It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 20


In a room based on dark colors, a thick black blanket is spread on the floor, which is warm and soft to step on.

The four walls are made of red and black bricks, and the lines of the bricks meander into beautiful patterns. The huge table made of black wood is pressed on the black blanket, and thick fur wraps the smooth corners of the round table.

Gold wall decorations are embedded on the black and red masonry walls, reflecting the golden shimmer.

Although there is a huge retro fireplace in the corner of the room, it is only piled with smooth wooden blocks for decoration and has never been used. In this majestic spire controlled by the brain, the temperature and air humidity most suitable for human beings have been maintained, and a light and fresh aroma has always been maintained in the air.

The old man in comfortable home clothes stood in front of the huge black wooden table and fiddled with the dangling tumbler on the table. He quietly watched the tumbler with a funny face dangling on the table without saying a word.

His son stood obediently behind him, with his head slightly lowered.

The golden headband tied with black-brown curly hair was slightly shining, and the man was dressed in brocade clothes, which was unusually conspicuous in this dark-colored room.

The old Marquis turned around and looked at his son who was standing there obediently waiting for his instructions, and his docile face.

What came to his mind was the handsome face of that young major general. Whenever that young man exuded an indescribable but clearly felt fierce aura.

It had been a long time since he had seen such a sharp and energetic young man.

In this dreary empire, this blade-like young man is so dazzling that people can't help but focus on him.

Even when facing himself, whose military rank was higher than his own, even when he was giving a salute, the young man still had that cold and arrogant attitude, and he would not give the slightest impression of bowing his head.

Looking at the son in front of him with a docile face and head bowed in front of him again, the old Marquis couldn't help but want to sigh.

If only that young man had been his child.


He called his son's name, gently turning the golden ring on his right hand with wrinkled hands.

"I remember I taught you that you have to deal with the clothes of the guests to choose the right clothes for yourself."

He glanced at the man's brocade attire, and his eyes showed a bit of displeasure.

It would be a matter of course if she appeared in this gorgeous dress in tonight's banquet. However, the kid Beat was wearing such a suit when he went to meet Major General Troll.

Beat should be very clear that the people he greeted had just returned from the war, and they must be wearing military uniforms, but he just went there to greet them in such a fine attire.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Beata dressed up so well because he attached great importance to meeting Major General Troll. But, as the father of this child, how could he not know what was in Beata's heart

For some reason, he admired Major General Troll, but this child has always had a subtle resistance to him.

However, even if he didn't like the major general, Beata shouldn't do this.

...Arrogant and arrogant, using clothing to overwhelm others, this is not the work of aristocrats with background.

"Beate, you've let me down."

said the old Marquis calmly.

Beat didn't speak, but lowered his head lower, and the hanging curly hair blocked his face, so that people couldn't see the expression on his lowered face at the moment.

The old Marquis looked at his son bowing his head in front of his eyes, and his submissive attitude towards him all the time. He couldn't help but think of the figure of the young major general who always stood upright, and felt more and more disappointed in his heart.

If it was that young man, even in front of him, he would dare to confront him unceremoniously.

During the days of fighting with that young man, he could see that Troll was a resolute and decisive person, and he would never let others manipulate him, even if that person was his elder.

When we were together to wipe out the rebels, that young man was not afraid of himself, who was extremely powerful and had a lot of military achievements. When other generals dared not speak loudly in front of him, only that young man dared to refute his proposal, and Unceremoniously point out the loopholes in your strategy.

At that time, he was so angry that the young major general refuted without tact, but he was born unable to refute the mistakes pointed out by the other party, so he could only hold back his sulking.

Then I thought about it, over the years, it had been a long time since anyone dared to contradict me face to face, that young man is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Thinking about it like this, he suddenly felt a little interesting again, and then with rare curiosity, he watched the young man's battle from beginning to end.

Looking at it, his little sullenness was thrown into the sky.

The process of that battle was so great that even he, an old guy who had fought all his life, couldn't help but admire him.

The entire fleet spread out at the fastest speed in the shortest time, but it was not chaotic at all. The lightning speed can give the onlookers a feeling that the entire fleet is in order. At the critical moment of the attack and encirclement, the timing was so precise that no loopholes could be found.

The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water. The enemy soldiers rammed around like headless chickens in the net spread out by the young man. The net was still a sharp steel wire, and the result was bloody.

If that young man was his child, with that kind of aloof and disrespectful attitude towards his elders, he would probably be pissed off every now and then... However, even if he was pissed off repeatedly, the old Marquis would only feel happy.

My son is capable, my son is great.

What's wrong with your temper? What's wrong with being a little arrogant

Even if it really pissed me off, I'd be happy.

... It's just that the young and promising young man is not his child after all.

Thinking of this, the old marquis looked at the son who was standing in front of him honestly.

