It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 223: Spoiler


"Is there another person inside me?"

The wrist was grabbed hard, and the sudden question made Mute's chest tremble. He stared blankly at Troll who was pressing him, opened his mouth, but failed to make any sound.

However, even if he didn't say anything or answer anything, that person had already found the answer he wanted from his greatly changed expression at the moment.

That bit of blue sinks deeply in the ink, and the man's gaze is like a black hole opening in the universe, devouring endless gleams of light.

"I see."

He said that the fingers clenched harder and harder, almost drawing deep marks on the skin of Miute's wrist.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes caught in the shadows stared at Mutter, and he said, that's it.

He seemed to be half awake and half asleep last night, he couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality, he felt in a trance that his body seemed to be acting on its own without obeying his control, and it was more like being controlled by another consciousness.

He 'watched' himself leave the room, found Mutt, and carried Mutt back to the bedroom.

He seemed to 'see' Mute waking up with a surprised expression, impatiently reached out and hugged him tightly, calling Major General one after another.

He 'looked at' himself agreeing to the address Mutt called out, gently stroked the hair of the person in his arms, and said, I'm back.


He thought he was dreaming.

A strange, inexplicably frightening nightmare.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw the boy nestled in his arms, and he could clearly feel the heat and reality of the slender body in his arms.

He saw Mute waking up rubbing his eyes and looking at him, smiling brightly at him as if skillfully a thousand times, and calling out the title that made his heart tighten in an extremely familiar tone.

That is not a dream.

Everything is reality.

"Who is the other... of my body?"

he asks.

He saw Mute sighed lowly, with indescribable helplessness in his tone, and then Mute raised his eyes to look at him, his dark but extremely bright eyes clearly reflected his face.

"'Major General,'" Mutter said.

Mute looked straight at him and said, "You are what I call the 'Major General'."

I have been hiding the truth from Troll just because I was worried that it would lead to his mental disorder. Now things have come to this point - things have become the result that Mutt is least willing to think about and is most worried about. Therefore, there is no need to continue to conceal .

Mutt sighed for a long time, and then simply told this Troll who had no memory of everything.

From the first encounter, to everything that happened in the middle, and his identity as an Earthman tens of thousands of years ago, the reason for Troll's amnesia—all the causes and consequences, he told Troll in every detail. you.

As he spoke, he carefully watched Troll's expression.

Unfortunately, nothing can be seen. From the beginning to the end, when he told the story bit by bit, there was no expression on that handsome face, and it looked unusually indifferent.

Troll listened quietly from the beginning to the end, without interrupting Mutt's narration, nor did he ask a question. It wasn't until the end, after Mutt finished speaking, that he said a word lightly.

"I understand."

He said this indifferently, then got up, changed his clothes, and left the bedroom without looking back.


Mutt was in the room, thinking hard all day, but couldn't figure out a solution.

Just like what he once said to Robin and Via, the spirit and subconsciousness are very subtle existences, and they are very mysterious things. Even Jia, who has a strong spiritual power, is still elusive.

And once the spirit is accidentally split, leading to the birth of different personalities, especially after different personalities realize the existence of themselves, it is very difficult to recover.

That's why Mutt was worried and didn't know what to do.

The day passed quickly, and when he was still moping on the sofa with his knees hugged, Troll, who had disappeared for a whole day, returned.

Troll, who came back, came over, squatted halfway in front of him, stretched out his hand and gently stroked Mutt's head.


Troll said, leaning over and kissing Mutt on the side of the cheek.

"...Major General?"

"it's me."

"do you know?"

"Yeah." Troll hummed in a low voice, "I can feel what 'he' did, and it must be the same for 'he'."


The boy reached out and hugged the shoulder of the man in front of him tightly.

"…I'm sorry," he said, shoulders tensed, "it's all because of me…"

Everything started because of him.

If it weren't for him, the major general wouldn't have been tempered in the spiritual world that lasted hundreds of millions of years, and he wouldn't have suffered mental disorders.

If it wasn't for being in tune with him, the major general wouldn't have a split personality.

Troll didn't speak, and let Mute whisper in his ear, and he remained silent all the time.

After holding the boy in his arms in silence for a long time, he finally spoke again.

He said, "You like 'him'?"


Mutt looked up in astonishment.

His eyes met those slender phoenix eyes, and the blue eyes stared at him with a gloomy look in them.

Troll stared at him and asked, "You like 'him'?"

"Major General?" Mutt was very surprised, he felt that he could not understand this sentence, "the 'he' you said...isn't it you?"

