It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 229: Spoiler


The author has something to say:

That's right, they have been making troubles, and the black hands behind the two people's memory problems have appeared.

It is in the depths of the consciousness, the deepest part of the soul, in a place that is as boundless as the starry sky of the universe, where the cotton-like mist unfolds softly, with shimmering lights flickering in it.

The soft shimmering light that is shrouded in heavy fog is like a huge water bubble, sinking and floating in this boundless ocean of consciousness.

It's very quiet here, like a world without sound. A translucent figure curled up in the foam, holding its knees in a ball. He closed his eyes, as if he was in a deep sleep, and the transparent foam wrapped him and protected him. The boy was in a deep sleep, he seemed to be completely submerged in the water, the invisible water waves around him pushed him, making his light black hair float with the microwaves, even the slender eyelashes They all seemed to be shaking slightly.

There is no past, no future, no future, no end.

Whether it is time or space, it seems to be stagnant and frozen in this place.

The moment here may be the vicissitudes of life.

Here, everything is silent.

Suddenly, this silent soul world shook.

A voice from outside shakes the calm here.

[I will kill anyone who prevents me from 'going home'.]

The sound was like a hurricane, suddenly blowing away the overlapping cotton-like mist, like a huge wave, surging in, shaking the silent world slightly. Naturally, along with it, the transparent bubble quietly floating in the sea of consciousness also shook.

The young man curled up in the transparent foam, who was deeply asleep, seemed to be awakened by the sudden shock, slowly opened his eyes, raised his head, and looked up.

He seemed to be confused because he had just woken up.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of the foam protecting him.

With a light touch from the outstretched hand of the black shadow, the transparent bubble surrounding the boy shattered in an instant. The boy turned his head and looked at the black figure. When the layer of fragile foam that protected him disappeared, a little bit of light scattered from the boy's body, and where his fluorescent light scattered, his body slowly disappeared with the scattering of fluorescent light.

The boy didn't seem to feel that his body was disappearing little by little. He still sat quietly with his knees folded, his head tilted, and he looked at the figure with a confused expression.

The dark figure reached out to him.

He looked at the hand reaching out to him for a while, then raised his hand, as if subconsciously wanting to hold the other's hand, but just as he stretched it a little, he seemed to hesitate again, and his hand stopped in mid-air.

He hesitated, but the black figure approached again and grabbed his hand.

All of a sudden, the fluorescent light that was flying out of his body slowly and at an extremely slow speed suddenly accelerated, and his body was melting little by little as the fluorescent light dissipated, from his arms, legs, and hair ends. —

The young man raised his head, and the black hair that had faded into obscurity passed by his eyes staring at the black figure.

In the next second, the fluorescence flew away, and he disappeared into the air together with the black shadow.



In a pitch-black world, he lurks in it like a wild beast lying quietly on the ground.

He was born and bred in darkness, and this is his world, all he knows. He could only breathe in the darkness, and the boundless pitch-black color seemed to be innately harmonious, and then gradually merged with him.

He indulged in it, and gradually sank into a deeper place, the bottomless abyss.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed his hand.

[you are human.]

A voice is telling you this.

I couldn't see the appearance of the person who grabbed him, but the hand that grabbed his wrist was white and bright, as if it was shining.

He was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, memories flooded him. He remembered who it was, and subconsciously grabbed that hand with his backhand. But the moment he touched that hand, that hand shattered like a bubble.

He caught a blank.

Suddenly, the darkness that enveloped him receded in all directions, and everything became brighter.

There was a rustling sound in the air, and the wind whistled past his ears. The dense canopy swayed in the wind, and the green leaves seemed to be dancing. Occasionally, a few green leaves were blown off and passed by his eyes.

He looked ahead, his eyes seemed to freeze for a moment.

The stream is gurgling, making a clear sound of flowing water, surrounded by hundreds of flowers, and green leaves spread out, intertwined into beautiful patterns. Ding ding dong dong music came from the snow-white piano surrounded by green leaves, and the black-haired boy sat there, dancing with his fingertips. The princess with a scorching appearance was leaning beside him, her eyes were rippling, her pulse was like water, she stretched out her hand with a smile, and put her fingers on the boy's hand.

The melodious voice stopped abruptly, and the young man whose hand was held turned his head to look at the princess, smiled softly, and his eyes were gentle.

Those two people sat there quietly, rubbing their ears together, talking and laughing softly, clasping their hands and intertwining their fingers, like a pair of jade lovers, extremely beautiful.


Breathing suddenly became short, and the thin air was unbearable.

That's his.

The black boots stomped heavily on the soft flowering grass, trampling them into the dirt, and he hurried forward, breaking into the garden, where the branches broke, the flowers withered, and the grass withered. He is like a beast that has broken into a peaceful paradise, tearing apart all the good things that stand in his way with its sharp claws.

He unceremoniously scratched a deep, ugly smudge across that beautiful canvas, tearing apart everything he saw.

That person belongs to him!

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the young man sitting in front of the piano, as if snatching him, and forcefully pulled Mute into his arms.

