It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 109


The room was unusually quiet, almost to the point of holding your breath.

The black-haired general stood still, his eyes fixed on the boy in front of him.

The cold blade rested just in front of his throat, and the black hair brushed the mirror-smooth blade.

Mut, who put the dagger on Troll's neck, didn't move either. He turned to look at the princess, as if waiting for her next order.

Princess Salome stood on one side. She stared at the two people on the opposite side. Her golden forehead hair seemed to have dimmed a lot, and her pupils were not as bright as usual, nor did they have any brilliance.

She looked at the two of them with a gloomy look. She didn't speak, and there was nothing in the quiet room except the sound of breathing, as if time was frozen at this moment.

In this breathless silence, a voice suddenly sounded in the room, it was the voice from the communicator outside the door.

"Your Excellency, General, you have just received an order from His Majesty the Emperor."

The voice of Troll's subordinate came in from outside.

"Your Majesty orders you to take Her Royal Highness to Emperor Star immediately and send her to him."

The voice was very clear in the silent room, and all three people in it could hear it clearly.

Salome closed her eyes, a strand of messy blond hair fell from her forehead, her thick eyelashes cast rose-colored shadows on her cheeks, and there was an ambiguous smile on her lips.

She said, "Put down your sword, John."

The boy put down the dagger, and the sharp blade turned into a metal ring, wrapping around his wrist again.

The princess glanced at Troll.

The young general lowered his head slightly, and the shadow of the jet-black forehead covered his eyes, making his eye sockets sunken deeply, and no one could clearly see the expression in his eyes at the moment.

He turned around, never looked at the young man beside him, and walked straight forward.

The metal door of the room opened automatically, and two rows of imperial soldiers stood outside the door, and when they saw their superior come out, they bowed their heads slightly to salute.

The princess looked at Admiral Troll's back and gave a low laugh.

She walked out of the door right after her, with an air of demeanor, as if she didn't see the soldiers lined up on both sides at all, and walked forward calmly. The black-haired boy lowered his head, obediently following behind her like a docile pet.

... ... ...

Surrounded by countless small ships, a small silver-white spaceship quickly flew towards the Emperor Star.

Not long after, it landed on Emperor Star. Emperor Star is currently in a state of emergency control, and no spaceship is allowed to leave or land without special approval.

When Princess Salome set foot on God Star again, she noticed that the soldiers on duty on the planet had changed. The military uniforms on those soldiers no longer had the unique badges of the Royal Direct Fleet, but were just ordinary military uniforms.

Seeing the soldiers saluting respectfully to Admiral Troll, she guessed that the actual controller of this planet probably changed its owner again. She turned her head and glanced at the black-haired boy behind her, her eyes were blurred , and soon woke up again.

What is the final result, she has seen.

No matter what kind of future it is, she will not exist in it.

The huge palace hall was empty, and the noble children who had been coming and going on weekdays had disappeared, and there was not even a servant who served, except for the only old servant who was leading the way ahead.

The attendant in front was already very old, his hair had already turned gray, but his back was still straight, and the deacon uniform on his body was neat and wrinkle-free, not even a single gray hair was missing. Salome knew this old servant, and from the day she was conscious, her old servant had been loyally by her father's side.

The stone slabs in the main hall are smooth and clear, so clean that they can almost reflect the shadows of people. The footsteps of the old attendant are very light, making almost no sound, but the young general in black military boots is different. His dull footsteps are clearly heard Echoes echoed throughout the quiet hall.

From the flagship to the Emperor Star until now, he has never opened his mouth to make a sound, he can only see that his long and narrow phoenix eyes are very gloomy, and the inside is as cold as if he has lost human emotion.

There was an indescribable breath emanating from his body, so that the subordinates who followed him were silent, and they couldn't make a sound.

Walking through the magnificent hall, at the end is a huge ebony gate with exquisite pure gold decoration.

The old attendant stood still at the door, standing on one side of the door, bowed slightly, and behaved respectfully.

"His Majesty is waiting for you inside."

He said in an old voice, he lowered his head to the two, and couldn't tell whether he was speaking to Admiral Troll or the princess next to him.

Troll reached out, and the heavy black wooden door with gold patterns was pushed open, and he stepped in.

A slightly hot breath came head-on, carrying light incense. The jet-black columns carved with exquisite patterns stood on both sides of this small hall, and the candlelight on the silver candlesticks flickered on the columns, illuminating the young admiral's eyes. side cheek.

