It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 102


It was an endless starry sky, a pitch-black piece dotted with starlight.

In front of me is the barren land, full of potholes, circles of circular potholes, like traces left after being hit by tiny stones.

He stood in a daze on this gray-yellow wasteland with no end in sight, not knowing where he was.

Suddenly, a smear of blue emerged from the darkness, slowly rising from the horizon of the gray-yellow wasteland. The young man opened his eyes wide, looking at the blue of the sea that was unusually vivid in the darkness, the tone was so bright, like a soft azure blue that suddenly brightened in the dull black and white.

The warm sea blue blends with the flowing pure white.

He stood on the barren land, watching the bright blue planet slowly rising from the horizon, and finally, it was completely revealed in front of his eyes.

The huge blue planet is in the dark starry sky, so spectacular that people can only look up.

It was an indescribable momentary shock.

I can't say any reason, but when I look up at the peaceful blue planet, I have an inexplicable urge to cry.

The depths of the chest were burning hot, as if the heart was no longer beating in the chest, but was completely lost and melted into the blue color the moment he saw the blue planet.

No, not lost, but returning.

That's where all humans belong from the beginning.


"Feel sorry."

A voice sounded, awakening Mut who was staring up at the blue planet above his head in a daze. He turned his head and saw a familiar figure.

A young man in white clothes came from the grayish-yellow desolate land, his short snow-white hair brushed gently on his handsome cheeks as if melting into the dark starry sky behind him, and his light blue cloak flew up behind him in a soft arc. .

It was like a tall white deer landing on the withered yellow wasteland with light and agile steps.

The white-haired handsome boy smiled at him, his crystal-like translucent lavender pupils reflected him, as well as the shadow of the huge blue planet behind him.

"Without your consent, I entered your dream without permission."

Noah walked up to Mutt.

Two teenagers stood on the gray-yellow barren land, and the beautiful blue-white planet hung above their heads in the starry sky, reflecting their figures.

"But if I meet you again, it will bring you a lot of trouble, so I can only choose this way."

Noah said softly, he turned his head and looked at the blue planet above their heads.

"This is what you want to see, the memory of the earth passed down by Noah in the past."

Mute also turned his head, looking at the huge blue planet above his head.

"Yeah." He stared at the planet with a smile in his eyes, "I saw it."

It is slightly different from the image of the earth in his memory.

"This is Earth as seen from the moon," he said.

"I see."

Noah lowered his head slightly, and his eyes lightly swept across the potholed gray-yellow wasteland under his feet. The circles of potholes were the marks left after being hit by small stones in the universe.

"Is this the moon...?"

The soft light-colored eyelashes were raised, and the lavender seeped through the gaps, vaguely seeming to be glowing.

Noah stared at the blue planet above his head for a long time, then he turned back to look at Mute.

"I have to go now."

He says.

"It's time for me to return to my companions."

Noah's words made Mute pause. He seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated. And his performance was seen by Noah, the white-haired boy did not urge him, but just looked at him quietly and waited.

Mute seemed to be struggling a bit, but he still asked after all.

"You... all gals hate humans?"

Noah was silent for a while before speaking.

"Ga's fertility rate is very low, so there are very few Gia who were born in Gha's paradise and grew up carefree. The vast majority of Gha were found by Noah from all human planets in the universe Arrived, rescued from the humans who tortured them, and brought them to the 'Noah's Ark'."

He didn't answer directly, but the words he said had already given Mutt the answer.

"You have also suffered that kind of pain. What kind of feelings do you think we will have for human beings after experiencing this?"

Although he grew up on the planet Noah's Ark since he was a child, in the hundreds of years after he inherited the name of Noah, he has traveled countless times on various planets in the universe-he saw his compatriots in the hands of human beings. The pain he suffered, he saw with his own eyes the cruelty of human beings to Jia.

"Ga was born from human beings, our parents, our relatives and friends are also human beings."

"When humans abandon Jia, Jia is no longer a member of mankind."

Noah was a little surprised, because he felt the painful mental power erupted by Mutt when he ran away and lost control. He knew very well how Mutt had been treated. Therefore, it seemed that Mutt still had a good impression of human beings. Kind of thing, he was confused.

