It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 207: Spoiler


Ur is an astronomy enthusiast. After returning from school every day, he will quickly finish his homework for the day. When night falls, he will lie on the bed, open his information ring, and look at the starry sky through the light curtain.

After spending a whole ten years proving to his parents with his excellent grades every time, he finally got the gift he had been looking forward to for ten years on his sixteenth birthday—his parents bought him an interstellar Viewing rights to view satellites.

There is a special kind of artificial satellite on the periphery of the planet, called a visible landscape satellite, and the number is strictly limited, so there are not many. Their mission is to take photos of the planetary landscape, atmospheric landscape, stars, whistling comets, meteor swarms, magnificent distant galaxies and other beautiful landscapes in the sea of stars when they orbit the planets, so that people can watch them simultaneously. It's just that this viewing permission costs money to buy, and the price is very expensive. Not a real fan will not easily spend such a large amount of money to buy this permission. It is said that you can also buy holographic projection effects, but the price is even more expensive.

Although his parents are always nagging that he wasted a lot of money, Wuer feels that as long as he can see the beautiful sea of stars and the magical starry sky, everything is worth it. So, tonight, he happily nestled on the bed and turned on the light curtain to watch the live broadcast from the landscape satellite.

While indulging in the beautiful sea of stars, he suddenly saw the starry sky distorted, a wormhole opened, and a huge ship slowly sailed out of it, appearing above the planet. The view satellite that happened to be orbiting the planet turned around here, and the huge ship was photographed in its entirety, allowing Ur to see it clearly.

Ur rubbed his eyes, and rubbed his eyes again.

The blue-black tone, the streamlined shape, the golden lines on the wings...

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Ur jumped up from the bed.


He was absolutely right! His Majesty's ship Ishtar!

As a serious lover of battleships, he has bought a dozen of Ishtar's models, and often holds them fondly, so he will never admit his mistake!

Regardless of other things, Wuer logged into Starnet in a flash, suppressed his excitement and began to frantically tap the translucent virtual keyboard in front of him.

'Attention attention attention attention! Ishtar is here! Ishtar has come to us! '

'That His Highness must be here with us! Absolutely with us! '

"C'mon, c'mon, your majesty is here to arrest people!"

"I saw it too! Damn! It's the first time I've grown up so close to His Majesty!"

'Has anyone noticed anything unusual? '

"That's right, everyone hurry up and look for it together, this time we must find that one—"

As soon as Ur finished typing a sentence, the global star network of this planet has already fallen into chaos.

'too fast! It's only been two days, and my bet is five days. '

'It's over, it's over, I'm going to lose this time. '

'Hahahaha, let you not believe in His Majesty's ability, just bet on me for two days. '

"Shut up, don't worry about the above, let's quickly find out that mysterious highness—"

'This time we must give the two factions an understanding! '

Ur looked at this sentence and followed up decisively.

'right! We are right! '

Speaking of the two factions, this involves a constant topic of debate in the empire for more than a hundred years.

About who is the most beautiful woman in the interstellar world.

A group of people firmly stood up for His Majesty, claiming that their Majesty is unprecedented, and that the praise of the most beautiful woman in the interstellar world is well deserved.

But there is still a minority who have other arguments. They firmly believe that although His Majesty is almost unmatched in beauty, the mysterious His Majesty who never shows up is the one who can make such a Majesty fall in love with him. The real number one beauty in the interstellar world. Otherwise, how could His Majesty, who was so indifferent to everyone, love him so much that the people of the whole universe watched him with toothache and eyesore.

Therefore, they firmly believe that their Majesty's beloved who never shows up is the real, hidden version of the number one beauty in the interstellar world! Maybe His Majesty's unwillingness to let him show up is because he doesn't want people other than himself to see the beauty of his beloved, right

At the beginning, the two factions were fighting, and the quarrel was turned upside down on the star network. After the quarrel, it was noticed by the information supervision agency, and it was reported to Robin. Robin, who was holding the report, laughed wildly for a long time, almost dislocated his jaw, and rubbed his face for a long time before recovering. After laughing, he happily ran to tell someone about it.

A hidden version of the real, number one beauty in the interstellar world: "..."

Then Robin flew out from the window on the third floor, and fell on the lawn outside with a snap.


Having said that, Ur himself is a firm supporter of the mysterious highness who is the number one beauty in the interstellar world, so this time when he found out that that person might have come to his own planet, he was immediately overwhelmed with excitement and called on his companions to dig together. Di Sanchi finds out that person, vowing to see the real No. 1 beauty in the interstellar world, and slaps the opposition hard on the face.

While excitedly discussing how to find someone with his companions on the star network, he excitedly planned to publish the news to the star network outside the planet.

His finger poked the release button on the transparent light curtain.

Hey? no response

Poke a few more times, still no response. Ur was stunned for a moment. Since the day he started logging on to Starnet, he has never encountered a situation where messages cannot be sent out.

what happened

He poked it hard twice, but there was still no response.

