It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 205: Spoiler


The all-metal room is dazzlingly bright, the vaulted roof is like a shrunken sky, and the transparent glass covers the outside, making the luster of the metal even more stinging. Mute, who was leaning on the seat, raised his head, soft black hair slid down his side cheeks and fell from his ears, his skin was fair, with the tenderness and delicateness unique to young children, Like an egg that has been peeled off its shell, it is so delicate that there are almost no traces of pores.

He has the face of a teenager who seems to be underage, and still has a bit of childlike childishness, which happens to belong to the middle period of transition from child to youth. He has just ended the childishness of a child, and has not yet grown up. The green peach on the branch is about to be ripe, and the tip of the peach has a touch of pink that is spreading. It is the most beautiful period for people to have infinite fantasies.

The dazzling light refracted from the metal vault made Mutter narrow his eyes slightly.

In the backlight, he couldn't see clearly the expression on the face of the blond man who bent down towards him, but he could feel the flame that seemed to burn everything in the gaze staring at him.

This person's fingers are very slender and beautiful, but when the cold fingertips caressed the skin on his neck and shoulders, a strong sense of discomfort rose from the bottom of his heart, and a series of goosebumps came from being touched by the other party. The place where the fingers touched popped up, and Mute almost resisted the feeling of nausea before avoiding the man's hand without showing weakness.

But Mutt could feel that this man didn't feel obscene at all when he touched him. The man stared at him with fiery eyes and greedy look, not so much as treating him as a person, but more like treating him as someone he longed for. long-lasting items.

The desire in the man's eyes is undisguised, but it is not the desire for the human body, but another kind of desire with a strong self-consciousness. It is precisely because of this almost weird and distorted desire for objects that the blond man made this seemingly absurd behavior.

The blond man had already leaned over and lowered his head. It seemed that just touching with his hands could not satisfy the special desire that almost burned his whole body. The distorted sense of longing actually made him bow his head regardless. Wanted to lip lick the near-perfect possession he had just acquired.

Mute raised his hand and covered the lower half of the man's lowered face.

He raised his head and looked at the man above him. His slightly long hair like flowing gold was hanging down on his wrist. The hair was smooth and delicate, like golden threads, reflecting the light and passing the golden streamer.

Blocked by Mute, when he saw Mute for the first time, he lost his mind for an instant, like a blond young man who had completely lost his mind, and then suddenly came back to his senses.

He stared at the sitting young man for a long time, the uncontrollable madness in his eyes slowly disappeared, and the face that was so excited that it was almost distorted also returned to calm.

Slowly leaning over, the blond man bent his knees and knelt on the ground with one knee, maintaining this posture with Mut's eyes level with Mutt's eyes. His hand retracted from Mut's neck, and he took Mut's hand covering his face.

His eyes fell and fell on that hand. Although the fingers of the boy's hand held by him were not considered slender, they were white, soft, smooth, and glowed with the unique skin luster of young children under the light.

The man greedily looked at the young and delicate skin. The blood vessels under the skin flowed with hot blood, like a bright flame, so bright that people couldn't take their eyes off it.


he thought wistfully.

This young skin...a young like a young tree, with vigorous vigor and vitality under the fresh branches and makes the dead wood with old scars all over it even more ugly.

Without the shadow of the backlight, Mute finally saw clearly the face of the blond young man who was at close range with him at the moment.

In all fairness, the blond young man's face is very handsome, although it is not comparable to the major general, but it can be regarded as extremely outstanding. Under the slightly curled eyelashes, there are a pair of deep dark brown eyes, a high nose bridge, and sharp-edged lips just right on the most appropriate part of this face.

However, although this man had a handsome face, his face was sickly pale, his eyes were inexplicably strange, and even when he smiled, there was a cold feeling, which weakened his sense of beauty by half.

Unable to explain why, Mutt always felt that the handsome blond man in front of him exuded an aura that made him uncomfortable.

If I have to describe it, this man gives people a... very fake feeling.

The blond man looked at his hands fascinatedly, knelt in front of him, and fell in his direction.

Mute narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his head, and raised his foot to step on the young man's chest.

The toes he stepped on the opponent were bare, and they pressed against the opponent's chest. With a little force, he pushed the opponent's body leaning towards him a little bit.

With such an insulting gesture, he thought that the other party would be furious—but no, the blond youth seemed to have fallen into the sickness at the beginning, lowered his head and stared straight at the toes that the youth stepped on his chest, and The smooth ankle, and the slender bare calf, showed a fascinated look, and finally held the foot that was stepping on him, and lowered his head to lick the delicate skin on the ankle.

Mutt was caught off guard.

The moment he felt hot and humid things licking his ankles, a chill suddenly rose from his spine. He kicked hard almost reflexively, kicking away the man who made him feel so disgusted, and then forcefully Wipe it vigorously on the slightly wet place.

The blond young man who was kicked away by Mute fell backwards on the ground. Under the bright blond hair, there were a pair of dark eyes that did not match him. He stared at Mute through the gaps in the messy blond hair, and clucked in a strange voice. He laughed a few times, then stood up.

