It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 4


The boy clutched his chest and felt a little stuffed.

Although he admits that he likes men, he admits it.

But if he accidentally made a slip of the tongue and was mistaken by everyone for accusing him of flirting with them, Major General, he really didn't want to admit it!

The tragic consequence of this was that the entire battleship felt that he was the major general who wanted to pick on them.

Many people whispered to him when they saw him, and the eyes they looked at were full of disdain, pity, ridicule, snickering, etc., especially the green-haired adjutant, whose eyes seemed to poke him die.

I really didn't mean to blaspheme your major general!

God knows that Mute really wanted to yell at the adjutant who looked at him with eyes like 'you deserve death for insulting my honorable major general' from time to time.

... If you want to blame it, you can blame the major general's beautiful face with snow skin and star eyes, which is too shocking.

After all, looking at something beautiful makes people relax, doesn't it

Although he likes cute girls, he also likes pretty things.

Of course, it must be that kind of pure love.

The boy would never admit that it was his own stupidity as a face control.

To be honest, the major general's eyes are really beautiful, just like the deep and mysterious starry sky, looking at it is like being sucked in...

Wait, having said that, this person just said that he is still young...

In other words, even the major general himself may have misunderstood.

Oh shit, no wonder that person stared at him so strangely back then.

The man threw the phrase 'you are still young' to himself, probably tactfully rejecting it.


The boy held his chest a little rejoicing.

It's a blessing not to be kicked off the high platform by the other party sneering and molesting the major general in public.

I don't know why the high-cold major general at that time mercifully let him go.

Maybe it's because the man said 'you're still young'

After all, the blond female soldier has said that the empire has now increased the protection of minors due to the low rate of minors.

As a result, Mutt, who was an adult in his own time, instantly threw out the little dissatisfaction of being a minor after coming to this era.

The black-haired boy was sitting on a metal chair, still thinking in a mess, when something was suddenly handed to him.

He took a closer look and saw that it was a white headset.

Why give me a headset? Do you want to listen to music

Looking up at the young soldier who gave him the headset, Mutt thought about it, and reached out to take the headset in a daze.

It was a pure white headset. The two semicircular earmuffs were soft and felt like leather. The white metal frame connected the two earmuffs.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, why is this headset still the same as before, without any evolution

The above thought disappeared the moment Mute put the headset on.

After putting on the seemingly ordinary white headset, the earmuffs that looked like leather suddenly melted like running water, automatically adjusted their shape, and tightly wrapped his ears.

The part of the earmuffs that was attached to his skin fit the curves of his cheeks and the curves of the pinna closely, and it felt as if a cloud of warm water had wrapped his ears.

Light pure music came from inside the earmuffs, soft and soft, making him feel drowsy all of a sudden for some reason.

Before he knew it, his eyes could no longer be opened and slowly closed.

He lay on the alloy chair, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

"The brain waves have fallen into the TK300 frequency, confirming that the user has entered a hypnotic state."

The soldiers on the side were typing on the keyboard while reporting.

A huge light curtain floated in the air, glowing with light, and the inside was pure white.

The young major general sitting on the main seat nodded slightly, and the tips of the velvet-like jet black hair scattered in the corners of his slender Danfeng eyes following his nod.

"start testing."

He says.

In order to prevent the influx of spies, any newly enlisted soldier must undergo a hypnosis test.

Through hypnosis, the subconscious mind of the testee is scanned, and all the thoughts in the mind of the testee are presented through the screen by gradually guiding questions.

Although he knew the members of the Uriel family very well, and the origin of this young man was also very clear, but Troll did not intend to use his privileges to skip this necessary step.

However, he didn't pay much attention to this simple hypnosis test. He just gave a random command and turned his attention to the small light curtain floating in front of him.

What is displayed on the light curtain is a war that is taking place in another galaxy.


Mutt didn't know what state he was in now.

If he is awake, but he feels that his body has fallen asleep.

If it is said that he has fallen asleep, but his consciousness is very clear.

While he was in a daze, a voice came over.

"tell me your name?"

That voice sounds very friendly, gentle and persuasive, making people want to trust the owner of this voice when they hear it.

So he answered subconsciously.


"Where are you now?"

"...on a battleship... of a major general who can pretend to be so cool."

When the boy's subconscious answer was displayed on the huge light curtain in mid-air as fonts, the green-haired adjutant who was in charge of monitoring turned dark instantly.

With a dark face, he glanced unhappily at the presumptuous guy who had slandered his boss several times, but the other party was under hypnosis and couldn't see his ugly expression at all.

The red-haired major lowered his head and lowered his face, he couldn't see his expression, but he could see his arms resting on the operating table, his shoulders shaking, obviously he couldn't hold back his laughter.

The soldier in charge of the subconscious test subconsciously glanced at the major general with a stiff face, feeling that his heart was about to stop in shock.

Thankfully, the major general's dark blue pupils were focused on watching the war that took place in another galaxy at this moment, and did not see the situation here.

The young soldier breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly cut the scene.

... ... ...

In Mutt's subconscious, the inquiry continued.

"Where are your relatives?"

"... loved ones... grandfather... he passed away."

"You've been living with him before then?"

"… Yes."

"Do you remember your parents?"