A thick black-red blanket was spread in the middle, and the dense fluff glowed black and shiny under the candlelight, and it was unusually soft when stepped on.

The crimson drapery hangs between the patterned columns on both sides, unfolding in layers, with black and red tassels hanging down the edges. At the end of the black and red carpet, on a slightly higher stage, a middle-aged man in fine clothes sat on the throne.

The emperor of the empire, who possesses the highest status among human beings, has a slightly sickly pale skin, his face looks older than his actual age, and there are a little wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, but even so, His appearance is still excellent. Through his now gloomy and sickly appearance, one can also imagine the admirable demeanor that he once possessed when he was young and healthy.

The emperor's hands stretched out from the thick sleeves, grasping the armrest, his fingers were very thin, and the pale skin almost covered the finger bones, which made him look even weaker.

But the moment he saw Admiral Troll appear, his originally dull eyes suddenly lit up, as if all the burning candles in this hall were gathered in his eyes.

His gaze on Troll was more intense than anything else—

"my child."

Staring unblinkingly at Trol, the emperor rose from his throne.

He walked down from the high platform step by step, and stretched out his hands to Troll.

He looked at Troll with such fiery eyes, full of admiration.

"My masterpiece, my best work."

But the way he looked at Troll was not the father's admiration for the child, but more like the satisfaction of an artist looking at the objects he created with his own hands.

"Troll, my child, you have successfully passed the trials I have given you."

The emperor with open arms walked up to Troll, and he looked up and down the young and powerful man right in front of him with extremely satisfied eyes.

"You have grown up just like I imagined, you are better than anyone."

"You successfully passed all the difficulties and came to my side. You will inherit my throne and become the next emperor."

The emperor's eyes were fiery. He looked at Troll, but his eyes seemed to see the future of the royal family returning to glory through Troll.

There was a trace of twisted pathology in his fanatical eyes.

"Restore our royal family's right to rule the universe, and step on those nobles who despise the royal family's dignity—I created you for this—"

Troll looked at the middle-aged man who walked up to him and opened his arms.

Emperor of the Empire.

His genetic 'father'.

The admiral's dark blue pupils were dark, without any fluctuation or emotion.

The truth that he has been pursuing for so many years is right in front of his eyes. He has imagined countless times how he would find the truth, but now, that person is right in front of his eyes, but there is no ripple in his heart.

He looked at the man as if he were looking at a stranger.

The heart seems to be frozen by ice and snow, it seems to have stopped beating, and there is no trace of human emotion anymore, just like the coldness of a metal machine.

[Do you choose to pursue the past, or the future with that child.]

He found the past, but lost his future with the child forever.

Troll's indifferent eyes moved away from the emperor in front of him, he turned his head, and his eyes fell on the child.

This inner hall is very quiet, except for a few people here, there is no one, even the old attendant is guarding the door.

The blond-haired princess was standing beside the admiral. She watched her father, whom she had called and loved her for decades, get up from the throne, and greeted Admiral Troll with fiery eyes.

Her expression was unusually calm, as if she had expected such a result from the beginning.

The black-haired boy followed her docilely with his head down, like an obedient doll.

Troll looked over, and could only see the child's jet-black hair, the tip of his nose and lower lip protruding from the gap in the forehead hair. From the beginning to the end, the child never looked up at him.

The young general's eyes were blank for a moment.

[I give you the universe.]

The throne was right in front of him, but it was meaningless.

The emperor's eyes followed Troll's gaze, and his eyes darkened.

Salome's every move was in his eyes, and he naturally knew that Salome had captured the boy to blackmail Troll, and he also saw with his own eyes that Salome had cleaned the boy's memory.

He didn't care about Salome's love for this boy, after all, Salome was an abandoned child in his plan from the beginning. But when he saw that the boy was able to put a sharp weapon on Troll's neck and Troll didn't resist, he was furious.

Troll is the most perfect work he has exhausted his efforts and finally created.

The young and powerful emperor he created will surely lead the royal family to a glorious future.

He knew the origin of this child, and also knew that this child might be the key to bring mankind back to Earth.

That's why he let Salome cleanse the child's memory.

For the royal family, humans do not need to return to Earth.

Originally, he didn't care about this boy whose memory had been cleaned as a pet, but the moment he saw that the boy had a great influence on Troll, he was already murderous.

As an emperor, you don't need feelings, you don't need special existence, that will only affect the judgment of an emperor.

"Salome, dispose of that child."

The emperor said to the princess indifferently.


The princess looked up, stared at her father, and then turned her gaze to Troll.

