It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 120


The year 20153 in the Imperial Calendar holds a pivotal place in the history of the future. Many major events occurred in this year, and these events almost all lead to the turning point of future history. The originally stable empire declined rapidly after this year. Among them, the last emperor Wilhelm von Frederick was persecuted by his own daughter, which led him to be suspicious of others. Later, because of his suspicion, he secretly suppressed the mature and prudent Marshal Yujia. The marshal took the initiative to step down from the post of marshal.

In that year, the marshal who had guarded the empire for a hundred years stepped down, and this was the beginning of the empire's complete decline.

The old marshal Yujia asked the emperor to step down as marshal on the grounds of old age and frailty. As soon as the news spread, everyone was shocked. There are those who gloat, those who contribute to the flames, and some people of insight who have seen the consequences of the old marshal's resignation and want to persuade the emperor to change his will, or persuade Marshal Yujia to change his mind and continue to guard the empire.

However, perhaps because the emperor's suspicion and suppression made the old marshal cold, after his request to step down as marshal was approved by the emperor, he stayed behind closed doors and refused to meet anyone who came to persuade him. Therefore, when everyone saw the old marshal again, it was at the ceremony of appointing a new marshal one month after he asked to step down as marshal.

Above the gorgeous and magnificent golden-domed hall, black-golden columns support the golden dome of the sky. Columns join columns to form countless vaulted ceilings.

The dark wooden floor was glowing, so bright that it could almost reflect a blurred figure. The skylight was wide open, and bright sunlight filled the entire hall, and the winding gold ornaments on the columns standing on both sides of the hall reflected the sunlight and sparkled.

The hall was unusually quiet, and the pale-faced and obviously sickly emperor sat on the highest throne with his body slightly slanted. The main hall is very bright, but the light does not illuminate the throne too brightly, it illuminates as finely as the places under the main hall. Instead, it forms a blind spot of light just at the throne, blocking the emperor's eyes with just the right shadow. Face, making it difficult to see any expression of the person sitting on the throne.

Going down the high steps, the fiery red thick carpet was rolled out in the center of the countless columns, right in the middle of the hall, dividing this gorgeous hall into two sides with the color of fire. Countless aristocratic ministers who watched the ceremony stood on both sides. The announcement had long been sent to the entire universe, and the forces of various galaxies had sent representatives to participate in the canonization ceremony of the youngest Marshal in history.

Under the eyes of everyone, the black-haired young man stood in the hall, his expression calm and composed, and there was no pride or joy on his deserted face.

The straight military uniform with black background and gold pattern wraps his slender body, the black long military boots are put on the slender calf, the blue and black cloak is scattered behind his shoulders, and the golden string wraps the shoulders of his cloak around his shoulders. his chest. The pitch-black hair, like a starry sky in the night, was scattered around his cheeks, and little shimmers of light danced in his black hair.

Just standing there, the young general made everyone involuntarily focus on him. He just stood there, and all the beauty around him seemed to have faded, and he was the only bright color.

A snow-like face, dark blue narrow phoenix eyes.

It is snow and ice, but it is the awe-inspiring and untouchable snow and ice on the top of the snow mountain.

It is the current of the blue sea, but it is the swirling current of the deep sea abyss that swallows everything silently.

He stood there, with the sharpness of an unsheathed blade oozing from his tightly pursed, cold thin lips.

That kind of person, just looking at it, burns people to the extreme, making people's eyes ache.

The old marshal who was about to leave office swept his eyes over this young man, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, he looked so carefully, as if he wanted to engrave this young man in his eyes.

There was no smile on his face, the sharp-edged lips were tightly pursed, and the wrinkles on his forehead were sunken. His expression made his already hard-lined face look even colder, and that expression made his face look colder. The look in his eyes that looked at Troll carefully seemed to be critical and questioning.

The old Marshal really didn't resign willingly.

After seeing the performance of the old Marshal Yujia, many people thought so. Many people cast their gazes upwards, looking at the emperor sitting high on the throne, but unfortunately, the emperor sat too high, and the light staggered around him, forming an area on his body that could not be illuminated. No one could see the emperor's expression at this moment.

Troll, who was only promoted to admiral half a year ago, was credited with rescuing the emperor and repelling Princess Salome who was trying to force her into the palace. He gained the emperor's favor and trust, and was promoted to marshal in an unprecedented way. It's not that no one objected, but the emperor who had experienced this forced palace suddenly changed his character, insisted on going his own way, and dismissed anyone who refuted him from the palace. The honest and upright people who dared to speak out were all driven out, and those who stayed were naturally the timid and flattering people who only obeyed the emperor's orders.

