It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother

Chapter 49


"Xiao Jiang, what's the matter?" Seeing that Jiang Chengrui's face turned pale instantly, Wei Han asked hastily.

" sister suddenly had stomach bleeding, and she is already in the hospital."

"I'm still here, Xiao Jiang, so hurry up and take a look."

Jiang Chengrui nodded, and rushed to the hospital where his sister Jiang Chenghui was located overnight.

Early the next morning, Wei Han hurried over after finishing his shift, carrying the porridge he had cooked. When he arrived, Jiang Chengrui was watching over his sleeping sister. In order not to disturb her rest, the two left the ward first.

"Xiao Jiang, what did the doctor say? Is your sister okay?" Wei Han asked.

"The doctor said that my sister's stomach bleeding must be caused by a gastric ulcer, and she has been overtired recently. So he prescribed some Chinese medicine with hemostatic function, and reminded us to pay attention to my sister's eating habits, and eat more liquid or semi-liquid food. "

"Oh, that's it, then you really have to pay attention." Wei Han nodded after hearing this, "I don't think your sister will be allowed to go to work for the time being, and take care of your body first."

"Well, I thought so too. Besides, the doctor asked my sister to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time. They will conduct a full-body examination on her according to the situation to see the specific condition of her body."

"Well, that's fine too. Some time ago you always ran home every three days, maybe it's your sister's fault too?"

Jiang Chengrui sighed helplessly: "Oh, my sister was not feeling well before, and she vomited blood two or three times. The doctor said that she was tired and told her to stay up late and rest more. She listened on the surface, but she didn't notice it at all. Reduce her workload. She has been working desperately. Although she has been promoted to the head of the department now, her body is... "

The Jiang family lost his parents, and Jiang Chenghui had to support his two younger brothers for them to go to school. It was really not easy. Jiang Chengrui used to work and study during school. Little time at home.

"I also know the situation of your family, but your sister is too hardworking. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution. You should persuade her more when you have time."

Jiang Chengrui nodded, and suddenly whispered something in his mouth: "She rarely listens to my advice, maybe she doesn't even want to see me."

Wei Han didn't hear clearly: "Ah? Xiao Jiang, what are you mumbling about?"

Jiang Chengrui patted his frustrated face, and a smile reappeared on the corner of his mouth: "'s nothing."

"In short, your sister should be fine for the time being. You should also eat something and cheer up. By the way, where is Xiao Yi? Didn't you say that he also stayed in the hospital overnight." Wei Han looked around, but nothing It was a little strange to see that naughty kid.

"In the early morning, I asked Pei Yuyang to take him home."

"Oh, I'm just wondering why that idiot sheep isn't here? Usually, whenever you have something to do, he travels thousands of miles, and he's the first one to arrive every time, haha." Seeing Jiang Chengrui's forced smile, Wei Han teased.

Jiang Chengrui was a little embarrassed: "Stop mentioning that pervert."

After a while, Jiang Chenghui woke up, and Jiang Chengrui hurried to take care of her again. At this time, he was sitting on the head of the bed, feeding his sister rice porridge with his own hands, which Wei Han specially brought over.

After Jiang Chenghui tasted it twice, he took another meaningful look at Wei Han: "Mr. Wei is very skilled."

Although her tone was light, it was obviously a compliment. Wei Han was a little flattered at once. He didn't expect to be praised by this Bingshan sister. He immediately scratched his head and smiled silly: "Thank...thank you. What is it?"

Jiang Chengrui couldn't help being stunned, before Wei Han came to his house several times when he had something to do, Jiang Chenghui's attitude of not welcoming outsiders was always calm, but now he relaxed a little.

Suddenly remembered that when his parents were still there, his cheerful elder sister was considered a foodie. He was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Sister, I also learned to cook some dishes from Erhan. I can cook for you. If you like I will also learn this rice porridge right away."

"No need." Jiang Chenghui spit out two words coldly, causing the light in Jiang Chengrui's eyes to dissipate at once, and he lowered his head knowingly.

Wei Han on the side looked more and more wrong. Before, he always thought that Jiang Chenghui was being strict with this younger brother, but now he found that it was an inexplicable indifference.

"Jujuan, I'm back, Xiaoyi has been resting at home obediently." A smiling voice floated in, and soon, Pei Yuyang came in with a bunch of fruits and milk supplements.

