It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 220: Spoiler


If there is anything that is deeply rooted and indelible in life, it is probably something like getting used to it.

Mutt didn't remember when he got into this habit—probably, from the very beginning, he called that person a major general, and he couldn't change it.

Later, that person was promoted from major general to general and marshal, and in the end, he stood on the stars of the universe, and everyone's respectful titles for him also changed accordingly, but he was the only one who stubbornly called out the original title.

Robin once asked him, if he just wanted to be called more intimately than others, wouldn't it be better to call him by his first name? Anyway, in the entire universe, only you can directly call the BOSS's name.

Maybe it looks like what Robin said to others, but he is still unwilling to change. That probably has become an obsession, an obsession that is unwilling to change.

Because he always remembers that the moment when his heart was first moved was the moment when he became an enemy of the entire universe, the young major general kissed his hand and said, [I give you the universe].

He always remembered the moment when his heart, which had sunk into the abyss, beat again because of that person.

It turned out that the fall was only a moment.

Then, bit by bit, bits and pieces, ups and downs, all became their mutual memories. They have experienced too many things, and the two paths that should have gone in opposite directions were forcibly intertwined by them.

He chooses what he wants.

So something is inevitably lost.

So there are important things finally in the palm of your hand.

"Major general."


Needless to say, just two simple words and a soft hum, that's all.

Therefore, that habit has penetrated into the flesh and blood, penetrated into the bone marrow, and has become an indelible part of life.

He never tried to change, never wanted to change.



Therefore, the moment he opened his eyes and saw that familiar face, he called out that name almost subconsciously, just like the instinct of a person waking up and opening his eyes.

[Major General.]

Mute watched helplessly as all the light in the man's dark blue pupils disappeared in an instant, as if being swallowed by a black hole.

There was a momentary thump in his heart, and he came to his senses all of a sudden, sat up with his hands, and then reached out and grabbed Troll's hand.

"It's not—it's—"

He panicked and tried to speak.

"This is… "

Troll did not shake off Mutt's hand, and let Mutt grab his wrist, standing quietly in front of Mutt, with his slender eyelashes drooping slightly, looking down at Mutt who just sat up on the sofa.

The way he looked down at the young man looked calm, but it was because he was too calm that it made people feel even more terrifying.

A bit of blueness in the pupil sank into the gloomy black color, like a bit of collapsed and broken starry sky being swallowed by a black hole, the starlight disappeared, leaving only a dead silence.

Mutt opened his mouth and closed it again, and repeated this several times, but he still couldn't say anything.

Because he didn't know what to say.

The 'Major General' shouted out, iron-clad, and clearly audible. Although he wanted to explain in panic, he couldn't explain anything.

He pursed his lips tightly, unable to say anything, he could only clasp Troll's wrist more tightly, and his mind was a little confused for a while.

The atmosphere in the room was terribly oppressive, so quiet that only the sound of breathing of different frequencies could be heard.

After a long time, a voice finally broke the oppressive silence.

"I'm waiting for you to speak."

A deep voice sounded, and Troll looked down at the boy in front of him.

"...don't want to say anything?"

Mutt shook his head, biting his lower lip, still unable to speak.

After a while, the standing slender body bent down, dropped one knee, and squatted in front of the boy. Troll's eyes were at the same level as Mute's. He stretched out his hand and lightly touched the other's cheek with his fingertips. The shadow of the scattered black hair fell on the man's long and narrow phoenix eyes, as if swallowing all the light in those eyes in the shadows.

Troll looked at Mute quietly, the pupils that were extremely soft a moment ago, now there was nothing but a barrenness.

One of Mute's hands clenched into a fist little by little.

Troll looked at Mutt, deep in his eyes, everything was silent.

"I'm not a 'major general,'" he said.

He said, word for word.

After staring directly at Mutt and finished speaking, Troll withdrew his hand touching Mutt's side cheek, pulled away Mutt's hand holding his wrist, stood up, turned sideways, and no longer looked at Mutt. Mutter.

He said, "Back off."

Mute was stunned for a while, looking at Troll who was turning his back to him, he subconsciously stretched out his hand, trying to grab him again.

"You'd better leave as soon as possible."

The boy was about to touch the hand of the figure whose back was facing him and stopped in mid-air.

"I can still control it now... I can't guarantee what will happen later."

Said the man who turned sideways and no longer looked at him.

"Back off."

Mute's outstretched hand froze in midair for a while, then slowly retracted, his fingers clenched little by little. When he went to see Troll, he could only see a silhouette and the small half of his cheek, and he couldn't see the expression of the man with his back turned at the moment.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands tighter. But he still didn't say anything after all, got up and left here quickly.

He left so quickly that Troll looked down at the expression of one of his hands after he left.