"Is it... you..."

With a low sound, the last few words were inaudible, even Mutt, who was right in front of him, couldn't hear them clearly.

In the next second, both cheeks were held, but the strength of the hands holding his face was more like being grasped than holding.

Troll leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

"Less... um... Will?"

It was an extremely forceful kiss that seemed to carry a bit of indescribable anger, so strong that the young man even felt a bit of pain in the kiss. The pain made him instinctively want to struggle, but he was grabbed even harder.

The collar button was unbuttoned, the man's lips had already bit his side neck, and the already loose shirt quickly slipped down to the crook of his arm.

Mute was startled for a moment, he knew what would happen next, he didn't resist the intimacy with his beloved, but at this moment, this sudden feeling made him feel strangely forced.

Just when he felt this indescribable sense of disobedience, Troll gently exhaled from the lips close to his ear, and said a word.

"'He' could feel what I was doing."

Those low words were like a basin of cold water being poured down, making Mutt feel cold all over.

Feeling that the body of the person in his arms became stiff suddenly, Troll stopped his movements, raised his head, and looked down at him with slightly narrowed slender phoenix eyes, and there seemed to be black whirlpools in his eyes.

Mute looked at him blankly, opened his mouth, but couldn't make any sound. His mind was blank at the moment, and he just looked at Troll with his eyes open.

Being stared at by Mute with such eyes, a look of annoyance flashed across Troll's eyes, obviously regretting saying those words.

He reached out and hugged Mutt into his arms.

"Sorry." He hugged the boy in his arms and whispered, "It's my fault."

He said, "I just thought of you treating 'him'... just..."

"But, 'he' is you, Major General."

After a long while, Mutt whispered, with a bit of grievance in his voice.


Troll didn't answer, he just hugged the boy in his arms even tighter.

['He' is you.]

He didn't think so.

And that 'he' presumably did as well.

—When the two personalities are aware of the existence of the self and the existence of the other—

The two consciousnesses alternated very frequently in the major general's body, so frequent that Mute was a little startled.

Often, people are changed in one night, or one in the morning and another in the evening. Troll's subordinates couldn't see the difference, and didn't notice anything wrong. In their opinion, their majesty had returned to normal. However, Mutt could clearly perceive the difference between the two personalities, and could easily identify them.

He didn't want to use the word 'identify', because it should be a person to him.

Once, Troll asked him, after kissing him.

"What are you thinking?"


Mutt didn't answer, and Troll didn't continue to ask.

He just let out a low sigh, which made people's heart tighten inexplicably.

"You let me touch you because I'm a 'Major General,'" he said.

He whispered, "When I kissed you, who was that person you were thinking about and looking at?"

"I don't know."

The young man who was questioned clasped his fingers tightly and pursed his lips tightly.

"You are obviously alone—"

"… one person?"

The man repeated these three words.

"That's it."

Troll said, looking at Mutter.

"Me and 'Major General', who do you choose?"



"You said that I am the person you love the most."

The major general hugging him whispered in his ear.

"You've said it many times, haven't you?"

"… I… "

"But you're in love with 'him', and I don't like that."

"… no… "

"Me and 'him', who would you choose?"

The same question, the same inquisitive gaze that made the whole body chill, made the young man feel as if there was a fire burning deep in his heart while his body was chilling.


He pushed the man away hard, and he stared at the man fiercely as if breathing fire.

"I don't understand—I don't understand—you, he, what are you thinking?!"

He collided with the major general's gloomy eyes, and felt a splitting headache for a moment.

"Obviously a person—why do I have to—"

He was panting, feeling like he was going to be driven crazy.

"So what if I choose?" He gritted his teeth, "No matter who I choose, it's the person standing in front of me right now, isn't it!"

The blue light in the pupils flickered, and the boy's figure suddenly disappeared into the room.

Troll, who was left alone in the room, stared at the place where Mutter disappeared, and suddenly sneered.

The sudden arc of the thin lips made people feel strange for some reason, and made people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.


[Obviously no matter who you choose, you are the same person and the same body, so what is the significance of that choice—]

... ... ...

After that day, Troll disappeared.

No, it is not appropriate to say that he disappeared, because after he had arranged everything, he informed his subordinates that he would disappear for a few days, and then he left Ishtar.

Troll's sudden disappearance made Mute a little embarrassed, and he wondered if he had said too much that day. But he really didn't know what to do, it was obviously the same person, why did he have to choose something.

He really doesn't understand.

Obviously he only likes the major general alone, but now it makes him look like a lover with two feet on two boats.

