It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 210: Spoiler


Among the thousands of stars in the universe, there is an extremely inconspicuous and desolate asteroid in the turbulent zone. Suddenly one day, several warships landed on this planet secretly.


The brain only has thinking, without a body, it has no sense of sight, smell, taste and so on. Ever since the damned boy Jia destroyed the artificial sensory organs that communicate with its brain, it has been living in total darkness. In the past, it could also store its thoughts on the clone of itself controlled by him, and its senses are no different from that of normal people. If the clone is broken, it can be replaced by another one, and it will always maintain its youngest and most beautiful appearance, so it does not feel like a What's the inconvenience of the brain surviving.

But when it was unable to store its thoughts on the clone, and its external artificial organs were destroyed, it knew how frightening this situation was as a pure brain... It couldn't see anything, it couldn't say anything Out, feel nothing, have nothing but thinking, completely ignorant of the passage of time, endless loneliness, endless darkness... It's like a person is imprisoned in the crack of time and space forever , this feeling almost drives it crazy!

Suddenly, a bright light came, and it 'saw' the surrounding scenery again, obviously someone outside connected it with an artificial visual organ. It froze for a while, trying to speak, and then it heard an emotionless mechanical voice echoing in the small space.


see... hear... speak...

If it still had a body, it would surely burst into tears at this moment. It finally discovers how wonderful it is to have a body, to have senses and feelings. It has always been afraid of death and old age, but it was only during the period of being imprisoned in the dark that it understood what life is better than death.

It vented frantically for a long time with its newly obtained artificial sensory organs, and it didn't calm down until all the accumulated panic and despair were vented. After it calmed down a little, it realized that there were several people standing in the room opposite it. The leader was a middle-aged man, whose face could not be seen clearly, because most of his face was covered by a silver-black metal mask, his slightly long brown hair was tied up behind his head, and there was a little white hair on his temples .

Probably sensing that it finally realized the existence of himself and others, the corners of the masked man's lips rose.

"It's our first meeting, Dr. Allindower." He said, "As for our names, I won't say them, there's no need for that."

"... Are you sent by the emperor?"

"Yes, Dr. Allendauer."

The man replied that he was wearing a pitch-black combat uniform, but it was not an imperial uniform, it was the most common kind without any distinctive features. The few people behind him were also dressed in neat dark combat uniforms. Except for their tall and strong bodies, there was no trace of imperial soldiers on them.

"Why didn't he come to see me in person, instead of a lowly person like you who dare not show his face?"

It asked unceremoniously, and after it calmed down after venting, it once again resumed its previous proud posture.

The man raised his eyebrows, but couldn't see because of the mask. He used to be His Majesty's sword hidden in the darkness, so he put on a mask in order not to be exposed and to cover up the burns on his face. Later, because of a certain little guy, his dark game was exposed, so he simply turned from dark to bright, and healed the burns on his face by the way.

But probably because he got used to wearing a mask for so many years, after thinking about it, he thought it was cool, and it fit his current position, so he continued to wear it. Anyway, with his position as a lieutenant general in the Disciplinary and Supervision Department, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks to him, and those who have the status to make irresponsible remarks to him are not so boring. Whether he wears a mask or not—oh, except Robin , but Robin himself was still enthusiastically imitating the mask he wore for a while, and then he stopped following the trend when he got bored.

To be honest, over the years, it's been a long time since I met anyone who dared to mock him.

Ha ha.

The two or three confidantes who were following him heard the low voice of their immediate superiors, their hairs stood on end, their muscles tensed, they held their breath, trying to shield themselves from their existence.

If it is said that the most unpopular people are selected in the official circles of the New Empire, their bosses are definitely among the top three. Many people secretly said that their boss is a mad dog raised by His Majesty, who bites wherever. Their spies all over the place reported the news, their boss laughed twice, didn't care, just said, "Some people want to be dogs to His Majesty, even if they are crazy, they can't be." The corruption, bribery, and abuse of power by officials who said bad things in the government were exposed, and all were unlucky.

Except for the top few bosses who are His Majesty's confidantes, no matter who is in this officialdom, unless he is really innocent and has no stains, as long as he sees the discipline inspector general smiling at him, he will be ashamed. Get a chill down your back—if you have a ghost in your heart, you will probably shudder.

Because everyone knows that if this life-threatening person rushes at you, you will be in trouble.

"Your Majesty is the one who does big things." The man said with a chuckle, "It's fine for a small person like me to do such small things."

An understatement made the brain soaked in the solution tremble violently.

"What are you talking about! What are you! I'm Alinder! Do you know who I am?!"

Even the dry mechanical sound of the most low-level artificial voice device can hear how angry Allindauer is now.

"It is known as a genius genetic research doctor who is rare in a thousand years, a master-level scholar of human genetics, and the only scholar who has been awarded the Imperial Medal in three thousand years."

