It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 40


"Grandpa, just trust me once, really."

"Maya, don't be fooled by that bastard just because he looks good."


The girl frowned instantly.

And the old man was very upset when he listened to his granddaughter saying good things about another boy after being pestered by his good granddaughter all night.

"What do you know, what does that little guy know?"

"But he really taught me a lot that I didn't know..."

"He's talking nonsense, just to bully you for not understanding."

"But it doesn't sound like something made up..."

"Maya, you're still young, don't be fooled by that stinky brat, it's all for you."

The old man pouted with disdain.


The next morning, in the spacious room of the History Research Department, a girl with curly brown hair was lying on the simple wooden table with a tired look on her face.

"I'm sorry, Mutt, no matter what I say, Grandpa just doesn't believe it."

She rested her head on the table and turned around, looking unhappy.

"That old stubborn—"

"It doesn't matter, no matter what, it's still hard work for you."

Sure enough, it's still not that simple.

Mute shrugged. He watched the girl's upper body lying on the table, raised her head, and rested her chin on the table, with a puffy look, so her face became more rounded.

No matter how cute he looked, the boy couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not very angry, why are you so angry?"

"Because Mutt, you are obviously very powerful-but Grandpa and the others look down on you just because you are young-they judge people by their appearance!"

Maya patted the table hard to express her dissatisfaction.

However, Mutt, who is the person involved, is very calm. After all, his experience is too bizarre, and the whole universe is only as strange as him. It is only natural that others don't trust him.

He smiled at Maya.

"Aren't you afraid that your grandfather is right, I made it up to lie to you?"

"In terms of professional knowledge, I am far behind my grandfather, but in terms of seeing people, I think I have good eyesight. I don't think the things you said, Mutt, seem to be lying... Well, how should I say..."

The girl hesitated for a moment, then continued.

"I always feel that when I listen to you, it's as if I can see what you said with my own eyes... This kind of feeling can't be made up, can it?"

What I saw in that ancient book was just a rough picture, but when Mutt was talking to her. She seemed to see the narrow stretch of coast through Mutt's voice.

The steep cliffs on both sides, and the countless corals of different shapes under the clear sea.

The waves came and beat the cliffs.

The sea is connected to the desert, half fire and half water. There is an endless golden desert on the coast. The azure sea water is like a deep blue gemstone inlaid on the golden desert. Walking on the desert, the golden sand is hot enough to burn your feet. When you step into the sea water, you will feel the cool and soft feeling wrapped up. .

Diving into the depths of the sea, through the clear water, you can see countless colorful small fish nimbly shuttling through the gaps in the large corals, like elves in the sea.

When surfacing, as soon as you look up, you can see the refreshing blue sky.

Close your eyes, listen to Mutt's voice, as if you can see the beautiful sea, like a dream.

Let her indulge in it unconsciously, unwilling to wake up from this dream.

"I like what you said, Mutt, so I believe what you said, Mutt, is true."

Maya was lying on the table, tilting her head and looking at Mutt, her smiling eyes were crooked, and her eyes were full of expectation.

"It would be nice if one day I could actually see what you said with my own eyes."

"If you can find your way back to Earth, you can see."

"It's so easy..."

As soon as this was said, the listless girl let out a long sigh.

"No one has been able to find it for so many years, how can it be possible to say that it is found now?"

"...Maybe it's just at this time to find it?"

Mutt smiled.

He rested his chin in one hand and looked at Maya. However, his gaze did not fall on Maya, but looked to the far shore as if he had penetrated the girl in front of him.

The first step is to live well in this world.

The second step is to go back to Earth.

He wanted to go back, he had to go back, to the planet where his father and mother were, to the planet where he grew up.

He believed that with the memory of the earth he possessed, as long as the major general believed in him and was willing to cooperate with him, he would be able to find the way back to the earth.

This time, Maya didn't contradict his words.

She stared blankly at the boy, the boy's eyes seemed to be looking at her, but it didn't look like she was looking at her.

His eyes seemed to look through her to a distant place.

