It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 212: Spoiler


[Betting on the dignity of a man, I must catch up with the major general who doesn't remember me!]

Although Mutt vowed to set up such an ambition at the time, three days later, under the intentional or unconscious attention of two subordinates who knew the truth, they discovered in confusion that the emperor who declared that he wanted to send them away The certain boy whom His Majesty has chased has not taken any action until now.

Mutt was still just like an ordinary orderly, quietly following Troll. Although he seemed a little passive and sabotage, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Although I was worried about what Mutt would do to make it difficult for me to step down, I just hoped that he would be more honest and not toss about, but if the boy really did nothing honestly, Via and the others began to feel puzzled again.

Not ready yet

Via thought so in his heart, for some reason, he had the idea of "doing something quickly", what he really did was just a disaster, and he just tried to clean up the aftermath. The suspense of what to do here, waiting in fear every day, is tantalizing, and even more uncomfortable.

However, Mute is really not a tantalizing one.

During these three days, he didn't want to do something, but he didn't know what to do. After all, he has never chased anyone in his life, so how could he know what to do to chase someone.

Moreover, there is not even a reference object around.

Not to mention Wei Wei, this loyal subordinate who dedicated his entire life to His Majesty and the Empire has not even had a lace scandal for so many years. Besides, Robin, although he is a flirt, he always goes to those special places to have fun, and the people who hook up are all in the same eye. If you like me, I can have sex with the sheets for a night, and then I don’t know each other again. Open and free and easy The type of man, he always keeps a respectful distance from his colleagues and women who value feelings, let alone seduce them.

No, there is one reference object, His Majesty the Emperor who lost his memory.

However, it has no reference value.

Mute once tried to recall how the major general chased him back then...

'I want to be in tune with you. '

[I want to have sex with you.]

Brutally simple and straightforward.

Oh, and one more word, rogue.

Mute thought about the consequences of saying 'I want to have sex with you' directly to the current major general... Then he shivered violently.

He didn't want to imagine the picture of himself dying miserably, thank you.

Hmm... Speaking of which, when Sarah wanted to get married, she seemed to have done something like chasing a major general? How did Sarah do it in the first place

Probably, pestering her every day, sending homemade desserts, oh, and sending flowers.

There is no need to pester the major general every day. It is his job now as the major general's exclusive orderly to follow the major general, and there is no need to find opportunities to pester others.

As for food, the Major General's hobby is... 'motor oil', no, elemental liquid...

Forget it, he just needs to maintain the attribute of being a foodie.

Looking at it this way, there is no way to start.

The boy who met a hedgehog who couldn't bite for the first time after chasing people felt very depressed.

In order to comfort his depressed self, he decided to have a big meal as a vent. Of course, it must be the kind of high-sugar, high-fat, high-fat food that he likes - although he can't enter the major general's room for the time being, but Robin can still enter the general officer's dining room and borrow it smart kitchen.

After getting a piece of fat fried steak and a large plate of sweet cake sauce, Mutt worked hard with his head down. You know, since the major general lost his memory, he hasn't eaten delicious food for a long time. He had to follow the major general every day, and Troll had to eat whatever he ate, and was forced to follow him with "motor oil" for several days. Mutt felt that he was about to collapse. Taking advantage of Troll's temporary errands to leave this time, he hurried to comfort his mouth that hadn't tasted for several days.

Here he was feasting, and the red-haired novice sat across from him, resting his chin on one hand, watching him eat.

"Would you like some too?"


Robin replied that although he also likes food, as a soldier, he has strong self-control. Although he tried this kind of food before out of curiosity, it was only the first time he tried it, and he has never tasted it since.

"Speaking of which, you haven't done anything until now, have you?"



"To shut up."

With a dark face, the young man tore at the fried meat beside his mouth.


Robin just laughed a few times, but suddenly his laughter stopped, and he got up and stood at attention in an instant.


Robin yelled suddenly, causing Mutt to choke on a mouthful of food stuck in his throat. He swallowed it after coughing twice, and quickly got up and stood up.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Troll, who had come back at some unknown time, standing at the door, and the automatic door had just closed behind him.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes glanced over, passed him and Robin, paused for a moment, his eyes fell on the dinner plate in front of him, and then frowned slightly.

Troll raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Mute who had just stood up in a panic.

He stared at Mutt and said, "Break room, one day."

"… what?"

"I don't know what your previous living habits were like."

The young emperor said that his dark blue eyes were like frozen oceans, and he just stared at Mute indifferently.

Her thin lips moved a few times, as if the breath she exhaled was cold.

