It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 114


"As I said, promise me two conditions."

The blond girl said so, she didn't wear that gorgeous gauze dress like fog today, nor did she decorate herself exquisitely and luxuriously.

The beautiful blond hair was scattered casually, like golden sand falling down, she was wearing a soft and comfortable daily clothing, and there was no decoration on the whole body except for the luminous crystal earrings. She is still beautiful, but she is not as delicate as before, but more casual and girlish.

She seemed to have lost something, but also gained something back. She can no longer stand under the brilliant lights and shine brightly in the eyes of everyone, but at the same time, she doesn't need to straighten her back all the time under the prying eyes of everyone, and open her whole body. Sharp thorns, step by step, always vigilant, no one can find a single flaw.

It was as if something heavy had fallen from her shoulders, and now she felt a little bit sad about losing that heavy thing, but she also felt relaxed and comfortable that she had never felt before.

Mut looked at this kind of Salome, he was familiar with it but also a little strange, but he didn't hate such strangeness.

"Then you answer me first, why do you have to do that."

At that time, because of being monitored by the emperor, he had to pretend to be brainwashed and follow Salome's order to confront the general, but...

"You've gone too far."

he said dissatisfied.

Salome, who was reprimanded by the boy, curled her lips.

"I risked my life to help you, what's the matter with bullying you a little with some interest?"

She snorted and said, looking unhappy.

"Is that a little bit?!"

The boy wanted to flip the table.

Thinking of the time when he was forced to assassinate the general with a sharp knife, and the way the general looked at him at that time, he felt a dull pain in his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

"Yeah, I did it on purpose."


Salome was so frank that Mutt didn't know how to continue questioning.

"Whoever shows affection in front of a poor and vulnerable girl who has lost her love should be punished."


Who is this poor, fragile girl, who is she? !

The boy felt that he didn't want to talk to Salome anymore, and directly threw a 'hehe' to the other party.

"So do you agree to my two requests before?"

Salome probably also knew that she was in the wrong, so she didn't continue to discuss this matter, but changed the topic back.

"… you say."

"Well... let's talk about the first thing first."

Salome lowered her eyes, her thin eyelashes fell down, and her fingers gently played with a smooth jade carving, which should have been carved out of Caesar's appearance.

She pondered for a while, then let out a long breath and raised her eyes to Mutt.

"Forgive Robin."

She said, there seemed to be a stream of light passing through the depths of her green eyes.


"I said, the first thing, I want you to pardon Robin, don't tell me you can't even do this."

"No... It's not a question of whether you can do it or not... But, how do you..."

Mutt felt that he couldn't make a turn in his head for a while.

"Do you think you used him and want to make up for it because of guilt?"

Salome shook her head.

"No, it's not me who used him, and it wasn't me who gave the order, and he won't obey my orders, so I can't even talk about guilt, it's just..."

She stared at the jade carving in her hand for a while, paused, and then spoke again.

"It's probably a decaying ghost that controls him."

Canet, the loyal knight.

The Kanet family has been loyal to the royal family since tens of thousands of years ago.

People with the surname Canet are the most loyal servants of the royal family.

It seemed to be a belief passed down from generation to generation. They dedicated their lives and even their souls to the person sitting on the throne.

Loyalty is their glory.

"Robin is a member of the Canette family, so you don't need to worry about him betraying again. The people of the Canette family will obey the person on the throne until death."

Salome said lightly.

The name of Kanet is faith, glory, and shackles, and it is also the ghost that hangs over the heads of all those with the surname Kanet.

No one can escape this decaying specter.

As a member of this family, Robin was almost able to break free, but was forced back into the shackles by his father after all.

"I see."

Mutt pondered for a moment, then answered.

"It is impossible for the betrayer to go back, let him follow me first."

"Well, a guy like him probably wants to help you block a shell or something. However, a monster like you that can block a Star Destroyer cannon probably doesn't need a useless meat pad like him. Just treat it as an errand runner."

"so what?"


"So why are you helping him?"

"Must you know?"

"I don't have as many eyes as you, and I can't turn so many corners. I don't know the reason, and I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it."

"… I… "

Salome opened her lips and closed them again. She quickly played with the jade carving in her hand, revealing her confused thoughts.

"Probably... just maybe... I may also be one of the people controlled by that invisible decaying ghost."

Even life and soul can be sacrificed, so why is it difficult to sacrifice a daughter of a family

She casually threw away the black panther jade carving in her hand, sat on the sofa, breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked up at the ceiling.

"Then it doesn't matter if Robin is my cousin, or maybe it's my cousin... I can help."

Seeing Salome looking up at the ceiling in a daze, Miu Te nodded.

"I understand."



[Swear, Robin, you must swear, if you go against that person's will, if you tarnish the glory of our Kanet family, then let my soul suffer in hell forever.]

[… Yes, father, I swear.]

He doesn't care about that person's will, he doesn't care about the glory of the so-called Canet family.

But he cares about the rest of his father's soul.

