It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 44


Next to the command hall is a tea room. Of course, only a very small number of people are allowed to rest in this tea room.

Basically, only Major General Troll and his confidantes have such qualifications.

As long as the flagship is not in a state of wartime or alert, Lieutenant Colonel Via will make some adjustments in the tea room at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, drink some coffee or tea to refresh himself, and let himself take a break to recover his energy. It can ensure that you can concentrate on the next work.

At this time, if someone came to him for something, as long as it was not urgent, his orderly would ask that person to look for him in the tea room—just like Professor Terry who came to look for him today.

The light curtain that popped up at the door emitted white light, and scanned Professor Terry from head to toe. After confirming that his identity was correct and that he was not carrying any dangerous items, the metal door opened automatically.

Inside the door is a quiet small garden, with small bushes scattered in order, green vines entwined around the trunks, warm sunlight falling on the green grass, and small butterflies flying among the small white flowers among the grass.

There are several wooden chairs in the middle of the garden. Under the shadow of the dense tree canopy, the lieutenant colonel with blue hair is sitting on one of the seats on the side. There is a white porcelain cup on the table, and the strong aroma of coffee spreads .

Of course, these are all fake, and they are all virtual reality images, but they are already realistic enough to make people feel immersive.

There was a faint smell of green grass in the air. Professor Terry stepped on the grass under his feet and sat down in front of Lieutenant Colonel Via. A wooden plate flew over quickly and brought a cup of tea to him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Via, I have something to ask you."

Lieutenant Colonel Qingfa, who had guessed that Professor Terry would definitely come this time, shook his head.

"The order cannot be changed, Professor Terry."

He said, "I know that you hope that His Excellency Mutt can guide you, and I also know that he can play a better role in that way, but not now. Compared with playing his role, the more important thing now is to protect him. "

After Mutt got the badge, Via also had to call him by the honorific title.

"You should understand that we must put him in the safest place."

Indeed, if you want to give full play to the child's knowledge and role, letting him stay in the History Research Department is the best choice.

But it’s not enough right now, there are too many unstable factors.

The child's value is too great, and it has already attracted the attention of various forces, and the security force of the History Research Department is average, so it is easy for people to catch the flaw—even though this is on the Ishtar flagship, he is not I can guarantee that there is not a single traitor or spy among the thousands of people on the entire ship. However, to increase the strength of the History Research Department, it is necessary to re-adjust the distribution of troops on the entire ship, which is difficult to do well in a short period of time.

Therefore, when the major general asked him to transfer Mutt to the staff, he immediately reacted.

Nominally, they are members of the staff department, but the main staff members must always follow the major general, and the place with the strongest security above Ishtar is naturally the major general's side.

Via felt that the major general did the right thing, and now that child is a treasure that everyone wants to snatch.

If you want to keep it safe, it is naturally safest to keep it under your nose.

"I understand, Lieutenant Colonel."

With Professor Terry's experience, he can naturally think of the reason very quickly. If it weren't for this, he, a stubborn old man, would not have let him go so easily.

"I came here today because I want to bother you with other matters. Of course, it is also related to Your Excellency Mutt."

He took a sip of tea and asked with a smile.

"Does Your Excellency Mutt already have a family?"

Although sixteen years old is not yet an adult, according to the imperial law, as long as one is fourteen years old, one can get married.

Of course, very few people get married at the age of fourteen, but just in case, Professor Terry felt that he had to ask first.

Professor Terry asked abruptly, and Via didn't react for a while, and then shook his head after being stunned for a while.

The old professor nodded and smiled even more happily.

"Then does he have someone he plans to marry?"

Lieutenant Colonel Via continued to shake his head.

To be honest, if the child really had a family and a person to marry, he would have been sent to the major general's planet long ago, and it would be impossible for him to stay on the Ishtar flagship.

Thinking about it this way, Via felt a little lucky. Fortunately, the child's sexuality was different from ordinary people, otherwise they would have missed such a treasure.

As for Mutt's disrespectful show of love to the Major General, Via now thinks it is understandable - Your Excellency Major General is so handsome, so outstanding, and anyone with a little discernment will definitely fall in love with him - well, that child can't help it either.

"Oh—in that case—"

The old man's eyes lit up.

He was about to mention the matter of his granddaughter, but before he could speak, there was a beep behind him, the door of the tea room opened, and someone walked in.

Upon seeing the person coming, Lieutenant Colonel Via and Professor Terry stood up immediately.

Via saluted with fists on his chest, while Professor Terry bowed his head slightly to salute.

"Your Mightiness."

"Master Major General—"

With jet-black hair down, dark blue Danfeng eyes glanced at the two of them lightly, Major General Troll hummed, then went straight to another wooden table and sat down.

A cup of strong tea floated over quickly, the major general took a sip, then closed his eyes slightly, as if taking a nap.

Wei Wei, who got up, gave Professor Terry a wink, signaling him to go out and talk to him, not to disturb the major general's rest, but the old professor looked at the major general with his eyes closed and rested, and felt that this was a godsend opportunity.