However, the moment he hugged that slender body into his arms, Mute suddenly disappeared like a bubble. There was nothing between his arms, and he couldn't even feel any residual warmth.

The woman standing opposite him smiled at him, her eyes were cold, and the smile on her lips seemed to be mocking him.

He watched Princess Salome just look at him with a sneer, and disappeared in front of him, together with the withered and lonely garden around her.

... ... ...

The darkness struck again, and something seemed to erode him invisible.

[I will replace you.]

He raised his head suddenly, and there was someone standing opposite him, only a foot away from him.

The man looked at him, with the same pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, and the blue eyes stained black with ink seemed to be a bottomless abyss that could not be seen.

The man gave him a cold look, and then turned his head. When the cold eyes with murderous intent looked at the young man in his arms, they became extremely soft.

Take me away.

He heard the man speak softly to Mutt, and Mutt looked up at the man, seeming confused at first, but quickly nodded with a smile.

The man held Mutt's cheeks in his hands, lowered his head, and touched his foreheads, extremely gentle and close to nostalgia.

He saw the young man smiling at that person, his laughter was so shallow that it seemed to be echoing in his ears.

Intense pain engulfed his heart, and his heart seemed to be burning with flames.

Don't touch him!

He holds out his hand.

That's his.

He trampled the man with the same face as himself under his feet, and the blade in his hand cut the man's throat mercilessly, and the blood sprayed from the severed neck splashed the color of his face.

It's like the color of his eyes that are so jealous at the moment, like a beast with red eyes.

This child, from head to toe, even a strand of hair, everything belongs to him!

He stretched out his hand, intending to use his hands that were still dripping with blood to forcibly imprison the young man who stood quietly watching everything in his arms.

But a second before his blood-stained fingertips had time to touch Mute, there was a crisp sound, like the sound of rough iron objects rubbing violently and colliding, resounding all over him. Countless thick and pitch-black chains suddenly flew out from the darkness in all directions, entangled his wrists, his legs, and his body, and locked his whole body in place.

Obviously the child was within his reach, but his outstretched hand was firmly held by the heavy chain.

It's only a few centimeters away, but he can't touch it anyway.

He was chained in place, watching Mutt turn around without looking at him, his eyes were dazed as if he was looking for something, and he was getting farther and farther away from him.

The feet were heavy, as if they were grasped by countless invisible arms and locked firmly on the ground.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. The prematurely decrepit last emperor's body was pale and thin, but he looked at him with incomparably hot eyes, a kind of strangely bright and creepy eyes.

The fingers withered like white bones stretched out towards him, as if they wanted to drag him into hell together.

[It's you, you are my most perfect work.]

Don't forget how you were born, you are just one of thousands of experimental products.

Don't forget that you are a twisted creation, something that came into this world as a monster.


In the bottomless darkness, countless transparent glass vessels flashed by, soaking in the ugly lumps of meat, discarded and defective products, distorted human bodies, mutant monsters... the disgusting feeling from the bottom of my heart. Everything flashed before his eyes one by one.

But, he turned a blind eye to all of this.

His eyes were fixed on the figure of Mut in the distance, and he opened his mouth, wanting to shout out.

But just a second before he yelled, a figure suddenly appeared beside Mute who seemed to be looking for something.

Suddenly, he saw Mutt suddenly shrunk a lot, from a boy to a child of seven or eight years old. The young child showed a bright smile when he saw that figure, ran over, and hugged that person's thigh skillfully.

The child's crisp laughter resounded in the quiet space. The black figure was right in front of him. He was tall and tall, and he could vaguely see the side face that was similar to him but slightly different. The man lowered his head, with one hand hanging down, protecting the back of the child holding his thigh.

The young child has a head of fluffy black hair, his little head is raised up, his eyes are like black grapes soaked in water, he blinks twice, then he bends up, smiling like an angel, innocent and innocent, which makes people Looking at it makes me feel so soft.

The man stretched out his hand and picked up the little child. The child laughed out loud and put his arms around the young man.

Brother Michael.

The child shouted in a crisp voice, and rubbed the other's face affectionately, his face was full of attachment.

He opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him, clenched his fists, his muscles tensed, and the chains holding him made a crackling sound because of his sudden burst of terrifying strength, shaking violently.

He stared ferociously at the young man with a similar appearance to him. The black-haired young man was gently stroking the head of the child in his arms, with a slight smile on his thin lips, his eyes were soft to the extreme, when he heard the violent sound of chains The sound sounded, and the young man suddenly turned his head to look at him, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, showing his edge.

The man looked at him coldly, the expression on his face that was similar but not similar to him was so cold that it made one's whole body chill.

But the hostility in his eyes was no less than that of the other party, and the eyes of the two seemed to collide violently with sparks in the air.

He looked at the man coldly and held out his hand to him.

"Give me back."

He says.

As soon as the words were finished, the young man narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes dangerously.