Marshal Yujia, who stared at Troll for a long time, looked away and looked at the emperor on the throne. He saw the emperor's face hidden in the shadows, and nodded slightly to him.

The old marshal stood under the throne, at the front of the row of people on the left, the position closest to the emperor. After seeing the emperor nodding, he came out. The dark military uniform had golden patterns that were different from the others, which was the same as the military uniform on Troll at the moment. Dark gold buttons, a pure gold badge under the black and red velvet buckle, scattered with black and red intertwined tassels. A thick navy blue cloak hung behind him, covering his tall body. His right hand protruded from the cloak, holding a half-meter-long scepter in his hand.

Different from the slightly longer pure gold scepter in the emperor's hand, the scepter in the hands of the old marshal was black all over, made of heavy obsidian, without any gemstones adorning it, only golden lines intertwined into complicated patterns on the pitch-black scepter. The pattern makes the black scepter present a restrained, deep and noble atmosphere. A light golden ribbon is tied above it, and it flies up when the breeze passes by.

The imperial marshal's scepter symbolizes the marshal's honor.

This scepter is handed over to the succeeding marshal by the previous marshal, which is the most important ceremony.

The old marshal stepped out from the side holding the scepter, and walked towards Troll. His pitch-black military boots stepped on the black wooden floor, making steady footsteps.

He walked up to Troll and looked at him. Although he is old, his body is still tall and straight, his eyes are level with Troll, fixed, as if he wants to see something through the dark blue pupils of the young man who succeeded him as Marshal .

The newly promoted young marshal looked at him with a cold expression, and he couldn't see any emotion from the young man's eyes. But he couldn't see anything, which made him inexplicably feel a little relieved. Troll stood on the same level ground as him, and was the same height, but for some reason, it gave people the feeling of looking down on him. That wasn't a condescending attitude deliberately revealed, it was more like an aura seeping from his bones, and an innate sense of oppression that seemed to be born.

The old marshal closed his eyes and let out a soft breath.

It's no wonder that he is a descendant of the great founding emperor.

He raised the black and gold marshal's scepter with both hands, and handed it to Troll.

He said, "I leave it to you."

He seemed to be talking about this scepter, but also seemed to be talking about something more. On the high steps behind him, the figure of the emperor leaning slightly on the throne loomed in the light.

Troll glanced at him, but didn't answer. He didn't even look up at the emperor on the throne, but reached out to catch the marshal's scepter.

The brand-new golden badge on his shoulder, exactly the same as that of the old Marshal Yujia, was shining brightly, and the luster complemented the light of the golden stripes on the black scepter in his hand.

It was a moment of change from old to new.

That was the moment when a new chapter was about to unfold.

The young marshal stood above the hall, holding a black and gold scepter.

The wind blowing in from the skylight lifted the blue-black cloak behind him, like the wings of an eagle spreading behind him.

He stood there, between the sky and the earth, as if he was the only one standing there.



When Troll returned to Ishtar wearing the marshal's military uniform with black background and gold pattern, most of his generals had gathered on this flagship, waiting for his return. They were all officers below the rank of general and were not eligible to participate in the ceremony of conferring marshals, so they could only wait nervously on Ishtar.

At the moment they saw Troll, the eyes of his subordinates fell on the black and gold scepter on his right hand. Looking at the scepter that symbolized the marshal's honor, almost everyone showed excitement on their faces.


Even if they understand the strength of the person they choose to follow, no one would have thought that Troll could climb to such a high position so quickly.


A unique existence in the empire, nominally commanding all the fleets of the entire empire.

What does this mean—there is no mediocrity under Troll, and everyone knows what it means—the goal that once sounded unattainable, the so-called rebellious goal, they have come step by step, halfway there distance.

What they are doing and experiencing now may be the history ten thousand years later. In this turbulent era, they will become a member of history creation!

Suppressing the turbulent mood, everyone looked at each other, and then, as if they had a tacit understanding, at the next moment, everyone bowed down.

Kneeling on one knee, their right hand is clenched into a fist in front of their chest, where the heart beats.

They bowed their heads to the new young marshal, to their sovereign.

They are willing to kneel at the feet of this person, because they know that one day, this person can lead them on the journey of the stars and the sea, and this person will lead them to create a brand new future——

... ... ...

