It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 106


The room was silent, so silent that even the sound of breathing was unusually clear.

The blue-black bracelet stopped vibrating, and the image projected into the air disappeared, after the person in that image uttered the last sentence.

One sentence is enough to overturn everything.

The light curtain in front of him was still in communication, and the brown-haired man on the other side also saw this scene, and his mind went on strike for a while, and it took a long time before he finally came back to his senses.

However, even after recovering, he still couldn't close his mouth.

He just opened his mouth slightly, looking at the young admiral he was loyal to in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief.

Paternal gene is the emperor

In other words... the young man in front of him, Troll, who has been contemptuously called an upstart and lowly man by those nobles... is actually the prince of the empire

Then he should call him His Royal Highness? !

and many more.

The brown-haired man's brain, which had been frozen for a moment because of being too surprised, returned to normal operation.

If Troll is really the son of the current emperor, that is, the prince of this empire, then according to the laws of the empire, as a prince, he has the first line of succession—that is, once Troll’s identity is exposed, it is certain that he will succeed. Princess Salome will be the second heir to the throne.

I see.

He reacted abruptly.

On the surface, the princess is close to Admiral Troll, but secretly wants to use the hands of Marquis Mia to remove the admiral, and the reason is exactly that.

In the past, the emperor loved the princess very much, and almost responded to her requests, and established her status as the heir early on. The emperor didn't seem to care much when the princess took over his power a little bit. However, after that incident, the emperor suddenly changed his attitude towards the princess, and began to withdraw power from the princess, and even put her under house arrest—

Then it is very likely that at the time when the princess attacked the general secretly, the emperor didn't even know that he still had a prince, so he regarded the princess as his only bloodline. But now, for some unknown reason, it was revealed that the princess wanted to secretly remove Admiral Troll, and the emperor also knew that the general was his own blood, so he decisively controlled the princess with a thunderous force.

Thinking along this point, it is easy to infer a conclusion——

Not long ago, the emperor who learned that Admiral Troll was his descendant wanted to abolish the right of succession of the princess, and recalled Admiral Troll to Emperor Star to inherit his throne.

No... Now the key is... Is the dark force tracked by Admiral Troll connected with the royal family

According to common sense, the emperor probably didn't know about it.

The reason is simple. First, the emperor's attitude towards the princess was too different, probably because he knew the identity of the admiral; second, if the emperor had known the identity of the admiral for a long time, then he would not have let the princess of Salome go. Over the past ten years, he has unabashedly expressed his love for the general—the two are brothers and sisters. How could the emperor allow such a scandal that would ruin the royal family? You know, the emperor attached great importance to the majesty and reputation of the royal family.

If the emperor didn't know, then the problem came.

Who stole the emperor's gene and secretly used it as paternal gene to cultivate human body? What is the purpose of that force doing such a thing

Where did the princess know about the identity of Admiral Troll? Did she reach any agreement with that dark force

The brown-haired man began to feel a headache. One layer after another of the fog was intertwined by the chains. After finally untying one layer, he saw that the fog filled behind the chains became thicker, deeper, and more complicated. Can't see through.

He rubbed his temples, looked up at his boss who suddenly had a completely different identity.

The fine black hair scattered on the corners of the general's slender eyes, and the shadow of the forehead hair shrouded the young general's long and narrow phoenix eyes, as if his eye sockets were sunken into the darkness.

The edges of the irises of the dark blue pupils faintly seemed to have a sharp light flowing, making the admiral's eyes inexplicably present a metallic icy luster. His cold-colored lips were thin, and their curves were as sharp as the edge of a newly sharpened knife.

He sat there, not saying a word, just breathing slowly.

There was a wordless sense of oppression emanating from his body, and with the sound of his steady breathing, it increased and deepened one by one, like a sinking mountain peak.

Suddenly, the metal ring on the admiral's wrist, which had just been quiet, vibrated again.

This time there was no image projection, the light on the metal ring lit up, and a mechanical metal voice like a child yelled out.

"It's not good! Lord Mutt disappeared again! - Oh? Why did I say 'again'? - Anyway, after he went to visit Lieutenant Colonel Robin, there was no news! Lieutenant Colonel Robin also disappeared from the hospital!"

Lieutenant Colonel Robin!

In a flash, the two of them came to their senses almost within a second.

No wonder no clues can be found no matter how much you check the personnel on Ishtar, because Robin, as the captain of the annihilation fleet, is not counted as a member of the Ishtar ship establishment, and most of the time he will not stay in Ishtar Enter Tal.

But that day, when I went to pick up Troll from that planet, Robin was there the whole time.

Another reason why I didn't think about Robin at the time was that both Robin and Via had followed the admiral very early, even earlier than the brown-haired man himself. However, when the general had no status, Robin has been following him through life and death on the most dangerous battlefield—it is hard to imagine that this man who followed General Troll step by step out of the battlefield of death would betray him Such a thing.

