It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 208: Spoiler


Die, die, die!

At this moment, Mute, who was being stared at by His Majesty's long and narrow phoenix eyes, was full of these two words in his head.

He still maintained the posture of tilting his head back, slightly parted his lips, tilted his head, and looked at Troll, while Troll's callused fingertips were still slowly stroking his chin.

Troll's eyes narrowed slightly, making them look narrower and longer. The arcs at the corners of the eyes were hidden in the scattered black hair. His fingers stroked Mutt's soft neck again and again, and the movements were so gentle His heart trembled, but the way he stared at the people below him was extremely dangerous, which made his heart tremble in another sense.

The moment he and Troll looked at each other, Mutt quickly replayed the scene in his mind. Thinking of the way the girl rushed over at that time... the way he hugged the girl and comforted her softly... the way the girl's arms were tightly wrapped around his waist and her whole face was pressed against his chest... he coaxed softly The way the girl gently strokes the girl's hair...

Really, to die.

The more Mute thought about the scene at that time, the more he felt his end this time... He couldn't imagine it anymore.

Anyway, anyway... calm down, calm down first.

The young man who was frightened by Troll's staring eyes tried to calm down and plan to save himself.

Anyway, because he was so stupid that he forgot to turn off the communication, the major general saw that scene from beginning to end, and it was impossible to quibble. Forcibly explaining, I'm afraid it will only make the major general even more angry.

And the other option, running away...


Mutt felt that he didn't want to recall the first time he tried to escape from the angry major general by teleporting directly, and after he was captured, he felt that the experience was horrific and satisfying.

Maybe depending on how black-bellied this person is, he may be expected to run away again, and then he will have an excuse to do whatever he wants with him... He must not be fooled by this!

If the above two options are ruled out, then there is only one last solution left.

preemptive strike—

Thinking this way, the young man subconsciously licked his dry lips. It was an unconscious behavior, but in an instant, the eyes of the man who had been staring at him deepened. Troll's finger that was stroking Mute's neck slowly moved upwards, and his thumb pressed the corner of Mute's lips, rubbing his fingertips.

The slightly rough fingertips rubbed against the soft lips, making the fingers itchy to the touch.

At this moment, the young man suddenly opened his lips slightly, and the tip of his tongue lightly licked the thumb that was pressing the corner of his lips. The moist touch that seemed like electricity was transmitted from the fingertips to the depths of the body, like an electric shock, and it ignited another cluster of flames in the man's body.

The boy with his head up looked at Troll with a look of extreme dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Major General, it's just a little girl."

Mutt opened his mouth to speak, his voice was very soft and soft, he raised one hand, put his fingers on Troll's cheek, and rubbed his fingertips against his ear, seemingly ambiguously, but in the next second he suddenly He pinched Troll's ear and squeezed it hard.

"So in your opinion, I'm the kind of pervert who would prey on minors?"

The tone changed, and the voice that was soft as if complaining a second ago suddenly increased a little bit. Mute's eyes widened suddenly, and he turned back to a man who accused him of accusing him.

The ear of His Majesty, the supreme emperor in the universe, was grabbed by a bold young man, and he pinched it forcefully. Immediately, his sword eyebrows were raised, and the arcs of the narrow and long eyes were also raised upwards.

But Troll just raised his eyebrows, he didn't seem to be angry, and he didn't pat away the hand that was boldly pulling his ear. There seemed to be a dark blue streamer in his eyes staring at Mute, and the edge of the iris seemed to seep light, like a dark sapphire in the night sky, and the starry sky streamer deeply reflected Mute's shadow.

He didn't say anything, just leaned over, lowered his head, tapped Mutt's lips very lightly, and then straightened up.

Of course it wouldn't end there, he just got up, walked around the sofa, and walked in front of Mutt. Standing in front of the boy, Troll leaned over, put one hand on the back of the sofa and lowered his head, with soft eyes, wanting to lean over and kiss the boy's lips that fascinated him so much.

But as soon as he bent down, he stretched out his hands and pressed them against his chest, preventing him from approaching.

He looked down, and Mute, who was nestled on the sofa, supported him with both hands to prevent him from approaching. He stared at him, his dark pupils were bright, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


With his hands on his chest, Mut looked up at him and said.

"I'm mad, you have to apologize."


Regardless of whether it is effective to strike first or focus on the target, in short, the young man who has successfully achieved a staged victory does not know how to give up as soon as it is good, but intends to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Think of me as a pervert who preys on minors, don't you think you should apologize to me?"

Troll felt the hands pressing on his chest push him hard, naturally he was motionless, of course, it was easy for him to push down, but he has always been used to doting on the boy under him, except for one aspect Except for other things, he almost never disobeyed the other party's wishes, so he always made the other party lawless in front of him.

