It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 27


The sudden explosion in the middle of the night woke up the sleeping city, and the originally silent city suddenly became noisy.

The people who were awakened by the huge roar poked their heads out of the windows, staring in astonishment at the flames burning halfway up the steeple's waist, and at the cracked gap, they were terrified.

And there is more than one place, there are four spiers that exploded in different directions, almost one after another within a few minutes.

The city defense army was dispatched quickly, and the whole city was under martial law.

However, people in the whole city have already started to riot, especially those noble guests who came to the birthday banquet, they began to question one after another, and some even expressed that they would leave the planet immediately.

At this moment of panic, a huge three-dimensional light curtain appeared above the city.

A man with dark brown curly hair appeared in the light curtain, with a calm expression and a serious face.

"Everyone, don't worry!"

The gigantic image of the planet and even the successor of the ruler of this galaxy emerged above the city, making a powerful voice.

"The situation is under my control. The terrorists who tried to sabotage my father's birthday party have all been captured. What happened tonight will never happen again."

He said with a serious face and a sonorous voice.

"I will never allow anyone to disturb my father's birthday banquet. Anyone who tries to do such a thing must be prepared to face the revenge of the Mia family!"

After appeasing the citizens, countless light curtains appeared in the middle of each guest room at the same time.

"My dear guests, I would like to express my deep apologies for what has surprised you."

Beat on the light curtain said politely, nodded slightly, and apologized to the guests in the room.

"I guarantee with the reputation of the Mia family that this kind of thing will never happen again. Please believe that we can guarantee your safety. Please stay at ease and attend my father's birthday banquet."


It took a lot of effort to calm down the citizens and guests, and the whole city became quiet again.

The dark brown curly-haired man stood in his room. When the light curtain of the communication disappeared from his eyes, his gentle and honest face was quickly covered by shadows, and his polite expression also turned into a cold one.

The corner of his lips raised a high arc, and he let out a sneer with his nose. He looked at the gaps in the tower where the flames had been extinguished and were now scorched black, and an indescribable pleasure spread from his chest to his whole body.

Unprecedented excellence

Even better than when you were younger

Father, it's a pity that you are old and your eyesight is no longer good.

The so-called best young man you have ever seen has been buried in the sea of fire—and the person who killed him is me, who is not even half as good as him in your eyes.

You are old, my lord father, the Mia family will be my world from now on—

"Master Beate! Emergency communication request access!"

An anxious voice suddenly sounded, disturbing Beata's good mood.

He frowned, suppressing his unhappiness.

"Come in."

He said in a bad tone.

The light curtain instantly appeared in front of him, the lines on it were torn apart a few times, and a soldier with an anxious expression appeared on it.

"Master Beate! Major General Troll is still alive!"

The man's pupils, which were slightly squinted because of his displeasure, suddenly shrank, and the anger and embarrassment gushing out of his body instantly distorted his gentle face just now.

"what happened?!"

He stared ferociously at the person in the light curtain with his upturned eyes, clenched his teeth, and almost forced out words one by one.

The figure of the soldier disappeared, and another image appeared on the light curtain.

That was the image of Troll leaping out of the tower with the boy in his arms in his arms.

The scorching flames that spewed out from the shattered gap right behind him opened their teeth and claws, but they couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

The image on the light curtain was a little fuzzy and flickered fast, but even if it was a little fuzzy, people could still clearly see the figure of the young man who jumped out of the tower and landed vigorously.

Immediately afterwards, the young major general and the teenagers who followed him quickly disappeared from the image.

Beat stood there, motionless.

His face was contorted, his usual gentleness disappeared without a trace, and his expression at this moment was terrifyingly ferocious.

Not long ago, he enjoyed the pleasant feeling for less than a while, and the mocking of the major general and his father. At this time, it was like slaps one after another, slapping him hard on the face, slapping his nose and face bruised, and slapping him. Incomplete.

At this moment, his fingertips trembled uncontrollably because of extreme anger and hatred.

[Beate, if you can have half of him...]

These words kept echoing in his ears like a nightmare.