In his memory, no matter how long the compatriots he rescued from the human race lived peacefully on Noah's Ark, the heavy psychological trauma in their hearts, the fear and hatred for human beings, never diminished.

If Mutt has never been treated like that, it can be explained by ignorance, but Mutt has also experienced such cruel things, why has he never had the slightest dislike for human beings, and even is willing to stay with human beings

"You said you can't use Jia's power. I can see that it's not that you can't use it, but that you don't want to use it." Noah said, "You subconsciously don't want to use such power to harm human beings, so you banned this power yourself. up."

The white-haired boy shook his head lightly.

"I don't understand, even if something like that happened, you still want to protect human beings?"


Mutt couldn't answer Noah's confusion, because he always felt that he was a human being in his heart.

His favorite father, mother, his relatives on earth, and friends are all human beings. No matter what happens, he will not hate humans, nor will he deny that he is a member of humans.

He is Ga, but at the same time, he is also human.

"Noah, do you know? When humans were still on the earth, there were existences like us living with humans."

Mute thought of those people who were called superpowers at that time. Although those people were called superpowers, no one would think that they were monsters, and no one would think that they were not a member of human beings. In the eyes of humans at that time, these people can only be regarded as a little bit special among them.

"Most humans don't fear them, don't hate them, and want to kill them. There are even some young people who regard them as heroes and worship them."

He doesn't know whether these superpowers really exist on Earth, but in those movies and novels, superpowers appear as heroes who protect mankind, and are welcomed by many young people.

"If it was like this then, why is it like this now?"

Noah doesn't think Mutt is lying, because this is Mutt's dream, it is a part of Mutt's surface consciousness, and it is impossible to tell lies.

"Yeah, since when did Jia become a monster in the eyes of humans, regarded as a monster who has no humanity and kills humans indiscriminately?... But we know that we are not that kind of monster."

Looking up at the gentle blue planet above his head, Mutt said softly, "We have our own consciousness, we can think for ourselves, we can be happy, sad, and painful, just like human beings, because we originally came from Humanity."

He paused, turned around, and looked at the people around him.

The white-haired boy also looked at him, his lavender pupils were deep, as if sinking into the deepest part of the sea, with a little sigh.

"Ga will be born from humans, Noah, you will find your companions, rescue them from humans, and bring them to Ga's paradise." Mutt said, "But there is only one 'Noah', you can only If you saved the people you saw, there are many companions, those who you can't find, see or even have no time to find, what should they do?"

"It's like me, even if you felt my cry for help, if the major general hadn't saved me at that time, you would have never arrived in time."

"Even now, when we are talking like this, in the entire universe, at this moment, how many Jia will be discovered and killed?"

The white-haired boy didn't answer.

He looked at Mute, his eyes dimmed slightly at this moment.

He couldn't answer because Mutt was right. No matter how powerful he is, he is still only one person after all. He can only save the compatriots he finds and sees. He does not know how many compatriots are suffering in places he cannot see, and he cannot save them.

"Since that incident happened, I have been thinking about it for a long time, why Jia and human beings have come to this point now. I think, I vaguely guessed something."

Mutter said, "Brainwashing."

"During these tens of thousands of years, the royal family and the upper echelons who ruled human beings kept repeating to the people the consciousness that 'Gar is a monster, and G will kill humans'. All human beings have been indoctrinated from infants Such an argument, therefore, their fear and hatred for Ga is deeply rooted. For human beings, the cognition of "Gia is a monster and the enemy of mankind" is as natural as "men are men and women are women". And it’s hard to shake.”

The boy's dark pupils shone slightly under the starry sky, as if they were shining.

"There is only one way to change this state of affairs."

He looked at Noah with a bright light in his eyes.

"Starting from above, starting with the royal family, stop instilling in humans the concept of 'Gar is a monster and an enemy', and change it to 'Ga is no different from human beings' - it doesn't even take too long, as long as the empire is willing to admit that Ga has the same enjoyment as humans Citizenship can improve Jia's situation a lot."


This time, Noah was silent for a long time.

He looked at Mute with an indescribably complicated gaze.