She smiled softly, pulled out the laser gun from her waist, and pressed the black muzzle on Mutt's forehead.

But the young man who knew nothing about it still stood there dumbfounded, allowing Salome to put the muzzle of the gun to his forehead without any resistance at all.

—People who have been wiped out of memory and become blank no longer have their own selves, they will obey the person they see at first sight, and become that person’s puppet until they die—

Will the man save him

thought Salome.

All the memories from childhood to adulthood constitute a person's soul.

After losing all memory, that person has completely disappeared in this world, leaving only a puppet shell.

For that man, instead of letting that soulless shell live, it would be better to let that shell disappear completely.

From leaving the flagship to now, Troll has never looked at the child again.

The princess' finger was on the trigger.

The black muzzle of the gun was pressed between the boy's eyebrows, and the boy looked at the princess with misty black eyes, standing there quietly.

The princess looked at him, and slowly clasped her fingers—

A hand reached out and grabbed the queen's laser gun.

Salome turned her head, and she saw Troll standing beside her, grabbing her gun.

The candlelight swayed on the young admiral's snow-white cheeks, and the shadows shrouded the admiral's eye sockets. She couldn't see the look in Troll's eyes, but she could see Troll's lips pursed into a straight line, and the tight button Fingers that tighten the laser gun so that the gun starts to deform.

She didn't speak, but let go of the gun holding the gun expressionlessly, allowing Troll to take away the deformed laser gun.

The emperor looked at everything in front of him with gloomy eyes.

He turned around, walked slowly back to the high platform, and sat back on the throne.

He sat there, looking down at the two people below, his eyes slowly swept over his two children, his eyes became indifferent little by little.

"You can't disobey me, Trol."

he said in a cold voice.

"I am the one who created you, and I will not allow you to go against my will."

The black-haired general raised his eyes to the emperor on the throne, indifferent and emotionless.

The way he looked at the emperor was like looking at a stone on the side of the road, and it was such indifferent eyes that completely angered the aloof emperor.

It was his masterpiece, his work, something that belonged to him.

It is the most unforgivable thing for the created to violate the will of the Creator.

Punishment must be imposed.

The emperor sat on the throne, his right hand rested on the wide armrest of the throne, and his fingertips moved slightly.

Deep in the pale skin of his arm, the tiny controller hidden under the light blue blood vessels was activated with the rotation of his mind.

A light curtain emerged from his fingertips, and he pointed at the cyan light curtain, and the ripples of light spread from where he pointed.

What he created must never escape his control.

A huge pain exploded from the inside of the body, like the pain of electric current eroding the blood vessels of the body, piercing through the limbs and tearing apart the internal organs.

Almost instantly, Admiral Troll dropped one knee heavily to the ground. He hung his head and put his hands on the ground. His face was terribly pale, and his cheeks were dripping with cold sweat.

He clenched his teeth, and the teeth filed and rattled—for just a moment, his jet-black hair was already soaked in sweat, sticking wetly to his pale face—although he clenched his teeth without making a sound, but His uncontrollably twitching eyes and distorted face made it impossible to imagine the unimaginable pain he was suffering at this moment.

His tightly pursed lips were already so pale that there was no blood in them.

"Right hand! Inside the arm!"

At this moment, the princess who had been watching with expressionless eyes suddenly spoke out.

The moment her words just finished speaking, a cluster of bluish light instantly wrapped around the right arm of the emperor on the throne.

There was a sound of cloth being torn, accompanied by a scream.

The emperor's right arm was torn apart by an invisible force in the air.

Blood splattered out, staining the side of the throne red, while the forcibly torn right arm drew an arc in the air and fell to the princess's feet, the splashed blood sprayed on the princess' black boots .

The young man was suspended in mid-air, his short jet-black hair was surrounded by an invisible air current and floated around his cheeks, and his outstretched, glowing hand was facing the direction of the emperor on the throne.

He was panting slightly, his pupils flashing blue luster.

In the next second, the blue light in his pupils disappeared.

The fluttering hair on Mute's cheek fell, and his feet landed on the ground.

The moment his feet hit the ground, he took a step forward, dropped his knees, and knelt in front of Troll.

He stretched out his hand and hugged Admiral Troll tightly.

"Not afraid."

Mutt said he was still breathing heavily, his arms wrapped tightly around Admiral Troll's neck.

He held Troll, his expression looked tense, and what he said seemed to be coaxing a child.

He said, "I'm here, don't be afraid."