"Now that you know my—"

Before the trembling brain could finish its angry words, the man simply interrupted it.

"That was before." He raised his eyebrows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was teasing, "What is in front of me now is just a parasite-like brain that relies on machinery and nutrient solution to survive."


Allindauer was furious.

Seeing the man's playful and frivolous smile, it became extremely angry, but calmed down instead.

"Let your Majesty come to see me in person. I have a secret that low-level guys like you can't know."


The man chuckled.

"You mean, your majesty's paternal gene is a matter of the first emperor of the former empire?"

Allindauer got stuck in an instant, and it looked at this man in disbelief who casually revealed what it believed to be the highest level of confidential information in the entire universe empire.

The man lowered his head, his brown hair fell down, and raised his hand to press the cold metal mask on his face. His voice sounded casual, but there was a ruthless look in the slightly drooping eyes under the mask.

"The plan of the last emperor of the former presided over by you, the founder of modern genetics, isn't it?"

Utilize the genes of the outstanding emperors of the empire, set up testing grounds on various planets, and breed countless test subjects, so that those test subjects with the genes of the emperors of the past dynasties can kill each other like wild beasts and finally decide the winner—this kind of madness. The plan was proposed by this ugly brain in front of the last emperor of the former empire, and then presided over the implementation.

The countless living beings who were forced to be born without a sound, and then died without a sound... the numerous bones buried on those planets...

The man has always thought that he is already a cruel and cruel villain who kills without blinking an eye, but even he who thinks he is a villain can't imagine how crazy it is to do such a dehumanizing thing .

Finally, he couldn't help but ask one more question: "Don't you think there is something wrong with you doing this?"

"Is there a problem? Huh, only inferior people like you think so."

Allindauer snorted, mocking with his usual arrogance.

"Genes are a process of survival of the fittest. This is the evolutionary history of human beings. I just accelerated and straightened this evolutionary history."

He said it was a matter of course.

"His Majesty the Emperor should thank me. If it wasn't for me, how could a perfect human like him be born? How could he become the ruler of this universe."

"yes… ?"

The man exhaled lightly and said no more. He had already understood that no amount of language would do anything for a certain kind of person. Because in the eyes of this kind of person, only he is the greatest, and everyone else is an ant that should be slaughtered by him.

He will never be able to understand the thinking of such a person.

So, the conversation is over, it's time to perform the task. He brought this disgusting brain to this desolate asteroid for only one purpose, to give it the punishment of eternal hell according to His Majesty's order.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and made a gesture, and several subordinates behind him immediately stepped forward and took action.

"You... what are you going to do?!"

Allindauer panicked again, but the other party no longer had any desire to talk to him, and ignored its howling at all.

The scene it saw suddenly changed. It was obvious that the artificial external-view lens connected to the outside had turned 180 degrees, so the scene it 'saw' changed from the few people standing opposite to A white brain wriggling in a transparent solution.

Do not!

no no no! ! !

It let out a hoarse roar. Since it transformed into this immortal form, it has never seen its own appearance with its own eyes. It can only see its young and beautiful appearance when its thoughts are stored on its own clone, and self-hypnosis forgets. The true appearance of its own existence.

But at this moment, the moment it 'saw with its own eyes' the ugly and disgusting existence wriggling violently in the solution, like densely packed white worms gathered together, it completely collapsed.

It's not him! Absolutely not! ! !

The great Allindauer, the genius of the entire universe, how could he be in such a disgusting appearance with his supreme glory and handsome appearance!

It wanted to yell, but found that it couldn't yell at all, because the connection between the artificial pronunciation device outside and it had been cut off.

It was horrified to find that someone had already walked to that crude artificial hearing device, ready to cut it off as well.

Do not!

no no no!

You can't do this!

I'm Allin Doyle! He is the best geneticist in the entire universe! Don't you know that as long as there is my research, human beings can evolve towards a better and more perfect direction? ! I can extend human life even further! Doesn't His Majesty the Emperor want to live longer? !

"I can probably guess what you want to say now."

Looking at the brain squirming violently in the solution, the masked man spoke again.

"But it's a pity that our majesty is not interested in immortality, his only interest is...cough."

When he said this, he suddenly paused, and then his originally lazy voice suddenly became serious.

"According to His Majesty's order, give Alindera the penalty of [eternal life]."

"You will live like this forever, and you will never die."

"You will be deprived of all senses except vision, and you will exist forever in this posture, and your vision will always only see your own appearance."

No no no no! can not do this!

So terrible... so cruel... no! ! !

You can't do this! ! !

The brain is wriggling and struggling desperately, it wants to roar and shout, but it is just a brain, it is impossible to make any sound at all.