"You trust that human very much."

Although he looks young, Noah, who has lived for a long time, naturally wouldn't say something stupid like, "The current royal family and Jia are mortal enemies and would never issue such an order." Understood.

He also understands the general situation of the human empire in the interstellar world. The royal family is weak, the heroes compete, and there are endless wars and disputes, but Noah always thinks that it is a matter of human beings killing each other and has nothing to do with Jia.

But this young compatriot doesn't seem to think so. This child seems to have a stronger idea, which is something that Noah, including him, has never and never dared to think about.

new empire.

Only the establishment of a new human empire that will not hate Jia can completely liberate Jia's destiny.

"... This kind of thing is very difficult, almost impossible."

Having lived too long, he has seen too clearly.

The so-called hope is actually like a bubble in the sun, no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot be touched by hand. His compatriots are still too young, still embracing the so-called future and dreams. And he has seen too much reality, knowing how far away the so-called hope is.

"Almost impossible, not impossible."

His young compatriots looked at him, their dark pupils were full of stubbornness.

The old empire has decayed and decayed, just like the countless years of history on earth, a new empire will always be born. Well, someone has to do it, why can't it be someone he chooses

"Maybe that human being can do it, but the human heart is fickle. When he gets the highest power, how can we guarantee that he will fulfill his promise to us?"

"There's always a way."


"Noah, do you think it will be more difficult to build a new empire that does not discriminate against Jia than to find a way back to Earth?"


"No matter what it is, someone has to try to do it."

Trying to do it, even if it fails, is better than standing still.

Mutt thought.

From the time he chose to wake up, from the time the major general said he would give him the universe, he has been thinking about such things.

Whether it is Gaga or human beings, they all come from the same hometown, and they were all born on that blue planet.

So, why must Jia be hostile to humans? Why is there no other choice? He thought, if he could find a human being willing to tolerate Jia...

The boy stood on the barren land, in the dark starry sky, with a huge blue planet hanging above his head.

Even in the deepest night, his dark pupils seem to be always looking for light. His frank smile is like the road leading to a bright future. His eyes are looking forward, looking at the planet as the hometown of human beings. His bright eyes are shining with brilliance, and there is a kind of persistence with vitality.

That was the light that Noah had never seen in the eyes of his people.

Noah, Noah's Ark, leads people away from disasters and leads people to the right path.

That's what the name means.

The first Noah took everyone to escape from the disaster. He wanted to take everyone back to the earth, but he failed, so he could only temporarily settle on that small planet. But perhaps the first generation of Noah never imagined that from then on, all the Jias will be trapped on that small planet forever—there is called Paradise, after all, it is just a name for them to paralyze themselves—what they did was actually just shrinking Inside the tortoise shell, I only want this moment of peace, and turn a blind eye to my compatriots outside.

They hate human beings, but they are also afraid of human beings. They don't want to get out of the turtle shell that protects them, so they can only deceive themselves with paradise.

Noah can see and feel Jia's thoughts, but he is powerless to change them.

For thousands of years, Jia has survived like this. Greedy for the short-term peace, they are unwilling to change, they are afraid of change.

"...Maybe, you can change..."

It was an extremely slight, almost inaudible sound.

Mute naturally didn't hear clearly, he asked instinctively.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Noah said, looking at Mute.

If the Jia family indulges in false peace like this, they can only go to perish step by step. And this young child, the next Noah he chose, might really be able to lead Jia to the right path.

"If you want to do it, do it."

He stretched out his hand, and his fingertips gently brushed the ends of Mute's hair.

"But please remember, protect yourself, your life is the most important thing."

He looked at Mute with softer eyes than anything else.

"Remember, no matter how far apart we are, I will always be with you."

The white-haired boy said so softly.

Then, he slowly floated up, and the light blue cloak behind him flew high, reflecting the blue planet in the starry sky behind him.

He floated under the starry sky, smiling and looking down at Mutt, his figure disappeared little by little, melting into the night.



When Mute opened his eyes, the sky was only slightly bright, but the faint light was enough for him to see the person in front of him clearly.

