It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 206: Spoiler


The vast universe, the vast stars. In the deep dark starry sky, there are thousands of stars flashing, and the clouds and mists of galaxies in the distance are slowly turning, reflecting colorful colors and showing a dreamlike beauty.

The huge blue-black battleship is like a blue whale swimming in the sea of stars, sailing in the boundless starry sky, even though it has been a long time since it has personally participated in the war, but it has experienced countless bloody battlefields. The sexual aura has never disappeared, and the streamlined hull exudes a sharp blade-like sharpness. It moves like a sharp blade out of its sheath.

The spacious command hall was quiet, and all the soldiers were obediently buried in their posts, not daring to relax in the slightest. Everyone knows that their Majesty is not in a good mood right now, and the atmosphere in the entire hall is very depressed. They don't want to hit the guns right now.

On the high command round platform in the center of the hall, the handsome emperor sat quietly on the suspended seat, his eyelashes drooping slightly, and his velvety black hair scattered on his forehead, and the shadow fell into the pair of eyes that seemed to be frozen in a glacier. In the eyes of dark blue gemstones.

The thin lips are slightly pursed, and the color is quite light, like the color of the cherry blossoms that have just bloomed in early spring before they turn red, and there is still a bit of winter chill.

At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor, who possesses an incomparable beauty that is privately commented by the people of the entire universe, is obviously not happy. Although the perennially indifferent face is still as expressionless as usual, it seems that there is no change, but Yixiuta Your Majesty's subordinates have followed their Majesty for such a long time, so they naturally know their Majesty very well.

... Well, even if you don't understand it, you can feel it from the oppressive aura that enveloped the entire hall at this moment, making it hard to breathe.

Well, we have to find that Highness quickly.

Everyone has reached a consensus at this moment.

Only that one can relieve their majesty's all-round and indiscriminate oppressive aura with powerful lethality.

But this time it's really a bit strange, I don't know what that His Highness did this time... In the past, that His Highness often ran away. Although His Majesty would chase after him, he would not be too angry, almost with a conniving attitude Let that His Majesty make a fuss... They have never seen His Majesty angry to such an extent.

With a buzzing sound, the bright light in the center of a certain light curtain suddenly disappeared.

The soldier in charge of the battleship's navigation was taken aback for a moment, and then broke out in cold sweat. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, stood up tremblingly, holding the mentality of mortal death.


He reported loudly.

"Your Majesty, the signal source has disappeared!"

Troll, who had lowered his eyes slightly, raised his eyes suddenly, and a frightening sharp light burst out from his blue eyes, which had been indifferent a second ago, almost like a substantial sharp knife piercing through.

He was suffocated by Troll's stare, and the young soldier felt that his heart almost stopped beating for a moment. Although his mind was blank, his instinct still made him stand still and wait for the instructions of his superiors.


The person who frowned and asked was Robin.

Via, who has been promoted to admiral, as the commander of the Third Army of the Empire, already has his exclusive ship, and it is impossible to stay on Ishtar as an auxiliary lieutenant all the time. And Robin, who has always been a junior soldier, has been staying on Ishtar as a guard and part-time destroyer combatant.

More than a hundred years have passed, and the red-haired man with a little gray hair on his temples looks more stable than when he was young. He thought for a while, and continued to ask.

"How long has it been gone?"

"It was fifty-six seconds ago that the located signal source suddenly disappeared without any warning!" The soldier replied, "It is estimated that the possibility of interference from other bands is very low, and the signal source is most likely destroyed by an external force. "

external force

Robin frowned.

The source of that signal is...

Thinking about this, he looked up at Troll on the podium.

Troll, who was sitting on the command seat, no longer looked at the soldier. When Robin was talking to the soldier, he had already turned his head to look at his right hand. Just after the soldier finished his last sentence, the blue-black metal ring on his right wrist suddenly burst, shattered into tiny pieces under his gaze, and fell from the suspended seat armrest.

The special metal of twin induction.

Born of the same origin, when one is destroyed, the other destroys itself.

Troll sat with his head slightly tilted, his narrow phoenix eyes staring at the broken and falling fragments on his wrist, and he didn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, the entire hall was silent.

At this moment, in this terrifyingly quiet command hall, a sense of suffocation enveloped everyone.