"I asked the doctor specifically just now, and he said that Sister Hui must pay attention to her diet. She should eat more liquid food, such as rice soup, lotus root and rice splits are better, and drink milk in moderation, too sour and too sweet. You can't touch it."

"Yeah, I already know." Jiang Chengrui immediately went up to meet him, took the things in his hands, "Pei Yuyang, thank you—"

Jiang Chengrui wanted to thank him, but Jiang Chenghui suddenly cut off his words: "Thank you, Mr. Pei. But please don't interfere in our family affairs in the future."

Pei Yuyang: "..."

Jiang Chengrui: "..."

"..." Wei Han was also in a daze, he didn't expect Jiang Chenghui to say it so coldly regardless of the occasion. For a moment, the three of them were a little embarrassed.

Jiang Chenghui still didn't frown, her pale and cold face was hard to get close to: "Chengrui was at your house before, thank you for taking care of me."

"Sister, you... you know?!" Jiang Chengrui's eyes widened.

"Do you think I don't know?" Jiang Chenghui snorted coldly, staring at his younger brother more and more sharply, and his tone became more and more sarcastic, "You are with men all day long, doing those..."

Unable to let Jiang Chenghui continue to mock his younger brother, Pei Yuyang stood in front of Jiang Chengrui: "Sister Hui, it's all my fault, don't blame him."

"Sorry, Mr. Pei, we can't afford you, and Cheng Rui doesn't need a friend like you."

Pei Yuyang: "..."

"Erhan, Pei...Pei Yuyang, you guys should leave today."

Jiang Chengrui was weak, and his heart suddenly became heavy. He knew that his sister had already said absolutely nothing. If the entanglement continues, she will probably be able to say no matter how ugly it is.

Seeing Jiang Chengrui's lonely expression, Wei Han and Pei Yuyang glanced at each other, they could only reluctantly nod their heads and take their leave first.

Jiang Chengrui stayed with his sister in the hospital for two days, but because of his status as a policeman, he returned to work. That evening, Pei Yuyang drove near the police station, ready to pick Jiang Chengrui home.

And Wei Han, who was walking behind, happened to bump into their conversation.

Jiang Chengrui rejected Pei Yuyang, he showed embarrassment, hesitating: "Pei Yuyang, there is something I... I haven't told you all this time."

"What's up?"

Jiang Chengrui squeezed his palms, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Back then... I was the reason why my parents had a car accident. I was still a high school student, drinking and playing games with my classmates until late. I remember clearly , It rained heavily that night, it was because I kept calling and urging them to come pick me up, so they... "

Before Jiang Chengrui finished speaking, Pei Yuyang hugged him, and even stretched out his hand to touch his back, with a relieved smile: "It turns out that Juanjuan was so naughty before."

"I really hate myself!" Jiang Chengrui exclaimed, "After that, I also understand that my sister has always had opinions on me, and you can also's hatred."

Pei Yuyang hugged the person in his arms even tighter: "Don't take all the responsibility on yourself."

"Jujuan, if you had to choose between your sister and me, who would you choose?"

Suddenly, he thought of this question again. Their love is now facing such a reality.

Jiang Chengrui was silent for a moment, and instead of answering directly, he pushed him away: "Pei Yuyang, I think we should separate for a while."

"Juanjuan, does it have to be like this?"

Jiang Chengrui nodded, eyes dodging a little: "My sister is not in good health, I don't want to stimulate her for the time being. Also, you should call me by my name when we meet in the future."

"...Okay." Pei Yuyang said the word with difficulty, his voice full of reluctance.


After finishing speaking, Jiang Chengrui waved his hand and left first.

As soon as Jiang Chengrui left, Wei Han appeared, and he said weakly, "I'm sorry, I heard what you said just now."

Pei Yuyang froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Let me show you the joke."

Wei Han shook his head and said, "I couldn't figure out why Xiao Jiang's sister treated him so badly before, but now... well, I didn't expect Xiao Jiang to hide such a secret in his heart, no wonder he looks sullen sometimes. Pei Yuyang, you must not give up! Don't just let go!"

Hearing Wei Han's encouragement, Pei Yuyang's mood improved a lot. He smiled: "Don't worry, my young master will not give up easily. No matter what he thinks, I will treat him as my wife anyway. If he is gone He, then my life with Gong Gong will not be able to go on."

