It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 38


After the black landing ship broke away from the gravity of Mia star suddenly, it slowed down, slowly left Mia star, and headed towards Ishtar, which was parked in the galaxy.

The landing ship does not have the invisibility function of the outer wall. Mutt stood at the window and looked out through the half-human-sized transparent window.

The landing ship is slowly leaving the Mia planet. The golden planet is hidden behind two flying tulles, making it more and more difficult to see. The glowing white tulle ribbons fluttered gently in the universe.

It's still beautiful, but the teenager doesn't have the amazing feeling when he saw it at first sight.

As long as he thought about what he had experienced on that planet, he felt that Mia Star was nowhere to be seen.

He suddenly felt that the major general was right.

No matter how you look at it, the blue planet is the best.

Thinking of this, the young man turned his eyes away from the Mia star, which was gradually blocked by other planets, without interest.

When leaving the banquet hall behind the major general, he deliberately smiled at Beata who was staring at them sullenly. After seeing Beata's ugly expression, he immediately felt a lot better.

He originally thought that the major general would not give Bayate any good looks, but when he looked at the major general, Major General Troll didn't even look at Bayate, but just looked up.

He followed the major general's gaze and saw the old man standing by the fence on the second floor looking down at them.

He saw the major general and the old man looked at each other from afar. Even though they were separated by a long distance, he seemed to be able to feel the eyes of the two collided in the air, and icy sparks exploded.

[Ishtar] Suspended quietly in the sea of stars, the huge blue-black body glows with metallic luster, presenting a streamlined beauty, like a giant whale swimming in the ocean.

Soon, the hatch in its belly slowly opened, bringing the dozens of returning landing ships into its body.

When he stepped on the metal floor of Ishtar, Mute suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind.

Although I only stayed on this ship for a short time, when I came back here, I felt like going home.

came back.

he thinks.

You can sleep peacefully without any worries.

As soon as the nerves that have been tense for the past few days relax, a huge tiredness suddenly hits.

Although he did sleep when he was with Princess Salome, he didn't sleep well at all, and he was always on tenterhooks, for fear that what he said in his sleep would reveal something.

Now when I feel sleepy, I feel like falling asleep, and I almost can't keep my eyes open.

But the major general had just returned to the ship. As soon as he came to the command hall, almost everyone gathered around and waited for his instructions. Especially after being away for a few days, and with so many things happening in the past few days, there are already piles of affairs waiting for the major general to deal with.

And you see, the Major General hasn't rested for two days and one night, and he still has injuries on his body. He still doesn't stand upright, but still looks bright and energetic, and there is nothing visible on his face. tiredness.

The boss is like this, how dare he slack off as a subordinate—so even though he could hardly keep his eyes open, Mutt still stood quietly by the side.

If he was really sleepy, he would pinch his arm hard to drive away the drowsiness.

He didn't want to doze off and fall down from the high platform in front of the public, that would really embarrass him.

The eyelids were about to close again heavily, Mutt shook his body, he quickly put his fingers in through the cuffs, and pinched his arm again.

A stabbing pain came, which immediately made him wake up a little bit, and he was able to stand firmly on his feet. He breathed a sigh of relief and put down his hands.

But as soon as he raised his head, he met the major general's eyes.

Those glazed blue pupils stained with ink marks stared at him coldly, without any emotion.

Then, the major general walked towards him. Before Mut could react, his right hand had already been grabbed, and his sleeve was pulled up heavily.

As a result, the pinched blue bruises on the young man's slender arms were exposed to Troll's sight.


Troll glanced at Mute and said, with a cold tone.

He let go of his hand, turned and walked back, but left a sentence before leaving.

"Go tidy up my room."

Mute stood there looking at the major general's back, still a little dazed, a big hand beside him had already reached out, pressed on his head and rubbed it vigorously.

Relying on his height advantage, he effortlessly placed his right arm on top of the boy's head. The red-haired major glanced at the back of the boss, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Boss really favors you."


Patiently pulling down the arm that was pressing on his head, Mutt didn't hear Robin muttering the words.

Robin glanced at him, suddenly chuckled, raised his arm that was pressing on his head and patted him on the head.

"Okay, little guy, hurry up and go back to the boss room to clean up."

He grinned and pushed the man towards the exit.

"After all, BOSS is a bit of a clean freak, you should pay attention."


Now that the major general gave the order, Mutt obediently obeyed the order and went back to the room.

When passing through the teleportation device, he was dizzy again. He felt that he was about to lose his sleepiness, and he was already half awake and half asleep when he staggered into the door.

In a daze, he was still thinking about where to start cleaning the room. He completely forgot that the room is now equipped with intelligent dust removal. The major general’s room is also set to be cleaned by a household intelligent robot at regular intervals. The entire room is clean at any time. It's spotless, and he doesn't need to do it at all.

The brain that was attacked by sleepiness had completely stopped. He was sitting on the sofa in a trance, still trying to think about where he could get people to tidy up. Maybe he could wipe the sofa first, and then...

Then there is no more.

He fell into a deep sleep on the sofa.

After he fell asleep, the sofa under him automatically sensed the sleeping state of the human being lying on it, and passed this information to the central brain, and soon, the temperature in the room was automatically increased a little, keeping The gentle breeze that was fresh in the air was softened a lot again, a little sweet floral fragrance was added to the air, and the whole room was adjusted to the most comfortable state for people to sleep in, making the boy sleep more and more sweetly.

Mutt didn't know how long he had slept this time.

