It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 221: Spoiler


Forced psychic attunement without consent is tantamount to psychic rape!

"At any rate, you are doing something like forcing your subordinates! Don't you think it's too shameful!"

Pushing against the opponent's shoulders with both hands, the bent knees pressed against the opponent's abdomen to separate the distance from each other. The young man almost used his hands and feet together, firmly resisting the man pressing on him, clenching his teeth and staring at the opponent fiercely. .

The hands that were firmly on Troll's shoulders were grabbed, raised above his head, and pressed on the sofa, and his bent knees were pushed aside. After losing Ga's power, Mutt, who had almost no resistance, could only watch helplessly as the man on top of him bit down on the snow-white glove, and the metal ring on his wrist split into two halves, one half of which was It flew down and touched half of his neck.

The cold touch of Troll's fingertips caressing the skin on the side of his neck made the most sensitive skin tremble, and the whole body was suppressed, unable to move at all, and Mutt could only watch helplessly. The filaments of light that connect each other's spirits are lightly and softly probing towards him.

He suddenly became anxious and tried to struggle, but the hands that were pressed on top of his head couldn't exert any strength at all.

Seeing that the filaments had been entangled to his neck, he gritted his teeth and finally said a word.

"I look down on you!"

The man who suppressed Mutt looked down at him, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were full of gloom, and the faint blue was plunged into the darkness.

The hand without the snow-white glove stretched out and gently stroked the boy's forehead. There was no expression on Troll's face, and the words Mutt wanted to provoke him seemed to have no effect.

He just answered two words.

He said, "Really."

After the last word fell, the pupils of the young man glaring at Troll suddenly dilated, the spiritual barrier was broken, and outside things that did not belong to him forcibly invaded.

The indescribable feeling of being invaded into his thoughts made Mute's pupils tremble violently. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound. He could clearly feel something invisible Slowly, but extremely forcefully invaded into his spirit—

Mutt's original intention was to resist the other party's invasion, however, the mental power of that invasion was too familiar, it had been entangled and fused with him countless times - it had almost become a kind of inertia.

Before his consciousness could react, his mental power had been meekly opened, slowly blending with the other party—and just before the blending of the other's spiritual power, Mutt forcibly restrained the feeling of wanting to accept The opponent's instinct desperately wants to push the opponent away.

Now it has become a very strange state.

If it must be described, I don't know whether it is better to use "want to refuse or welcome" or "want to welcome or refuse".

... It can also be said that it is half-push and half-finished...

And this kind of half-half strange feeling invaded, it was hard to tell whether it was uncomfortable or something else, Mutt only felt that there was a momentary blankness in consciousness, and the body began to tremble slightly instinctively.

"Do not… "

The pupils were a little dilated, and Mutt murmured unconsciously.

Troll leaned over, his lips were thin and light in color, like the arc of a blade, with the coldness and hardness of a sharp blade.

"accept me."

He whispered, indisputably, forcefully. He could already feel his spirit blending into the opponent, and the young man under him was resisting his intrusion. He knew it, but he still forcibly entered the opponent's spirit.

Mute looked at him with trembling black eyes, and his shadow enveloped the young man below him, making him unable to see clearly the young man's eyes looking at him at this moment. He looked at Mute's eyes and struggled a few times, but finally closed them irresistibly and fell into a deep sleep.

Troll looked at Mute, who was forced into a deep sleep by him, for a while, then leaned over and slowly closed his eyes.



Is Ciao going to be in a sadomasochistic love story? !

Mutt, who had shrunk into his mental image, wanted to throw the table, although there was no table for him.

Although the young major general was very interesting to tease and easy to bully, Mute still ignored it. After all, it was not a little wolf dog but a real wolf king.

Once you get ruthless...

Ah, to be honest, Major General, your chasing skills are really negative.

If it weren't for the so-called former lovers and so on... If I really had a former lover and now I like the major general a little bit, if I was suddenly called out, I am afraid that love will turn into hatred in an instant.

Then from then on, the major general turned his eyebrows coldly, the major general refused to let him go, he wanted to leave, the major general refused to let him go, then he was imprisoned in the small black room, then he ran away, the major general went after him, caught him back and abused his body and mind, then he was on the run, the major general again Catch it back and continue to have a deep sadomasochistic relationship...

Ah, what a sadomasochism drama.


Just thinking about it makes my heart tired.

In short, now that he has been forced to be mentally coherent, he can only think of other ways first.