He looked at her with his chin on his back, and smiled quietly, with a bit of childishness remaining on his face, but at this moment, those jet-black pupils were bright and firm like she had never seen before, and it made her unable to look away for a while. .

"Maya... Maya?"


Looking at those bright black eyes, Maya was a little dazed for a moment, and was woken up by Mute's shout, and seeing Mute approaching, she quickly suppressed the daze in her heart.

"Your grandfather seems to have something to do with you."

Mutt pointed across.

As soon as Maya turned her head, she saw that the group of old professors did not gather together to discuss as usual, but each sat on a huge mechanical chair.

Numerous metal wires extended from above and wrapped around the torsos of those people, while a silver-white metal earphone covered the heads of those people. They sat on mechanical chairs entwined with metal wires, with their eyes closed as if they had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Is it time?"

Maya jumped up all of a sudden, she was so engrossed in listening to Mutt's words, she didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, no wonder her grandfather was blowing his beard and staring at her.

"Come here quickly."

Professor Terry said to Maya with a straight face, glaring at the shameless brat who abducted his good granddaughter.

Maya yelled and wanted to run over. She had been so nervous for ten days because of what happened today, and sometimes she couldn't sleep at night, but yesterday she quarreled with her grandfather for a long time because of Mutt. Instead, she I slept through the night until dawn, and I was still a little nervous when I came here this morning, but I relaxed after chatting with Mute just now.

Thinking of this, she looked at Mutt.

"Grandpa, isn't Mutt going?"

"What can he understand? It's useless to go."

Professor Terry was impatient.

Maya retorted.

"But Mute is one of us, we can't leave him here alone."

Maybe Maya's words made sense this time. Although Professor Terry didn't seem very happy, he didn't refuse again.

"Okay, boy, you come along, even if I take you to see the world." He said, "But let's talk about it first, go and tell me to be honest, don't talk, don't make trouble, don't lose my Face."

Mute still had no idea where they were going, so she was dragged by Maya to a mechanical chair and sat down.

As soon as he sat on it, countless metal wires automatically waved over and entangled him as if they were alive, like countless tentacles. He almost jumped out of the chair in fright, but at a glance, he saw Professor Terry with a stern face beside him. Staring at him, he barely held back.

He looked at those metal threads wrapped around him, and the threads of light protruded little by little, penetrating into his skin.

The silver-white metal earmuffs were automatically put on his ears, a bit like the last thought test, and then, a huge glass cover slowly descended and covered his head.

A strong drowsiness hit him, and he quickly fell asleep.


When he woke up, he opened his eyes and found that he was no longer in the room of the History Research Department, and in front of him was a huge space intertwined with black and white lines.

Underfoot is the pitch-black ground, as black as if it sucked in all the light.

Above the head is the endless cosmic sky, with countless tiny stars flickering, meteorite belts slowly flowing in the starry sky like the Milky Way, and comets whizzing past from time to time.

There was no one in the middle, and nearly a hundred silver-white oval seats were suspended there, separated by translucent light curtains. On the other hand, the outer circle was full of people's voices, and countless people gathered around it, divided into different areas.

Mute looked around in confusion, unable to figure out where he was now.

A hand stretched out from the side and grabbed his sleeve. When he turned his head, he saw the girl with the fluffy brown hair grinning at him.

"Don't be nervous, I was so nervous when I first came here, but it's just like that after a few more visits."

Taking Mutt's confusion as nervousness, Maya comforted him in a low voice.

"These people are..."

"They are all ancient earth civilization research forces under the command of different nobles or lords." Maya explained to him in a low voice, "Every three years, all the various forces that study ancient earth civilizations will gather once, because they need to be rated."

She wanted to continue talking, but she saw her grandfather walking towards her with a bad face.

"Look at your left hand. Everyone who logs in here will be automatically equipped with an information bracelet. The general situation indicates that you can check it."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was carried away by Professor Terry.

As soon as Mute raised his hand, he saw that there was indeed a glowing light circle on his left forearm. With a thought, a light curtain appeared on the light circle. He quickly flipped through the instructions, and only then did he understand the current situation .