Mutt hesitated.

He didn't know that he was under hypnosis, but his consciousness was still very clear.

He remembered that he came from the earth tens of thousands of years ago. This is a secret that no one can know.

And the old man thought he had lost his memory, which was the best protection for him.

"… Can not remember."

"A month ago, what happened?"

"… Can not remember."

"Half a year ago, what were you and your grandfather doing?"

"do not remember… "

... ... ...

In the reality outside, on the huge light curtain, along with the answers that emerged from the subject's mind, what was in the boy's mind constantly emerged.

When Mute thought of his grandfather, the face of the old man from the Uriel family appeared on the light curtain.

And when it comes to parents and everything that happened more than a month ago, the light curtain is blank, which means that the subject has no memory, so there is nothing in his mind.

The green-haired adjutant nodded.

consistent with the information he obtained.

The last member of the Uriel family lost his memory due to an accident more than a month ago.

He even lost his language and ability to live, and it was slowly recovered under the patient teaching of his grandfather.

With that in mind, he continued to stare at the light curtain.

Testing continues.


"What is your planetary nationality?"

"... planet... membership?"

"In other words, which planet is your parent star?"

"My... Mother Planet..."

Almost instinctively, the appearance of that planet appeared in Mutt's mind.

Even in the past few days of space travel, he has seen many magnificent cosmic scenes.

But for him, the most beautiful thing, and what he will never forget, is still that planet.


My home planet, Earth.


In the reality outside, on the huge circular light curtain, the scene that the young man was thinking at the moment slowly emerged.

It was an endless cosmic starry sky, with countless stars flashing.

A blue planet slowly rotated in the dark starry sky.

In the deep and icy cosmic starry sky, that touch of blue glowed with a warm and soft luster.

It can't be said to be that extreme in beauty.

But when it is there, when it is there quietly, that touch of soft blueness is like water, enveloping you staring at it in that touch of softness.

There was a snap.

That was the sound of the cup in the red-haired man's hand hitting the metal floor and breaking.

The young major general who was affected by the crisp sound frowned, and shifted his gaze from the star map in front of him to his subordinates.

Troll saw that his subordinate, who had always acted like a nonchalant person, was actually sluggish at this moment. He stood there with his mouth slightly open, his eyes fixed on the front, and he couldn't even breathe at this moment. Hold your breath—

He had never seen his subordinate look so shocked that he lost his composure.

So, in order to find out, he turned his head slightly and followed the direction of his subordinate's gaze.

On the huge light curtain, in the dark cosmic starry sky, that blue planet is slowly rotating.

It's not eye-catching, and its appearance isn't shocking.

It just lay quietly in the dark starry sky, the tranquility of thousands of years.

The young major general's dark blue pupils were focused on it, and his breathing was also missed for a moment at this moment.

It seemed to be a call from thousands of years ago.

It seemed to come from the shock imprinted in the deepest part of the human soul.

Every piece of flesh and blood, every cell and even the soul is calling and yearning to return to that blue planet and integrate with that planet.

It seemed like an instinct.

Even if it is lost for thousands of years, the instinct will always be imprinted in the soul.

go back.

Must go back.

Back to the planet that gave birth to them.

Adjusting the momentary disordered breathing, Troll got up, and before everyone woke up from the shock of seeing this blue planet, he walked a few steps to the place where he was still sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed. In front of the boy.

He bent down and took off the hypnotizer headset that the boy was wearing as soon as he reached out his hand.

The hypnosis headset was suddenly taken off, and the boy woke up suddenly.

He opened his eyes wide, looking in amazement at the handsome face that suddenly leaned over and looked down on him almost oppressively.

"what is that?"

The sharp dark blue pupils stared at the young man below him, and the young major general didn't notice a little haste in his tone.

Mute, who suddenly woke up from the hypnosis, was still in a daze. He raised his head, with a confused expression on his face, and stared wide-eyed at the oppressively handsome face.

He couldn't make out what Troll meant by asking.

"What planet is that?"

The young major general repeated again.

In a daze, Mute subconsciously cast his gaze forward. Naturally speaking, he saw the blue planet that was still slowly rotating on the light curtain.


"That's Earth."

Almost subconsciously, he gave the answer.

Mutt just felt baffled.

Do I still need to ask? You can tell it's the earth at a glance, even a three-year-old child knows it.

But the answer that the boy took for granted made everyone in the hall suffocate in an instant.

Shocked expressions appeared on everyone's faces, the hall was terribly quiet, and no one made a sound at this moment.

The young major general straightened his upper body, and he stared at the blue planet.

His usual indifferent eyes reflected the soft blueness, and at this moment flashed a light that had never been seen before.

"… Earth."

He says.

The deep and cold voice was like the moment a glacier broke.

But those dark blue pupils shimmering like a starry sky at this moment contained the scorching heat of a magma eruption.

Tens of thousands of years ago, human beings left the earth and jumped into other galaxies.

Because of some concerns, all the data on Earth are kept as top secrets on a warship with top-level security devices, including guide beacons.

However, after successfully jumping to a new galaxy, the battleship was destroyed due to a suicide attack by terrorists.

All the data on the earth were lost with the explosion of the battleship.

Human beings therefore lost their way back to the earth forever.