[You are still haunted by decaying undead.]

At that time, the princess looked at him and said this, but he remained silent and could not refute.

When the princess stretched out her hand to him, he could only send the unconscious young child in his arms to the princess.

He is a traitor.

Robin had already made all the preparations when he shot Mutt, when he left Troll according to that man's order.

This is betrayal, no doubt about it.

No matter how many years he has followed Troll, no matter how many achievements he has made, it cannot change the fact that he has followed Troll as a despicable watcher from the very beginning.

From the very beginning, he was a traitor.

Kanet is the emperor's shadow and the emperor's hand. It does not need to have its own will, it only needs to submit to the foot of the man on the throne and obey the order of that man.

When his father died, he became one of the new shadows, hiding behind the most honorable man in the universe, carrying out all the orders of that lord.

Then one day, he, and two other young men from the Kanet family who were shadows like him, knelt at the emperor's feet and received a special order.

They would go to several different young people, approach the target, follow the target, monitor the target, and report back on the target every few years.

The three of them didn't know who each other's target was, and after they left Emperor Star according to the order, they completely forgot their identity as a member of the Kanet family, forgot everything about their past, and completely reborn themselves as a new Existence like an imperial soldier who enlisted in the army.

After walking out of the gate, those of them who trained and grew up together, who share the same blood, never met each other again.

His target is Troll.

To be honest, when he saw Troll for the first time, he was taken aback. The young man was bigger than he'd imagined... well... he couldn't describe how he felt when he first saw Troll.

That young man has a handsome face that both men and women will be amazed by. Standing there is like a light source, attracting everyone's attention, and he is no exception.

He looked at the young man standing there desolately, as if he saw a white sharp knife pierced on the cold snow mountain.

In the space station where the new recruits joined the army, almost everyone’s eyes fell on the young man either directly or covertly. At first, he thought about how to observe the other party in a covert way, but now he naturally followed the crowd. Observe his aim carefully. However, as if sensing his different looking gaze from others, the black-haired young man suddenly turned his head and took a look here.

The narrow and long phoenix eyes, a faint glance, made him startled for a second.

After dozens of days of observation, he knew how cold this young man was. In the past ten days, he hadn't seen him say a word to others.

Robin fell into deep thought—how to get close to a cold-hearted person.

In response to this, Robin quickly set up his own personality as a freshly recruited soldier, carefree, bohemian, heartless-probably only such a person can approach that young man without suspicion.

The way and means of approaching are actually very simple, just one sentence, four words, and shameless face.

Suyou: "Luobin, that guy is so proud that he's like a piece of ice, why are you always leaning over with a stern face?"

Robin: "Well, he has a pretty face, and girls will automatically surround him after him, so you don't need to hook up."

Su You: "...that's not for you either."

Robin: "Why are you so brainless? You also said that he is like an ice cube. He won't talk to those girls at all. When they are sad, I can go over and comfort them."

Suyou: "..."

During a group mission, he finally seized the opportunity and approached that person.

"Handsome boy, I'll be with you."


The young man didn't even look at him, and he continued to lean closer with a stern face.

"You see that it is stipulated that there must be more than two people in a group, and you will have no grades by yourself. You know my skill, it is not bad, and it will definitely not hinder you."


"I don't have any intentions. I just think that you are a very powerful guy, and I am a very lazy guy, so I want to follow you to make some military achievements."

Days passed, and although that young man always had an expressionless and indifferent face, the invisible light on his body still attracted people one after another to his side. Everyone was attracted by him, and they couldn't help but follow his footsteps, followed behind him, and Via also appeared at that time.

In this gradually formed small group, he got along well with most of the people, but he had trouble with Via, who had a rigid personality. To be precise, Via unilaterally disliked him, although he didn't care much.

During those days, some people died, but more people joined in. By the time Robin realized it, the young major general had already gathered a lot of power. Attracted, came to this person's side. And he is also doing "Robin" wholeheartedly, being the subordinate of this person wholeheartedly, doing everything he wants to do wantonly. He became a combatant of the destroyer, roaring and tearing apart the enemy's array and destroying the enemy's battleship in battle after battle; he began to have companions who could trust each other with their lives on the battlefield; he followed this The people he called BOSS watched their power grow stronger and their territory and influence expanded little by little. From the beginning when everyone turned a blind eye to them, now they have become dissatisfied with hearing about them.

He didn't know what the feeling of being filled in the bottom of his heart was, but he knew that he was enjoying all of this, and he felt a joy that he had never had before.

The happy days have passed for too long, the comfortable days have passed for too long, so long that he almost forgot—that rough nerve 'Robin' who always loves to smile and love women is actually just a mask he put on for himself .

The mask has been worn for a long time, and it has taken root on his face, and he can't take it off. He almost forgot what kind of person Robin was.

However, it was only almost, he still did not forget after all.

When he suddenly received an order from that person, he realized that the mask was just a mask after all. After all, he is not a vulgar school officer under Troll's command who laughs, scolds and does whatever he wants, but the shadow and eyes of that person lurking beside Troll.