But maybe our emperor also enjoys the willful and unreasonable behavior that Mutt will only show in front of himself, and even enjoys it.

The phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and Troll asked, "How should I apologize?"

"How can I forgive you? This is something you should think about, right?"

Mut rolled his eyeballs, said so, and pushed Troll's chest hard.

Because of the difference in stature, when this person is pressed down, the sense of oppression is too great.

He thought a little dissatisfied.

It would be great if I could wake up a few years later, at least when I was in my twenties. At that time, he would grow taller, and his figure would definitely become taller. In that case, there would be a difference in height between myself and the major general. It wouldn't be so big anymore—it wasn't like it is now, no matter how much time passed, he always looked small in front of the major general.

Because it was too familiar, Mute knew what he was thinking as soon as he rolled his eyes, and the corners of Troll's lips raised slightly, and then returned to their original state.

He raised his hand on the back of the sofa behind Mute, took a step back, and landed on one knee.

His Majesty the Emperor, who has always been unattainable in the eyes of others, easily knelt on the ground at this moment, kneeling in front of the boy he doted on, and looked up at the boy nestled on the sofa. Full of pampering and softness.

"I apologize."

He said that the only person in this world who can make him say this easily is probably the one in front of him.

His voice was as cold and clear as ever, but even his cold words could make people hear the drowning love for the person in front of him.

He said, "Satisfied?"

As Troll said so, his right knee that was kneeling on the ground exerted a little force, as if it was about to lift up.

But at the moment when he was about to get up, something pressed against his chest, stopping his movement.

Mute was originally nestled on the sofa, because he felt refreshed after taking a shower, and he didn't bother to put on shoes, so he flew to the sofa with his bare feet floating, and stepped on the edge of the sofa with his knees bent. In a soft sofa.

Troll's kneeling posture made him stunned for a moment, and he suddenly had a sense of vision, as if the same thing happened not long ago, he was also sitting, and someone knelt at his feet, and then he was about to get up and come to him .

So he subconsciously made the same reaction as before.

By the time he realized it, he had already stretched out his foot and stepped on Troll's chest, resisting Troll to prevent him from approaching.

... I seem to have done something terrible.

When he came back to his senses and found that he had stepped on Troll's chest and was still pushing him out forcefully, Mute felt as if he had heard the call of heaven.

Is there still time to apologize now to save my own life

The young man who had lost his mind was thinking this way, and planned to stop and apologize quickly.

But when he raised his head, what caught his eyes made him stunned for a moment.

Troll knelt on one knee in front of him, under his feet, stepped on the other's chest with his bare right foot, and his big toe just happened to touch the white gold button of the military uniform with black background and gold pattern. A bit of metallic coldness came from the tips of his toes, and Mutt couldn't help moving his toes, so the originally straight military uniform on the chest he was stepping on also showed a little wrinkle.

Although the skin color is not as good as that of the bullying Saixue in Troll, the boy's skin is also fair, and the contrast between the white bare feet on the dark military uniform is extremely strong.

At this moment, Troll still maintained the posture of kneeling on the ground, lowering his head slightly, his slender eyelashes drooping down and casting a light shadow on his cheek, he lowered his eyes, as if he was looking at the bare foot stepping on his chest. The fine black hair was scattered, a little messy, in stark contrast to the white skin on his face.

Looking down from the angle above Mutt, you can only see the man's thin lips, with a little cold reddish color, and the way his head is lowered. From this angle, it seems that the reddish lips are falling on the man's face. It's normal on my ankle.

Suddenly, Mute felt his heart beating suddenly, and an indescribable feeling surged up. He licked his lips, feeling a little dry for some reason.

In retrospect, Mutt felt that he must have lost his mind and did such a stupid thing.

No matter how much he regrets afterwards, the young man's mind is probably not normal at this moment.

After Mute licked his lips, he moved his bare feet on Troll's chest, as if probing for something, his toes circled the platinum metal button, and after a circle, he gently Kneaded lightly.

The man kneeling in front of him didn't know if he didn't react, or he was thinking about something, he didn't move, he still maintained that posture, looking down at his foot that was stepping on his chest.

After probing, Mute became a little more courageous, and her white toes still lightly pressed against the man's chest, and then went up little by little. When the toes were sliding upwards slowly, when they encountered a metal buckle, they stepped on it lightly, as if they were playing some interesting game.

Soon, the boy's bare toes slid onto Troll's neck, and over the tightly buttoned neckline, the toes finally slipped through the fabric and stuck to the same warm skin as his own.

The boy's white toes hooked and stepped on the man's neck, and Troll raised his head slightly, so the toes slid along the trend, slipped across Troll's chin, and the toes hooked—

Sitting on the sofa with his hands propped by his side, Mute's eyes are bent into crescent arcs, his left foot is bent on the sofa, and his right foot is stretched forward. Although his legs are not as long as someone else's, they are straight Very graceful, slender without looking thin, with just the right curve.

