It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 199: Spoiler


In the 137th year of the new empire calendar, after the old empire was destroyed and the new empire was born, the turbulent and war-prone universe finally regained its calm. Except for sporadic rebel armies and a few wars in the illegal areas where interstellar pirates are active, the entire universe is very peaceful.

And the new empire has been established for more than a hundred years, and people have long been accustomed to such a peaceful and peaceful life.

In the cloudless night sky, countless starlights flickered in the dark night, and the fine starlight scattered silver-like luster on the earth, and fell on the tall buildings arranged on the earth.

The metal material glows with a deserted luster under the starlight, countless aerial bridges shuttle through the dense metal high-rises, and the floating cars with non-glare shimmering light in the dark night come and go, like waves of surging water . The curved lines of the countless suspended bridges outline a pleasing pattern in the air. Seen from a high altitude, the city looks like a beautiful work of art.

It's late at night, it's time to fall asleep. In a metal high-rise house in the middle of the city, the bright lights have been turned off, leaving only a faint bedside lamp. The floor-to-ceiling windows in the room are tightly closed to isolate all the noise outside the room, as well as the wind whizzing through the sky. Only the fine starlight in the night sky shone into the room through the transparent glass windows, and fell into the wide-open eyes of the child lying on the bed.

The child is nestled on a soft pink bed, with a pink and tender cute little face, the long black hair in the shawl is scattered on the snow-white pillow, and the big almond-like blue eyes are like flowing sapphires, blinking and blinking at this moment staring at the person next to the bed.

The black-haired woman is sitting by the bed, a virtual book is suspended in front of her, and a three-dimensional image of the fairy tale content on this page emerges above the opened pages. The woman is reading the content of the storybook to her daughter with a gentle voice, and the three-dimensional fairy tale image on the opened virtual book changes with the content of the story she reads.

"Okay, see here today."

It was late at night, the black-haired mother said with a smile, she stretched out her hand and clicked on the transparent book page, the opened virtual book closed, dissipated into dots of fluorescent light in the air, and flitted past the eyes of the wide-eyed child lying on the bed Pass.

The child blinked, she seemed to be in a daze, the woman stroked her fleshy cheek affectionately, she came back to her senses, looked at her mother, and asked in a low voice.

"Mom, is the earth really gone?"

Thinking of the story that the earth was destroyed by humans who left the earth, the child showed a sad look.

In the pure thinking of a child, she feels that the earth gave birth to human beings, so it is the mother of human beings, just like the mother who is sitting on the bedside and coaxing her to sleep now... How can anyone be willing to hurt such a gentle mother

If it was her, she would never do anything to hurt her favorite mother.


The woman gently stroked the child's soft hair and said with a sigh.

"Earth, the home planet of our humans is no longer there, and it was humans who destroyed our homeland with their own hands."

She said, "So, Sally Stine, you have to remember, to love this planet we live on now, to remember the mistakes of the past, and never to repeat the same mistakes again."

"I will remember."

The child answered with a crisp voice.

"I will definitely not do anything to harm it. When I grow up, I will protect it well."

"Well, good boy."



"The ones in the stories you told..." The child hesitated to speak, "Are those Jia who guard the earth still there? Are they hiding beside us?"


The woman was silent for a moment.


At the beginning, those gals who helped the emperor unify the universe and obtained citizenship, and could have lived with humans in the universe, refused to live with humans after learning the news of the destruction of the earth.

It is said that they finally chose to follow the earth and disappeared into a corner of the universe without a sound.

Everyone believes that the race that was born to protect the earth has disappeared.

Looking at the child's expectant eyes, the woman's eyes curled up.

"They're all still there."

No matter what the truth is, she still wants to create a beautiful fantasy in front of her little child.

"They all live on a small but beautiful planet that is very similar to Earth. Occasionally, someone will come to us."

"They have beautiful faces, and they also emit a beautiful light. Only obedient children can see them."

"I'm an obedient boy~~"

The child seemed to want to say something, but just as he opened his mouth, his big blue eyes rolled around for a moment, and then he suddenly closed his mouth again.

"Yeah~~ Sally is the most obedient, and if they are more obedient, they will come to play with Sally." The woman who didn't pay attention to this detail, and listened to the child's childish voice, her heart softened Smiling and nodding the child's head, he said, "So, now go to bed obediently."

Soon, the lights in the room went out, the door closed automatically when the woman left, and the bright floor-to-ceiling windows slowly changed to brown, blocking the light of the city.