It cannot go on like this.

He thought about it for a long time, and he thought, maybe after the major general returns, let him enter the major general's subconscious through mental attunement, maybe there he can find a way to restore the major general.

At first I didn't want to do this, because I was worried that the mental coherence would lead to more troublesome things, and I also hoped that the major general could recover by himself. But now, things have gotten to the point where they can't get any worse, and it's better to be dangerous than a soldier.

After making the decision, another ten days later, it was already late at night, Mute checked the information equipment as usual, but did not receive any information for him.

He stood at the door in a daze for a while, then closed the information light curtain, sighed softly, and walked into the bedroom.

As soon as he walked in, suddenly a hand stretched out from the side and embraced him. Before Mut could react, he was dragged into a familiar embrace.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Mutt was overjoyed, and looked up, but just as soon as he looked up, his face was held by the man's hands, and the man's kiss fell heavily, extremely greedy, as if he was gnawing at it with incomparable hunger. Biting and devouring his lips, the force that could almost be described as ferocious made Mute breathless for a while, unable to respond, he could only passively open his lips, bearing the opponent's aggression, his mind All a little dizzy.

After a little relief, Mutt's consciousness came back a little bit, and he began to respond to the other party's kiss, and at the same time stretched out his hand, wanting to hug Troll.

But he had just raised his hand, and before he had time to wrap his arms around the major general's waist, a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Mute, who could clearly feel the major general holding his cheeks in both hands, thought for a second why there was another hand. Pulled back abruptly, and fell into another chest again.

—The same very familiar chest that he has felt thousands of times.

Mut subconsciously raised his head, looked at Troll who was kissing him just now but was interrupted suddenly, and then turned his head.

The handsome and dangerous face of the man holding him behind him made his consciousness slacken for a moment.

Two... major generals

The boy's mind went blank at this moment.

"Major general?"

He cried out in a daze.

The man behind him with his arms around his waist hummed, while the man opposite him who kissed him roughly just now frowned and snorted coldly.

"This, this, what's going on?"

"You said it." The deep voice of the man hugging him behind him rang in his ears. Mutt tilted his head, his eyes met the deep blue eyes looking down at him, and the major general's voice echoed behind him. The man whispered in his ear.

"'Even if you choose, it's the same person'... Now, you can choose."

"No, wait, are... in the end..."

Troll, who was standing opposite, smiled.

He said: "It's just a body, just clone one."

The boy's pupils suddenly dilated.

"That is-"

"The clone has no spirit body, so it's useless, but if there happens to be a surplus spirit body transferred in..."

Trol, who was holding him behind him, said, although he didn't finish, but just talking about it made Mute fully understand what happened.

He gritted his teeth and said, "You—you guys are crazy! How dare you do such a thing—"


Troll, who was standing opposite, said, came over, looked at Mute who was tightly held in the arms of the man behind him, bent slightly, and reached out to touch Mute's cheek.

He stared at Mutt's long and narrow phoenix eyes like the sparks of the moment when stars in the universe shattered and bloomed. It was terrifyingly dark and crazy bright.

"Because I was too obsessed, I did this crazy thing."

Mutt's chest twitched suddenly and violently.

[I'm crazy about you.]

… It was the same voice, the same language, the same words…

Because this one is too, Troll.

He gritted his teeth, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and said.

"The simultaneous appearance of two 'Trolls' will cause chaos in this universe and this empire—don't you know?!"

Mute didn't dare to imagine what kind of chaos would be caused in this new and fragile empire when Via, the others, and others discovered that there were two emperors.

If these two are really hostile—it might even cause the entire universe to fall into division and war again.

"It doesn't happen like that."

Exactly the same intonation, and voice.


"only one."

The same voice sounded from a different direction.

"Only one will remain."

"Only the 'Trol' you choose will stay."

Those words made Mute's pupils tremble violently.

"Two 'trolls' at the same time bother you, so just keep one."

"You only need one, don't you?"

"The other will remove itself from existence."

"When one disappears, it becomes exactly the same as before, without any change."

"You just have to make a choice."

Two identical voices sounded one after another, either from behind or in front of him.

The person behind him hugged him and whispered in his ear, the familiar warmth of his chest was transmitted through the thin clothes. The hand of the person in front of him gently stroked his side cheeks, his ears, and his temple hair, the familiar touch from the fingertips touching him, and the feeling of the man staring deeply at him. The familiar blue eyes...

The young man had a pale face, his throat seemed to be stuck by an invisible big hand, and he couldn't make a sound.