"You... despise your old body, and would rather become like this and live forever, then I will fulfill you. Heh, you are only a brain, and you can't even commit suicide."

A mocking chuckle came from the hearing organ that was about to be destroyed, and Bai Huahua's brain trembled more and more violently, and the originally transparent solution was almost muddled by it.

"Don't worry, this underground research room is controlled by the brain, with robots and all the equipment, they will guarantee you to live forever."

"Actually, although you have caused the former Majesty to be quite miserable, but according to His Majesty's temperament, you may be executed at will... The result? It became the current life sentence... How should I say it, I can only say that it is you Kill yourself."

When the Lieutenant General of the Department of Disciplinary Inspection checked the images extracted from the monitor, he accidentally discovered that the brain controlled his own clone to imprison that person and even molested that person. He made a decisive decision, secretly deleted this short section from the evidence video, and immediately submitted this short section to His Majesty.

Even now, as long as he thinks of the look in His Majesty's eyes when he saw the intercepted video, this iron-blooded man can't help but tremble in his heart.

"Alindauer, enjoy your [eternal life] life."

Do not-! ! ! !

In a shrill and silent roar that no one could hear, the artificial hearing device was cut off.

Those people have already left, and in this small metal room, only the brain is left wriggling and struggling in the solution that has been muddied by it.

It will be imprisoned in this small glass tube forever, and will never be able to hear or speak from now on—

It can only see its own ugly appearance at this moment, and survive like this.

It got a certain sense of [eternal life], even though it was not the kind of eternal life it wanted.



The huge blue-black ship sails slowly in the starry sky, like a blue whale swimming gracefully in the sea of stars. From the end to the end, the platinum lines refracted the starlight, giving off a faint luster.

The sea of stars is boundless, and in the darkness, thousands of stars, such as foggy nebulae, and colorful galaxies are all in it, creating an incomparably magnificent and dreamlike beauty.

The spacious and empty viewing room is very quiet and the lights are very weak. Therefore, through the long glass window that almost occupies one wall, you can clearly see the starry sky outside the ship.

In the dimly lit room, Mutt stood in front of the huge transparent glass window, raised his head slightly, and stared at the magnificent sea of stars outside. Light black hair fell softly from the corners of his eyes, and the shadow of the hair tip swayed slightly on his cheek.

Even in the darkness, the young man's dark eyes were bright, as if there were stars in his eyes. Such a long time has passed, and he still has a childish youthful face, not only that face, but also his eyes are still clear and clean, without any dust or gloom.

The years go by, and the boy is as young as ever.

Mutt stood there quietly by himself, looking out at the constant starry sky through the large glass window. But soon, rhythmic footsteps sounded behind him, walking towards him from far to near.

Someone stopped behind him, he didn't look back, he knew who the person standing behind was.

A pair of arms stretched out from behind, embracing him, a familiar atmosphere surrounded him, and his whole body fell into the embrace of the man behind him.

Hugging him with both arms, the person behind him bowed his head, Mute felt a velvety and delicate touch from his cheek, it was the black hair sliding on his cheek when the person's head was rubbed against his cheek tactile sensation.

He smiled slightly.

Then, a light kiss fell on his ear, which was a little itchy, and he couldn't help but dodge it, followed by a light bite on the tip of the ear as if being punished.

"Itch..." Mutt said with a small smile, raised his left hand and pressed it on Troll's head, rubbed his fingertips into the black hair, and signaled Troll to stop. But the man behind him was like a big clingy beast, licking his cheek stubbornly. After a while, she finally stopped and straightened up again, still maintaining the posture of hugging him from behind.

"What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking about the first time we met. At that time, I looked at you and wondered if you, like those interstellar pirates, would sell me as a commodity."

He moved a little, nestled in the arms of the person behind him in the most comfortable position, and said softly while still looking at the starry sky with a smile.

Troll didn't answer, just rubbed the top of his head.

Mutt nestled obediently in Troll's arms, letting the other party rub his head like coaxing a child, and then continued talking.

"At that time, I never thought that I would fall in love with this person."

The boy squinted his eyes. He remembered how frightened he was at that time. He thought he would be shot to death by this man with a handsome face that made everyone angry, but it felt super scary... At that time, he was scared to death, but now I can't help but think about it want to laugh.

He tilted his head and thought for a while, and suddenly became a little playful.

"Major general."


"Didn't you want to give me dozens of women to help me have children at that time? Is it still too late for me?"

The arm that was holding him tenderly tightened suddenly, and strangled him slightly as if punishing him, and he also struggled symbolically. As soon as he struggled a little, he was immediately dragged back into Troll's arms middle.

"you dare."

The voice from behind revealed a hint of threat, more dissatisfaction.

Grabbing the arm that was strangling his waist, Mute laughed out loud. He tilted his head in thought for a moment, then turned to look back.

