It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 215: Spoiler


Mutter felt he was being treated coldly.

Although his former lover's current boss doesn't seem to treat him much differently from before... Well, there's no difference in that ten thousand-year-old face, but he just feels that Troll's attitude towards him is very different. indifferent.

And this kind of indifference is different from the indifference towards other people, being deliberately indifferent and alienated by Troll, in a sense, this is also a special treatment.

The neglected boy complained in his heart.

Of course, it is completely invisible from Troll's behavior. In the eyes of others, it is not much different from the previous few days. But Mutt can sense sensitively, for example, Troll will not let himself make tea for him, unless he happens to be the closest to him, otherwise he will order other people to do something, obviously deliberately reducing and own contact.

At the end of the day, Miao especially said a word to him, and didn't even meet his eyes—the emperor, whose attitude became more and more cold, gave him a little out of the corner of his eyes.


The boy rubbed his temples, feeling a little distressed.

I also want to know that Troll's attitude is because of what happened yesterday.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to laugh again, but he knew that if he laughed now, the major general would definitely be able to guess what he was laughing at. In this way... Mutt felt that the major general who had lost his memory was smiling. I am afraid that my life will be in danger.

Well, bear with it, don't act like this at a time like this.

So throughout the whole day, Mutt maintained a well-behaved .jpg appearance until the evening.

It was evening, and everyone else retreated one after another, and Mutt, who was a personal orderly, could not leave without permission before Troll had spoken. So when he found out, it was just him and Troll in the room.

The young emperor was sitting on the single sofa, with one hand resting on the armrest to support his cheek, his slender legs crossed, and a cup of steaming tea in one hand. The velvety black hair was slightly slanted and scattered from the corners of the long and narrow eyes, and the slender eyelashes were half drooping, casting rose-colored shadows on the snow-white skin. Although he was holding the tea, he didn't drink it, he just held it like that, propped his cheeks with one hand and lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and there was a little cold pearl on his lips.

He sat there quietly, the soft light fell on him, making his whole body glow, just a random movement, like a mural so delicate that people can't take their eyes off it.

Who said that no matter how delicious something is, you will get tired of eating too much

Who said that no matter how beautiful things are, they will get bored after seeing too much

Mutt said that he would whip anyone who said this to him again in the future.

From morning to night, he was not immune to this beautiful face of the prosperous age at all. He was deceived by the beauty from time to time, and fell into the trap foolishly. There seems to be something wrong with the metaphor.

Because the atmosphere was too quiet and depressing, the young man who stood motionless couldn't help but start thinking wildly, thinking of something wrong, he coughed dryly in his heart, and took back his free thoughts.

Seeing that Troll was just silent and didn't speak, sitting there with a cup of tea without saying a word, Mutt's legs hurt from standing for a long time. He thought that since the major general felt that the matter was too embarrassing and wanted to reduce contact with him, it would be better if he didn't have to be careful about the "infatuated widow" character setting, and the major general would be transferred away from Ishtar earlier, and he would wait until the major general's memory recovered. When you come back, you can laugh at the major general's appearance of fleeing in a panic at that time hahahahahahaha——

The young man who had been trying to die and never been surpassed was looking forward to the major general's expression when that scene appeared.

It will definitely make him laugh for a long time hahahahahahahahaha—

Ah, but that's for the future, now his legs are sore and tired.

So, Mutt thought about it, and opened his mouth cautiously.

"His Majesty."


"If it's okay... I'll leave first?"


There was no answer, Mute felt that no answer was acquiescence, so he stepped on his sore legs, turned around and wanted to leave.

"and many more."

With a cold sound, the young orderly had no choice but to draw back his foot that had just taken a step, turned around, and faced his majesty the emperor again.

But Troll stopped him, but continued to remain silent. Mutt was a little confused about what he wanted to do, so he could only stand obediently in front of Troll, with his hands behind his back, standing upright.

This silence lasted for a long time, Troll was still in the posture of slightly lowered eyes, the tea in his hand had long been cold, and he still didn't take a sip, but the knuckle fingers unconsciously moved The edge of the teacup was moving, and Mute couldn't help complaining in his heart, saying, aren't you tired of holding your hands like this all the time

After a long period of silence like this, Mute, whose legs were getting more and more sore, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his mouth first.

"Your Majesty." The young man standing with his hands behind his back said softly, "You don't have to think too much, it's normal."

Mutt's voice was very low and light, even if there were only the two of them in the room at the moment, he subconsciously lowered his voice when talking about such things.

