, this is also very good, it can let Xiao Han learn more. something."

"Okay, okay, anyway, I can't say enough about you guys. Hanhan, you have to take good care of yourself when you're alone outside." Mother Wei urged again.

"Well, I will, you don't have to worry."

"Actually, you're so virtuous, so I know there's no need to worry. Alas, I'm a little worried about the housework in the future."

Wei Han: "..."

Mom, have you always treated me as free labor

Downstairs in the community, Qi Zhifan had been standing there for quite a while, his eyes fixed on the window of his own house, and he was also thinking about Wei Han in his heart: that bastard really became a policeman, such a dangerous job, in case of accident What should I do

As probationary police officers, Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui both had police uniform badges, but the epaulets they wore during the first year of internship were not one bar and one star, but two crutches. Police certificates will not be issued for the time being, and of course guns are not allowed.

"Xiao Wei, why do you always wear a hat? You are in the house now, take it off quickly." Lu Pengda wondered, this is the official police officer with Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui.

Anyone who knew him in the office knew that Sergeant Lu was always serious, and he was especially strict with newcomers.

"Captain Lu, I..." Wei Han stammered, a little hesitant.

"Take it off!" Chief Lu shouted.

With this cold shout, Wei Han was so scared that he immediately took off his police cap, and his bald forehead was exposed in this way, and Sergeant Lu's face instantly turned black.

"Wei Han! You are too disorganized and undisciplined. There are rules on grooming, you are not allowed to be bald!" Sergeant Lu scolded.

Wei Han was about to cry, and shook his head: "Captain Lu, I'm not bald. If you touch it, there are still some black stubbles on it. They are trying to grow."

"If I'm bald, I'll wear a wig so as not to affect the appearance of the city."

Wei Han: "..."

Wei Han texted Qi Zhifan, but he never replied; he mustered up the courage to call, but he always said "Hi, the number you dialed is not answered at the moment, please try again later"... Qi Zhifan couldn't be contacted either, and this situation has been going on for a week.

Wei Han is about to cry, Qi Fan Fan blocked him, right

And what did I do wrong, didn't I just not let him kiss? It's a big deal to let him kiss him back.

no! Wei Han felt that he couldn't sit still and had to come to him again.

The apartment shared by Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui, on the second day, Wei Han got up to work at dawn.

He made breakfast, and specially packed rice porridge in an insulated lunch box, ready to bring it to Qi Zhifan. Later, Wei Han found two more bags, filled with some small cakes and biscuits, which Song Bohao just delivered yesterday.

Because Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui are now trainee policemen with heavy workloads, they quit their jobs at the dessert shop a long time ago, and Jiang Chengrui didn't have so many part-time jobs.

When he is free on weekends, the store manager Song Bohao will come to see them and bring a lot of desserts from the store.

Hearing the noise from the kitchen, Jiang Chengrui, who was still on the bed, yawned several times: "Er... Erhan, what time is it now? Why did you wake up so early?"

"Oh, I have to go out later. I'm sorry, Xiao Jiang, I woke you up."

Jiang Chengrui waved his hand: "Hey, it's okay, where are you going?"

Wei Han froze for a moment: "Uh, go home."

"I remember you just went back a few days ago."

"I... my mother missed me again, let me go back again." Wei Han explained dryly.

Jiang Chengrui narrowed his eyes, feeling weird, but seeing that Wei Han didn't want to say more, he didn't bother to ask: "Okay."

He was going to be on duty at noon, so Wei Han simply put on his uniform and went directly to Qi Zhifan's place, but Butler Sun came out to greet him with a smile.

"Sorry, Master Wei, Master Qi is not here."

"..." Wei Han curled his lips and didn't speak. Is this clearly trying to fool him? This early in the morning, if Qi Zhifan hadn't woken up yet, he would believe it.

"Uncle Sun, Qi Zhifan has made up his mind and doesn't want to see me anymore?"

"This..." Butler Sun was slightly startled, and the smile on his face could hardly be held back, "I don't know too well."

Wei Han also didn't want to embarrass Steward Sun, and realized that Qi Zhifan was obviously hiding from him on purpose, so he put down the things he brought, and then left disappointed.

Qi Zhifan watched Wei Han's every move through the surveillance, especially looking at his police uniform, his eyes were beating with desire, he really wanted to overwhelm this little police officer and fuck him hard!

After posting a post asking for help on the same-sex dating site last time, when Wei Han logged in again, in addition to brushing out some messages concerned with the follow-up development, he also received many private messages.