Probably because of Mutt's sentence 'Who? 'Short to myocardial infarction—although Doyle, who is now only a wriggling white brain, has no heart—the artificial voice did not appear again for a long time. It can only be seen that the brain soaked in the transparent solution is wriggling much more violently than at the beginning, and even the metal filaments protruding from the brain are trembling endlessly, stirring up the originally calm solution.

Ah, looks very angry.

The boy looked at the white brain that suddenly writhed violently and thought.

But this blob looks really... super disgusting.

Just as he was thinking this way, people suddenly rushed in from the alloy door he had just opened. Mutt turned his head to look, and saw that those people were all men with blond hair and brown eyes who looked exactly the same. Their movements were uniform, and even their breathing was in the same rhythm. Although they were young and handsome in appearance, their empty eyes without the slightest expression made them look like mechanical puppets. Those identical sluggish faces put together made Mute feel disgusted no matter how they looked at them.

Mutt turned back, looked at the brain in the solution, raised his finger to the brain, and then pointed to the group of cloned bodies.

He asked, "Don't you think you look more like a monster now?"

Probably because they were worried that the use of laser guns and other powerful weapons would damage their own nutrient solution tanks, the group of clone bodies that came did not carry weapons, but cautiously surrounded them and blocked them between Mutt and the brain. After all, Doyle's brain is very fragile. If it is not soaked in nutrient solution and the blood oxygen is delivered through those thin wire channels, it will survive less than a minute exposed to the air.

And even if a weapon is used, it may not be able to hurt this Jia. This Jia is completely different from the Jia he used to conduct experiments, and it is much more ferocious, which makes him feel a little fear for no reason.

But the more fear he felt, the more shame Doyle felt.

You know, he was the absolute master in front of those who were allowed to be slaughtered by him in the past. Those experimental subjects trembled under his feet, looked at him with fearful eyes, begged him, and begged for his mercy—but now , This inferior race, who should have curled up at his feet like the previous ones, was afraid of him begging him, but dared to let the noble him experience the feeling of fear.


Absolutely unforgivable!

He felt anger like never before.

This is the greatest humiliation that Alin Doyle has ever suffered in his life!

It was impossible to understand the sense of shame that Doyle felt at this moment. The blue light like stars flickered in the pupils of Jia's young man, and the invisible air current surrounded him, making his forehead hair fluttering endlessly in front of his eyes.

His body slowly floated up, his bare feet left the ground, and the airflow surrounding him lifted the loose corners of his clothes. He was clearly in the dark and dull underground lair, but the boy seemed to be in the vast sky, in the roaring wind.

He reached out, pointing in the direction of the brain in solution, blocked by the row of clones.

The young man's appearance is soft, with a little childishness, he usually looks like a harmless little pet, but at this moment, he is suspended in the air, the light flashing in his eyes is the sharpness of a sharp blade, no one can underestimate him Looking at the terrifying power in this slender body, it seems that not long ago, he alone blasted away the armed forces that could almost conquer a city in an instant.

"You think these clones can protect you?"

Mutt said that he looked through the countless clones in the middle and looked at the huge glass solution tank behind them, a sharp light flashed in his pupils, and a blue light visible to the naked eye also accumulated on his raised hand , like a blue flame burning in his palm.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Although it was an artificially synthesized voice, it seemed to be a bit embarrassed at this moment.

Clearly aware that he was in a disadvantageous situation at the moment, this human geneticist who thought he was superior softened, endured the humiliation, suppressed his anger, and against his will, begged for peace with the race he considered inferior.

Mutt smiled.

"No wait."

He said bluntly, the blue flame in his hand suddenly rose.

"What the girl's parents found out!"

The synthetic voice is almost roaring.

"The thing they're trying to uncover—don't you want to know—"


Mut didn't move, the blue flame of light throbbing in his palm.

"If I die here, this planet will be destroyed! All life on this planet will be buried with me!"

Mutt frowned.

He remembered the little information left by Sally's parents that he found in Sally's house not long ago.

'How can this be done...'

'to stop... can't continue...will be destroyed...'

'... the second... Earth...'

Almost in an instant, the young man's face darkened. If the eyes he stared at the other party were only slightly cold and disdainful a moment ago, then at this moment his eyes were terribly cold.

"what have you done?"

he asked coldly.

