It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 21


It was only a few days before the birthday of the family master who ruled this galaxy, and the banquet tonight was just a warm-up, to entertain the guests who had already arrived.

In order not to let the guests feel bored while waiting, in the past few days, whether it is day or night, various banquets, large and small, have been held continuously.

Most of the small banquets invite guests from the same circle or similar status to gather in different banquet halls, but tonight's banquet was hosted by the only son of the old Marquis, Beata. So naturally, as long as the guests who have already arrived on Mia Star must give face to the future head of the Mia family, they will attend tonight's large banquet.

The white brocade embroidered with golden thread shone in the lights of the banquet, and the jewels on it were bright pearly colors.

The ten-meter-long table is covered with snow-white gauze, with layers of lace borders, exquisite and gorgeous, and the snow-white porcelain plate is decorated with fragrant food like a work of art. Around it, there are bright red or orange, light blue liquids The colored glass cups are decorated on the long table like flowers.

The finely carved golden wall decorations are hung on the light yellow cylinders, and the light yellow layer on the cylinders glistens with tiny fluorescent lights, making the golden wall decorations even brighter.

At the four corners of the banquet hall, the flames in the huge fireplace made of large white stones are burning, and the partitions carved from black wooden railings make people feel a little more simple.

The current upper-class nobles all admire the retro style, whether it is clothing or other things, the more retro, the more they can show the style and taste of an aristocrat.

The guests were extremely satisfied in this retro-style banquet hall. The men were dressed in Chinese clothes, holding wine glasses and toasting.

Beautiful women dressed in exquisite dresses, combed their sideburns, and wore gorgeous jewelry, gathered together in twos and threes to chat softly.


If Mutt was here next time, seeing this so-called retro style, he would definitely give such a comment with the corners of his mouth twitching.

You must know that there are too many distinctions between various periods on the earth, such as ancient centuries, medieval centuries, modern times, etc., and each large period is divided into different small periods. Even in small periods, the styles of buildings and clothing are different. there is a big difference.

The so-called retro style of the nobles in the interstellar world... This is a hodgepodge of styles from different centuries on Earth.

However, considering the loss of earth civilization, and tens of thousands of years away from now.

It is not impossible to divide the history of the earth into one period in ancient times.

It's just that Mutt is not here now, so naturally he can't complain about these so-called earth retro styles.

Now, in this gorgeous banquet hall, beautiful women gathered together in twos and threes, talking and laughing in low voices, and most of their eyes fell on the young major general who was rarely seen in the banquet.

As we all know, the owner of 'Ishtar' is not sociable, and his figure rarely appears at the banquet.

Therefore, this time, the appearance of this rare figure at the banquet of Marquis Mia was also a surprise to many women.

In addition to the video, it is rare to have such an opportunity to watch the youngest major general in the history of the empire at such a close distance. Naturally, you have to watch enough, and then go back and show off to your girlfriends who can't make it.

The youngest major general ever in the empire.

well known.

However, there is another name that is also well known, but no one says it, it is just a tacit title.

The most handsome major general in the history of the empire.

Anyone who has seen Troll, no one can refute this sentence, even the person who hates Troll the most can only say a little boy and then return angrily.

The young major general sat quietly on the dark yellow sofa on the side of the balcony near the French windows in the banquet hall.

He didn't wear a gorgeous dress, he was still just an imperial military uniform with black background and silver stripes.

The only decoration on his whole body is the golden tasseled shoulders on the shoulders of the imperial military uniform, which symbolizes the status of a major general.

Wrapped in jet black tights, a pair of long and slender legs overlapped, and the silver metal buttons on the jet black military boots reflected a cold arc.

Even the swan's down can't compare to the silkiness of the young major general's jet-black hair. When it slips down, you can hear the rustling hair shimmering in the light, scattered on the major general's cheeks, lining the skin of the major general. Whiter and whiter.

Ice muscle and bone.

This word, which should only be used on beautiful girls, does not feel out of place when used on this major general.

Bisheng, falling on the major general will not feel a little weak or feminine.

On the contrary, no matter what kind of so-called extremely masculine man, standing in front of this young major general will feel weak.

He seemed to have a kind of sharpness and oppression coming from his bones.

He just sat there, and his aura overwhelmed anyone who wanted to get close to him.

"Boss, it's rare that there are so many cute girls, don't keep your face so sullen."

The red-haired major leaned towards his boss, who had an invisible barrier, and said with a smile.

He looked up and looked around, and blinked at a beautiful noble girl who was looking over here.

The girl glanced at him, smiled politely, and then set her eyes on the black-haired major general next to Robin again. When she looked at Robin just now, her faint eyes lit up, and she stared at Troy with a sparkle. I don't want to let go.

Robin clicked his tongue and gave up his plan to hook up with other beauties.

Standing beside his boss, he still expects to hook up with a girl

He stood beside the BOSS, while drinking, he began to think about it.

"By the way, BOSS, I have said many times that my team is called Demon Slayers, so every time you call me to attack, you should shout 'Demon Slayers Fleet Attack', and you should only shout Don't you think 'Annihilation Fleet Attack' is boring!"

The cold-faced Major General Troll stingily threw his eyes out of the corner of his eyes to his hopeless subordinate who was in the late stage of the second disease.

"Boss, you don't have to shout if you like, but you should think about our team's equipment again?"