Not only him, but other people who tried to send messages to the outer galaxies also found that their messages couldn't be sent out, and at the same time, they couldn't communicate with people outside the planet at all.

There are various signs that the information flow between the planet and the outside world has been completely cut off.

Ur was stunned for a while before he realized what he had vaguely guessed, and turned his gaze to Ishtar on the light curtain.

Could it be that because of His Majesty's arrival, the communication between this planet and the outside world was blocked in order not to leak the news

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a new wormhole open.

Depend on! First Legion!

After a few minutes.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! ! ! The Third Legion is here too! !

Another few minutes later.

Oh my god! Fifth Legion all—

After a while, watching Ur, the five major armies gathered around the planet, the whole person was already stupid.

What the hell happened to that one on this planet? !

Your Majesty, you must control yourself, don't be impulsive, you are almost in the posture of destroying the world——

Then, with a sudden bang, Ur felt that the whole world around him was plunged into darkness.

He was so startled that he fell off the bed, and his back hit the glass French window behind him, and the curtain covering the French window was pulled down by him in panic. He turned his head to look, only to see the darkness outside the window, The city that originally had countless bright light spots shining in the middle of the night has no trace of light at this moment, as if the whole world has fallen into dead silence and darkness in an instant.

Looking around in the endless darkness, there are only tiny gleams of starlight in the sky.



The huge light curtain in the room emits a soft blue light, and the images in it slowly rotate around the planet, showing the five legions surrounding the planet one by one.

I don’t know why it feels like I saw the military parade for the centenary of the founding of the new empire last time…

Seeing Ishtar hovering peacefully in the sea of stars on the light curtain, Mutt couldn't help but complain in his heart.

If he had known that the major general would react so badly if the information ring was broken, he would not have handed over the information ring.

"… Who are you?"

The artificially synthesized voice that had been silenced for a long time finally sounded again in the dead silent room. The brain, which had been frozen for a long time due to excessive shock, finally began to squirm again with difficulty. The solution soaked in it swayed and oscillated irregularly. The watermarks made it look extremely embarrassed as it sloshed with the solution.

Although the tone was still reluctant to hold a haughty posture, it was obviously a stern look, just trying to save face.

"You don't need to care who I am, you just need to know that I am the one who will end all your evil deeds."

Mutt looked at the wriggling brain, and replied in a cold voice.

It is rare for a boy with a soft personality to treat others with such a cold gaze and an emotionless voice, and this person who is no longer a human being is one of the very few.

"You... don't be afraid that I'm really going to die—"

"You are not qualified for that."

The young man replied, coldly, arrogantly, and disgusted, the way he looked down at the other party was like staring at a pile of garbage.

And that kind of contemptuous gaze instantly angered the self-esteemed Alinderauer again.

"What do you think you are! Even if the emperor comes unexpectedly, do you have the ability to instruct him and order him! If you ask him to stop the rotation of this planet, he will stop! Do you think you—"

The voice that was roaring out of anger suddenly changed its tone halfway through the roar.

"What's going on—invasion—virus—how—"

The light curtain showing the situation in the universe flickered for a while, as if a small part was controlled by something, and the other places remained unchanged, but a different image appeared in about a quarter of the upper left corner. Apparently, a small part of Allinder's intelligence system was hacked and controlled by the masters of the Imperial Army.

The controlled part of the light curtain went black for an instant, and then turned on again after being distorted for a while. The handsome face of the Emperor of the Empire appeared in it, and the long and narrow phoenix eyes moved and landed on Mutt.

The first time Troll appeared, his eyes scanned Mute from top to bottom, obviously confirming whether Mute was intact. In the light curtain on Ishtar, Robin and everyone else saw the brain soaked in the solution, and they all showed astonishment or surprise when they were shocked by the weird appearance, except for the one on the commanding platform who just stared at the brain. Out of the corner of his eyes, the emperor, who was watching his own heart, didn't give that weird brain a little bit of charity.

"Major General, stop the rotation of this planet!"

At the first moment on the communication link, Mutt said this directly to Troll.


Suddenly stopping the operation of all energy sources on the entire planet, causing the entire planet to fall into dead silence instantly, will bring huge economic losses to the planet, and will even bring great panic to the people on the planet, Mutt is very clear. But no matter how bad the consequences are, it cannot compare to the consequences of the molten magma in the center of the planet being ejected and the destruction of the entire planet.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about, how could it be possible to stop the operation of a planet suddenly, do you know what the consequences will be—"

Robin, who heard it from the side, was anxious, but he got stuck before he could finish his sentence.

Because the majesty who commanded him on the high platform glanced at Mute indifferently, and stretched out his hand without asking a word. A golden ball of light rose from under his feet, and Troll pressed his hand on the slow one. On the slowly rotating light sphere.

