It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 204: Spoiler


"Mu... Brother Mutt..."

Sally, who was so shocked by the scene just now, was speechless for a while, finally came back to her senses, stammering and calling the name of the boy in front of her. She looked at the police officers lying on the ground in a mess, and the crashed small warships emitting black smoke everywhere, feeling unreal like a dream.

While stammering and shouting, she reached out and tugged at the corner of Mutt's clothes.

Feeling the hem of his clothes being pulled, Mutt turned back, saw the girl staring at him with nervous and dazed eyes, smiled at her, and raised his hand to stroke Sally's head.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He repeated again what he had said not long ago.

Sally, who was still a little sleepwalking, looked at Mute's smile, felt the warmth of the palm touching her head, and her erratic heart stabilized. Mute's words made her feel like eating Like a reassurance. She hummed in a low voice, and obediently continued to follow behind Mute, but the hand was tightly holding onto the corner of Mute's clothes and refused to let go, because only in this way would she feel at ease.

There was silence all around, and the lake, which was still turbulent just now, also returned to calm, and no sound could be heard. And the weird artificially synthesized sound that surrounded the surroundings suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared at all.

Mutt pondered for a while, then turned his head and looked around. He looked at the police officers who fell around. The behavior of those police officers was very strange. After being knocked into the air, they kept lying on the ground. The plan to get up from the ground. They were either lying on their backs or bent over the ground, and it looked as if time had stood still on them.

There was a flash of blue light all over his body, and Mute teleported to a policeman who was seriously injured because he was too close to the center of the shock wave. The policeman knelt on the ground, motionless, letting his broken arm bleed , he didn't try to stop the bleeding at all, and he didn't even show any pain on his face.

Mutt glanced at the broken arm of the kneeling police officer and frowned.


he thinks.

After discovering the weirdness of this group of people, he once believed that the reason why these people are like puppets is because they are all robots in human skin, so they don't have human emotions and spiritual world. But he just saw that the police officer's severed arm was indeed human flesh and arm bones, not the machine parts he thought.

But why are these people behaving so like rigged robots

Are these people... really human

"Brother Mutt—"

She was still holding on to Mute's clothes, but Mute teleported away and disappeared. Sally was stunned for a moment, and when she turned her head and saw Mute appearing there, she ran over quickly. She was like a little pet. Follow Mutt step by step.

After running to Mutt's side, she secretly grabbed Mutt's clothes.

Mute, who was thinking, didn't notice the small movements of the girl behind him. After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand, and the blue-black metal bracelet on his wrist lit up, and a beam of light shot out from the bracelet, covering the kneeling policeman. The staff scanned it from head to toe. Then, a light curtain appeared in front of Mute, and a perspective view of a human body appeared inside, which was the human body data obtained from the scan just now.

Mutt's eyes fell on the head of the perspective view of the human body. The intelligent information ring scanned a thumb-sized chip in the middle of the policeman's brain, and the light curtain gave instructions and related data beside it. It is a chip similar to that of intelligent robots simulating thinking and imitating human behavior. This chip can allow intelligent robots to calculate what to do next as a human being based on data, and at the same time, it can also accept the information wave control of a specified frequency. After scanning, this chip is now connected to the cranial nerves in the brain in a very special way, and the data and wavelength of the chip are now very disordered, which is due to the damage caused by the strong shock wave.

What the hell is going on here

Mute frowned, looking at the data description on the light curtain, his mind was a little confused for a while.

Humanoid chips of intelligent robots are used, but the body is made of human flesh and blood. It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for human beings' thinking and spiritual power to be controlled by this kind of chip, even if it is brainwashed—but this impossible thing is happening right now in front of him. This is clearly a living human being, but is controlled by a brain chip, and does not have its own thinking and spirit.

In any case, Mutt feels that the existence of this form is absolutely impossible to be a person, nor can it be the policeman himself. After all, those who can become police officers have passed identity verification and assessment, and their identity backgrounds are very clear, and the files of life and study from childhood to adulthood will be recorded in the record—this was issued by the major general in the entire empire more than a hundred years ago Order.

In other words, it should be that the master behind the scenes replaced the original policeman with this name with something in this form—just like Sally’s parents, who were replaced by something human but inhuman—all the policemen here This should be the case for both crew members and combatants of small warships.

He was still frowning and thinking, when the girl behind him suddenly tugged him.

"Be careful, brother Mutt." Sally pointed to the right hand of the kneeling police officer and said, "He has a gun in his hand."

Mutt's eyes fell on the intact right hand of the dull-eyed police officer, and saw the laser gun in his hand. Sally, who didn't know the situation, probably reminded him because she was worried that the police officer would suddenly raise her hand and shoot herself.