"Yeah, a thick-skinned shaker like you, as long as you keep on swearing, you will definitely succeed."

Pei Yuyang: "..."

Sometimes, he really doesn't know whether Wei Han is praising him or hurting him

Recently, Wei Han and the others have a case in hand, which is about a criminal gang. They arrested a few people in S City, but many people still escaped. After confirming several suspicious locations, Sergeant Lu divided Wei Han and the others into three or four groups, and went to each of these places to track down the fugitive.

Because Jiang Chengrui is not in good condition these days, Police Chief Lu asked him to stay in City S. Wei Han happened to be in a group with Shao Yi, and they were planning to go out of town for a few days, but the exact number of days is still uncertain.

When Qi Zhifan heard the news, his face sank immediately: "No."

Guessing that Qi Zhifan would react in this way, Wei Han had already prepared a table of his favorite meals, and then posted it on with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm just going out this time to check the situation, there shouldn't be any danger. "

Qi Zhifan shook his head: "It's still not allowed."

The point is obviously not this, but that Wei Han is going to be with that Shao Yi again!

Moreover, they are not under my nose, and they still have to go to other places, and I don't know how long it will take to go there!

"It's useless if you don't allow it. This is the task assigned to me by the Lu team. I have to complete it no matter what." Wei Han directly expressed his attitude. In this regard, he rarely backs down.

Qi Zhifan rubbed the center of his brows, he also knew that Wei Han couldn't hold back, so he simply said, "Then I'll ask for leave to accompany you."

"Ah? Didn't you just take on a troublesome case recently?" Wei Han was surprised, and leaned over to squeeze his shoulders and back, "It's so annoying, don't be self-willed, just stay at home and wait for me to come back."

Uncle Qi who was being served expressed his comfort, but he was still a little worried: "That guy Shao Yi..."

When Wei Han heard this, he realized: "Oh, so you're jealous again."

Qi Zhifan: "..."

Can the reflex arc of these two goods be longer

"Hey, I swear I only love you. I'll call you as soon as I'm free."

"Call me every day." Qi Zhifan found that he was getting more and more out of control, especially every time Wei Han smirked at him.

"Uh...I'll try my best, but it's a bit difficult every day. You also know that I'm a policeman, so the task is important."

Qi Zhifan nodded, expressing his understanding: "Well, besides that, you have to say something to me every time you call."

"What words?"

"Pull your ears closer."

After listening, Wei Han leaned his ear obediently, Qi Zhifan curled his lips, smiled evilly, and then said a few words softly.

"No! No!" Wei Han shook his head again and again, his ears turned red, "This...I can't say this."

"Huh?" Qi Zhifan frowned.

Wei Han was startled, and immediately nodded: "Say... I'll say."

On this day, Wei Han had already left City S ahead of schedule. After Qi Zhifan returned home, Steward Sun stepped forward to greet him: "Young Master Qi, you are back. Young Master Wei... He left you a present."

Qi Zhifan took a little look at Butler Sun, and found that he was slightly hanging his head, feeling a little weird.

"what gift?"

Steward Sun blushed when asked, and lowered his head: "'d better go and see for yourself."

"Okay." Qi Zhifan was a little happy, but he didn't expect the bastard to surprise him.

With anticipation, Qi Zhifan hurried up to the second floor of the backyard of the villa, and as soon as he pushed open Wei Han's door, he heard—

"Honey, what?"

Qi Zhifan: "..."

On the other side of the window sill, there is a bird cage, and the sound is made by the green parrot in the cage.

"Annoying, okay."

Qi Zhifan: "..."

"Husband is annoying, okay?"

"Trouble my husband, okay?"

Qi Zhifan: "..."

What the hell is this! No surprise but no joy, okay

And the most important thing is, it was Wei Han who said it to himself on the phone every day! Why is it replaced by a green parrot now

Qi Zhifan gritted his teeth in anger, and immediately called Wei Han, but the phone was turned off, and it seemed a bit long to wait for Wei Han's response...

After one night, the parrot repeated these few words over and over again, which made Qi Zhifan depressed for a while, as if he had become the husband of this green guy, and it also thought he was annoying.

"Damn, you can't say anything else besides these."

"Damn it, you won't say anything else besides these." The witty Parrot Lord immediately repeated loudly.

Qi Zhifan: "..."