The child, Beata, was indeed filial and never disobeyed his wishes.

But Beat is the future head of the Mia family. If he only knows how to obey him blindly, how can such a gentle personality be able to support such a big family when he gets old

Marquis Mia sighed softly.

No matter how much Beata disappointed him, that was his only child. He was old, and he had to pave the way for Beatt as much as possible while he was alive.

This time, he invited Troll to his birthday banquet, just to win over this young man.

He could tell that this young man was capable and capable, and most importantly, he was favored and favored by His Majesty—if it wasn't for this, no matter how capable he was, he wouldn't have been able to take the position of major general at a young age .

The future of this young man must be limitless.

He wins him over, and wants Troll to befriend Beata, and also to make Beata more helpful in the future.

With his mind turning, Marquis Mia spoke.

"Remember, entertain him well."

"Father… "

Beater hesitated to speak.

The one named Troll was just a major general. Although it was said that he came from an ancient noble family, that family had long since declined, and Troll was the only one who held a high position now.

And he is the son of the marquis, so he actually wants to please a major general who is more than half younger than him

The old Marquis naturally saw Beata's reluctance, and he shook his head.

"Beate, don't look at that man is only a major general now, his future is limitless, if you make friends with him now, you will naturally have more help in the future."

"… Yes."

The man bowed his head again, in obedience.

Seeing that the old Marquis was not very willing, but obediently accepted his son, he felt a little irritable in his heart.

If it was that young man who asked him to do something he didn't want to do, he would probably just give him a cold sideways glance, then turn around and leave.

"You go."

He says.

"Yes, father."

Beat responded meekly, bowed slightly to salute his father, then turned and left the room.

The old man sat down on the chair covered with a thick blanket, rubbed his temples, thinking of the son who was so gentle and never contradicted him, and the young man's cold, haughty side face and upright figure. There was a flash of helplessness.



After leaving his father's room, the man who had lowered his head slightly raised his head immediately.

The docile expression in front of the old Marquis had disappeared without a trace, and the corners of his eyes were raised, and the provoking arc made his honest-looking face in front of the old Marquis instantly become cold and hard.

He let out a low laugh, with a bit of evil spirit, which made his laughter sound quite weird.

After Beate returned to her room, she changed into the gorgeous dress and leaned on the soft recliner.

He pondered for a while, and said something to the attendant standing beside him. The attendant raised his hand, and a small light screen appeared above the metal ring on the attendant's wrist, and a line of information was entered.

Soon, a young and petite girl in a maid outfit was ushered in by the attendants.

When she came in, Beat was reclining on the soft chair, one of the two beautiful maids stood in front of him and rubbed his shoulders, and the other knelt under the soft chair and tapped his calf lightly.

"Master Beat."

The maid bowed her head to salute, and then raised her head. The innocent-looking but charming face was the maid who led Major General Troll to the room.

Beata frowned.

"He didn't let you serve?"

He specially arranged for this woman to serve that person in the past, but since she appeared in front of him now, it meant that he hadn't been able to get close to the major general.

"Do you still remember the child who followed the Major General?"

The maid said, look at the nose with the eyes, look at the heart with the nose, and don't dare to look sideways. After special training, she naturally knows that the seductive methods she possesses are not allowed to be used on the person in front of her.

She couldn't get close to the major general because she failed in her mission, but the reason for the failure was not on her, so she said it very frankly.

"Your Excellency the Major General did not allow me to enter the room, but brought the child in."

Her words made Beata stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

He waved his hand to let the two maids who were massaging him go down, and clicked his tongue lowly.

"So... I thought I was thinking too much, but I didn't expect that guy to be really good at it."

As he said this, he couldn't help curling his lips when he thought of the obviously childish boy he saw not long ago.

Actually interested in that kind of brat, really bad eyesight.

He sneered disdainfully.

"Is there any message from the person who arranged it?"


The attendant next to him bowed to answer.

"The people we arranged for boarded 'Ishtar' not long ago, so they didn't dare to make too many moves."

He said, "But..."

"But what?"

"However, he mentioned that Major General Troll recently took a fancy to an underage boy—it is said that the boy is the last heir of the Uriel family and was taken under the command of Major General Troll."

"The Uriel family... this name is very familiar..."

Beater murmured.

Soon, he, who had received strict education of noble heirs since he was a child, found the information of this family from his memory.

"It turns out that it is a very ancient family, a family that has existed since the age of the human universe tens of thousands of years ago, but it has almost disappeared for thousands of years..."

He frowned and said, "Is that kind of kid the last descendant of the Uriel family?"

He raised his hand and stroked his clean chin. His carefully maintained fingers were white and tender.

To be honest, even if Troll is not pleasing to the eye, But Beate can't deny the excellence of that person, especially the stunning beauty at a glance.