The man lowered his eyes, his handsome face was expressionless, and he just looked down at his hand quietly. After looking at it for a long time, that hand clenched little by little, slowly but with extreme force. The degree of clenching, it looks like you want to grab something tightly, and it's more like you want to crush something fiercely——

His eyes looked calm, terribly calm.



In the somewhat narrow room, the boy curled up on the bed, holding his head in his hands, scratching his black hair in a mess. He had a troubled look on his face, and his whole body was tangled up.

"What did you do again?"

The red-haired junior soldier stood against the wall with his hands folded, squinting at Mutt, who was struggling to be mad.

Robin has always thought of himself as a troublemaker, but compared to the little guy in front of him, he is nothing compared to himself.

No, he just went out to drink with Via for a few hours, and this guy Mutt caused trouble again. Thinking back not long ago, when he went to see the boss, the look in the boss's eyes was simply—he couldn't help but feel his chest tighten when he thought about it now.

Hehe, needless to say, after meeting the BOSS, he walked to the narrow temporary residence of Mute without saying a word.

There is probably only one in the entire universe who can make his aloof boss look like that.

"Hmm... Robin, I seem to have done something wrong."

"What's the matter? Are you rejecting the boss' courtship again?"


The boy stabbed at Robin with his eyes.

Robin sneered.

"Apart from this, what else can I do? It can't be that she cheated and was caught in bed, right?"

Robin said so casually, he just said casually, in his cognition, this is something that the destruction of the universe is impossible to happen, not to mention that Mutt is not that kind of coquettish bitch, just say that even if Mutt wants to cheat, Hehe, who dares to be the adulterer of this little guy? —Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that life is worse than death.

Mut, who was holding his head, thought for a while with a sad face.

He said: "... as if it could be said."

"Fuck! Are you serious?!"

Which warrior—? !

After struggling for a while, Mutt opened his mouth to answer.

"... I was careless when I was making out with the major general... I called 'major general'..."

Robin: "..."

In a sense, there is nothing wrong with 'derailment' and 'caught rape in bed'.

he thinks.

In other words, the boss is actually eating, his own vinegar

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I can't do it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Hahahaha no way, the boss is so pitiful, he sympathizes with his boss, so it is not kind to laugh like this, and I am sorry for his boss!

But ahahahahaha—I'm sorry BOSS, I tried my best, but I really can't help it. Hahahaha, so this is the Shura field of my past self and my present self, hahahaha!


A scream ended the wild laughter of the red-haired junior soldier. He was slammed against the wall by an invisible force like a rubber ball, hit it with a bang, and then slid down to the ground.

"Which bastard do you think made this happen?"

The boy on the bed stared at him with a fierce look in his eyes.

If that bastard Robin hadn't given him the status of a "widow" and said that he had a lover of a "major general" before, how could he be in such a dilemma

"Wait, wait... I was wrong, I was wrong, I was just making up an excuse at the time, I didn't expect it to turn out like this... Well, like this, I will confess to the boss, and I will admit it when I was punished, so I just Tell the boss everything directly, wouldn't that be fine?"

Mutt sighed.

"If only it were that easy."

Although he planned to tease the major general at first, but now that the major general showed that kind of look, he felt distressed. If the truth could be told, he would have said it straight back then.

"Hey? Why? Can't you tell me?"

"As I said before, the major general is now missing memory because part of his mental body is repairing itself, so the subconscious of the human body's self-protection automatically fills in the missing memory and regards it as a real memory." Mutter said. , "That is to say, now the major general's subconscious mind has regarded the 'memory without me' as the 'real memory'."

"If you tell the major general the truth, it is tantamount to completely breaking his current 'real memory'-and for a person, the so-called memory is equivalent to his world. If the memory collapses, it is equivalent to the collapse of the world. At that time, the major general As a result, his mental body will be confused, 'truth' and 'false' will be intertwined, and the subconscious self will be distorted, which may cause unpredictable changes in his mental body... "

"Wait, wait, don't make it so complicated, I can't understand." The more confused Robin raised his hand, he stopped, "So, if we tell BOSS the truth and break his What will be the consequences of 'falsely completing the memory'?"

"If the memory is chaotic and lost, it will take a longer year and a half to recover. If it is more serious..." Mutt paused and said, "The subconscious mind may forcibly split the memory into two parts for self-protection."

"What's the meaning?"

"That is, schizophrenia, dual personality, present, and former."


"Otherwise, why do you think I ordered from the beginning to forbid anyone to mention anything about me in front of the major general?"

"What now?"

"I can't go on like this. If I continue to stay with the major general, it will only disturb his emotions." Frowning for a while, Mute, who sighed again, shook his head and made a decision, "I can only temporarily Leave for a while, Robin."

He looked up at Robin and said, "Help me keep an eye on the major general. If you need anything, please contact me in time, and I will come right away."

In any case, he did call out the word major general in front of Troll.