He stood up very calmly and calmly, as if he just accidentally fell down just now, and he even patted the dust of the research uniform on his body casually. At this time, he looked like a normal person. After standing still, he raised his eyes to look at Mute again.

"you hate me."

He laughed and said that his brown eyes were very dark, like the tan of rotting leaves, with heavy shadows.

"But you can't escape."

He seemed very happy, and his eyes fell on Mutt's hand.

There is a blue metal bracelet on Mutt's left wrist, and the blue and black information ring that should have been worn on his right wrist has long been taken off under the duress of the man, along with the clothes and other personal items that were asked to take off It was taken away by some clone police officer who escorted him, and it was probably destroyed.

Now this cyan metal ring is a control ring that is forcibly worn to limit the power of Taga.

The boy looked at the man with undisguised disgust.


Mutt said, standing up, the dark pupils began to shine blue light.

The man smiled happily.

"You can't escape."

he said firmly.

The cyan metal ring vibrated, and an electric current came out and hit Mute heavily. He trembled, and the blue light in his pupils disappeared.

The blond man put his hands in the pockets of his coat, and looked down at the boy opposite him with the gaze of a lower animal.

"None of your companions can escape from me."

There was no expression on Mutt's face. He looked at the cyan metal ring on his wrist lightly and asked, "Have you done experiments with Ga before?"

"Oh, you react quickly."

The blond youth raised his eyebrows.

" many?"


"How many Jia are you experimenting with?"

"Are you interested in this?"


"Well, it's okay to talk about it." The blond young man raised his hand and touched his smooth chin, probably recalling what happened at that time, his face showed a happy look immersed in memories, "For hundreds of years, almost Three or four... well, you're number five."

"… Oh."

"It's very interesting. It's the first time I saw Jia who fell into my hands and reacted like this."

Those girls in the past were either terrified to death, or begged him hard, and some wanted to die, but today this one is so calm, and he still has the mind to ask about the situation of his previous companions.

Just as he was thinking, the boy who had been silent for a while suddenly spoke again.

"You want to know Ga's secret?"

The young man raised his eyes and stared at him, his dark pupils were like the endless deep night sky, and there was a sense of horror that made people sink deeply.

The boy's voice was like a spell that seduced people's hearts.

"The secret of this body's eternal youth?"

He subconsciously held his breath.

He heard his heart beating violently, almost breaking his chest.

"tell me… "

He stared obsessively at the young man's dark eyes, his gaze was full of naked longing, revealing madness.

"Tell me!" he said, "you aliens—you are clearly aliens, aliens, but you have this kind of power!"

The power to make him mad with envy!

Power that never grows old!

"... Birth, old age, sickness and death, this is something that all human beings will experience, why do you force it to change?"

"What do you know!"

The blond man suddenly yelled at Mutt, his face twisted, and he fell into a state of hysteria.

"What do you monsters know! — the feeling of watching yourself grow old, whether it's your hands or your face, and the horrible wrinkles gradually creeping up... that feeling like you're about to run out of fuel... I can only watch the horrible feeling of my body decomposing a little bit... "

He looked at his hands ferociously. Obviously the skin of his hands was smooth, and he looked like a young man, but his eyes seemed to see a pair of ugly claws full of wrinkles.

He raised his head abruptly, staring at Mutt with hatred, and there was desire and greed in that hatred.

"You guys are so won't grow old, your body is forever young...what a beautiful body..."

He stared straight at Mutter, the corners of his eyes twitching.

"You monsters easily have what I've dreamed of—why—why won't you give it to me!"

"I'm so good, I'm so handsome, do you understand how I feel when I watch my face get ugly wrinkles little by little! I shouldn't be old! I shouldn't be in that ugly way Looks old and dead! What do you monsters know?!"

"... I really don't understand."

Mutt replied, without any expression on his face, he just looked at the blond young man who fell into madness indifferently.

"The only thing I know is that everything you do has a cause and effect."

He said, raising his hand in the direction of the man, his eyes were sharp and cold.

"You hurt Jia, didn't you ever think that their companions would come to you for revenge one day?"

"Depending on you?"

The blond youth laughed.

"You are in my hands now, and you can't protect yourself." He laughed maniacally, "Baby, do you know how long I have been waiting for a new one? It's been more than two hundred years—this time, I I will definitely get what I want from you!"

There was a crackling sound, and the wild laughter of the blond youth stopped abruptly.

Mute stood opposite him, his black eyes were all stained with blue light, the invisible air current stirred up the ends of his hair and the corners of his clothes, and the fluttering forehead hair passed over the corners of his upturned eyes.

The cyan metal ring on his wrist has become dust, falling from the air with rustling.


"Idiot, if I don't get caught, how can I find your hiding place."


"You are the real monster in human skin."

With a flash of blue light, an invisible shock wave exploded. The glass covering the metal wall to isolate Ga's power trembled violently, cracked with a buzz, and spread countless cracks, and then all of them burst. Even the hard metal wall was twisted by that invisible force, and several huge gaps appeared on the metal wall.