The room was quiet, and the young girl who seemed to be asleep secretly opened her eyes again, her big blue eyes blinked a few times, then bent, the girl smiled sweetly.

Sally was already a good child.

Because Sally has seen 'him' a long time ago.

The girl nestled in the warm blanket thought sweetly.

That was a month ago...



"I hate my parents the most!"



so cold.

The little child was walking in the dark night, with tears in her big blue eyes, which she resisted to let them fall.

so hungry...

Sobbing softly, she continued to stagger forward.

Although she was cold, hungry and frightened, she stubbornly refused to turn back.

It's all mom and dad's fault... they don't mean what they say...

She hated them the most.

She was sobbing as she thought, looking at the strange surroundings, it was different from the cities she had known since she was a child that were full of metallic luster and full of high-rise buildings, here were towering trees that she had hardly seen before , the roots are knotted, the vines are everywhere, and the ground is full of thorns.

The dense canopy, which was extremely huge to her, covered the sky and blocked the sky. She walked in this dark forest, alone, and from time to time there was a piercing sound from the wind, which made her tremble.

very scary…

mom... dad...

... No, she won't go back, she's not at fault, it's all the fault of her father who doesn't talk, so she won't go back.

The small body was trembling all over, but a stubborn temper made the child who was already trembling with fear still shrink under a huge tree in anger.

She sneaked out while her parents were packing up and didn't notice her, and deliberately took off the protective ring on her arm and threw it away, just not wanting her parents to find her.

The child curled up at the foot of the tree, next to a huge tree root, tired and hungry, curled up in his arms, his palm-sized face was stained with tears, and looked pitiful. She curled up under the tree root, looking around, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while, not knowing what to do next.

Just when she was huddled at the foot of the tree root in a daze, an indescribable chill came over, making her shiver all of a sudden.

Suddenly, something suddenly lit up in the originally dark surroundings. She saw red lights flickering in the dark night, more than one, several, many, suddenly lit up in the darkness.

That's not the light—

The bright red diamond-shaped pupils flashed a cold luster in the darkness, they were the eyes of a carnivorous beast shining in the darkness.

Through the faint starlight, she saw those beasts with terrifying bright red vertical pupils surrounding them from all directions. Their bloodthirsty gazes contained a desire for her flesh and blood, silently looking at them in the dark, this fresh and tender creature. Prey approached.

Don't run around when you are on vacation, there are many big monsters there, if you run away and be a disobedient bad boy, those big monsters will eat you.

Before coming to this tourist place, her mother's words rang in her ears, and her mind had become blank at this moment because of extreme fear.

She curled up in the root nest and shivered, too frightened to even cry.

To be eaten.

She shivered tremblingly, and big tears fell down.

Because she didn't listen to her mother, she was going to be eaten by monsters because she was a bad child.

The leading red-eyed beast let out an impatient low growl. After probing, it found that the prey did not pose any threat. It no longer suppressed its instinct of longing for fresh flesh and blood. It bared its sharp teeth and rushed forward, biting down—

The weak child could only instinctively hold his head and tighten himself in vain.

Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, Sally is a bad girl.

Sally is going to be eaten!


There was a muffled bang, and the child opened her eyes wide. She saw that the ferocious monster that was rushing towards her was bounced off at once, and hit the opposite tree trunk heavily.

She blinked, and found that a blue halo appeared at some time, enveloping her like a transparent eggshell. She stayed there for a while, curiously reaching out to poke the light blue transparent eggshell. When she poked her finger, a little light blue fluorescent light scattered from the place she poked, and the beautiful blue light flashed and landed on her hand.

She saw that there were so many terrifying wild beasts in the surroundings, as if they were afraid of something at the moment, they retreated, fell on the ground, and looked up in a humane manner.

Subconsciously, the child kneeling on the ground looked up.

At this glance, her eyes widened suddenly.

The breeze passed through the jungle, shaking the branches and leaves, making a rustling sound.

The boy in white was suspended under the night sky, his slender limbs stretched out.

The soft black hair seemed to melt into the night, and amidst the slight rustling sound, the light-colored cloak unfolded behind him fluttered endlessly. In the child's eyes at this moment, it seemed to be the wings of an angel stretched out.

He fell gently from the air, in the trace of his fall, from the tip of his hair, from his fingertips, and from the corner of his clothes, a little light blue fluorescent light fell, floating in the night.

The dots of fluorescent light left traces of faint blue light behind the young man, and then melted into the night.

The boy who descended from the sky seemed to come with little fluorescent lights.

so beautiful…

The child's immature mind couldn't think of too many words, and the only words she thought of over and over were the words good-looking and beautiful.