Originally, his immediate leader was Lieutenant Colonel Via, and he could not directly contact Major General Troll, nor could he easily meet the Major General, but he happened to meet the Major General when he came here today.

This shows that God thinks he is doing the right thing and is helping him—

Thinking so, Professor Terry turned and stood in front of Major General Troll.

"Major General."

The dark blue eyes opened, extremely dark in tone, and the pupils seemed to be shimmering faintly.

The major general opened his eyes and looked at the old professor standing in front of him.

What's up

He didn't open his mouth to speak, but only expressed his meaning by looking at the old professor.

"Your Excellency, Major General, I think that His Excellency Mutt is still too young. At his age, he cannot withstand the temptation of the outside world, and I am afraid that many people are interested in His Excellency Mutt now."

The old professor said tactfully.

"So I think we should find a way to tie him to our side, so as to prevent His Excellency Mutt from being cheated by other people. That would be a very heavy loss for us."

The Major General, who was originally indifferent and didn't care much, turned his gaze deeply, and he took a deep look at Professor Terry.


When he opened his mouth to speak, there was a bit of coldness in his voice, but since he usually spoke in a cold and indifferent manner, now this bit of coldness could not be heard at all.

And Professor Terry, who is wholeheartedly trying to achieve his own goal, can't hear it even more.

"Men, as long as you have a family, you will be able to calm down. As long as you have a family, you can resist any temptation outside." He said with a smile, "Your Excellency, I think that as long as you let Your Excellency Mutt get married, you will be able to get married." After losing his wife and children, he is naturally reluctant to leave, right?"

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Look, I have a granddaughter named Maya, you should have seen her too, she is beautiful and has a good personality, the key is that Your Excellency Mutt also likes her very much, I think they have The two young people get along very well, and they usually look very affectionate, I am afraid that they have seen the right eye."

Major General Troll lowered his eyes, and his slender eyelashes cast light shadows on his snow-white cheeks.

The light-colored lips are very thin, as sharp as a knife, with a bit of cold color oozing.

The old professor was allowed to talk non-stop, but he didn't interrupt. His face looked calm and expressionless as usual. He put his right hand on the table, and with a click of his index finger, he tapped lightly on the wooden table top.

It was so light that the knocking sound could not be heard at all—but the green-haired lieutenant colonel standing by was already startled by the sound that was so soft that it was almost inaudible.

He has been following the major general for a long time. Although it is difficult for him to guess what the major general is thinking, but now the major general is almost exuding a substantial evil spirit. school!

So Via stepped forward, stopped in front of Professor Terry, and lowered his voice to reprimand.

"Don't bother Your Excellency Major General with such trivial matters, let's go out and talk!"

However, as outstanding intellectuals and scholars, it is a common problem for them not to understand the atmosphere, and Professor Terry is naturally one of them.

"No, no, I want to say, if you are free, Major General, if you help Maya and Your Excellency Mutt marry, Your Excellency Mutt will definitely be grateful to you, and will definitely repay you in the future—"

The major general, who had been quietly listening to Professor Terry's words, finally moved. He raised his head and narrowed Danfeng's eyes slightly.


he asks.

"Of course, if you help him marry a wife and start a family, he will definitely be grateful to you—"

The old professor had just spoken halfway, and finally realized that something was wrong.

The major general didn't look at him at all, but looked behind him over him. Obviously, he wasn't the one who asked the question 'really?'.

Professor Terry turned his head and followed the major general's gaze, feeling a little dumbfounded.

The boy with pitch-black pupils didn't know when he came in, so he stood behind him, looking at him dumbfounded.

"Did he say so?"

The major general spoke again, his eyes were fixed on Mutt, his dark blue pupils were like cold stars, his eyes were sharp,

Mute inexplicably felt that his back was very cold.

"Well, since you happen to be there—"

However, the old professor who didn't know how to read the atmosphere asked directly.

"Your Excellency Mutt, what do you think of Maya?"

He felt that since the major general valued His Excellency Mutt more, as long as Mutt spoke, the major general would definitely agree to marry him.

"Uh, Maya..."

As soon as he entered the room, he inexplicably heard the news of his marriage. Mute's mood at the moment was really complicated.

To be honest, Maya is indeed a very beautiful girl with a very good personality, and she treats him well, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted at all.

Although it is impossible to fall in love with such an excellent girl after a few days of being together, there must be a vague liking for her, and he can also feel that Maya also has a vague liking for him.

If we continue to get along slowly, after a long time, maybe we will really fall in love with each other, but it would be too exaggerated to directly mention marriage right now—

And it was actually in front of Major General and Lieutenant Colonel Via, how would he answer this

However, he didn't want to reject Professor Terry outright.

Not to mention that direct refusal will embarrass Professor Terry, and Maya will definitely feel a little sad and unhappy when she finds out... In this way, the relationship between them will be awkward, and it is definitely not easy for him to go to Maya again. Chatted and laughed.

"Maya is a good girl, she is very beautiful and cute... well, that... I also like her very much."

The boy stammered, racking his brains to figure out how to get away with it at a time like this.