The red-haired major who didn't feel that his boss didn't want to talk to him continued to talk.

"At least, give us an upgrade for the railgun?"

In the middle of his chanting, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure walking towards this side, instantly retracted the playful smile on his face, closed his mouth and stood quietly beside his boss without saying a word.

The young major general raised his head slightly, his dark blue pupils reflected the figure walking towards him.

The seemingly gentle and honest man in an elegant dress smiled at him, politely raised the wine glass in his hand, and handed over another glass of light blue wine.

"Don't you want to drink a little? Your Excellency Major General Troll."

The heir of the Mia family said with a smile.

"If it doesn't suit your taste, you can ask the attendants to make it for you again."

His pupils, like dark blue glass beads stained with ink, reflected the wine glass handed to him, and the black-haired major general's pupils shimmered more desertedly than the crystal clear glass.

Then he stood up and took the glass.



The handsome waiter exuding male hormones with all his strength feels a little stuffed.

Although he didn't expect to be able to hook up with the target person so easily, what happened to the target person's indifferent reaction

The male waiter could see that the boy's ignorance of him was not pretending, but that he really didn't have even the slightest interest in him.

... This person is probably more interested in pastries than himself.

After coming to this heart-wrenching fact, the male waiter decisively chose to implement the second plan.

He no longer made any seductive or suggestive gestures, but smiled politely at Mutt, bowed, and then turned and left.

Before leaving, he checked the incense cage in the corner of the house and saw that there was not much incense liquid in it, so he added some more.

The male waiter opened the door and left. The young soldier guarding the door according to Major General Troll's order glanced at him, then at the young man who stayed in the room without any abnormalities, and nodded to let him leave.

The door closed again.

A faint scent of incense lingers in the room, not too strong, but gently, shallowly, diffused.

Mutt, who was huddled in the soft chair by the window, looked at the rare bright night sky that shone like day, perhaps because he was full from the meal just now, and felt sleepy bit by bit.

He nestled lazily in the soft chair, didn't bother to get up, just dozed off and fell asleep.

After a while, the room was very quiet, only the sound of the boy's light and shallow breathing.

Without a sound, the door of the closet next to him was suddenly opened.

In the empty closet, which was just for decoration, a person came out. His movements were very light, and there was almost no movement when he walked to Mutt's side.

The boy nestled in the soft chair, tilted his head, and fell into a deep sleep.

A hand slowly reached out to him.

The light from the side shone over, elongating the shadow of the man who appeared in the room, and falling on the boy with a somewhat childish sleeping face, almost covering his whole body in pitch-black shadows.

Countless thin threads of white light extended from the metal ring on the man's wrist, like a spider's thread about to catch a prey, entangled little by little towards the sleeping boy.

The filaments of light wrapped around his slender neck little by little, and penetrated into his skin through his temples.

The boy who knew nothing about it was still asleep.

On the boy's right wrist, a silver-blue metal ring suddenly flashed a faint light.

It was hidden under the cuffs of the military uniform, and no one saw the flash of light at that moment.



The dark-brown curly-haired man maintained a decent smile, and raised his glass to indicate that the first thing to do is to respect.

He took a sip of red wine, glanced at the quaint hourglass timer in the hall out of the corner of his eye, and roughly estimated the time.

It was almost time for the men he sent to succeed.

I can only take advantage of the gap when Troll comes out, and I can't let others see the clue. Then we can only use the mist to stun the little devil, and then take the opportunity to search for information through mental coherence when he is confused.

Moreover, it can go a step further, burying special hypnotic instructions in the boy's spirit, and urging them to be triggered at critical moments.

The incense is specially made, it will only make people feel that they have just had a nightmare in a daze, and it will not leave any memory. As for the bad sequelae of the boy, of course Beata does not will care.

Moreover, the effect of that kind of incense is very short. After Troll returns, the effect of that incense has disappeared, so naturally he will not notice anything wrong.

Thinking so proudly in his heart, Beat took another sip of wine.

He watched the young major general also pick up his glass, as if about to drink.

However, just a second before the light-colored thin lips were about to touch the transparent glass, they suddenly sipped hard.

Beat felt the atmosphere around him change suddenly, the air seemed to freeze for a moment, and the sudden sense of oppression made him involuntarily hold his breath for a second.

The wine glass that was about to touch the young major general's lips a second ago was put aside, and there was a crisp sound, and a crack snaked at the bottom of the wine glass.

When Beat reacted, he only had time to see the back of Major General Troll who quickly turned and left.

He stared at that figure, a shadow flashed across his eyes


He stared at a blue light passing through the cuff of the military uniform on Major General Troll's right hand, thinking secretly.

Actually gave half of the private information ring to that little guy...

It seems that this guy attaches much more importance to that boy named Mute than he imagined...

... ... ...

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, and Robin almost ran to catch up with his boss.

"What's the matter, boss?"

When he looked up, he saw the frighteningly cold side face of his boss.

"Someone wants to forcibly perform spiritual attunement."

The black-haired major general's voice was also extremely cold.

Robin's pupils froze suddenly.

He naturally knew who the boss was talking about.

There was a fierce look in his eyes.

In order to protect the child, he was left in the room, but he was taken advantage of instead.

Forced mental attunement—

Torn off the mental protection on the surface and forcibly entered the other party's private spiritual realm—

The forcibly torn spirit suffers more pain than the physical injury—

That is naked spiritual rape!