Marshal Troll has already returned to his lounge alone. Naturally, all the officers have also left and returned to their respective ships. Colonel Via, who stayed on Ishtar, suppressed his excitement and tried to warn himself not to let go. For a moment, he felt full of strength and gathered his energy to deal with the accumulated affairs.

However, in the middle of the business, an unexpected visitor came, the white-haired Professor Terry came here.

"Your Excellency Colonel, I would like to ask for a period of leave. I want to return to Gabu Planet, and my granddaughter will go back with me."

The old professor not only came by himself, but also brought his granddaughter Maya, and asked Via to return to Gabu Planet on leave.

Star Gabu is a planet within the sphere of influence of Marshal Troll, and it is also the home planet of Professor Terry, whose family is on this planet.

Via was very surprised by Professor Terry's request for leave.

When they went to the Emperor Star, all the professors and researchers on Ishtar were sent back to the planet, and they did not come with them. Later, Professor Terry's granddaughter Maya was rescued, and Professor Terry rushed here immediately and returned to Ishtar. But what Via didn't expect was that the first thing Professor Terry did after confirming that his granddaughter was safe was to run to Mutter.

"Your Excellency! Please let me study with you!"

Without hesitation, the old man bowed deeply to the young man who was hundreds of years younger than him.

At that time, not only him, Mute was surprised.

"Professor Terry, please look up..."

"I'm serious! Your Excellency Mutt, please let me study with you!"

"Professor Terry, you should know that I am Ga..."

"I know. I know what happened to you and those people in the Royal Academy. It should be said that many people know."

What Mutt did at the Royal Research Institute was under the eyes of everyone, everyone could see it, and it was impossible to cover it up, and Mutt didn't want to cover it up, so what happened at that time was secretly recorded by some caring people. go out. His identity as Ga has been spread throughout the universe, but likewise, the image of the solar system and the earth that he showed before the hall is also known to everyone.

When Professor Terry saw this, his eyes were straightened.

"This old bone of mine has lived long enough. To be honest, I was indeed afraid of you, Your Excellency at first, but that place, that planet, is the goal I have been fighting for all my life."

He is also an ordinary person, and he is also afraid of Jia, who is said to be a monster, but his yearning for the earth makes him suppress his fear of Jia. What he has studied all his life is his lifeblood. For this reason, even if he risked his old life, he would not hesitate.


The boy was silent for a moment.

Seeing that Mute hesitated and didn't answer, Professor Terry became anxious, and the next second, he plopped down on his knees.

The young man was quite frightened by his kneeling, and was so frightened that he took several steps back.

"If you don't agree, I won't get up! If you don't want me, I will kneel to death!"

The old professor is already playing tricks.

The old man knelt so shamelessly that Mutt had no choice but to agree.

To be honest, it is also very hard for him to organize and analyze so much information by himself, and it would be nice to have one more person to help. Moreover, Professor Terry was originally on Troll's side, and all relatives were under the rule of the major general, so he didn't need to worry about the old man revealing his background.

Therefore, Via was very surprised that this research madman who didn't even care about being with Jia, whom everyone feared, would ask for a vacation to return to his home planet for his research career.

"Hey, that's it. My granddaughter Maya's fiancé has been waiting on Gabu for a long time. I have to take Maya back and let them get married."


I see.

Via understood. Although this old man is a desperate research madman, he is also a grandfather who loves his granddaughter. In order to see his granddaughter get married with his own eyes, he can only reluctantly put down his research temporarily and go back with his granddaughter.

He nodded.

"Okay, I'll give you a month's vacation, is that enough?"

The old man shook his head desperately.

"No, no, I'll be back in a week!"


It is really rare to see people who dislike too many holidays.

Just when Via was still here speechless, with a snort, a large light curtain as tall as a person lit up in front of him, and the figure of the young marshal appeared in the light curtain.

He was sitting on the silver-white sofa, with his slender legs crossed, his hands clasped on his knees, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes looking over through the light curtain. Naturally, he saw the pair of grandparents beside Via.

"Your Excellency the Marshal."

The moment the light curtain appeared, Via immediately stood up, raised her right fist and put it on her chest in salute. When he saw His Excellency the Marshal's eyes sweeping over the grandpa and grandson beside him, he immediately gave an explanation.

"Professor Terry wants to take a leave of absence to return to Gabe to attend his granddaughter's wedding."

After Via finished speaking, Troll's cold eyes fell on Professor Terry. Seeing the cold eyes of the newly promoted young marshal, the old professor suddenly became a little nervous, and subconsciously spoke.