"I don't need soldiers who have no self-control."

He said, "Leave Ishtar in a day."



In the confinement room, the teenager sat on the narrow metal bed, scratching his head in distress.

The red-haired novice was riding a chair, with his hands on the back of it, and glanced at him.

"Boss has a bad impression of you."

"... I can probably guess it."

"I thought that even if the BOSS lost his memory, he would have feelings for you. I didn't expect that there was, but it was just disgust." Robin couldn't help complaining, and clicked his tongue, "Looking at the way BOSS treats you. Such an attitude is really rare, I really want to take a picture of that scene and show it to the boss in the future~~~"

He was really curious to death.

I don't know what kind of expression the boss will show at that time

Mutt, who was rubbing his head in distress, sighed.

"Probably guessed...he doesn't like incompetent soldiers."

Soldiers who have no self-discipline and cannot manage their bodies to ensure the best physical condition will be abandoned by Troll without hesitation. Not to mention his thin body no matter how you look at it, his performance in the past few days alone is definitely not a qualified soldier in Troll's eyes.

That's why Trol ordered him to leave Ishtar immediately.

"What? Are you sad after being taught a lesson by the boss?"

Sitting on the chair backwards, the man lying on the back of the seat asked him with a smile.

"That's not true."


"...well, a little bit."

Although I knew that it was because Troll had no memory, Mute, who was used to being pampered by Troll in his palm, still felt a little uncomfortable when he was looked down coldly from top to bottom by those long and narrow phoenix eyes.

"Or, you can take this opportunity to leave Ishtar first, and when the boss recovers his memory, he will rush to coax you back." Robin suggested, "Isn't it a good thing."

"don't want."

Although he was a little moved by Robin's suggestion, Mutt immediately and flatly rejected it.

"I bet on my dignity as a man—I will pursue the current major general no matter what."

If Mutt was just acting on a whim in the beginning, now he is completely angry.


You are making yourself guilty.

Robin complained in his heart.

As he thought so, he stood up.

"Understood." He said lazily, "I'm going to help you and ask him to spare you this time. But then you have to pay attention, BOSS will not give the same person a second chance."



After being locked up for a day, Mutt returned to Troll's side.

"I heard what Robin said."

He raised his hand to close the transparent light curtain in front of him, and the corner of his eye did not tell the young emperor who was a young orderly standing below.

"no next time."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The young orderly bowed his head obediently and saluted.

Although a little upset, Mute actually knew that the problem was with himself. After all, when Robin arranged to be Troll's orderly at the beginning, he had the idea of having fun, and many of his behaviors did not look like a soldier at all. From Troll's perspective, how could he not see his perfunctory attitude towards work, so naturally he has a bad impression of him.

After being confined once, he no longer had the idea of playing, and began to perform his work honestly. However, although he is trying to do his job well, he is still thinking about how to hook up with his lover.

However, before he could figure out how to do it, it was probably because of the sudden increase in workload due to the occurrence of several rebellions. Not to mention other people, even an insignificant orderly like him was so busy that he was dizzy and followed Troy every day. Er ran in and out, exhausted to death, and had no spare time to think about hooking up people.

One evening, Mutt, who followed Troll around several planets in a row, felt that he was exhausted, and he couldn't go to rest after returning to Ishtar, because Troll held an emergency military meeting temporarily. As Troll's orderly, if Troll doesn't rest, it is impossible for him to rest.

Therefore, even if he was exhausted to death, he could only obediently wait in the side room next to the conference hall, waiting for the call that he didn't know would come.

Seeing no one around, the boy yawned big.

so tired…

Standing against the wall, Mute felt that his brain was almost a mess, and his eyelids were so heavy that they were almost glued together.

I just squint, just for a second.

With that in mind, he just stood against the wall and slowly closed his eyes.

Who knew that when he closed his eyes, he fell into a coma.

With a swish, the automatic door opened, Troll walked in, glanced at it, and paused. He saw the underage boy who was his orderly standing against the wall, with his eyes closed, breathing evenly, and fell asleep standing there.

Troll frowned.

He really didn't look like a soldier at all.

[It's just a child who hasn't grown up yet, boss, don't be too harsh.]

Little kids...

Troll walked over and stood in front of the boy who was sleeping against the wall, reaching out to wake Mute up. It's just that when he stretched out his hand and didn't touch Mutt, maybe because of the footsteps he made just now, or maybe because of the change of light and shadow in front of him, the boy woke up by himself.