With this approach, no matter who he is, he will think that he still has more love for his former lover. He is irrefutable, so he directly admits this point.

What a proud person the major general is, he knows very well that although the major general has broken all the bottom lines for him in the past, it was based on the premise that their relationship was already deep. But now, taking advantage of the short time, the major general at the moment does not have deep feelings for him, if he asks to leave, the proud emperor should simply let go.

"I see."

Knowing that it was no longer time to joke, Robin nodded and answered seriously.

... ... ...


The empty room was very quiet, the air settled down, and an invisible thing enveloped the surroundings, making people feel extremely depressing.

The young emperor sat on the soft white sofa in the middle, his slender legs crossed, and his hands in white gloves rested on the armrest of the sofa. The dark eyelashes drooped slightly, intertwined with the night-like forehead hair, casting a light shadow on the man's cheek. After being silent for a long time, he finally spoke.

"You want to leave?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The boy standing in front of the seated Troll replied.

He also lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on the ground. The man stepped on the black boots on the ground, and the dark golden metal buckle reflected a bright light on it.

He took a deep breath and whispered, "To you... I'm sorry, I still can't forget the past, there's no way to forget that person..."

When he said this, the major general looked at him with dead eyes at that moment suddenly appeared in his mind, and he felt a little distressed for a while. He bit his lower lip, thought for a while, and then continued, "Although I can't forget that person, I really fell in love with you, and I didn't use you as a substitute."

Anyway, since he was leaving for the time being, it would be better for the major general to think that he was an indecisive guy who was promiscuous, who liked this and that.


Troll interrupted him coldly.

"I didn't, I really did to you..."

"Prove it to me."


"If you really liked me, I'll let you go. If you lied to me..." The man's tone was very light and calm, but he was born with such calmness, which made people feel chills inexplicably, "Now, give I prove it."

"This... how to prove it?"

Mutt was a little confused.

The man raised his head, and a dark light flashed across his long and narrow phoenix eyes.

He said, "Let me be mentally attuned."

Mute was stunned for a second, and after a second, his face changed drastically, and without saying anything, he turned around and wanted to leave. But Troll was faster than him, grabbing his wrist before he could turn around.


If he was mentally attuned, his memory would be instilled into the major general without reservation, which would completely mess up the major general's mental body in an instant—

The wrist was tightly clasped, unable to break free at all, Mutt's pupils darkened, and a bluish luster flashed from them.

Just teleport away—

The invisible sense of oppression came down in an instant, and Mute suddenly found that under the suppression of that force, he couldn't teleport away from here at all.

The shield is open! when? !

The invisible shield that could suppress Jia's mental power was opened without his knowing, and it enveloped the room. His power was suppressed, and at this moment, he couldn't use Jia's power.

A powerful force came from the wrist, and Mute, unable to resist, fell forward.

He was pulled hard by Troll and pushed down on the sofa. He raised his head and looked at the man on top of him in panic.

"No... wait."

With a snort, the vertical collar that was rarely buttoned up once was ripped open, and the silver metal buckle collapsed. The boy's fair neck and half of his chest were exposed in the air, and the torn neckline was shaking in the air.

Troll looked down at the people below him, with terrifying eyes as if he was staring at his prey. He clasped Mutt's hands tightly on top of his head with one hand, and raised his right hand to his mouth.

He stared at Mute without blinking, his thin lips parted, his teeth bit the tip of the snow-white glove with fingertips, and with a little force, the white glove was torn off by his bite.

The man's fingers, which had taken off his snow-white gloves, fell down and stroked Mute's neck lightly. The cold touch of his fingertips made the slender and fragile neck tremble. Immediately afterwards, the bracelet on Troll's wrist split in two, and half flew to Mutt's exposed neck, radiating around it. The other half magnified and surrounded Trol's ear.

Soon, dozens of translucent filaments of light protruded from the half ring on the side of Troll's ear, and slowly extended towards Mutt's neck.

"don't want!"

Now he must not be in contact with the major general mentally, not to mention mental co-tune, otherwise—

"let me go!"

Without Ga's power, Mutt could only grit his teeth and struggle with his own strength. But the effect was negligible at all. He was pinned tightly on the sofa by Troll, and he couldn't break free at all. He could only try to anger Troll with words.

"You are rape!"

Mute growled, glaring at Troll.



With a faint sound, Troll lowered his head, his face was very close, the tip of his nose almost touched Mutt, and a few strands of dark forehead fell down and fell on the corners of Mutt's eyes. He looked down at the young man below him, the corners of his long and narrow phoenix eyes raised a little.

He said, "I'm raping you."

He put it lightly.

"Are you going to court-martial me?"

Mute: "..."

Hehe, His Majesty the Emperor, the military court is not run by your family, you can just let it go!

The author has something to say:

Break the law

Really. I am Wang Fa.