He knew what the two men were talking about.

There is no need for two identical people to exist in this world. If he chooses one, the existence of the self will be eliminated if the other is not selected.

That is, death.

... ... It should be very simple...

... The major general who has no memory should never have appeared... originally...

[Because I was too obsessed, I did this crazy thing.]

[I'm crazy about you.]

... the same words... the same...

... Obviously this person is also a major general...

"Do not… "

The dazed teenager shook his head.

" can't be like this..."

His vocal lips trembled.

"That's not right."

make a choice or something...

let any of them die or something...

Let him personally sentence this man who is also a 'Major General' to death...

How could he do it!

"I won't choose!"

He gritted his teeth and said.

There was no way he could have made such a terrible choice.

"Absolutely not!"

There was a moment of silence in the bedroom, as if everything in the world had disappeared, a deathly silence.

Then, two identical voices sounded one after another, breaking the dead silence.

"yes… "

"Then there's no way."

The man in front of him bowed his head, and the young man opened his eyes wide, watching that extremely handsome face approaching and covering his lips.

The warm breath slowly moved down from the ear, and then the sensitive skin of the neck was sucked hard.

The neckline was pulled open, and the torn shirt slipped off.

The waist was tightly strangled, unable to struggle.

The stimuli from different parts of his body made his body faintly numb, but at the same time, he also started to feel cold from the deepest part of his body.

The shadows of both the person in front of him and the person behind him fell, covering him, blocking all the light, making him feel like he was imprisoned in darkness.

"Do not… "

His body began to tremble little by little, and he didn't know whether it was because he had endured twice as much stimulation as usual, or it was a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart.

It seemed to be falling into the abyss little by little, and the incomparable sense of fear slowly shrouded over.

"It's your fault."

"Because you refused to choose."

"It goes on and on until you make a choice."

"So... it's all, your fault."



a month later.

After ending a war, the young emperor sitting on a high command seat stood up, handed over the task of sweeping up the war to his subordinates, and then turned around to leave.

However, just as he walked in front of the transfer device, he was stopped by the red-haired subordinate beside him.

"BOSS, ah, that, that's what..."

The red-haired junior soldier who had just returned to the ship after being sent out for a mission scratched his head and asked in a low voice.

"It's great that you've recovered, but is that little guy sick?"

Since the day the boss recovered, Mutt rarely appeared in front of people, and even if he did, it was only for a short time and he said very little.

"I saw him yesterday and felt a lot thinner... Well, he doesn't seem to be in a good state of mind."

For some reason, Robin always felt something was wrong when he recalled the appearance of the boy he saw yesterday.

Troll glanced at him and hummed.

"In order to help me recover, my mental strength has been exhausted a lot. I need to rest. Don't bother him."

He said, an understatement.

"That's it, I see."

Robin heaved a sigh of relief when he got the answer.

It turned out that it was because of the BOSS that the mental power was wasted, so it was no wonder. He said why the BOSS didn't let him and Via enter the room recently. It turned out that he was afraid of disturbing Mute.

He thought, watching his Majesty's figure disappear into the teleportation device.

Well, then he can rest assured.


Through one layer after another of the tight security settings, Troll returned to his room. The door closed automatically behind him, and he didn't stop at all, walking straight to the bedroom on the side of the living room.

The door opened and he stepped in.

Someone was sitting on his bed, leaning against the head of the bed. When he entered, that person looked up at him, and it was a face exactly like his.

The man had someone in his arms.

The pale-faced young man lay on the man's lap, falling into a deep sleep, frowning slightly, and seemed restless even in his sleep.

There are still a few tiny teardrops on the long eyelashes, just like the speckled tear stains at the corners of the eyes. There was still a blush on the corners of the eyes and cheeks, and there was a bit of lust that hadn't disappeared in the exhaustion. The obviously ill-fitting loose white shirt was loosely put on the young man, unable to cover up the fine redness marks extending from the neck to the shoulders, like blooming petals, against the tear stains at the corners of the eyes, It gives people a sadistic but extremely attractive aesthetic feeling.

Troll stepped forward and wiped the tears from the corners of the sleeping Mutt's eyes with his fingertips.

Ignoring the other person who was hugging the person in his arms, he leaned over and skillfully bit the tip of the ear that was still tinged with color.

The weak, extremely hoarse sobs of the young man who was forced to wake up after a short rest soon sounded in the room.

If anything, it lasted for a long, long time.

[It's your fault.]

[Until you make a choice, it will continue like this.]