The boy's eyes flickered.

Laser gun!

He remembered that there was another order in the order issued by the major general, that is, the weapons held by all soldiers, policemen and other fighters with weapons must be equipped with their own gene locks, that is to say, only those who have exactly the same gene people can use it.

If the original owner was replaced, and now the replaced non-human being can use the laser gun with the original owner's gene lock, it means that this thing has the same gene as the original owner.

There are only two cases of having the exact same genes.

The first type, like the major general at the time, splits the same fertilized egg, and then artificially conceives these split fertilized eggs into babies, so the babies will have the same genes. But these 'people' in front of them are obviously not, because those conceived in this way are still living people.

And the other is...


A word slowly came out of the boy's mouth.

His brows were tightly furrowed, and anger was revealed in his eyes that were relaxed when he turned the audience upside down in an instant.

Human cloning technology was mastered by human beings shortly after establishing the cosmic empire more than 10,000 years ago. Not long after this technology was mastered by humans, many academies of galaxies have carried out related experimental research, but less than a hundred years after these experimental researches, the empire issued a decree prohibiting any form of human cloning experiments. execute.

Because at that time, after a large number of clones were born, people discovered that, not to mention ethics and other issues, although these clones had human appearance and flesh and bones, they were not 'humans' at all. They have no thoughts of their own, no spirit of their own, no feelings of their own, they are like an empty house, with only an appearance, but nothing inside, just like those unconscious dead things.

In short, clones don't have human souls, they're just empty shells.

What is the reason? At that time, more than 100 years of experimental research did not find out the reason. Because even now, more than 10,000 years later, the so-called soul and spiritual world of human beings are extremely mysterious existences that are difficult to study.

Later, how those cloned people dealt with this matter still caused a lot of controversy at the time. Human beings are arguing whether these clones with only shells are dead things, animals, or 'humans' - even some seriously ill patients simply clone themselves and dig out organs from the cloned human bodies to replace their diseased organs. As a result, ethics became more and more intensified, and countless people protested and opposed fiercely—and the final result was that the first emperor who established the empire at that time directly ordered to deal with all clones, and no longer allowed to create clones. All those involved were executed.

Therefore, the tens of thousands of clones born out of the experiments were gathered together and all 'disposed' of them.

Although I know that these clones have no soul, but watching those 'people' who can breathe, have flesh and blood, and even be exactly the same as their relatives and friends, be disposed of like dead things like waste, that kind of heart-wrenching The terrifying scene that trembled in the bottom of my heart caused a great shock to all human beings.

And precisely because of this, human cloning has become a convention among human beings, a forbidden zone that must not be set foot—no matter who is found to carry out cloning experiments, the entire universe will attack.

As a person on the ancient earth more than 20,000 years ago, Mutt knows very little about the history of interstellar. The reason why he is more clear about the cloning is because he mistook the situation of the major general for cloning before and asked Salome, Salome clearly explained to him the difference between the two situations, and incidentally told him that human cloning experiments are absolutely prohibited.

Mutt's gaze swept over the clones lying on the ground with blank eyes and dull faces. When the humanoid brain chip controlling them was destroyed, they never moved again.

Those distorted existences that obviously have living flesh and blood and human appearance, but are no different from dead things in spirit make Mute feel a little disgusting in his chest, but this disgusting feeling is not for these dead without self. things, but the one who created these forbidden beings for his own selfishness.

"Sally, let's go to your house first."


Mute took Sally back to her home, and he felt that most of the city still had normal humans, which meant that not all humans had been replaced by clones.

But obviously, the officials of the city and the fighters of the armed forces should all be replaced by clones, and those who were not replaced were harmless ordinary citizens. According to this argument, Sally's parents were suddenly replaced because they went from being harmless to being harmful—that is, they likely knew something the mastermind didn't want others to know.

Therefore, Mutt intends to find clues from the materials left by Sally's parents.

Fortunately, Sally's parents dote on their daughter very much. Their information lock can be opened with Sally's iris and genes, but most of the information seems to have been cleaned up by the clones, and only a very small amount of information remains .

' can this be done...'

'Can't agree, this matter must be made public...'

'Are the consuls crazy... this way...will be destroyed...'

'Even for Sally... I have to make this terrible thing public...'

'...the second...Earth...'

Looking at the fragmentary information read from the information card, the boy closed his eyes and remained silent for a while. His face was very calm, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking with his eyes closed.

Standing beside him, Sally felt that Mutt was not in a good mood right now, so she didn't dare to speak, but just stood quietly, waiting.

After a while, Mutt opened his eyes, and he looked around.