A row of clones like puppets retreated to both sides at exactly the same pace, revealing the slowly wriggling brain in the solution behind. A metal filament extending from the brain flickered for a moment, and the light extended from the inside, and quickly followed the metal wire to the thick and tangled choroids on the side of the room. Then, with a buzzing sound, the entire room darkened, and everything around began to change.

It is not a stereoscopic image projection in a certain place, because the surrounding images are constantly changing, as if someone is walking forward, and then all the scenery he sees as he moves forward are continuously projected, making people feel like they are there Its environment is general.

Mutt saw a deep tunnel, a long, circular passage covered in silver-white metal, extending deep underground. Along the way, you can see countless intelligent machines, big or small, human-like or non-human-like, busy shuttling and running.

Countless flexible pipes are intertwined, like tree roots, penetrating deep underground.

Further down, extremely deep underground, these flexible pipes pass through the crust, through the mantle, and penetrate into the core of the planet. It can be seen that the extremely high-temperature core is a flowing liquid, fiery red like molten lava, just like the heart of a human being.

But now the countless pipes have pierced the heart of this planet fiercely, drawing out the melt in the center of the earth bit by bit, just like drawing blood from the heart of a human being.

The planet can't speak, it can only rotate quietly in the universe, letting the countless straws suck the red blood in its heart little by little.

"What are you doing!"

The powerful mental power erupted suddenly because of the young man's loss of control, and the ferocious shock wave instantly interfered with the wave band in the room. The projected image distorted and disappeared with a swish.

Mutt stared intently at the ugly brain.

"How could you do such a thing?!"

The magma in the center of the earth is the core of a planet, and it is the basis for the birth of the planet. Once the magma in the center of the earth is evacuated, no one dares to imagine what the planet will look like.

There was giggles in the room, a weird, raspy sound from a synthetic voice.

"Do you know what happens to a planet whose core is evacuated?"

The voice laughed.

"It will sink, it will shrink into a ball, and then, boom! Hahaha, it will fall apart, like a spark that exploded, ahahaha, have you seen it? No, you can't, ah, that kind of What a beautiful view, I have never seen a more charming firework than that—”

Listening to the maniacal laughter of the artificially synthesized voice, Mutt gritted his teeth to suppress the anger in his heart, but his breathing became uncontrollably rapid.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "In other words, isn't this planet the first planet you extracted from the center of the earth?"

"Hmm... which planet is this... well, it seems to be the third? Well, after all, a planet can only be drawn for a maximum of two hundred years."

Indulging in the intoxicating memory of the past, the brain seemed to have not recovered, and answered in a trance.

"Why do you do such a thing?"

"For me to live long, I need a special substance, a very special element, which exists only in the liquid core."

"So..." the boy gritted his teeth fiercely, "Just to keep yourself alive, just for you, you destroyed two planets?"

"There are countless planets in this universe, one more or one less is nothing."

Doyle replied, disapprovingly, of course.

"But there is only one great Alyn Doyle."

"Haven't you ever thought that there are countless lives on those planets...not to mention others, your kind, those human beings..."

The synthetic voice sneered, contemptuous and extremely proud.

"Those mediocre ants who are no different from garbage have the right to be called my kind?" It said, "It is their honor to support the great me."


There was a long silence.

After a long time, the boy took a deep breath.

"very good."

At this moment, his expression was very calm, and his anger was extremely extreme, which made his gaze even calmer.

"For more than a hundred years, no one has made me so angry for a long time."

The gaze he stared at the writhing brain opposite was terrifyingly calm.

"A greedy, disgusting, ugly parasite."

Mutt said, his face was icy cold, and his dark pupils seemed to be burning with icy blue flames.

"In order to survive, it sucks other people's blood to survive."

"How can your inferior race understand my greatness."

"I don't understand, and I never want to understand."

Mutt replied coldly.

"No matter how great you think you are, today, now, you will die at the hands of me who you think is inferior."

There was another weird laugh in the room. If Doyle was a little flustered at the beginning, he is now confident.

"You can't kill me." He let out a shrill laugh. "Otherwise, why do you think I let you watch that? If you kill me, this planet will be finished, and so will all the people on it."

"Hehe, as soon as my brain waves disappear, the brain systems on the entire planet will go out of control, and all clones will start to attack all living creatures around them indiscriminately, and all lethal weapons will be activated, attacking indiscriminately."