It repeated in his mind over and over again, replaying, filling his mind, almost breaking his head—

The man propped his hands on the stage, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

He stared at the figure of the young major general in the video, his bloodshot and red eyes were full of viciousness and resentment—

kill him!

That guy must be killed!

That guy must die! No matter what the price!

Deep inside his body seemed to be roaring ferociously, revealing its ferocious fangs.

He put his hands on the stage, turned his head, and stared at the attendant standing behind him with red eyes.

"Mobilize all the city defense forces! Look for that guy! Say it's my order and kill him!"

"However, Mr. Beat, this kind of movement is too great. I just managed to appease the people, and those guests..."

His servant said in embarrassment.

"And with this order, you can no longer hide the fact that you want to hunt down Major General Troll..."

"Do as I say!"

His extremely tense face twitched almost convulsively, and he yelled at his servant.

"Find him! Find this guy! Kill him!"

The furious master's terrifying face, which he had never seen before, startled the attendant, who dared not persuade him anymore, and immediately conveyed the young master's order.

But he did not dare to directly issue the order to find Major General Troll and kill him as Bayate said, but only conveyed the order to arrest the two terrorists who carried out this terrorist attack, and the city defense army Once you encounter a suspicious object, kill it immediately on the spot.

The city that had been quiet just now became noisy again. Countless city defense troops appeared on the streets, constantly using search instruments to search for hidden places, as if to catch fish that slipped through the net, so that the people who had just relaxed Started to panic.

After all, if the fish that slipped through the net is not caught, there may be another terrorist attack at any time.

Coupled with the fact that these soldiers were constantly searching around, and even broke into residential buildings in order to search, the whole city began to panic again.

Beat stood in the room with a blank expression on his face.

Three light curtains surrounded him, the three-dimensional map on it was constantly flashing, and a series of dark blue messages were constantly swiping in the lower left corner of the screen, but the feedback of the news would only make his face more gloomy .

Almost the entire city's city defense army was mobilized, but there was no trace of that guy.

These useless guys—

With a loud bang, the door was slammed open.

In the midst of extreme irritability, Beata turned around and roared.

"Don't let anyone in, you don't understand, do you?! Get the hell out of—"

The last word 'go' stuck in his throat instantly, and the man's eyes suddenly widened.

He looked at the tall figure walking in from the door, his mind went blank at this moment.

The gray-haired old man walked towards him step by step, staring at him intently, with no expression on his wrinkled face.

His body, which is obviously old, exudes great vigor in these steps, and the dull footsteps made by stepping on the ground are frightening at times.

This old man is like a towering mountain that cannot be surpassed, pressing down so heavily that people can't breathe.

The old man stood still in front of him, his body was obviously the same height as him, but the gaze staring at him seemed to be condescending, looking down on him, making him almost suffocated.

Staring blankly at the old man's stern gaze, Beata's mind went blank.

He tried to struggle to make a sound, but his lips wriggled so hard that he couldn't even breathe out.

He could only stand there stupidly.

How many times, he thought he had already stepped out of his father's shadow.

But only now did he realize that no matter how long it had passed, he was still the child who stood there and looked at his father's back in fear.


A heavy slap in the face caused Beata to turn his face away.

He turned his face sideways and didn't move for a while.

There was a burning pain on the cheek, seeping into the skin, penetrating into the bone and blood, the pain was so painful that it made people crazy.

"Are you satisfied?"

The scorching pain made him finally regain control of his voice.

The man lowered his head and let out a low hoarse laugh.

"You're right... I'm a waste, I'm a waste that can't even match half of that person!"

For the first time, he raised his head, confronted his father, and growled unceremoniously at his father.

"You're right about everything—all about it!! I admit it!! Are you satisfied!"

"Anyway, you want that guy to be your son more than me - I lost! I can't compare to him! I can't beat him! I admit it, I'm a waste - so you are satisfied!"

The dark brown curly hair was messily scattered in front of Beata's eyes, blocking his sight. He couldn't see his father's expression clearly at the moment, he could only see his father's sharply-angled lips that were similar to his, tightened tightly.

He didn't want to look into his father's eyes, he knew that those eyes must still be the disappointment he was used to seeing at this moment.