And the blond young man standing opposite Mutt was the first to bear the brunt. He was blown out and hit the shattered glass wall hard. The sharp glass pierced his body, hanging him in the cracked glass wall. on the glass wall.

The blood flowed down the glass wall from behind the blond young man like a fountain, and the young man was hung on the glass wall like this, with his head hanging down without struggling, and his limbs were hanging limply, as if he hadn't Like a puppet of life, there is not even an expression of pain on the face, and the eyes that were flickering with madness a moment ago are now empty and empty.

Sure enough, it is also a clone...

Staring at the blond youth hanging on the shattered glass wall, Mutt frowned and thought.

The control chip in his brain should have been destroyed by his mental shock.

He no longer looked at the lifeless dead thing, a blue light flashed all over his body, and disappeared into the prison cell that had begun to collapse. Within a minute of his disappearance, the entire metal building collapsed, burying the blank-eyed, blond youth clone beneath.

The boy closed his eyes, his mental power expanded in this dark underground.

This underground space is extremely huge, with countless spaces, and the passages crisscross to connect those densely packed spaces. At first glance, it feels like a huge ant nest buried deep underground. This underground is icy cold, without the slightest temperature. Although there are countless 'people' among them, they are not angry at all, and their expressions are dull and empty. Their every move is obviously controlled by the chip in their brains. They have no thinking of their own, and they are busy going back and forth like worker ants. .

The mastermind must be found...

Thinking about it, Mutt continued to expand his spiritual power in all directions. Soon, he sensed an extremely weak spiritual power. Although it seemed like nothing, it was hard to feel it, but in this underground lair full of dead things, the weak spiritual power was extremely obvious.

He teleported several times following this weak induction. Although the passages of this 'ant nest' were densely intertwined like a mess, he could clearly sense that bit of mental power, and he would not miss the direction at all. .

The last time he teleported to a huge high alloy door, he just took a step forward, and with a buzzing sound, countless lasers sprayed from the top of his head, under his feet, and from the surrounding walls.

The black-haired boy floated in mid-air, his bare feet floating half a meter above the metal floor, invisible air currents surged around him, and a translucent blue light eggshell protected his whole body, the huge energy All the laser light was blocked by the transparent blue eggshell, and sparks exploded in the air.

"Don't go any further."

Someone appeared in front of Mutt.

With flowing golden shawl hair, dark brown eyes, and a young and handsome face, the blond young man, who was exactly the same as the person buried in the collapsed prison cell not long ago, stopped in front of Mutt.

He pointed a half-person-high weapon at Mutt in his hand, and with his fingers clasped, even the hardest alloys could be instantly vaporized by high-temperature flames that blasted out, instantly melting everything around Mutt, and Mutt was wrapped in flames.

The invisible airflow blew up a whirlwind, and the white flames surrounding him were lifted off at once.

The boy who came out of the flames glanced at the blond youth.

With just one glance, the weapon in the young man's hand shattered instantly, and the whole person was thrown backwards and fell to the ground, his eyes glazed over.

Mute was suspended in the air, and he glanced at the closed door lightly from the corner of his eyes, a blue light flashed in his pupils.

At this glance, the hard alloy giant door burst open.

There was another blond man who was exactly the same as the one in front of him, and the ferocious blasting fire was like a torrential rain rushing towards Mutt—



No matter how obstructed, the boy finally reached the place where he felt spiritual power.

He thought, it should be an old man who is already dying. It is precisely because I am so old that I eagerly want to live and want a young body.

The place where Mute finally broke into was a small room. As soon as he entered, his eyes widened suddenly, and he was stunned, dumbfounded.

A huge glass vessel in the shape of a cylinder is in the very center of the room, running through the roof and metal floor.

The room is densely packed with intertwined threads, or soft thin threads of unknown material, or thick metal threads, entangled like octopus limbs and piled up the entire room, and penetrated the room and extended to the outside go out.

The boy stood there blankly, his mind blank for a moment.

In the center of the room, before his eyes, the transparent solution in the cylindrical glass vessel was rippling, and countless thin silk threads extended from it.

And the source of those thin metal wires is a pale brain that is still wriggling in the solution!

Just when Mute, who was terrified by the scene in front of him, didn't come back to his senses for a while, a familiar synthetic voice rang out in the room.

"You actually - actually -"

The voice was obviously angry, and the brain with countless metal filaments in the solution was also violently wriggling.

"You despicable alien! How dare you insult me, Allin Doyle!"

"Alyn Doyle?"

"Yes! Get out of the noble Allin Doyle immediately! You damn monster!"

Alyn Doyle, known as the most outstanding genius gene researcher in the millennium, has cracked several special gene codes of the human body, and has made great contributions to the extension of human life and the selection of excellent genes, so he is well known.

It is almost a common existence in the legends of the universe, a master-level scholar who has laid the foundation of human genetics in the contemporary universe, a name that makes everyone in the universe awe-inspiring as soon as it is said.

"... who is it?"

Asked by a person from ancient Earth who had no interstellar common sense.