On that day, he finally remembered what he was.

A shadowy puppet lurking in the dark.

He is such a thing.

He saw the lock that hung over Canet's surname, and saw the ghost that imprisoned him and made him unable to break free.

He could not disobey the noble lord's orders.

In that last battle, he rushed into the enemy line desperately and saved the battle. The guy from Via gave him a hard lesson, saying that his actions were as desperate as life.

... He was really thinking about how great it would be if he died in that war.

If he dies, he is still the fearsome and vicious officer under Troll, and he is still Troll's loyal subordinate. Even Via, who doesn't like him, may praise him at his mourning meeting He said... No, that brainless guy will probably still reprimand him unhappily.

If after all is if, not reality. In reality, he is still alive and has become a contemptible traitor.

When the emperor handed him over to Admiral Troll, he was not surprised, and even felt a sense of relief. He never thought that he would be forgiven, and it might be possible if it was something else, but he knew very well that he would never be forgiven for touching Admiral Troll's reverse scale.

He didn't feel panicked, he just felt that after suffering from insomnia for such a long time, he could finally have a good night's sleep.

— the sleep of death.

The specter that hung over Canet's surname could no longer hold him.

He is free at last.

When two soldiers brought him out of the prison, he was ready to be executed, so when he saw Mutt standing in the room, he opened his mouth and showed a surprised expression.

The tea room used as a rest simulates the scenery of a garden at this moment. The lavender vines are wrapped around the brackets to block the bright sunlight. The shadow of the wisteria falls on the boy standing there, and the spots of light sway on the boy's cheeks.

Looking at him with pitch-black pupils, they seemed to be bright with starlight.

The boy standing there was still as clean and clear as when he first saw him, just like the dawn in early spring.

Mute didn't speak, just looked at him, but he couldn't help laughing. Laughing harder and louder, until I could barely breathe.

He squatted down, put his hands on his knees, and laughed loudly with his head down. He was out of breath and couldn't stop laughing.

Mute stared at him squatting on the ground and smiled, staring at him for a while before speaking.

"You laugh like you're crying."

"Weeping with joy."

He said that he was still laughing hahahaha, the kind of crying-like laugh that Mutter described, tears welled up from the corners of his eyes.

"You don't have to die, ha, I'm happy."

"... I really can't see where you are happy."

The young man shook his head, "You are no longer a lieutenant colonel, just go to the end and become a junior soldier again."

"Well, novice, pretty good."

The red-haired man nodded.

"Follow me, be a thug, and you will hit wherever I point."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll hit you again?"

The boy glanced at him, a blue light flashed in his pupils. A powerful attack force hit his chest heavily, as if an invisible giant hammer hit his chest fiercely in the air, knocking his whole body into the air, hitting the wall with a slap He fell to the ground. Robin lay on the ground, coughing violently several times before finally recovering.

"You are welcome to try it anytime."

Mutt snorted, turned and walked aside. On the other side of the lavender vines, at the quaint table made of wooden vines, Admiral Troll sat there quietly drinking tea. That deceptive face made him look like an angel descending from the light. He sat sideways, and never looked at Robin since he was escorted in, as if this person didn't exist in his eyes at all.

That handsome side face was cold and clear, without the slightest emotion.

Standing behind the back of the wooden rattan chair, the young man put his arms around Troll from behind, and tilted his head to look at Troll's side face, trying to get a glimpse of the admiral's mood at the moment from that cold face.

Well, the admiral is not in a good mood.

Having reached this conclusion, Mute thought for a while, bent down, wrapped his arms around the admiral's shoulders from behind, tilted his head, and landed on one of the admiral's shoulders.

"I'm not stupid enough to be fooled a second time."

he said, shaking Troll's arm slightly.

"Do not be angry."

As he spoke, he rubbed his cheek against the hair beside Jiang's ear.

He said with a smile, "I punished the lieutenant colonel who passed by to be my dog's leg, always following me closely, and letting me instigate and bully me at will. Isn't that good?"

Glancing at the corner of his long and narrow phoenix eyes, the smiling face of the young man hugging him was reflected in his pupils. The general seemed a little helpless, but his expression was a bit indulgent.

He raised his hand and stroked Mutt's hair next to his cheek. He turned slightly to look at Mutt's dark blue eyes with indescribable softness, as if drowning deeply in sea water.

"This is not an example."

He says.


The boy replied happily, his smiling eyes bent, and he took the initiative to rub Admiral Troll's cheek again.

A certain red-haired junior soldier who was ignored by the side felt that he was about to go blind and couldn't carry it.

"That, Myuu..."

"Using the honorific title, Robin novice."

"Okay, sir, no problem, sir. So, sir, may I ask you a question?"


"As your Excellency's dog leg, must I always follow behind you?"


"But I think... As a sensible dog, please allow me to leave the stage when you and your lover are sticking together."

Then the sensible red-haired dog leg was thrown out of the gate immediately.