Isn't this just a graded exam

He flipped through the commentary on the light curtain and thought.

The place he is in now is not reality, but a virtual world, and now all the people here are simulated bodies projected into this virtual world through virtual projection equipment in the real world. And the purpose of these ancient earth civilization experts who are enshrined in various lord forces is now gathering together to advance.

Although scholars who study the ancient civilizations of the earth are very popular, they are also divided into grades. The higher the grade, the more respected and sought after they are. Of course, no one will care about a junior apprentice.

It is roughly divided into three classes, from scholars, consultants, and professors. As the name suggests, a scholar is still in the stage of studying; a consultant has certain professional knowledge, and can be hired by some small nobles and lords to teach students; while the support of the powerful galaxy lords is all at the professor level. scholars.

Each class is divided into five levels. For example, Maya belongs to the second-level scholar among the scholars.

The highest two levels in the professor class are 'S-level' and 'SS-level', which belong to the real national treasures of the empire. There are only a dozen or so in the entire empire, and the youngest one has more than 280 Years old.

Their status is even higher than those ordinary small lords and nobles. Even the patriarchs of the noble families who support them for academic research respect them and dare not neglect them—otherwise, once such a national treasure professor is not happy If you want to change jobs, there are a bunch of people crying and begging them to come over.

As for how to upgrade

That's the rating every three years.

It's just that although this kind of rating test is held once a year, there are very few people who can successfully advance.

Especially for each level of promotion in the professor class, only single-digit people can successfully advance in a hundred years, and almost all of them advance from primary to secondary.

The intelligent brain operates and monitors and evaluates autonomously, completely eliminating the possibility of cheating.

It stands to reason that after so many years of research, the accumulated knowledge of earth civilization should be quite a lot. However, due to the different research directions of each force or the different ancient books and historical materials they possess, the things they master are also completely different. And the knowledge held by each force is unwilling to share with others. Once it is destroyed in the flames of war, the earth knowledge held by that force will be destroyed. Many historical materials have been lost in this way, which has led to the loss of earth civilization for thousands of years. The eradication of knowledge is becoming more and more serious.

Human beings feel that it cannot go on like this. If this continues, I am afraid that all civilizations on Earth will be lost.

So more than a thousand years ago, human beings established an alliance, and all experts and scholars who studied the earth's civilization were automatically incorporated into the alliance, and advanced through the intellectual brain assessment in the alliance.

... so isn't this an upgrade test on Earth

Mutt thought.

The Earth Alliance has implemented compulsory education all over the world. It is divided into eight levels. Regardless of age, as long as you pass the assessment test of each level, you can advance. Everyone is forced to pass the fifth level test before they are allowed to graduate. The next three levels you You can choose to continue your studies, or you can choose to enter social work.

Before he got sick, he had already advanced to the seventh grade...

"I'm just starting to read the explanation now. As expected of the people under the command of Major General Troll, it seems that the chances of victory are in their hands."

A chuckle sounded from the side, Mute looked up, and it was a young man with brown hair who was talking, he looked at the light circle in Mute's hand with a smile, showing a sense of mockery.

He saw Mute looking at him, and the mocking look in his eyes was even stronger.

"Looking at you like this, it must be easy to get a professor level."

Mutt looked at the young man's sarcasm, blinked, and thought for a while.

Then, he nodded, and smiled at the other party with a somewhat childish face.

"should be no problem."

When Mute said this, the brown-haired youth laughed out loud.

At the beginning, he had some disdain for Mutt, but now that Mutt answered in such a way, he didn't bother to disdain him anymore. What is there to care about a fool

"It turned out to be a fool."

He laughed and said that he was too lazy to waste time and turned around to leave.

"Dole, what are you doing here? You are not welcome here."

"There's no need for such a big reaction, Maya, I just came to say hello."

Looking at Maya who was protecting the young man behind her, the brown-haired youth smiled with a hint of disdain.

"This is the fifth time you have participated in the assessment. How about it, can you pass this time?"