Suddenly, a huge oppressive force descended from the sky, as if an invisible towering mountain was pressing heavily on his body. The chains, which were already stretched to the limit, suddenly increased tenfold their strength, and violently dragged him down to the ground.

The almost terrifying force bent his legs at once, and half knelt on the ground with one knee.

He firmly supported his half-kneeling body, and the thick chains dragged him down desperately, searing deeply into his skin, sinking into the depths of his flesh and blood, strangling his bones to rattle.

"How dare you touch him with such dirty hands?"

A strange voice sounded from above.

He had never heard this voice before, but he knew who it was.

Troll clenched his teeth and resisted the downward pull of the chain, with veins protruding from his forehead. He half knelt on the ground, and when he lowered his head, he saw corpses piled up on the ground, piled up like a mountain.

The countless corpses piled up into a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. Every corpse had the same face as him.

With stumped limbs and broken arms, the eyes of those dead stared blankly at the sky, their necks were twisted, and blood oozed from their foreheads, eyes, and ears, and dripped down.

The black blood slowly flowed over, surrounding him who was kneeling on the ground, eroding like life, soaking his shoes and the corners of his clothes bit by bit.

The pitch-black chains holding him tightly were soaked in such blood, and were dyed a strange blood red bit by bit. The blood-red chain sank deeply, as if embedded in his flesh and blood—

"Also... me."

An invisible force was pressing on him like a towering mountain, and it was extremely difficult for him to even speak at this moment.

"You have my blood on you, and you have my genes, so I know better than anyone else."

The black-haired young man with a face very similar to his looked down at him, condescending, with a cold expression and awe-inspiring eyes.

"The darkness deep in your heart is something more terrifying than the darkness of this universe."

The man said, a complex and vicissitudes of life suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his voice seemed to be sighing at the next moment.

"... Just like me back then, one day, you will hurt this child."

As if he didn't hear what the man said at all, he fought with all his strength and the force that oppressed him, and Troll raised his head slowly and with difficulty.

He didn't look at the man, just at the little child.

"make him… "

It was a low and hoarse voice that came from the deepest part of his body, as if his throat was being torn apart.

"... Pay me back!"

The little child was held in the arms of the young man, tilted his head, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Brother Michael, who is that big brother?"

Michael smiled and patted the child's head.

"Someone you don't know."

He said, "Come on, we should go back."

The child obediently let out a cry, was put down by Michael, and walked forward holding hands.

The blood-red chain shook violently. He watched helplessly as the child was led away by that person. The child looked back at him frequently, but was still led away after all. And he was tightly bound in place by chains, and was left alone in the darkness.

... Pay me back.

I opened my mouth, but no sound came out.

He stretched out his hand, but was tightly held by the chain.

He could only watch helplessly as the man took Mutt's hand and gradually moved away from him.

He was gasping for breath, his eyes were red, like a beast driven to a corner, crazy and desperate. The heavy blood-red chains were shaking violently, making loud crashing sounds, but they still locked him firmly on the ground—

give me back!



In that silent boundless world, the child who was being held by the hand suddenly stopped.


"...I have to go back."

The black-haired youth squatted down in front of the child, looking at him at the same level.

"Didn't you agree?" Michael said softly, as if coaxing a child, "I'll take you home, back to Earth... Mutt, don't you want to go back to Earth? Isn't that your most important thing?"

The child tilted his head and thought for a while.

"I don't know." The child said this, and he might not understand it himself, but his voice was crisp, like the sound of clear wind, his eyes were bright, without the slightest hesitation, "But I just think, I have to go back."

He really wanted to go home, to return to Earth.

But for some reason, he always thought of the locked eyes of the big brother looking at him. He just felt that he had to go back to find him, which was more important than returning to the earth.

The black-haired young man was silent for a moment, his expression was complicated at this moment.

"Have you decided?" He asked, "If you don't go back to Earth, you want to find that person?"


"… I understand."

The young man let out a low sigh.

I know how terrible that person is, and I know the dark abyss that that person hides deep in my heart, just like me once.

I am worried that he will hurt you in the future, so I want you to forget him and go back to the earth you love most.

…but you chose him.

If this is your choice, I will respect your will.

My obsession at this moment, which spanned ten thousand years, remains to the present, not to repeat the mistakes made twenty thousand years ago.

Michael squatted halfway in front of the child, holding the child's small hand, which was so small that he held it in the palm of his hand, soft and warm.

That was something he had lost for a long, long time.

He looked into the child's dark eyes.

Time passed, ten thousand years passed, only the bright eyes of this child remained unchanged. If at that time, he could believe the way the child looked at him...

Things don't have ifs.

It's hard to get overwhelmed.

Everything is irreparable.

He chuckled.

He said, "I'm sorry."

It was tens of thousands of years late apology from the first emperor who erased all traces of his existence after learning all the truth.


I failed to protect you.


I promised to protect you, but became the one who hurt you the most.

And now, you don't need me anymore.

From now on, there will be another person, the one with my blood, who will protect you instead of me.

... ... ...


Also, goodbye.

Never see you again.