"Stop the operation of planet number RSG67Ⅲ67QWKNL86."

[Iris confirmation, sound wave confirmation, blood confirmation.]

Zhinao's emotionless voice sounded flatly.

[Gene confirmation.]

[The highest authority of the empire, confirm that the operation of the star number RSG67Ⅲ67QWKNL86 will be stopped after five seconds.]

[Five, four, three...]

"Damn it! Boss, don't—"

"Do not!!!"

Almost simultaneously with Robin's shout, it was the other side of the light curtain, and the artificially synthesized voice in the room was full of screams of fear.

[... two, one!]

A beam of light was emitted from the slowly rotating light sphere, like a golden sharp arrow piercing through the starry sky, penetrating the atmosphere, and falling to the location of the central control hub of the planet.

With a bang, the entire planet fell into dead silence instantly, and the side facing away from the stars was even darker. People like Ur were plunged into darkness at this moment.

Because all energy sources on this planet are cut off at this moment.

The deep underground where Mutt was located was only dark for a second, and then it immediately lit up again. Alinderauer used the energy of the magma in the center of the earth to run the underground room again. His brain simply cannot survive without an external supply of oxygen, so, just in case, the study has a variety of energy sources.

He can still rely on the energy of the center of the earth to keep the research institute running, and his brain can continue to survive, but at the moment when the planet's operation stops and the global star network is disconnected, it completely loses its ability to control those clones. The control of people and the pipeline that runs through to the core has lost control of the star network, and it has completely lost the bargaining chip that can threaten Mute.

It can't do anything now, it can only linger in this place, waiting to die. He who used to control the life and death of this planet and all life on the planet like a god is now even worse than ants.

"No... no... why... no... no no no! Impossible!"

It seemed to be crazy, repeating a word over and over again.

It seemed unwilling to believe what was happening at this moment, its voice was full of panic, fear and trembling.

This crazy scholar who thought he was an incomparably great existence in the universe, after uncovering its false disguise, was nothing but a humble and ugly coward who could only tremble.

The teenager glanced at the trembling brain in the solution for the last time, his pupils flashed blue and disappeared into the air.

He doesn't have time to continue talking nonsense with this kind of thing. The most urgent task now is to see the major general immediately, and let the major general immediately send troops to the planet to appease the masses, and at the same time destroy the equipment for extracting the molten core of the earth as soon as possible, and rescue those replaced by clones citizens of the empire.

... ... ...


After explaining the matter as briefly as possible, Mutt, who entrusted all the follow-up work of saving people, heaved a sigh of relief, and felt relieved. He is absolutely assured of Troll and his subordinates' ability to handle things, which is definitely not inferior to him, so he returned to Ishtar's room with confidence.

Because of this incident, his nerves have been tense for the past two days, and now he can finally relax. He feels that he needs to rest.

After taking a bath, the refreshed young man sat cross-legged on the sofa, feeling much more comfortable. He rubbed his hair, which was still a little wet, wondering if he had forgotten something.

Well, what did you forget

He leaned back on the couch, lounging with his eyes closed, thinking absently.

Hmm... I always feel like I forgot something very important...

Just when Mute was drowsy from thinking, a pair of hands stretched out from behind the back of the sofa, stroked his somewhat wet forehead hair, and pulled the ends of the hair back. He tilted his head back following the strength of those hands, and Troll, who was standing behind the sofa, bent down and lowered his head.

The man's handsome face was reflected in the boy's wide-open black pupils, which instantly magnified from far to near.

The familiar flexible lips touched his slightly parted lips, as soft as a drop of water.

Mutt tilted his head back, looking at the pretty face in front of him, his eyes were slightly bent into the arc of a crescent moon.

"Major General~"

The boy's smiling eyes were bent, he raised his head, took the initiative to stick it up, and rubbed the tip of Troll's nose.

Generally speaking, when Mutt makes this kind of intimate movement, Troll's expression will soften, and he will rub against him in turn, and the two of them will be intimate for a while. But this time, Troll raised his head slightly, avoiding Mutt's intimate movements.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, the man's dark blue eyes stared at Mute, his slender fingers slowly slid down Mute's cheeks, his fingertips scratched Mute's neck, and his fingertips slowly stroked The outline of Mutter's jaw.

What's wrong

The young man who was being stared at was thinking in confusion, tilting his head slightly and looking at Troll in puzzlement.

Seeing Mute's innocent and bewildered face, Troll's eyes narrowed more and more slender, and there was a dangerous breath under the slender eyelashes. He leaned over, and moved his cold thin lips close to Mutter's ear, and his deep voice slowly penetrated into Mutter's ear.

"Mute... brother?"

The lingering sound of the last word suddenly changed into an upward tone, revealing an indescribable weirdness that sent chills down the spine.

... to die!

The boy who finally remembered what he had forgotten shuddered all over.