Mutt gritted his teeth, he had no choice but to split his memory first, separate the memory between him and the major general, and hide it deep in his subconscious.

But doing so would cause short-term confusion in his memory and mental body... Well, it's just a momentary confusion, so there shouldn't be any problem.

Mutt thought so.

... ... ...


Troll did not invade Mutt's deep consciousness. The real spiritual attunement is to blend with the other party's subconscious, but now he is only attuned to Mutt's surface consciousness, and then stopped invading.

He only planned to do this from the beginning, and the reason for doing this was because he just wanted to take a look at Mutt's memory.

In the boy's memory, that figure that he couldn't erase no matter what he did.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself suspended in a huge and dense forest. He looked around and his pupils contracted forcefully.

It was an all-too-familiar place for him—the place where he was born, the planet he grew up on.

It was late at night, but there was a fire below. He looked down and saw a familiar figure.

Beside the burning bonfire, under a huge tree, a black-haired boy was sitting under the tree, and a slender young man leaned on the boy's shoulder, seemingly asleep. He saw Mutt's fingers lightly rubbing a strand of forehead hair of the man leaning against him, the fire light reflected on Mutt's side face, and he saw Mutt's smiling face when he looked at the man beside him.

At the same time, he also saw the man's face—a face exactly like his.

Taking a breath, Troll's fingers clenched tightly.

It's that person.

Before the previous empire was destroyed, he met the man who had the same gene as him when he went to the planet where he was born in order to find the secret of his life experience!

At that time, the man attacked him, but he defeated him. In the end, the man chose to blew himself up in the laboratory and died.

Mutter... Know that man

Do not…

The so-called dead lover... Could it be—


The fragments of countless memories flashed before Troll's eyes.

He saw Mutt and the man walking through the jungle, and saw the man carefully protecting Mutt behind him when he encountered a beast...

He saw Mutt curled up in the man's arms and fell asleep, and saw the man gently stroking the hair of the man in his arms...

He saw the intimate look of the two people rubbing each other's ears, saw the moment when their eyes met and smiled at each other...

He saw that in that room, Mutt held the man's hand, and the moment his finger gently slid across the man's palm...

He saw the moment before the man finally chose to die, he pushed Mute away from his arms, and he saw the sad eyes of the boy who was sent away by the teleportation device at the last second when he reached out to the man lying under the broken device …


Troll felt cold all over.

At this moment, he finally understood why Mute's gaze always followed his figure.

At that time, he thought that he was just similar in size to that person. But he still felt strange, because even when Mute looked directly at his face, there was tenderness and nostalgia in his eyes that couldn't be concealed—it turned out that from the beginning to the end, when Mute looked at him, it was always Looking at another person through him.

The one Mutt really loves.

The person who has the same genes and the exact same appearance as himself.

So when he said he likes him, he said it to that person.

So he smiled at him, at the man.

So when he saw him, it was always that person who shouted out.

What the child saw in his eyes would never be him.

From the beginning, all the way to the end.



The fragments of memory have all been swept away, leaving only the figure of Troll standing in the darkness.

Soon, the dim light came on, and the moment the master of this spiritual scene appeared, the darkness receded, and the surroundings became boundless cosmic stars.

Mut was suspended in the starry sky, and countless starlights flickered in the black starry sky.

Then, he flew towards Troll lightly and landed in front of Troll.

" this revenge?"

Troll said that his eyes were lowered, and his pupils were hidden by thick eyelashes, making it difficult to see the expression in his eyes.

"Because I killed 'him', so you come to me."


"In order to avenge the 'Major General'... so you stay among the human beings, not because you miss that person, but because you want to avenge me."


"Because you regarded me as that person, you couldn't do anything, so you decided to leave."


I couldn't hear Mute's answer for a long time, but perhaps silence was the default.

The mental body cannot and cannot lie.

Because you can't lie and say no, you can only choose to remain silent.

The boundless starry sky seems to be huge with no end in sight, but the dim light is so oppressive and suffocating.

In the midst of this endless silence, Troll suddenly stretched out his hands, and with both hands, he embraced the young man who had been silent all the time.

"I'm not him."

Troll's voice seemed to be trying to suppress something.

He was so dark that it seemed as if something had shattered in the depths of his pupils that had swallowed all the light.

His tight lips were so thin that they seemed to be stained with pain.

"I'm not," he said.

The author has something to say:

Hmm... The misunderstanding is growing.

Mute is silent because...