"Your Excellency Marshal, it's like this. Maya was engaged half a year ago, and now her fiancé is waiting for her to go back." He said as he grabbed his granddaughter's hand and held it up for Troll to see. .

"You see, the engagement ring has been worn for a long time."

The old man raised his granddaughter's hand in this way, and Marshal Troll's eyes fell on the hand raised in front of his eyes.

The skin of the girl's hand is a light wheat color, and the fingers are a little fleshy. There is a platinum ring on her ring finger. It doesn't look very expensive, but it is very delicate in shape. From the traces on the root of the finger, it can be seen that she has been wearing it for a long time.

When Grandpa grabbed her hand and said this, Maya blushed instantly, as if she was very embarrassed, but her shy eyes clearly revealed a happy look.

The marshal glanced at the ring, looked away, and returned to Via.

"Come here right now."

He said to Via.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal."

Via watched the light curtain close in front of her, then turned and spoke to the grandpa and grandson next to her.

"Okay, Professor Terry, you can leave the ship tomorrow, and I will arrange people to escort you back to Gabu Planet."

After he finished speaking, he signaled to the soldiers next to him to take Professor Terry and the others away, and then he walked quickly towards Marshal Troll.


The light curtain over there had just been closed, and the door of Marshal Troll's personal government affairs room opened automatically. The tall soldiers guarding the door did not look sideways, allowing the black-haired boy to act without a single notification. walked in.

Mutt, who walked in the door, yawned with a rather sleepy look on his face.

Old Professor Terry said that he would ask for leave and send his granddaughter back to marry her fiancé, with a look of reluctance to leave, he insisted on dragging him to soak in the endless ocean of information last night, so that he could only go to bed in the morning . Fortunately, the Major General stayed on the Emperor Star last night because of the marshal canonization ceremony, otherwise he would have been forcibly dragged back into the house.

He just woke up, still felt that he didn't sleep enough and wanted to continue to sleep, but he heard that the major general had returned to Ishtar, so he got up after thinking about it.

Walking in the door, he yawned big and rubbed his eyes again. Mutt opened his eyes and saw Troll sitting on the sofa. Although his expression was still deserted, he seemed to be thinking about something.

He walked over, walked behind Troll, bent down with a smile, and put his arm around Troll's shoulder from behind.

"Master Marshal?~~"

He said with a smile, his voice rose slightly, obviously with a hint of ridicule.

He rested his chin unceremoniously on the new Marshal's right shoulder, squinting at the handsome side cheek. Then, he noticed the difference between Troll's military uniform and the previous one.

The black bottom is still black, but the pattern on it has changed from silver to gold, and the buttons have also turned dark gold. The young man was a little curious, so he stretched his arm around Troll down, grabbed a dark gold button on the chest of the military uniform, and fiddled with it, trying to figure out whether it was pure gold.

Mutt's thoughts were very simple, but in the eyes of the soldiers outside the door, the boy's behavior was the same as attacking the chest. The action of reaching out and touching the chest of their Marshal shocked the soldiers' hearts twitching heavily. Turn around quickly and let the door close automatically.

Out of sight is better.

If they watched that boy's daring behavior of eating tofu a few more times, they might be so frightened that they would have a heart attack.

Mutt didn't know that his behavior of looking at the buttons had been characterized by the soldiers outside the door as eating tofu with his chest. He still maintained the posture of holding the Marshal's chin on the Marshal's shoulder from behind the sofa, and began to play with it with great interest. The golden marshal badge on the chest.

However, as soon as he looked at it, a hand was raised and held his hand.

He thought that Troll would not let him play this, so he wanted to withdraw his hand indifferently. But he flinched, but his hand was tightly held by the marshal, unable to pull it out.

And the way Troll held his hand was also very strange. Instead of holding it with the whole palm, he pinched his fingers with his thumb, index finger, and middle finger, lifted them up, and just stared at his fingers.

What's wrong

Mute was a little strange, but didn't move, just looked sideways at Troll.

The marshal pinched the fingers of the young man behind him, to be precise, he pinched the fingertips before the knuckles of the middle finger and ring finger.

The platinum ring on the girl's ring finger that he had just seen in the light curtain emerged in his mind, and he stared at the base of Mutt's clean and empty ring finger.

Something is missing.

He thought, and then glanced out of the corner of his eye at his ring finger, which was also empty at the base of the finger in a snow-white glove.

"Would you like white or gold?"

The Marshal said.


The young man who didn't know the cause and effect at all was stunned.