The soft black hair is messy and fluffy, like cotton candy. The boy's eyes are slightly opened, and the slender eyelashes are raised, and a little light shines from the gap between the eyelashes. His eyes are sleepy and dazed. Clueless, like a harmless little pet.

With slightly parted lips, let out a breath, those lips are soft, pink and tender, completely different from the cold and hard metal battleships that Troll often sees.

Indeed, no matter how you look at it, you are still just a child. And with this appearance, even if he grows up, he might not be suitable for staying on a battleship. This young man is completely out of place here.

The thought flashed subconsciously in Troll's mind.

[If possible, Boss, I hope you can keep this Jia on the battleship, not only because he can be your shield...]

Just when Troll was thinking of Robin's words, Mutt, who had just woken up from a deep sleep, opened his eyes slightly. His vision was still a little hazy, as if he was half awake and half asleep. It all looks a little confused.

He glanced at Troll, and the eyes that had just opened a crack were slightly bent. The curved eyes were like the arc of a crescent moon, just like the arc of his curved lips.

The young man tilted his head, his eyes were bent, and his vision was hazy, but there was a softness and attachment in the eyes that were clearer than anything else.

When those eyes looked over, the pupils were all lit up, focused, and filled with all emotions, as if the soft light of dawn at the end of the night.

Troll had never seen so much in the eyes of one person looking at another.

That feeling, as if looking at the moment, I saw the whole world bathed in sunlight.

He couldn't help but startled.

"...Major General."

The young man called out softly, he was smiling, his smile was like a tender leaf in the warmth of early spring, his voice was soft and waxy, it sounded like he was acting like a baby.

At the same time as he yelled, Mutt stretched out his hand and encircled Troll's body standing in front of him. His head with pitch-black hair leaned over and pressed against Troll's chest, rubbing it lightly. Rubbing, in a very attached posture.

Troll was a little stunned for a while, and a little overwhelmed.

Because he didn't know how to react.

Whether someone acted like a baby to him, or someone took the initiative to rub him like a pet, it was the first time in his decades of life.

Because he didn't know how to react, he stood still and just looked down at the boy who was hugging him against his chest. From his line of sight, he could only see the boy's fluffy black head.

But there was no need for him to react, and soon, the boy who had admitted to the wrong person while half awake and half asleep had come to his senses, pushed him away suddenly, and the whole person hit the wall backwards, raised his head Look at him, with a panicked expression on his face.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Your Majesty—I, I am—"

The boy, who seemed to have been greatly frightened, was incoherent for a while.

"Major General—no, it's not—I mean, Your Majesty—"

"'Major General'?"

"No, no, you got it wrong, I mean, that—"

"That's your former partner?"

"No, that's... eh?"



In the middle of the night, the room was pitch black, and the red-haired junior soldier was lying on the bed with his upper body naked, sleeping soundly. Suddenly, with a bang, a figure appeared in the room out of thin air, turned on the light, and the originally dark room was instantly lit up.

Mute, who suddenly appeared in the room, gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at Mute, who was sleeping soundly. A blue light flashed in his pupils, and Robin floated up from the bed and flew to the roof, then fell heavily with a snap.

"Oh shit!"

Robin turned over and sat up, and immediately assumed a fighting posture.

"Enemy attack?!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Mut staring at him fiercely.

"What did you say to the major general?!"

"Hey, what, I didn't say anything..."

Robin coughed twice, trying to fool him, but was startled when he felt his body floating uncontrollably again.

"I say! I say! I confess!"


"What happened to that Jia? Why did he stay here?"

"Oh, BOSS, it's like this. It's true that the other Jia chose to escape from human beings, but this child is a bit special, so he stayed with us."


"He and a general, um, a major general, had an unforgettable love. Later, the major general died accidentally in the battlefield. It's very pitiful, isn't it? But even so, he still wants to stay in the human world to remember his lover , So, he chose to leave his companions and stay with us. I discussed it with Via and the others. After all, he is Jia, so it is not easy to let him run around, so he simply put him on Ishtar for close monitoring, and He has that special ability that happens to act as a shield to protect you."


"So, Boss, don't ask him to meet the standards of a soldier. He has never received training in this area before. He is just a poor child who lost his beloved." Robin said with a smile, " Moreover, speaking of it, he is also the widow and widow of your subordinate who died in battle, isn't he?"


With a bang, Mutt exploded when he heard this and couldn't listen anymore.

"You are the survivor and your whole family is a survivor!!!"

In the middle of the night, one could vaguely hear the continuous sound of bang bang bang bang coming from the room of the red-haired junior soldier, which lasted for a long, long time...