"As long as you rub it a little... um... this is the reaction that normal men will have, cough, so... don't pay too much attention to it." He coughed dryly and continued to whisper, "Well... just like a man will wake up in the morning ... Cough, same, very normal."

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Although it was spoken by himself, Mute didn't look at Troll at all when he spoke, and kept his head down and his eyes staring at his toes. Therefore, he didn't see that after he finished the first sentence'this is normal', Troll's finger that slid across the edge of the teacup suddenly stopped, and as Mute continued to speak, the finger It tightened a little bit, and the porcelain cup was overwhelmed and trembled as if it was screaming silently—a second before the teacup was about to be crushed, Troll's tightened fingers suddenly loosened again.

The teacup escaped the fate of being crushed.

Mute, who was still a little uncomfortable at first, was relieved after finishing speaking in one breath, and the whole person was relaxed.

He thought, that's fine. Anyway, the major general is still a pure virgin who doesn't understand those things at all. He can fool around and let the major general feel that it was an accident. It's better than continuing to be embarrassed.

Well, in this way, the major general who got a satisfactory answer will let himself go back to rest.

"… No."

This time, after a short silence, His Majesty the Emperor finally opened his mouth again.


there is nothing

Mutt was bewildered.

"The 'normal' you said..." Trolton paused, and said, "None."


Fuck, taking advantage of the major general's amnesia, he accidentally revealed a big secret!

Mute suddenly felt a sense of horror. He thought it was a good thing that Robin had left beforehand and was not here. Otherwise, if he knew the secret, he would definitely kill people when he recovered.

... I used to think that the major general looked very ascetic, but I didn't expect it to be true. Ascetic.

Because the secret he obtained was too big for his mind to turn around for a while, Mutt was still thinking wildly here, while Troll, who was sitting over there, pursed his lips, as if he had made some decision. He raised his head, stared at the stunned young man with narrow phoenix eyes, and narrowed them for a moment, revealing a little light.

Then, raise your hand.

With a poof, Mute was splashed with tea before he could react.

That's right, His Majesty the Emperor who was sitting poured all the cold tea on him.

The young man who was doused with water without thinking about it looked at Troll who poured water on his face in a daze, completely unable to understand what the situation was like now.

Troll still sat without moving, just staring closely at the boy in front of him.

The young man looked at him in a daze with his dark eyes, the soaked forehead hair wetly stuck to his soft cheeks, water droplets rolled down his cheeks from the tip of his hair, his pink lips were slightly parted, soaked to the brim. It seems to be glowing with water.

The neckline was still open habitually, and the slender neck was wet at the moment. After being soaked in water, the translucent snow-white shirt was tightly attached to the boy's skin, and the traces outlined by the collarbone under the shirt could be vaguely seen...

Troll confirmed.

That wasn't an accident, nor was it a 'normal phenomenon' that Mutt called that any man would go off by friction.

The feeling of slight heat inside the body at this moment is not an illusion. For the first time in his life, he felt this burning sensation. Also, even if it was extremely small, he knew that his breathing rate had changed slightly at this moment.

What is this feeling

He didn't quite understand it yet, but he didn't hate the feeling.

This kind of heat that seems to be able to feel the flow of blood makes people feel alive.

And the person who made him feel this way...

Turning his eyes to Mute again, Troll's eyes became sharper. It was the scorching eyes of a wild beast that was originally casual when it found its prey.

However, that was just an extremely green beast trying to hunt for the first time.

"Your Majesty, don't you think this joke is a bit too much?"

The young man who was splashed with tea for no reason finally came to his senses at this moment. He brushed his wet hair, gritted his teeth, stared at Troll and asked angrily.

"I'm just trying to see if I get the same reaction."

The man replied, frankly, of course.


The man's extremely frank answer made the interrogator choked for a while.

Major General, don't you feel embarrassed and embarrassed when you say this

Troll, who was looked at by Mute with strange eyes, pondered for a while, and continued to speak.

"Your past partner has died, and you plan to be single forever?"

"My personal affairs have nothing to do with you, Your Majesty."

Mutt turned back with a look of displeasure.



"You are responsible."


"That reaction of mine."

Mute: "..."

Therefore, the behavior of His Majesty the Emperor, who is in love with us, is to pour tea all over the other party's body, and the words of the confession are in a commanding tone-[You have to be responsible for my reaction].

A certain confession object said: Bah!

Te. His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Human Empire. Luo. The overbearing president of the universe. Er.

Chasing skills.