He moved his head, raised his head a little, and saw the handsome face in front of him that could not be seen from any angle. The young man fell asleep, his velvety black hair scattered on the snow-white pillow, revealing his smooth forehead.

Mute moved slightly, and leaned closer to take a closer look. No matter how you looked at it, it was a face that was so beautiful that it made one's heart palpitate. He just lay on Admiral Troll's body, staring hard at that face.

Especially the quiet look of this person when he is sleeping now. As a straight man, he can't help but want to kiss those beautiful thin lips.

[Perhaps that human being can do it, but people’s hearts are fickle. How can you guarantee that human being will not break his promise?]

When Noah said this to him, he hesitated for a while and didn't dare to answer.

He really didn't know what to say.

Tell Noah, 'Because the major general is very obsessed with me, so he will never break his promise to me'

...I always feel that after saying this sentence, I will feel a kind of shameless and narcissistic embarrassment...

What should I do if I want the major general to help the Jia family get out of trouble? In what way

Maybe... you can try to use a beauty trap

The boy was lying on his stomach thinking about it, but when he lowered his head, he saw the face right in front of him...

Well, no one can be called a beauty in front of this person.

Mutt thought, raised his hand and pinched his face.

To be honest, he never understood how this man fell in love with him. He is very self-aware, although he is indeed good looking, but that is for ordinary people, once he meets the major general, he will be instantly killed and turned into scum.

Why on earth did this man fall in love with him? … Well, what a mystery.

I remembered that when we met for the first time, he said that he liked men... Sure enough, lying would not lead to good results... Look, at that time, he lied and said that he liked men, but now he really likes a man...

It's really digging a hole for yourself.

The boy just lay on Admiral Troll's chest and was lost in thought, completely oblivious to the fact that a hand was slowly lifted up to encircle his back. And the general who was suppressed by him opened his eyes at some point, and suddenly asked a question.

"What are you thinking?"

"Oh, I was thinking how to make you more fascinated by me."

Mute, who was still distracted, was inattentive and confessed what he was thinking about.

After he finished speaking smoothly, he immediately reacted, and immediately felt embarrassed.

Mute carefully glanced at Admiral Troll who was looking at him with raised eyebrows, opened his mouth for a long time and didn't know how to explain it, so he could only shut up and desperately wanted to climb down from the admiral's chest.

However, before he could move, the hand on his back tightened suddenly, and his eyes turned upside down in an instant.

The admiral suddenly turned over with his arms in his arms, and Mutt, who was lying on the admiral's body, was pressed heavily under the admiral.

The man lowered his head and kissed the corners of his eyes. He blinked, put his arms around the man's neck, and kissed the beautiful phoenix eyes of the general just like the general.

Troll seemed a little surprised, stopped kissing, and looked at him while pressing against him.

"If I say, if you want me, you have to grant my wish—well, will you be angry if I say that?"

The boy with his arms around Admiral Troll's neck asked seriously.


"Aren't you angry? I don't think it's because of your money that I'm with you... Oh, no, Quan."

This is how it is done in TV dramas. Usually, after saying such things, the domineering CEOs will be very angry, feeling that their feelings have been insulted, so they sneer and throw out a lot of money and say, "Isn't it just you bitch?" Do you want money' or something like that.

He really wanted to get something from the major general, and he didn't want to hide it, so he chose to tell the major general directly.

If the major general is really angry... well, he's not afraid either.

That's right, he relied on the fact that the major general was infatuated with him.

The boy said he was confident.

Admiral Troll seemed to ponder for a moment.

Then, he asked seriously.

"To what extent can it enter your body?"

Mute: "..."

The whole face of the young man who was stunned for a moment quickly boiled, scalded, and burned red.

With a flushed face, he kicked Troll, let go of his arms around his neck, turned over and wanted to crawl out from under Troll.

But as soon as he crawled outside, he was grabbed by the waist and dragged back.

The man behind him leaned closer to his ear and spoke softly.

"Ways that fascinate me even more."

The low voice penetrated the eardrums, so sexy that it made the back of the neck tingle.

"... Just use your body."


If you can't be seductive, you will be oppressed. After living for more than ten years, you haven't even watched an AV. It's not a pure boy who can play hooligans in a cold and serious way.