A gloomy, maniacal laugh in a synthetic voice echoed across the room.

"There are also countless pipes connected to the molten core of the earth, all of which will be opened, and everything will be out of control. At that time, all the liquid in the core of the earth will be ejected out of the ground along the pipes—just like I told you just now, the core of the earth will lose Balance, the earth's crust collapsed, the entire planet shrank violently, and then, boom! Ah~~~What a beautiful spark in the starry sky~~"

The gloomy voices of artificially synthesized voices sounded one after another.

"Once you kill me, you will destroy this planet with your own hands, and you will kill the girl you managed to save, as well as the girl's parents, and all the people on this planet, all at your hands!"

"Hahahaha—what can you do? What can you do to me? Hahaha! What can you do with a scumbag? You can't do anything!"

Letting the manic laughter from the synthetic voice echo in the room, Mutt's expression remained calm.

He didn't speak until Doyle stopped laughing at him enough.

"Not necessarily." The boy said, "As long as you can't control those things, nothing will happen."

"Wishful thinking. Stupid, my brain waves are connected to the network of the entire planet, which means that this planet is under my control."

Mut stared at it and spoke slowly.

"What if all energy sources such as the network, intelligent system, electricity, etc. of this planet stop? What if the entire planet stops functioning in an instant?... You are just a brain. Without the network and intelligent brain system, do you think you can still do it? what?"

"Oh, this kind of thinking is also correct, well, I can barely praise you. But, do you have the ability to stop the operation of this planet? You know, the only one who has the right to forcibly stop all systems on a planet is this empire The emperor's genetic order can only be fulfilled if the emperor of the empire comes here in person."

The brain soaked in the solution was wriggling, and the transparent solution was constantly rippling along with it. Harsh laughter echoed in the room, and it mocked the ignorant young man viciously and mercilessly.

"Could it be possible for an inferior existence like you to allow the supreme emperor of this empire to come here?"

[Monitoring the approach of a giant battleship.]

A mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

[Warning, it is detected that armed warships with great lethality are approaching this planet.]

At the same moment as the warning sound, a huge light curtain also popped up, reflecting the battleship approaching the planet.

The huge blue-black battleship, like a giant whale swimming in the star sea, slowly moved towards the planet with incomparable majesty and pressure.

That is an existence that people in the entire universe are familiar with.

That is the symbol of the supreme ruler of this empire.

"Yi... Yixiu... Tal?"

The constantly wriggling brain seemed to be still, frozen, and solidified at this moment.

"Emperor... His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Ah, it came so fast."

The boy who also saw the huge blue-black battleship said so.

That tone of course, is an understatement.

" could that His Majesty—"

It is not just an Ishtar sailing towards the planet. As Ishtar approaches, tens of thousands of battleships behind it also appear, surrounding the planet, one after another The muzzle of the gun was opened and aimed at the planet.

The brain that saw this scene could no longer speak, it was soaked in the solution blankly, and it took a long time to wriggle with difficulty.

And Mutt, who also saw the following battleship, let out an um, and recognized that it was the Third Army of the Empire led by Via.

This formation seems a bit big... The Third Legion has actually been dispatched. You must know that only large-scale battles between galaxies will dispatch the Imperial Legion.

He thought so, a little helpless.

Although he accidentally damaged the information ring this time, isn't the major general overdoing it a bit? It's too exaggerated to make the legion come out in such a big posture.

Mutt was thinking about this, when suddenly in the big light curtain, the universe in another direction was distorted, and a wormhole opened.

Then, Mut watched helplessly as countless warships of the Empire's First Legion slowly sailed out of the dark wormhole.

Mute: "... huh?"

Before the sound of "ha" came to an end, another wormhole opened in another place.

The Fifth Imperial Legion appears.

Mute: "..."


... ... ...

A few minutes passed, and the five major armies of the empire gathered around this small planet in a remote area.

The terrifying firepower that was more than enough to destroy half of the galaxy in the universe was aimed at the trembling asteroid.

Alyn Doyle's brain soaked in the solution: "..."

It was so sluggish that it had stopped even wriggling.

Mute: "..."

Major General, don't you think that this brutal formation is enough to conquer the universe again? Major General, don't be like this! ! !