It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 218: Spoiler


The author has something to say:

To be, or not to be, this is a question related to being dated now or in the future.



The battle-tested boy said not to underestimate him!

After spending so long with this man who is cold on the outside, beautiful and prosperous on the outside, and a beast on the inside, he can almost feel the character of this man clearly. Coaxing the other party to be submissive, the hair that exploded will soften, let alone this one now.

According to the character of the major general, he is absolutely wrong to answer yes or no now, either to piss off the current major general or the future major general. So, the correct option is...

Mute looked up, meeting Troll's gaze.

The dark blue eyes were gloomy, and the little bit of blueness was suppressed in the shadows, making the man's eyes plunged into darkness, condensing into an indelible ink color. The lips that became thinner due to the tightness were like sharp blades, implying a violent air that was almost uncontrollable.

The young man blinked his eyes lightly, and his slender eyelashes moved, and the slight movement seemed to be able to dissolve the hostility overflowing from the other party. Mute, who was imprisoned by Troll's arms like a prisoner, raised his hand. Instead of avoiding the man who was pressing towards him, he straightened his upper body slightly, approached him actively, raised his hand and gently raised the scattered A strand of black hair around Troll's narrow eyes.

Mutt didn't say anything, yes, or no, he didn't say anything, didn't give an answer. He just lifted a strand of Troll's forehead hair and stroked it back, then straightened his upper body and leaned forward.

In Troll's slightly astonished eyes, Mute leaned forward with one hand on Troll's ear, his slender eyelashes drooping, and the young man's soft lips gently fell on the corner of Troll's mouth.

Then, Mutt opened his lips, exposing the tip of his snow-white teeth, and bit the man's thin lips lightly, but with a little force.

There was a little pain, very slight, but the feeling of pain passed from the lips to the body was strange and turned into an indescribable pleasure, and then, the bitten place was lightly licked again After a while, the pleasure was wrapped up by the ensuing numbness, which exploded in the deepest part of the body.

Troll didn't move, but looked down at Mute.

The young man who bit his lips raised his eyelashes to look at him, because the faces of the two were very close, he could clearly see the traces of the extremely thin eyelashes fluttering when they were lifted up, and the pair of His face reflected in the dark eyes. He saw the lips that had become bright red due to the torment opened and closed a few times, and made a sound, and the slightly warm breath he exhaled when he spoke brushed the corners of his nose and lips, a little itchy and hot.

The boy said: "If I don't want you to touch me, then I won't let you do this kind of thing."

Maybe it's because of the slightly itchy breath passing over the tip of the nose and the corners of the lips, maybe it's because of the pair of black eyes reflecting his own shadow, maybe it's because of the low voice that penetrates into the ears, maybe it's the caressing The fingertips on his temples... the violent flames in the depths of his body were extinguished bit by bit.

No matter how violent the flames are, they can be extinguished by soft flowing water.

The fierce light in Troll's eyes, which was about to break out of the cage, faded little by little, and a soft blue glow lit up, like a male lion with a mane that was erected and full of anger, being stroked and coaxed by its fur. After he died, he withdrew the fierceness of the beast, and put its head docilely in the arms of its trainer again.

But Mute knew that this was only temporarily appeased by him. If you don't give a clear answer to Troll's inquiry, this lion will blow up for you every second. So while he continued to gently stroke Troll's temples with his hands to appease him, he thought quickly.

"Behind kissing... I'm not unwilling to teach..."

After hesitating for a while, he whispered.

"I'm just a little scared."


"Your Majesty, you should be able to see that my body is not as strong as yours... It should be said that even compared with ordinary soldiers, my body is much worse, let alone you who are already strong. The young man lowered his eyes slightly, his eyelashes seemed to tremble a little uneasily, "I'm afraid that you won't be able to control your strength and hurt me."

"I won't hurt you."

Troll frowned.

Mute didn't refute him, but just raised his hand and pulled up his sleeves for him. Troll got stuck for a moment, because there were still light blue marks and obvious finger prints on the boy's slender wrist, which were the marks left by a little force when he held the opponent's wrist yesterday.

Troll really didn't mean it, but he didn't expect that the boy's body was so weak. The boy leaning on his arms at this moment was probably the weakest body he had ever seen so far. The subordinates with rough flesh, five big and three thick and strong physique are completely two extremes - Jia's mental body is very strong, but his body is so slender, like fragile porcelain, which can be broken in the hands with a little force.

There is also the boy's lips, even though he has been very careful and gentle, he can still see the scratches on the corners of the boy's lips due to his unconscious rough biting.

He thought, indeed, as Mutt said, he thought that ordinary strength could easily hurt Mutt, and that was not what he was happy to see.

Thinking of this, Troll couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He looked at Mute, stretched out his hand to caress the slightly scratched corner of his lips, and couldn't help frowning.

He didn't want to hurt Mute, but he couldn't control his desire to touch him.

"You want to keep touching me?"


"Okay, I can continue teaching, but I have a condition..."



The young emperor who controlled the entire universe sat on the sofa, his brows were furrowed, and his thin lips were pursed, looking very unhappy. The position he was sitting at now was where Mutt was sitting not long ago, imprisoned by his arms in a small space.

But now, the positions of the two are completely reversed.

He was sitting there with his back against the back of the sofa, while Mutter was kneeling on the sofa by either side of his legs, with his hands resting on the back of the sofa on either side of him, looking down at him, showing him something he felt Very weird and a little silly laugh.