This big brother is really good-looking.

She stared at the big brother with wide eyes, refusing to blink, completely forgetting that she was almost eaten by a monster a moment earlier.

She knelt on the ground, still surrounded by the circle of transparent blue eggshell light, and stretched out her small arms and hands to the big brother who fell from the sky.

to hug!

The child's shining eyes unabashedly expressed the child's mind at the moment.

The boy who had just stood in front of the child seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and without saying much, he bent down and stretched out his hands to hug the little girl who opened her arms for a hug.

The boy was dressed in white, and he was originally clean, but when he hugged him like this, he was wiped all over with dust by the already dirty little girl. He didn't care, he held the child and glanced at the ground lightly.

The child saw his eyes, like the lake water reflecting the stars in the dark night, flashing light blue light in the dark, just like the twinkling stars she could see every night.

The young man looked around with blue glimmering eyes, and an invisible mental wave unfolded like a sea wave, and the dozens of prostrate beasts took a few steps back again, turned around, and flew back quickly. Disappeared deep in the dark jungle. He withdrew the expanded mental power, turned his head to look at the little girl who was hugging his neck and staring at him with sparkling eyes.

The little girl's pink and tender face was dirty at the moment, obviously she had spent a lot of time crawling and rolling on the ground, there were still some tears in the corners of her eyes, her nose was still slightly red, and she didn't know how long she had been crying.

He smiled and said, "Stop crying?"

"I, I'm not afraid, and I didn't cry!"

"Why are you here alone?"

The little girl puffed her cheeks and fell silent, she obviously remembered something, she was sullen and refused to answer.

The boy patted her head.

"Where are mom and dad?"

"Mom and Dad don't mean anything! I hate them!"


"I don't want them anymore." The little girl said angrily. "I'll go with big brother!"


The young man's expression seemed a little dumbfounded.

"Why do you want to come with me all of a sudden?"

"Big brother looks good!"

The little girl's eyes continued to stare at the boy with all her might.

Teenager: "..."

For some reason, this scene always feels familiar.

"Do you really want to come with me?"


"Come with me, and I will never see my parents again."


"In the future, no matter how long it takes, no matter how much you miss them, you will never see them again."


"So do you really want to come with me?"


The little girl fell silent and lowered her head to poke her fingers.

The boy smiled and patted her head tenderly.

"what's your name?"


The little girl poking her finger answered in a childish voice.

"Sally, mother and father are the people who love Sally the most in this world and in this universe, no matter when, no matter where... So, does Sally still hate them?"

"... But they don't count what they say."

The little girl lowered her head and complained in a low voice.

"It was clearly agreed to take me on a spaceship to see the stars... I have been waiting for a long time, a year, my father is always very busy, I haven't seen him for a long time... I have been waiting for more than a year, Waiting for Mom and Dad to take me to take a spaceship to see the stars...but..."

She has been looking forward to this day for a long time. For this day, she has obediently listened to her mother for more than a year and worked hard to complete her homework. After coming out, within a day, my father said that he had to go back temporarily.

Her one-year expectation turned into a bubble in an instant.

This is not the first time, it has happened many times, every time, every time, her parents always tell her to be obedient, and then completely forget what they promised her.

Tears welled up in the child's eyes.

It's a lie to hate mom and dad. She likes mom and dad very much, and she wants to go back to them.

But she doesn't like her parents always lying to her, every time she is cheated she will feel very sad.

The shimmering fingers stretched out to gently wipe away the tears from the corners of the child's eyes, and the boy's gentle voice rang in the child's ears.

"Sarah wants to see the stars?"

The child hummed in a thick nasal voice, and rubbed his tear-stained eyes.

The boy smiled and rubbed the child's head.

"Close your eyes."

he said with a smile.

Although the little girl was a little confused, she still closed her eyes obediently.

After closing her eyes, she felt a soft wind wrapping herself, the wind was not cold at all, but warm, just like the feeling she felt every time she immersed herself in the warm bath water.

Her body was shaking slightly, but she didn't feel afraid, a pair of arms hugged her, and she leaned on her big brother's chest and listened to his heartbeat, feeling inexplicably at ease.

"Okay, open your eyes and look at the stars."

In a daze, she heard a voice coming from her ear, and she subconsciously opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, her eyes widened instantly.

The dark universe, like a vortex, is vast and boundless. The magnificent nebula flickers in the dark depths, slowly turning brilliant colors.