Maya pursed her lips and said nothing, her eyes were a little guilty.

In this circle, ratings are everything. She is about the same age as Dole, but after five ratings, the two are far apart. She is still wandering from the scholar level at the second level, while Dole has reached the fifth level. , it is said that this time it is likely to advance to the consultant level.

That was a qualitative leap. When Dole became a consultant, she would be qualified to educate her, so she would have to bow her head and say hello to this annoying guy every time she met.

"Don't understand, Dole, you are not welcome here."

A deep voice appeared, and Professor Terry came out, frowning at Dole.

He looked at this young man who was originally a disciple he cultivated with all his heart, but who betrayed him more than ten years ago and became another person's disciple, his face was ugly.

"Leave, immediately."

"Don't be so serious, Terry."

Someone stepped in, and a middle-aged man in a dark dress, holding an arm-length cane, appeared in front of everyone laughing. He was tall, but his face was rounder.

He smiled and looked very friendly.

He glanced at the brown-haired youth and said, "Dor, come here."

"Yes, Earl Wally."

Dole walked over, saw the old man next to Earl Wali, and shouted again, "Teacher."

The white-haired old man who looked about the same age as Professor Terry nodded, and seemed quite satisfied with his proud disciple.

He glanced at the people on Terry's side, showing a haughty look.

"You're still the same, Terry." He said meanly, turning his eyes around Mutt, showing a look of contempt, "You don't think it's embarrassing to even bring this kind of kid to make up for it?"

Earl Wali and Major General Troll have a very close sphere of influence, and the two sides often have conflicts. Naturally, the relationship is not good, and they will suppress each other to death if they have the opportunity. However, Earl Wali never won the small-scale battles caused by friction, so he naturally disliked Troll.

The only thing he could compare to Troll was that the old professor looked down on Troll, who was an emerging force, and chose the Wali family with a long history.

"Forget it, that kid Troll is just an upstart after all, and only people of your level will follow him."

After the old professor finished speaking harshly, without looking at Professor Terry, who was turned pale by his anger, he led his disciples away with his head held high.

Although Professor Terry was furious, his level was one level higher than his, and his disciples were several levels higher than his granddaughter. He had no room to refute at all, and in the end he could only hold his breath forcefully.

And when he was so angry that he was going to die, the kid who made him mocked by the other party recklessly opened his mouth.

"Rating quiz... I'll take it too."

Looking at the backs of the group of people leaving, Mutt thought about it, and suddenly spoke.

"You don't think it's enough to lose face!"

Professor Terry's stomach full of anger was directed at that ignorant little guy.

"Go back and stand there for me!"

Facing Professor Terry's roar, the boy smiled indifferently.

"Here you go, let me try."

"Yes, yes, Grandpa, Mutt has a family heirloom, maybe he can still be promoted to the junior level." Maya also hurriedly chimed in, "And I'm a little nervous now, if Mutt can accompany me, I will relax Some."

Perhaps it was the granddaughter's last words that moved Professor Terry. He pondered for a moment, then nodded with a gloomy face.

After a while, the pitch-black ground suddenly lit up, and a transparent barrier gradually rose from the ground, presenting a semi-arc and covering the nearly one hundred suspended seats in the middle.

Nearly a hundred people who participated in the evaluation passed through the translucent soundproof enclosure, and the whole world became quiet instantly, and the noisy sounds outside could not come in at all.

There was no fixed position, so Mute randomly found a suspension seat on the side and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a light curtain appeared in front of him, and the originally translucent barrier around him turned into a pitch black color, isolating him from the people next to him. At the same time, an earphone cover formed by light on his ear.

A gentle female voice came from the headset and began to explain the test rules to him.

Mute suddenly felt as if he had returned to Earth for an upgrade test, or a foreign language test.

... ... ...

An hour passed, and with a crisp beep, the light curtains in front of everyone turned off by themselves.

The pitch-black isolation barrier also turned translucent at the same moment the light screen disappeared, allowing people to see the people around them.

Maya was sitting next to Mute, and her face looked pretty good.