"Major General, there is actually one thing I haven't told you... Well, no, I seem to have said it once, but you don't want to believe it." Mutt said, "At that time, I lied to you when I said I liked men."

He looked into Troll's eyes and continued.

"At that time, I liked cute girls."

The long and narrow phoenix eyes stared at him, Troll remained silent for a while, then leaned over and kissed his lips. Then, poking in, the tip of the tongue intertwined, extremely gentle, extremely lingering, until Mutt was really out of breath, then he let go unsatisfied, and rubbed against the red lips of the young man unsatisfied. Licked it.

Mute, who was so kissed that he couldn't breathe, flushed red and gasped for breath, his dark pupils gleamed a little. He panted for a while, and after recovering a little bit, Mute suddenly thought of something, and raised his eyes to stare at Troll.

"Did you already guess that I was lying?"


His Majesty the Emperor looked away.

"Deliberately pretending not to know?"


His Majesty the Emperor's eyes wandered.

"Ah—it's too much! I was the one who was cheated for a long time—"

Seeing that the baby in his arms was about to make a fuss, Troll decisively lowered his head again, sealed it with a kiss, and kissed Mut again until he couldn't breathe, let alone speak and make a fuss.

"Major General, I always feel that I'm being bullied to death by you..."

The boy with red cheeks and breathless eyes stared at the man behind him dissatisfiedly and said this.

Every time he had a stalemate with the major general, he had never won, and the major general would always find a way to beat him to death.

"Can't you just let me win once?"

Troll looked at the person in his arms and suddenly laughed in a low voice.

"You've never lost," he said.


Troll bowed his head, holding the left hand of the boy in his arms with his left hand, and raised it up.

The slender eyelashes drooped down, half covering the dark blue starry eyes, the man lowered his head, kissing the hand of the boy he held in his hand.

Very lightly, like a superficial touch.

But it was this very light kiss that carried an indescribable sense of piety.

"I've always been a loser to you," Troll said.

In front of this child, he has always been a complete loser.

He lost willingly.

"Everything about me belongs to you," he said.

Mo Lan's eyes stared at the person in his arms, with tenderness and nostalgia like tiny stars.

Mut, who was watched by him, had flushed cheeks, as if he didn't dare to look at him, lowered his eyes, and muttered in a low voice.

"I don't know whether your love talk skills are good or not..."

Troll looked at Mutt, who was obviously blushing and heartbeating, who was just trying to hold back and complain, and thought it was too cute. He looked at the soft red ear tips close in front of his eyes, and his heart softened into a puddle of water.

How could he have won, he thought.

All his feelings, everything about him are controlled by the young man in his arms, he can't escape, and he doesn't want to escape.

Troll lowered his head and gently rubbed Mutt's cheek again.

He leaned into Mute's ear and whispered, "Say that sentence again."

"I've said it many times."

"say it one more time."

"No, I've said it many, many times."



Seeing Troll's dark blue eyes staring at him in the darkness as if glowing slightly, Mute finally softened.

He turned around slightly, and stroked the cheek of the man behind him with his outstretched right hand.

He just stood sideways, with his head raised, their faces were so close that they could almost feel the temperature of each other's breath, Mutt looked at the dark blue in Troll's eyes reflected in Troll's black eyes, Countless stars shone in through the glass windows and reflected on their cheeks, and behind them was an endless sea of deep stars.

"Major general."

For a moment, Mutter said, his eyes seemed to merge with Troll's gaze gazing at him.

He said softly: "You are the person I love the most."

"… Um."



"So, how many times do you want me to say that?"

It's super embarrassing every time I say it, okay

"Well... until I get tired of listening."


It's this routine again!

I've had enough!


—[End of extra episode]—

The author has something to say:

So, the story of the Major General and Mutt comes to an end for the time being.

Thank you for your love and support for this article, and thank you for being able to bear with my appearance as a major general from time to time, my detail obsession and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and my doing things from time to time [laughs].

In short, thank you everyone for being with me, and the Major General and Little Milk for persevering to the end. It was really hard [No].


In the extra episode, I also explained all the remaining things in the main text, and I am satisfied with ING.

So, say goodbye to everyone.

Hmm... As for whether there will be a second episode, I'm not sure. Maybe, maybe not... Well, it really depends on whether I have new ideas... Well, if there is, I will probably write it after the Chinese New Year.

Finally, continue to guide me on Weibo, search for the author's name, or the name of this article... what you want to read... well, you understand.

... ... ...

PS: It’s over, let’s have a nutrient solution, let’s make a fuss for those diving friends~~

PS and then PS: _(:з」∠)_ Those little friends who gave me long comments after they finished, are you still there? I waited and waited.

One last question—everyone—come on—tell me out loud—

Is it sweet~~~? Are you tired~~~

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