The stars are dotted, thousands of stars are twinkling in the boundless cosmic starry sky, and comets whizzing by from time to time draw golden arcs in the universe, like ribbons of light dancing in the starry sky.

That huge verdant planet is right in front of you, like a green gem, shining faintly in the dark universe.

The little girl opened her mouth wide and let out a wow sound of exclamation. She stared at the unbelievably beautiful starry sky she had never seen with her big round eyes, and she couldn't bear to turn her eyeballs.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand, trying to grab the beautiful starry sky in front of her, but her little hand touched a layer of extremely shallow transparent blue light in front of her, and tiny dots of fluorescent light fell in front of her eyes with her fingertips.

"Big brother~ so many stars~~ so beautiful~~"

"Well, there are so many stars, everyone can only see them in the spaceship, only you can see them like this."

"just me?"

"Yes, only you, are you happy?"


"Okay, then, after watching the stars, we must obediently go back to our parents."

"Understood... I will be an obedient and good boy."

"and also… "

She saw that big brother raised a finger to her to cover his lips, and his eyes with light blue luster were bent to look at her.

"I can't tell anyone what happened today, not even my parents. This is a secret between Sally and me, okay?"


The little girl's eyes lit up and she nodded excitedly.

"It's my big brother and I's secret! No one will tell it! Only my big brother and I know!"




Because their daughter was lost, the couple, who were so worried that they stayed up all night, reported the case to the local police station in panic last night, and waited there anxiously for a whole night.

Early in the morning, when they received a notice that someone had brought their lost daughter, they immediately rushed over in great surprise and hugged Sally.

"Thank you very much."

After being intimate with their lost and recovered daughter for a while, the couple remembered the kind-hearted man and hurriedly brought the child to thank him.

After thanking them and looking up, both of them were stunned. The one who sent their daughter back was a young man who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. Qing Juan's face was still somewhat childish, and he himself looked like a child.

I don't know why, but when they saw the boy's clear eyes that seemed to be pitch black but with a hint of blue in the depths, they all shook their heads. I can't tell the reason, but I feel that this young man can't help but want to get close. Looking at those black eyes, I feel as if I feel a warm breath pouring into my heart, and my heart beats inexplicably, with a strange feeling. throbbing.

The boy didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded to the two, then turned and left.

"Big brother!"

There was a crisp shout, accompanied by the sound of rushing footsteps. The boy turned around, saw the little girl who was rushing towards him, and subconsciously bent down to catch her.

The little girl grabbed the boy's arm and raised her head.

"I'm six years old this year!"


"So, in another eight years, when I turn fourteen, you can come and marry me, big brother!"

What her mother had taught her was that the legal age of marriage was fourteen, and she was still eight years away.

"… what?"

The little girl stood on her tiptoes vigorously, and kissed the stunned boy on the cheek forcefully.

"Big brother, remember to marry me in eight years~~ I will wait for you~~"

Looking up at the boy, the little girl smiled like a little angel, her tender little face was flushed, and she was extremely cute.


However, the young man didn't pay attention to the little girl's angelic smile at all. He seemed to feel something, and after being startled suddenly, he turned his eyes to a familiar figure that suddenly appeared not far away.

It's over.

The young man had the urge to touch his forehead.

Although this is just a six-year-old ignorant little girl...

Although it's just a little girl's ignorant kiss...

Although the one who shouted to marry her was just an ignorant six-year-old girl...

But this kind of thing, it is not clear to reason with a certain major general who is so narrow-minded that it is smaller than the tip of a needle as long as it involves him.

It is conceivable that he will be miserable tonight...



It is said in the storybook that when the little princess is in danger, the prince will come to rescue her.

So that big brother must be Sarah's prince.

The big brother Prince has already made an appointment with her, and he will come to marry her when she grows up.

The little girl immersed in the sweet memory of that time fell asleep contentedly on the soft pillow, and in her dream was her big brother who took her to watch the stars.

There are still eight years, and she has to grow up quickly.

Eight years later, when she reaches the marriageable age that her mother said, she can marry her prince and big brother.

Hmm~~ I'm looking forward to it~~

The little girl who slept soundly and dreamed of her gentle prince and big brother didn't know that four months later, at the end of the 137th year of the new imperial calendar, the empire suddenly promulgated a new law.

—All citizens of the empire must be at least 20 years old, and they are only allowed to marry and have children after they become adults—


All right.

If the ministers hadn't tried their best to stop him, the young emperor who clearly owned the stars and seas of the universe but didn't have such a thing as a heart in a certain person's affairs would have changed the age of marriage to forty in a frenzy...