"How about it?"

Mutter asked.

"It's okay, this time it should be possible to advance to the third level."

Maya answered happily, but before she finished speaking, a sneer came from not far away.

Mutt turned his head to look, and the brown-haired man named Dole was also sitting not far from the two of them, with his chin raised slightly, smiling arrogantly at the two of them.

"It's just a scholar."

He said contemptuously, obviously, this time he is very sure that he can be promoted to a consultant.

The smile on Maya's face, who was quite happy at first, disappeared. She held back her breath and lowered her head without saying a word.

Dole glanced at her with some complacency, then shifted his gaze to Mutt, with an increasingly disgusted look in his gaze.

"Do you really dare to take the test? How about it, does it feel good to sit for an hour?" He sneered, "As expected of the subordinate of that upstart, he overestimated himself and was not afraid of losing face."

"Since they're all here, it's good to come and play."

The teenager laughed.

"Anyway, I'm the subordinate of that upstart."


Is this kid too shameless or too stupid? He can't hear such obvious irony

Saying that he is a subordinate of a nouveau riche and still looks like I am a nouveau riche, I am proud. Sure enough, there is still something wrong with his brain.

Dole still wanted to teach Mute a few words, but suddenly there was another beep, and he immediately turned his attention to the front.

Intellectual Brain's calculation speed is very fast, and the results came out in less than half an hour after the test.

At this moment, a huge light curtain appeared in the air out of thin air, allowing everyone to see clearly.

The people who were evaluating below looked at the light curtain nervously with their eyes wide open, and the faces and names of the qualified and advanced candidates appeared on the light curtain one by one.

The highest person who participated in the evaluation this time was only at the consultant level, so it was placed at the front, and Dole's bust and name clearly appeared on the second line.

He looked at his image and nodded with satisfaction.

Maya's name also appeared, and she was successfully promoted. She should have been happy, but she couldn't be happy now. Moreover, she searched for a long time, but she couldn't find Mutt among the junior passers.

"Heh, it's true that not all cats and dogs can pass the evaluation."

The sarcasm next to her made Maya's face even more ugly, and she wanted to refute, but now that Dole is one level above her, she can't contradict him.

She could only hold back her breath, and turned her head, trying to comfort Mute.

But before she could speak, the huge light curtain suspended in mid-air suddenly flickered, and everyone's information disappeared. Immediately afterwards, a huge white and blue badge with a blue planet as the background appeared in midair.

And the moment this badge appeared in the air, the entire virtual venue was silent for a moment.

Many people stood up abruptly due to excessive shock, staring at the giant badge slowly rotating in the air, with disbelief on their faces.

"Someone has been promoted to professor level?!"

"SS class?!"

"Impossible—this special badge has not appeared for more than eighty years—"

"Absolutely impossible! I have read the information of the people who participated in the rating this time. The highest level in it is the consultant level - jump directly from the consultant level to the professor level - and the highest SS level! Absolutely impossible - it must be a malfunction of the brain Already!"

"Don't be kidding, this is a universe-level intelligent brain that operates autonomously, and it will never make mistakes."

"Who the hell?"

The huge virtual venue exploded at this moment, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the center, waiting for the answer to appear.

The bright white and blue badge slowly disappeared, and a figure appeared in the center of the hidden badge.

That youthful face that was even somewhat childish made everyone's eyes widen, revealing expressions of disbelief.

From the elementary level of a scholar, he skipped fourteen levels directly, and jumped to the SS level, which is the highest level of a professor.

This information showed that a large number of people were frightened.

Under the gaze of everyone, the young man sat securely on the floating round chair, his legs crossed, and his jet-black hair fell on his immature face.

His hands were clasped, on his knees.

Amid the gazes cast on him from all directions, he tilted his head, smiled at Maya, who was completely dumbfounded, and then turned his head again, looking to the side with his bright black eyes.

Dole looked at the boy who was so young that he was not even an adult, his mind went blank at this moment.

He looked blankly at the boy who turned his head and smiled at him.

"Sorry, overplayed it."

The boy said so.