"… Salome!"

The admiral said that the cold light in his eyes was frightening.

Word by word, every word hurts people.

The last voice fell heavily, as cold as a sharp blade of ice.


The woman who is said to have the same blood as him, the woman who wants to get rid of him, knows his weakness better than anyone else!



There was itching on the cheeks, as if something light and soft had swept across the skin, bringing a little coolness.

The boy's first feeling was that Admiral Troll's silky black hair brushed past his cheeks, his eyelashes moved, and he slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is not the pretty face that he sees first when he wakes up in the morning, but a waterfall of golden hair.

After waking up, Mutt opened his eyes suddenly, and what he saw was the green eyes of Princess Salome, who was lying beside him, looking at him slightly bent.

The beautiful princess was lying on the snow-white bed, propping her side cheek with one hand, and holding a light blue peacock feather in the other, poking his face occasionally.

Mute was completely awake, he sat up all of a sudden, stepped back instinctively, and stared at the princess who was right in front of him. He held his head with one hand, seemingly confused by the current situation, but quickly remembered what happened not long ago.

After thinking about it, the young man lost his mind for a moment, his eyes stared blankly at the void, with a little sadness in his eyes. Then, he turned his head and looked at Salome.

"I didn't expect." Mut stared at the princess and whispered, "Robin would betray the major general..."

The princess smiled, her green eyes curled up.


She was lying on the snow-white bed, her arms and elbows were propped under her body, and her two slender legs were lifted up behind her, shaking gently up and down, as if she was very comfortable.

"No, Robin is not a traitor," she said. "He has always been loyal to his master, more than anyone else."

Mutt froze for a moment.

"You mean, the reason why Robin followed the major general was because of his real master's order?"

"Well~~ guessed right~~"

The princess replied with a smile, she sat up and faced Mutt.

She sat there in a soft and beautiful posture, and her golden-like long hair slipped from the back of her swan-like snow-white neck, which was extremely seductive.

"So his real master... is you?"

"No." The princess stroked her temple hair and replied calmly, "His master is a ghost, invisible and intangible... That huge ghost enveloped everyone under that surname, including him."

She squinted her eyes and said the words like the lines of an opera.

"From the day he was born, he was destined to linger under that decaying ghost until he died."

"… I don't know."

"You don't need to understand."

Saying so, the blond princess leaned forward slightly and moved closer to Mutt.

"Tell me the story again, John, like the one you told before."

"I still remember, 'Look, the moonlight is so pale and beautiful, like a woman looking for her shroud.'"

She sang the dialogue in the play with a beautiful voice, and she squinted slightly to look at Mutt like a lazy and charming cat.

“… ‘Your lips are so alluring, like a ripe fruit’… ‘Let me kiss it’…”

She tilted her head slightly and said softly.

"Tell me stories, like this one, and I want to hear it, and keep listening."

The boy closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes, he got off the bed, stood by the bed, and looked down at Princess Salome who was still sitting on the bed and looking at him.

"Your Highness," he said, "I have to go."

The princess was still smiling, but the smile didn't seep into her eyes.

She looked at Mute with a cold look.

"Really?" she said with a smile. "How do you want to go?"

On Emperor Star, on the territory of the royal family, you are alone, how do you go

The teenager looked at her for a long time, then slowly raised his hand.

He stood by the bed, looking down at the princess, with his palm placed in front of the queen's forehead, in a threatening gesture.

"You may have forgotten that I am Jia, and it is not difficult for me to kill you. You may have heard from Robin that I can no longer use Jia's power..."

Mut looked down at the princess in front of him, pressing his fingertips on her head in a threatening manner, and there seemed to be a glimmer of light on the edges of his dark pupils.

"Is it true or not, are you going to use your precious life to confirm it?"

The princess didn't move.

She looked at Mutt with a look that was terrifyingly calm.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not."


"You won't do it."


"You can't bear it, you can't do it."

The princess sitting on the bed raised her head, her soft veil spread out on the snow-white bed, and her golden hair fell on her beautiful cheeks.

"Because that's who you are."

When she looked up at people, her expression was still proud.

Even if she lost all her power, even if she was imprisoned in a small room, she was still the princess standing under the bright sunlight, and that proud attitude seemed to permeate from her bones.

That brand has penetrated into her body and even her soul.

No matter what time, no matter what happens in the future, she is still the one who stands shining brightly among everyone.

She would never bow her head to anyone—

Salome reached out and grabbed Mutt's wrist without fear.

Her posture seems to be inherently strong.

"John, if Troll and I are destined to live only one."

She looked at the clear black eyes of the young man who was at a loss because she grabbed his hand and dragged it down, and asked with a smile.

"Do you want me to die, or him to die?"

It's just that maybe the princess didn't even think about getting an answer.

The moment she asked, she leaned over without hesitation.

At that moment, the tip of her nose was already close to the boy's cheek.

[Let me kiss, your lips.]