Of course, Troll wouldn't know that Mutt thought it was a wicked smile.

The boy lowered his head, and took the initiative to lean over to kiss the man under him. His kisses are not deep, they always leave at the touch of a touch, as if deliberately teasing, his soft lips move across the man's face, and occasionally the tip of his tongue licks the man's lips, that kind of kissing is extremely itchy , if it was normal, Troll would have hugged the other party and forcibly grabbed the other party's lips, and the lips and teeth were entangled.

But now he can't do it.

Because at this moment, his hands had lost their freedom, and several glowing halos bound his hands behind his back. Those were special light-quality shackles, even if he was as strong as him, he couldn't break free from these light shackles. Therefore, no matter how much he wanted to hug the boy kneeling in front of him at this moment, he couldn't do it, so the whole person was aggrieved.

However, this is the condition for being able to continue to touch the young man in front of him, even if he is aggrieved, he can only endure it first.

Probably because he was afraid that the teasing would make Troll anxious, Mutt didn't continue to tease him. It felt good to press on the man, and it felt good to look down on him from a high position. He was very satisfied.

He raised his hand and unbuttoned Troll's collar one by one.

Unlike him who always habitually opens his collar, Troll's military uniform collar always tightly wraps around his neck, giving people a strong sense of abstinence, and it is precisely because of this abstinence that he When the dark golden buttons were undone one by one to reveal the snow-white neck below, it always inexplicably made his mouth dry and his heart beat red.

However, in the past, he was always pressed down, often with both hands clasped by the other hand, and he could only watch helplessly as the man slowly unbuttoned the metal collar button with his other hand.

—He admitted that he had wanted to unbutton the Major General’s collar that symbolizes a sense of abstinence for a long time—

The boy's fingers slid in from the open black vertical collar, and his fingertips lightly fiddled with the exposed Adam's apple, which immediately made the man's breathing tighten.

Mutt couldn't help but bend his eyes.

He suddenly understood why the major general who spoiled him and followed him in other places loved to bully him as soon as he got into bed—ah, now he also felt that the feeling of bullying the major general was really unstoppable.

His fingers slid down the snow-white neck and landed in the neck socket. He remembered that there was a major general's sensitive spot here. He never dared to touch it before, because if he touched it, he would be tortured badly, but now Well…

Mut narrowed his eyes and rubbed his fingertips at the point of the neck. Sure enough, he heard the man under him breathing quickly.

He lowered his head and looked at Troll, who was staring at him intently. There was something extremely terrifying churning in the dark and rich eyes, and it seemed that he wanted to open his mouth and bite him immediately. clean up—

But it's a pity that Mutt coaxed the Major General to tie his hands behind his back, and he could only let him manipulate him at this moment.

He smiled at Troll again, then lowered his head, opened his mouth and bit the most sensitive point of Troll's neck, and felt that the muscles of the man's shoulders tensed up instantly , Even breathing stopped for a moment, and the whole body seemed to stiffen.

Thinking of the fact that the major general had easily controlled his body in the past, Mute felt even more complacent at the moment.

Ah, there is a sense of revenge and exhilaration of "you also have today".

He raised his head and looked at Troll, Troll's shoulders were still tense, as if he was facing a big enemy, and he looked at Mute with a bit of bewilderment in his eyes.

The feeling he had never experienced made Troll's thoughts a little confused. He instinctively tightened his shoulders and wanted to do something to relieve the electric shock inside his body, but his hands were tightly tied behind him and he couldn't break free. According to instinct, he could stare at the boy in front of him without blinking.

Well, I really want to play an idle PLAY.

Seeing the major general's longing eyes and feeling the major general's physical changes, Mutt thought so in his heart.

Bullying is addictive, really.

Although I have such an impulse to bully others, but considering the possible consequences of this PLAY...

Well, how could such a kind and gentle lover like him do such inhumane things.

"Don't worry."

Caressing the face of the man who was a little bit at a loss but looking at him with longing eyes instinctively with his hand, the young man smiled and said in a low voice.

"I'll teach you."


[The first step is to kiss.]

[The second step, comfort.]

... ... ...


The young emperor was sitting on the sofa. Instead of being tall and straight as usual, he leaned back on the back of the sofa with a rare slight inclination. He opened his lips slightly, and breathed uncontrollably and rapidly. Troll's thin lips, which were usually cold, were now extremely red, and his cheeks were also flushed.

His hands were tied behind his back, and his beautiful phoenix eyes were now hidden under the black leather—the black military belt was tied around his face, covering his eyes.

The pitch-black hair was scattered in a mess, almost blending with the black leather, presenting an extreme contrast with the snow-white skin.

A drop of hot sweat could be vaguely seen slipping from the flushed forehead, over the slightly damp hair, and submerged under the pitch-black leather.

The young man who watched the scene in front of him swallowed a mouthful of saliva without holding back.

Why does he think this looks super exciting



Because in the process of teasing, I was frightened by the dangerous eyes of the major general who bound his hands and couldn't touch him, as if he wanted to swallow himself alive, so in order to cover the opponent's eyes, he casually tied the belt on the opponent's face Mute felt... as if he had accidentally opened the door to some new world.

The young man at this moment will never know that in the near future, he will regret because of the door to this new world that he opened with his own hands.