He knew what his father would say next—

[You let me down so much, Beate.]

Yes, father, I have failed you.

again and again.

How nice it would be if I were not your child, if that fine young man you admired were your child.

Whether it's for you or for me.

The strong arm raised by the old man pushed him away forcefully, stepped forward, and walked in front of the three ring-shaped light curtains.

With his hands propped on the platform, his eyes sharply scanned the images on the light curtain and the beating messages below.

"Withdraw all city defense troops immediately!"

He gave orders in a deep, powerful voice.

Behind him, Beata, who was pushed away by him just now, stood there in some embarrassment.

He lowered his head, his brown hair was messily scattered at the corners of his slightly twitching eyes, and the hand hanging by his side was clenched tightly, his nails piercing deeply into the palm of his hand.

He gritted his teeth so hard that he almost broke his teeth.

In addition to resentment and unwillingness, there was also a bit of pain in his eyes.

How much my father valued that major general, how much my father admired and loved that man—

He knew it early on, didn't he!

He already knew what would happen if his father found out that he had done something, didn't he!

"Mass, mobilize my soldiers. Those who are here now, all of them, let them search secretly."

The old man who withdrew all the city defense troops opened the communication channel of his confidant lieutenant general, and gave orders with a calm expression.

"In addition, turn on the Mia Star satellite system and the city defense system, and try our best to search for Major General Troll."

He said, his tone cold and decisive.

"Once found, shoot and kill!"

Beata raised his head suddenly, and he stared at the old man's back with wide eyes, with a look of astonishment and disbelief.

He wondered in disbelief if he had heard it wrong, if his anger was causing him to hear it.

He just stood like this, watching his father turn around and walk back to his eyes in a daze.

The old man raised his right hand again—

There was another crackling sound.

Marquis Mia slapped his son hard again, so hard that Beate staggered back a step.

"Don't say you're not a waste... Even if you are a waste, you are still my child!"

The old Marquis stared at him and said, every word, sonorous and forceful.

His chest heaved violently, and his usually calm and steady face flushed red with anger at this moment.

He yelled at Beata.

"My child! I want to keep it forever!"

After he finished shouting, he walked back to the light curtain stage again, staring at the image on the screen with burning eyes.

At this moment, his eyes were like an eagle staring at its prey, extremely sharp.

He knew how good and dangerous that young major general was.

He knew how scary that young man's future would be growing up.

It is precisely because of this that he wants Beate to befriend him.

He knew that Beate was excellent, but that was only relative to ordinary people. As the future successor of the Mia family and the future helm of this galaxy, this level was far from enough.

Although the universe is calm on the surface, the keen eyes of Marquis Mia have already seen that in the future, within ten years, the entire interstellar will begin to be turbulent.

The storm of war will start from the center of the empire and spread to the entire universe. What awaits his child will be an era of war and turmoil. In that era of incomparable danger, packs of wolves will feed on each other, and you will live and die... So, what Beate has done is not enough. In that dangerous era of war, just Ordinary excellence is not enough!

That's why he treated Beata in the strictest and harshest way, and that's why he forced Beatt to do better and better again and again—in order for Beatt to survive in that turbulent era, for Let the entire Mia family continue in the universe!

By the time he discovered that his harshness and persecution had driven the child to another extreme, it was too late.

… He is old and will not live long.

But while he was still alive, he had to do everything possible to protect his child and leave as many resources and support as possible for his child.

He could see that with that young major general's ability, he would definitely be the overlord in the future, so he put down his body and took the initiative to make friends with him in order to leave a good connection for his child.

just didn't expect...

... Forget it, since things have come to this point, there is only one thing he should do now.

Kill this young man who threatens the future of his children completely on this planet!

The man stood blankly, standing behind the old man, his face was burning with pain, and he looked at the familiar figure blankly.

No matter how many years have passed, this person's back is still straight, without the slightest curvature.

No matter how many years have passed, he is still looking up at this person's back.

He lowered his head, clenched his teeth, and breathed desperately, desperately trying to hold back the sudden sourness that rushed to the tip of his nose.