He used his toes to lift the chin of the man kneeling in front of him. The face he lifted was extremely beautiful, surpassing the magnificence of thousands of galaxies in the starry sky, but it was not a weak beauty, but a kind of beauty with a blade. The beauty of the sharp edge.

This terrifyingly powerful man, like a sharp knife drawn out of its sheath, was supposed to look down on all living beings from a high position, and was supposed to be worshiped from above, but at this moment, he just knelt down in front of a seemingly weak and harmless young man, with a kind of humiliating expression. The gesture asks the other person to lift his face with his feet.

—Yes, it should be a humiliating gesture, but the man's leisurely demeanor, as well as the doting smile hidden in the depths of the long and narrow phoenix eyes, and a cluster of dangerous flames do not make people feel that this is humiliation at all scene.

"That apology is totally insincere."

Mute, who was completely unaware of the imminent danger, said that he pushed his nose to the face.

After he finished speaking, he deliberately hooked the opponent's chin with the toes that were lifting the opponent's chin.

Troll, whose chin was hooked by him, raised his face slightly, glanced at him with slender phoenix eyes, his thin lips were pursed, and the fine black hair slid away from the corners of his eyes.

The handsome man raised his head, revealing his snow-white neck, and more than half of that snow-white neck was tightly wrapped by the collar of the military uniform with black background and gold pattern, giving people a strong sense of abstinence, but there were a few strands of dark hair. The hair ends fell into it along the neckline, and against the snow-white skin, it smashed the sense of abstinence in an instant.

Mutt immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

I don't know if it's because of the rare reversal between the oppressor and the oppressed, which makes him feel that the person in front of him looks delicious. And when Troll glanced over, he jumped, the back of his neck went numb, and an indescribable part of his body suddenly changed.

The proud young man who was still in the dominant position one second, wanted to retract his legs in a bit of embarrassment the next second, so that he could use his legs to block changes in a certain place of himself. However, at the moment his toes left the touching skin, Troll moved much faster than him, and as soon as he raised his hand, he grabbed the foot he wanted to retract.

Mute instinctively flinched twice, but Troll's hand grasped his ankle firmly, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

Troll grabbed his ankle, suddenly smiled lowly, and lowered his head.

Mute, who was still struggling to retract his feet, froze instantly.

He clearly felt a soft thing land on the back of his foot.

Kneeling in front of him, holding his bare feet, and kissing his instep lightly, Troll looked up, looked at the frozen Mutt, and smiled again.


The young man, who was stunned by the visual and mental shock, looked at Troll stupidly, unable to react at all.

"...not enough?"

The man bowed his head again, this time, and kissed his bare ankle lightly.

The ankle held in his hand was very slender, and he held the whole circle in his hand. His eyes looked along the ankle, and the graceful calf was right in front of his eyes.

The boy's skin was fair and tender, and no matter how long it had been, he couldn't put it down. He leaned over and licked lightly on the soft skin, the fine fluff of skin wet by the tip of his tongue pressed against the skin.

The ankle held by him trembled violently from his stimulation.


Mutt, who finally came to his senses, blushed and struggled to retract his pinched foot.

"Major General, let go—"

This is his.

Troll thought, there seemed to be a faint black flame burning in the dark blue eyes.

Everything about this child, that eye, that hand, that foot, that body, and even every inch of skin, belonged to him.

His own stuff!

The hand holding the ankle suddenly exerted force, and Mute's struggling foot was suddenly pulled back. He slid off the sofa at once, and became lying on the sofa with his upper body, while one leg was caught by Troy. Er pulled, the posture of the lower body hanging in the air.

The boy who finally sensed the danger opened his eyes wide, watching the man push down.

"Playing with fire***."

Troll said, his voice a little hoarse.

The flame in his eyes that had been suppressed for a long time, which had been ignited suddenly since the boy's bare toes hooked and kneaded his buttons, burned undisguisedly at this moment, almost wanting to burn that The little guy who ignited was burned to ashes.



"The general situation has been investigated. There are thirteen pipelines connecting the planet's underground to the earth's core. Eleven of them have been destroyed. The remaining two need to be handled carefully because the situation is more complicated..."

In the center of the room, a light curtain was suspended in the air. The blue-haired general was reporting his work to His Majesty, and several adjutants stood behind Via. The faint light from the light curtain illuminated the somewhat dark room.

On the sofa opposite the light curtain, the black-haired boy sat with his head lowered, his fair-skinned and smooth back stretched tightly, almost to the limit, so that the pair of graceful butterfly bones were clearly exposed in the air middle. The skin on his back was almost completely wet, and beads of sweat were rolling down, and there were red marks that were very conspicuous on the fair skin.