"That... I..."

"You said you liked men."

The major general interrupted him suddenly, and stared at him coldly.

Mute: "..."

Can't refute.

Thousands of explanations and ten thousand kinds of distinctions are not as good as this neat sentence that pierces the heart with an arrow.

The young man could only meet the old professor's unbelievable gaze, remained silent, and silently swallowed a mouthful of old blood back into his throat.

After doing this, he would never want to go to Maya as a friend again.


Silence is the default.

The old professor wandered away in a daze amidst the boy's acquiescence.

Little butterflies are still flying among the little white flowers on the grass, quiet and peaceful. However, the atmosphere in the tea room at the moment was like ice, it was extremely cold.

After a while, Lieutenant Colonel Via broke the silence.

"My lord, are you planning to get your wife by deception?"

He said his face had darkened.


Via's sudden reprimand made Mute a little confused.

"You like men, but you need women to conceive offspring. Do you think it's too troublesome to exchange enough achievements for artificial breeding, so you want to get a wife to help you conceive offspring by deceiving?"

Via's words made the boy blush with anger, and he yelled back at Via.

"How is it possible! Who would do such a shameless thing... such a shameless thing?!"

Via nodded expressionlessly.

"I'm glad you didn't have such a plan. Since that's the case, please don't do things that will misunderstand women of your age in the future. I don't want your unconsciousness to cause today's things to happen again in the future."


Mute felt that he was about to vomit a mouthful of blood aggrieved.

So what should he do if he really meets a girl he likes in the future


The major general spoke.


The boss spoke, and Via stopped admonishing Mutt, and immediately turned his attention to the major general.

The major general said: "All historical materials and ancient book conservation instruments need to be maintained, and the History Research Department will suspend work for one month."

Via: "... yes, sir."

The so-called ancient book conservation instrument is an instrument that stores ancient books in a vacuum ball to ensure that they will never change a little bit. It also has functions such as scanning and seeing through ancient books.

For those fanatics of ancient earth culture, if you let him stop researching and stop contacting ancient books, it will kill him.

I remember that last year it was also the maintenance of ancient books and instruments. It took only five days. Those old researchers all looked desperate like dead parents. After this order, the old Professor Terry, who was obsessed with ancient books, looked like he had nothing to love.

"Back off."


Lieutenant Colonel Via saluted Major General Troll sideways, then turned around and left here quickly.

In the tea room, only the major general who was sitting quietly and the young man who was silent were left.

The dark blue Danfeng glanced at Mutt, and swept across that still childish face.

The child pursed his lips and said nothing, his face was full of displeasure, and he seemed to be sulking no matter how he looked.

"Did you hear Via's words?"

Take your eyes off the kid's face, the major general said.

"… heard it."

The young man said unwillingly.

"Yeah." The major general hummed lightly, stood up, and said, "It is forbidden to get close to women in the future."

Mute: "..."

What does it mean to ban close sex with women

Major General, don't you think your words are weird

He was still slandering in his heart, and he didn't notice that Major General Troll had already stood in front of him.

Mut subconsciously raised his head to look at the major general, and the major general just lowered his head.

The major general leaned forward slightly.

The boy's eyes widened all of a sudden, and his dark eyes clearly reflected the major general's face right in front of him.

The face was extremely close to him, and the pitch-black hair that was like the night had even gently slid down from his forehead.

With an extremely handsome face and snow-skinned star eyes, people can't take their eyes off.

The tip of the other's nose lightly brushed against his, and he could clearly feel the warm breath brushing against his cheek.

Those dark blue eyes that reflected his shadow seemed to be filled with starlight in the sea of stars. Looking at him, they were astonishingly bright at this moment, as if they had sucked his whole body in.

"... It's okay to be close to men."

The major general said in an inaudible voice.

It was extremely low, a little hoarse, and somehow made the ears soft and numb.

The young man was still a little dazed, and suddenly, a vague touch on his lips brushed past him.

He opened his eyes suddenly—

The young major general bent over and leaned close to the boy's face and whispered this sentence, but it took less than a second.

Gone by.

As the metal door opened and closed, only the young man was left standing in the tea room with a bewildered expression.

The boy stood stupidly, pressing his fingers on his lips.

Wipe... did you wipe it? !

No! Certainly not!

Mute, whose mind was almost blank, thought as he pressed his fingers firmly on his mouth.

It seems that there is, and it seems that there is no...

It was so close just now... It seems that there is still a slight touch left on the lips...

... ... So it really happened!

The boy's head was flushed with a bang, as if it was overcooked.

The bright sun fell on him, and he stood on the green grass. A little butterfly circled around his feet and flew away. The breeze passed by, and the dense canopy shook gently and made a rustling sound.

Mutt held his red head in confusion for a long time. He was at a loss to the extreme, and felt that the whole person was panicking.

What did the major general mean—what did he mean!

What the hell does he mean by doing such a thing at a disagreement—

No, wait a minute...


... ... ...

What the hell is it that you can get close to men? ! !

Children of the Second Empire