Wei Han clicked on it and saw that they were all the same person, matching the expression of picking up soap, the content was similar—

[I wanted to meet you]

[I want to know you very much]

[I really want to know you very much]

[I must know you]

Wei Han was speechless for a while, this is definitely a strange thing.

And this guy with the id "热热热热热热热" has a profile picture of his own crotch, and that terrifying big bump makes Wei Han go numb again, he's so fucking obscene!

Stomach is very hot, very hot [Dude, before you hook up with me, can you change your avatar to a purer one?]

It wasn't long after Wei Han sent it out, but the other party responded in seconds.

Hot hot hot hot [Okay, change.]

After Wei Han refreshed, he took a closer look, and he replaced it with a big cucumber.

Stomach is very hot, very hot. . . . . . Uh, buddy, I don’t think we can communicate normally, goodbye]

Hot hot hot hot [Wait, it's rare that we are destined, I just want to make friends with you]

Stomach is very hot, very hot [Sorry, you found the wrong person, brother is not interested in you. Moreover, I don't understand at all why you think we are destined for each other?]

Hot, hot, hot, hot [Our ids are very similar, and the word count is also the same, it seems that we are all people who lack "hotness" by fate]

Wei Han: "..."

What a ghost? This man has a brain problem! Shit, he couldn't be suffering from snake spirit disease, right

Stomach is very hot, very hot [Uh, Mr. "Six Hot", let's say bye bye]

Hot, hot, hot, hot [Stomach is hot, next time you meet your brother, you must kiss him hard!]


Shit, what's going on here? Wei Han froze in front of the screen, and didn't reply anymore, just felt that he was precipitously entangled by snake spirit disease today.

In the North District of City S, there have been frequent reports recently. Once at night, there are always perverts and thieves in the pedestrian streets near the North District, and their targets are often single women in their twenties.

"Xiao Wei, Xiao Jiang, prepare to act tonight."

After several days of investigation, Sergeant Lu decided to bring Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui together tonight.

"Yes." Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui said in unison.

Sergeant Lu nodded, and suddenly, he gave Wei Han another meaningful look: "Xiao Wei, you can change to a wig tonight."


Wei Han didn't understand for a while, but when he understood, he was forced to change into women's clothes.

Facing Wei Han, who had put on makeup and had curly hair, Jiang Chengrui sized him up and down, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Not bad, Erhan, you really deserve to be married."

The praise made Wei Han almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

So on the street, among the bustling crowd, a beautiful woman with fluttering hair appeared. The beauty was wearing high heels and a conspicuous red dress, but the beauty seemed a little shy, keeping her head down, wondering what she was thinking.

At this moment, Wei Han was so embarrassed and ashamed that he was about to die. But he was also encouraging and comforting himself, this was his first time catching a thief, so don't mess it up! Moreover, a man can bend and stretch, and he is a newcomer, so he will inevitably have to be wronged and sacrificed. No matter how uncomfortable it is, he must act as a "bait" and lure the snake out of the hole.

Suddenly, Wei Han's face changed, and he felt that someone was staring at him from behind.

Hehe, I didn't expect that pervert to take the bait so quickly.

The "pervert" following Wei Han some distance away is... Qi Zhifan.

From Pei Yuyang's mouth, I learned that tonight was Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui's first mission to catch a thief, fearing that something might happen to Wei Han's bastard, Qi Zhifan, who was a little worried, still followed.

The point is, it is said that Wei Han even dressed up as a woman...

In order not to let Wei Han find out, Qi Zhifan also changed his clothes, and also wore a hat and sunglasses. As he walked, he also noticed something strange in his surroundings. There were obviously some plainclothes police lurking around, and not far from him, a real pervert followed Wei Han secretly.

After a while, Wei Han came to a relatively remote place, and felt that something was wrong. There seemed to be more than one person following him. Could it be that the pervert had other accomplices

Clenching his palms secretly, Wei Han thought that it is impossible to grab two at once, at least one person must be restrained first, and the remaining one will be handed over to Lu Dui and Xiao Jiang.

It was too late to say that, Wei Han suddenly turned around, rushed towards the figure behind him, and kicked a few times, but he was blocked by the opponent's arm, and did not hit the vital point.

Wei Han was a little surprised, strange, this pervert seems to be quite capable of fighting, and his figure is inexplicably familiar? But he didn't have time to think about it, he gritted his teeth, and slammed his head into the opponent's stomach. Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent lost his mind, he threw himself down again, and with a "click", Wei Han was handcuffed. this man.

"Don't move!"

"You've improved a lot." Qi Zhifan sneered, took off his sunglasses, and looked straight at Wei Han who was sitting on him.


The "bald" Wei Han, who had lost his wig and wore a skirt, was completely petrified.