One of his hands was pressed on the sofa, and his fingers were desperately clutching the sofa, making it crumpled, and his knuckles were almost white due to excessive force.

Mutt knelt on the man's lap behind him, his knees were forced to separate, his feet were pressed sideways on the sofa, his feet were so tense that they almost hooked into a straight line, and his tensed toes trembled violently.

Men's clothing is almost neat. It's just that the neckline was unbuttoned a little, but he was completely naked, sitting on the man's naked body. The extreme contrast was embarrassing, and made the body even more sensitive to the extreme.

The naked thighs that were forced to be separated were pressed against Troll's strong thighs, which were neatly dressed in black pants. The tender white flesh and the dark military uniform present a strong visual contrast. The white thighs are taut, and the inside is even more Trembling uncontrollably.

"There are a large number of clones on this planet. Due to the loss of control, some riots have been caused, but they are all under control..."

The voice of Via's report was still ringing in the room in an orderly manner.

Even knowing that the communication is one-way, Via can't see this side, he can only hear the sound, but the sight of Via and several other adjutants looking at this side on the big light curtain still makes Mute tremble all over. The fever was severe, my mind went blank, and my whole body was about to collapse.

His body was stretched apart by the huge heat, tensed to the extreme, it was hard to tell whether it was pain or extreme joy, like an electric shock exploded deep in his body, making his whole body tremble, and the inside of his body was brutally ravaged The feeling can almost drive him crazy.

But the man behind him still seemed unsatisfied, his arms were firmly around his waist, and his palms were pressed hard on his naked abdomen, pressing down his whole body so that he could penetrate deeper into himself The deepest part of the body in the arms. The other hand was stretched between his legs that were forced to be widely separated, pinching him mercilessly, and his calloused thumb blocked his venting outlet.

The teenager who was on the verge of collapse felt that sparks had exploded in his vision, and he was in a trance. He lowered his head, his whole body was trembling, and the inner thighs that were forced to be widely spread were almost twitching.

The wet black hair was sticking to his cheeks, one hand was tightly covering his mouth, the corners of his eyes were red, and in the blink of an eye, a stream of tears dripped down the tip of his nose.

The tip of the warm tongue touched his sweat-soaked back, licking along the spine from bottom to top, biting Mute's back from time to time, leaving shallow tooth marks.

The warm breath sprayed onto the sensitive back, and Troll's movements always seemed to be quite leisurely and calm, but at this moment his breathing revealed everything. The breath sprayed on the young man's skin was quick and chaotic, eager and greedy. The man pinched the waist of the boy in his arms tightly, restrained the boy's body that was instinctively going up to escape the torture, and pressed down hard.

During the previous period of raging, the place that had been so soft could not resist swallowing the terrible existence. The hot thing pierced into the body was beating like a living thing. Tears from the tightly closed corners of his red eyes just flowed down. If he hadn't covered his mouth tightly, he would have collapsed and cried out, begging for forgiveness to the man behind him who was about to torture him to the point of madness. up.

... ... ...

"There are a large number of clones on this planet. Due to the loss of control, some riots have been caused, but they are all under control..."

The voice of Via's report was still ringing in the room in an orderly manner.

Mutt tightly covered his mouth, for fear of making a sound, tears kept slipping down from his sharply flapping nostrils like pearls with broken strings. He lowered his head, the tight back made the back of his white neck arch gracefully, and his thin shoulders trembled violently in his forbearance.

A light kiss landed on the back of his neck, and then he bit hard suddenly. The pain stimulated the boy's whole body to tremble. sharp.

"That's probably what happened."

Via in the light curtain finally ended what seemed like a century long report to Mutt.

Even knowing that the communication is one-way, Via can't see this side, he can only hear the sound, but the sight of Via and several other adjutants looking at this side on the big light curtain still makes Mute tremble all over. The fever was severe, my mind went blank, and my whole body was about to collapse.

"Well, until the end."

A deep voice sounded from behind, Via, who heard His Majesty's voice on the light curtain, saluted, then the light curtain flickered and disappeared.


The young man who was finally able to make a sound almost uttered these two words with a weeping sound. He was crying hard, sobbing, and he looked pitiful, like a little pet that had been bullied badly.

"Well, it's my fault."

It was a softly coaxing voice. The tears on Mutt's face were licked off by Trol who kissed the corner of his eyes. Troll stroked the wet temple hair of the young boy in his arms more forcefully than anything else. Even more gentle.


He said softly, it was coaxing the person in his arms, with an indescribably doting and gentle voice.

However, the man who spoke in such a drowning tone had no intention of making the boy in his arms stop crying.

Well, definitely not anytime soon.