"Are you watching?"

He spoke suddenly.

Sally was taken aback for a moment. Mutt's words were obviously not talking to her, but she was the only one in the room besides Mutt. If it wasn't to her, then who was it talking to

"What did Sally's parents know? What did you do? What do you want to control this city?"

The boy asked, one sentence after another.

"You should know that you have no solution to me. Even if you gather all the armed forces in this city, you can't do anything to me."

There was a sudden laughter in the empty room, an extremely weird, artificially synthesized laughter.

Sally trembled in fright, hugged Mute's left arm tightly, and looked around nervously.

"You are 'Gal'."

The artificial voice echoed in the air, and it didn't come from one direction, but from all directions, echoing in the room.

It said firmly, "'Ga', I haven't seen you for a long time."

The boy's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face turned cold.

"Ga, come see me."

The synthetic voice continued, still in that commanding tone.

"That's up to you to have the ability." Mutt said flatly, his eyes became sharper, "No one can force me to do what I don't want to do."

The voice smiled slyly, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. An ordinary room suddenly extended infinitely, and turned into a dimly lit giant factory in the blink of an eye.

Countless glass coffins embedded in black metal unfolded in front of the eyes, one after another, neatly placed on the ground, with no ends visible at a glance, almost tens of thousands at first glance.

There is a person lying in each glass coffin. Metal wires penetrate the back of the head and limbs of the person inside and extend out. Countless metal wires are entangled together, densely packed, and criss-crossed. Those people were lying quietly inside, as if they were dead. It looked like there were tens of thousands of glass coffins placed on the dark earth. At first glance, it gave people a very terrifying and strange shock. sense.

Is this... stereoscopic projection

What is this projected place? where? And who are these people...

Mute was frowning and thinking, when suddenly the girl beside him yelled.

"Dad! Mom!"

Sally screamed, and rushed to the two glass coffins next to each other, she stretched out her hand and wanted to smash it, but her hand pierced through the glass and passed through the lifeless man lying inside, and missed. .

She was at a loss looking at her hands that couldn't hold anything, and tears began to roll in her eyes.

"Come and see me."

The voice that came out of nowhere repeated this sentence again.

"The two people you want to find are still alive, as long as you are obedient, they can continue to live."


The young man remained silent for a long while.



The prison equipment buckled in the brain was removed, and the vision and hearing restricted by the prison equipment returned to the body. Mutt shook his head to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling, and then looked up and looked around.

This is a fully enclosed metal room, and there is a special layer of glass attached to the wall. Mutt can feel that this special glass can block the power of his Ga.

After roughly looking at the empty metal room, he took a deep breath, sat down on the only seat, leaned against the cold seat back, and looked up at the vaulted roof.

The original clothes have been taken off and replaced with simple clothes prepared by that person, and all other things on his body have been destroyed, probably to prevent him from wearing positioning devices or bugs on his body.

The teenager sat quietly, looking calm.

With a bang, it was the sound of the automatic door opening, and someone walked into the room.

Mutt looked at it with a surprised expression.

The one who walked in was a young man with blond hair. His long pure blond hair looked extremely beautiful under the light reflecting the streamer. The young man's face was also very handsome, and he was wearing the uniform of an unknown research institute, with the neckline open.

As soon as he saw Mute, his eyes lit up, and without waiting for Mute to speak, he walked over quickly, bent down, and actually pressed his hands on the armrests of the seat, and pressed his upper body towards the sitting boy.

The brown eyes stared at Mute firmly, and there seemed to be a cluster of hot flames burning deep in the pupils of the blond-haired youth.

"gorgeous… "

He said as if sighing, with undisguised greed in his eyes, scorching the face of the boy below him, and the skin from the neck down.

Mute's top was very loose, a bit similar to a camisole, and it was even looser than that. Looking down from above, one could clearly see large areas of white and tender skin from the neck to the chest.

The young man's fiery eyes swept across the young skin, with a look of strong desire, he couldn't wait to stretch out his hand to caress the young man's bare shoulders, his fingers sliding slowly on the skin.

"Ah, this feeling... young skin... this young body... is really beautiful..."

The smile on the sighing blond young man's face revealed a feeling of nervousness, he stared at the young man below him, his whole body seemed to be in a state of excitement, and madness flickered in his eyes.

That pretty handsome face was distorted at the moment, and against the madness in his eyes, it was inexplicably chilling to the back of his neck.

"Yes...that's it...that's how it feels..."

Speaking incoherent and strange words, just touching it with his hands seemed unsatisfactory. He bent down eagerly, impatiently wanting to kiss and feel the young skin on the neck of the teenager already in his hands.