The only thing he felt was that he had slept so comfortably, no matter whether it was physical or mental fatigue, he was gone.

He stood up, stretched his waist with great satisfaction, and then stepped on his slippers into the bathroom, washing himself from head to toe.

In the middle of washing, he suddenly remembered that this room was automatically cleaned by the central brain.

Then the major general asked him to go back to his room to tidy up... In fact, it was because he was too sleepy to let him go back and rest first.

Well, the major general is still always cold-mouthed and soft-hearted.

The boy made a conclusion like this, and issued a good person card to the major general.

If his conclusion is known by Robin and others, they will probably give him two words.

Ha ha.

After a good night's sleep and a good bath, Mutt came out feeling refreshed. But as soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he heard a beep, the door of the room opened, and the tall figure of the major general appeared at the door.

He hurried up to meet her.

"Major General, are you back?"

He had never been greeted by someone with a bright smile at the door of his room like this before. The major general paused a little when he walked in, and then continued to walk in steadily.

He was not used to humming in a low voice, which was a response.

Then, he glanced at Mutt.

The boy just came out of the shower, only wearing soft white short-sleeved shorts, because the young and delicate skin was smoked into a light pink by the mist, especially the face, which was flushed, tender, and full of water. The tender skin looks like water will flow out when pinched.

The jet-black hair was still a little wet, a few strands stuck to her tender cheeks, and a few drops of water dripped from the tip of her hair.

The color of his lips is also light, but it's not Troll's cold and sharp light, but a soft light pink, like the color of a blooming flower bud in early spring.

Seeing the major general staring at him, the boy blinked his eyelashes which were still stained with moisture.

"Shall I make you some tea?"

he asks.

The major general doesn't like to eat, but he likes tea quite a lot, but he only drinks it often, and he is not very picky about the taste of tea.

Therefore, Mutt, who insisted on holding on to the golden thigh for a hundred years, quickly mastered this necessary skill.

Glancing past the pale pink lips, Major General Troll turned around, grabbed Mute's hand, and pulled him over.

Before Mut could react, Troll dragged him to the side of the long sofa, and then plunged into it.

When he struggled to prop up his upper body and looked back, he was horrified to find that he was lying on the major general's lap. The major general was sitting on the sofa, lying on his stomach, his abdomen was pressed against the major general's thigh.

What made him even more stunned as if he had been struck by lightning was that he saw the right hand raised by the major general.

"Wait a minute! What are you going to do!"

The frightened teenager no longer cared about pretending to be a good baby, and turned his head in panic and yelled at the major general.

The major general didn't answer, but the slender Danfeng eyes looked at him sideways, and raised them slightly.

Then, the raised hand patted down heavily.


There was a crisp sound of flesh slapping flesh, which was unusually loud in the quiet room.

The red-faced boy wanted to jump up all of a sudden, but the major general moved faster, and when Mutt could barely support his upper body, he pressed him hard with his left hand.

The young man who had just lifted his upper body plopped down on the sofa again. He danced and struggled, but he couldn't get rid of the left hand that was holding him tightly.

"This is punishment."

The major general's low voice came from above, with obvious displeasure.

"I didn't do anything wrong—"

He was answered with another slap and a hard slap on the buttocks.

The boy's entire face flushed red.

"Even if I'm wrong—even if—I'm already this old! You have to punish me for not using this—"

"You're four years away from becoming an adult."

The major general replied slowly.

Then, snap.

" are abusing minors!!!"

The boy resolutely abandoned the fact that he was an adult on earth, and shamelessly chose the shelter of the halo of a minor.

"As the sole guardian appointed by your grandfather, I have the right to impose corporal punishment on you to a certain extent."

The major general said coldly.

go on, slap-

Well, it's pretty flexible.

The major general with an expressionless and cold expression was thinking about it, and then continued to wave his hand.

However, before he could take the picture, he was suddenly hugged by the child who turned around suddenly.

Mute, who had attacked the major general's waist for the second time, held the major general tightly and would not let go.

"I was wrong! I knew I was wrong!"

He decisively chose to admit his mistake.

A hero does not suffer from immediate losses, no matter if he is wrong or right, in order to avoid further beatings, he must admit it before talking.

Anyway, at this moment, the boy acted the way he treated his parents when he was naughty and about to be beaten when he was a child, holding the major general like a rogue and not letting go.

He really couldn't take it anymore... Pain is a trivial matter, it's too shameful for him to be spanked in this way at such a big man!

Fortunately, as soon as he said that, the major general lowered his raised hand.

Those cold Danfeng eyes stared at him and asked.

"Tell me, where did you go wrong?"

" a subordinate but attacked you?"


Troll said, looking at him blankly.

The young man pondered for a while with a sad face, his dark eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at the major general.

"I was wrong."

Mutt felt that he should admit his mistake honestly and frankly.

So, he gritted his teeth, made a heartbeat, and said that sentence.

He said, "I shouldn't have kicked your ass!"

Major General: "..."

"But I can't help it!"

The boy said that he was also very wronged, and he didn't do it on purpose, who knew that he just kicked the major general's ass.

"You see you are so tall and your legs are so long. I have tried my best to raise my feet, but I can't kick your back, I can only kick your butt—"

Amid Mute's hard-earned justification, the major general's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

With a strong tug, he pulled Mutt off his body and pressed it back on the sofa.

Then, the major general raised his right hand high again.

Snapped! Snapped! Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

For a moment, the sound of crisp meat slapping meat echoed in the room...