Beata didn't think that the kid who wanted to be tall or not was really so attractive. He could make the handsome young major general treat him differently, and he even wanted to keep him by his side for a moment.

The descendant of the Uriel family...

Maybe there is some important secret hidden in that kid.

"To find ways to."

he said, tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair.

"... Find a way to get your hands on that brat and get some words out of him."

"Yes, Major General, everything is normal."

The image of Lieutenant Colonel Qingfa appeared on the light curtain, reporting to his superiors.

Pressing the dangling virtual key, the black-haired major general cut off the connection with Via.

Via did not follow him to the planet Mia, but he left him on the Ishtar flagship, just in case.

Troll went to the window, the room was on the upper floor of the tower, higher than most of the steeples in the city.

He stood by the window and looked down at the land. On the golden land full of sand, there were spiers of different sizes and heights all over the place.

The sky was always bright and hot, and even when the sun went down, it was still bright.

He has come to this planet for the second time.

Seventy to eighty percent of the surface of Mia Star is desert.

The countless fine crushed light stones wrapped around Star Mia to form a tulle absorb the brilliance of the sun, and then emit light, making the sky of Star Mia full of small but bright light spots at any time, even at night. , and the day when the sun rises is even hotter.

Troll bowed his head, and the silver-blue metal ring in his hand moved with his thoughts, and a three-dimensional time emerged.


Thinking about it, he turned and walked to the bed, picked up the military jacket that was left there, and put his hand on it.

The white cloak was thrown back, wrapped around the shoulders, and then the button of the golden string was buckled on the shoulders.

The wind that was blown when the cloak was lifted back woke up the teenager who was lying on the bed and fell asleep. Mutt, who had been squinting for a while, opened his eyes and saw Troll who was lowering his head and adjusting the black cuffs of his military uniform coat. .

As soon as he looked up, those slender Danfeng eyes looked down at him.

"Stay here, don't go out."

The major general glanced at him and said, then turned to leave.

"Wait, what kind of banquet are you going to attend now?"


"... just go by yourself?"


"No... I mean, I can't go?"

The young man said that the banquet or something sounds very high-end and high-end, and he is very interested in going to see it.

"Stay here."

The major general repeated this sentence again, and he was about to leave.

But he couldn't move after taking a step, and the boy who got up from the bed grabbed his cloak.

Troll frowned.

"let go."

he said coldly.

"You can't be so disrespectful, go to the banquet by yourself, don't let me go!"

Mutt grabbed the major general's cloak tightly and refused to let go.

He was really curious about what the future banquet would look like, and he felt that since it was a banquet for the great nobles, there must be a lot of delicious food.

Troll stared at Mutt.

"what are you going to do?"

The boy froze for a moment, and then immediately found the reason.

Naturally, he couldn't say that he wanted to go because he thought there should be a lot of delicious food at the banquet, so he gave the usual reasons for normal men to attend the banquet.

"I... I also want to go dance with those beautiful girls or something."

The major general's red phoenix eyes narrowed, becoming more and more slender.

He said, "You like men."

Mute: "..."

Can't refute.

The young man let go of his hand silently, silently watched the major general's back leave, and silently climbed off the bed and sat by the window looking at the bright sky that was said to be night in a daze.

He raised his head, looking at the sky brightly and sadly at forty-five degrees.

So, why did I say that I like men at the beginning!

He was silently contemplating here when a knock on the door came in.

Mute called to come in, the door opened, and a young man dressed as a waiter walked in.

The well-fitting clothes outlined the young man's slender and tall body, and the buttons on the neckline were slightly unbuttoned, revealing the arc of half of the collarbone.

He walked up to Mutt, bent slightly, and brought the drinks and snacks on the plate to Mutt.

He bent down, more and more outlining the beautiful waistline and the straight buttocks.

Because he was leaning over, the neckline of the clothes on his chest was opened wider, and his small, semi-firm chest muscles were exposed in front of Mute's eyes. His honey-colored skin was tight and smooth, and he felt inexplicably attractive at a glance.

The young waiter tilted his head slightly, his curly hair fell down, and a pair of peach blossom eyes looked at the young man from a sideways angle. There was a faint light in his eyes, and he blinked lightly. His thick eyelashes fluttered slightly like the wings of a butterfly. , against the seductive shimmering eyes, it makes people's throat tighten even more.

Why does this man blink all the time? His eyes are uncomfortable

Mutt thought about it while drinking a drink soaked in ice cubes, while looking at the waiter who was giving him a sneak peek.

Why is he watching me licking my lips

Ugh... licked again.

The boy thought for a while, and suddenly understood, he raised his hand and handed over a small piece of dessert in the small white porcelain plate.

"Eat what you want."

He said very considerately.

The male waiter who is doing his best to exude seductive male hormones: "..."

On the consequences of using beauty tricks on a boy who claims to like men but is actually very innocent.