It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 46


What the hell is Madam Major General? !

"No, that..."

Mutter felt he had to correct the name of the white ball.

"Yes, please do not hesitate to order Da Da if you have anything to do, Madam Major General!"

"No, I meant to say—don't call me that!"

The snow-white ball floated in front of Mute, and when it went up and down, the triangular eyes flashed happily.

"Then what do you like to call the major general's wife? Ma'am? Mrs. Mutter?"

"...None of them! Just call me by name!"

"Eh? No, no, no, no, no, da, da, I can't be so rude to the major general's wife~~"

"So I'm not a major general's wife!" Mutt felt like he was going crazy, "I'm just a subordinate! Just an ordinary subordinate! I'm in a superior-subordinate relationship with your major general!"

"It's not good to lie to da da~~ da da has set subordinate authority, but the major general gave you the master authority, that is to say, Madam major general, you are the second master here."

The little white ball has an expression on my face that I'm smart, you don't want to lie to me.

"Da da is very clear~~ Only the major general and the major general's wife can activate the master authority for da da!"


Listening to the major general's wife, the boy silently swallowed a mouthful of blood, and turned his head to look at the culprit who caused the current situation.

"Your Excellency, Major General... don't you want to say something?"

Troll stood aside and watched the two little things making a fuss, but he was not in a hurry. Now he saw the child turn his head to look at him, with a pair of dark pupils staring at him eagerly...

"Although this little thing is stupid."

He looked at Mutt and said.

The young man heheed twice in his heart.

Major General, I agree with you saying it is stupid, but if you say it, just say it, don't look at me and say stupid, okay

"But unexpectedly stubborn, once determined, he refuses to change."

The major general said so, raised his hand and rubbed the boy's head, then turned around and entered the room.

The cold and clear voice stayed behind.

The major general said, "Just get used to it."

Mute: "..."

I can't get used to it!

"Major General~Major General~~Major General treats you so well~~Major General never touches DaDa's head, DaDa also wants to~"

No matter how much blood vomited in Mute's heart, the little white ball continued to circle around Mute happily, looking at Mute eagerly like a puppy, as if he wanted Mute to pet its head.

"Mrs. Major General~ Da Da wants to touch my head~~"

The boy frowned instantly.

"If you call me that again, I'll tear you down!"

"Madame Major General~~ DaDa is the latest universe-level liquid brain, with the highest atomic density and the ability to withstand pressure, heat and resistance. With your arm strength, Madam Major General, even if you increase your arm strength by ten times, you can't use it on DaDa. Leave a little trace~~"


Mute continued to swallow a mouthful of old blood silently.

"Major General~~Why don't you like Da Da calling you that? Oh, Da Da understands, you are arguing with Your Majesty Major General, right? It's played like this in novels and movies~"

"..." The young man held back for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence, "Yes, we are arguing, so if you call me that again, I will break up with your major general!"

This was originally an angry remark casually said by Mute when he was angry, but who knows, the soft and stubborn white ball became very anxious when he heard this, and the whole ball quickly spun around Mute.

"Don't don't~~ Madam Major General, please don't break up with Your Excellency Major General. Your Excellency Major General likes you so much. He will be unhappy if you leave. Da Da likes Your Excellency Major General. I want him to be happy. Madam, no, Mr. Miut Walk-"

"...Don't call me that again and I won't leave."

"Okay, don't call da da, da da listen to the major general, no, Lord Mutt, don't go, Master Mutt."

The little white ball looked at Miute with a pitiful look, and those triangular eyes turned into big round eyes at some point, and there were actually simulated tears in the eye sockets, looking at Miute tearfully.


The young man who always felt like he was coaxing a child held his forehead and felt a little tired.

Having said that, Major General, you see that you are so aloof, so flirtatious and so good at acting, why is your brain so stupid and cute

The contrast is too big, okay


... ... ...

Living in Admiral Troll's residence, Mutt didn't have much trouble getting used to it, because the furnishings and style felt similar to the room in the ship.

If it wasn't for the bigger space, the several floors up and down, and the endless private garden outside the villa, he would feel as if he was still on Ishtar.

But the only thing that made him a little uncomfortable was that there were almost no people in the huge villa, except for Major General Troll, who was the only one. The entire villa and the private garden that is so spacious that it can be called the wilderness are managed by the intelligent brain called DaDa, and the robots responsible for cleaning, cleaning and other daily tasks are all non-intelligent, without thinking ability, and the whole house is terribly deserted. None of the popularity.

It is said that Major General Troll is out all the year round and rarely stays here, so most of the time only DaDa, a brain with self-thinking, stays in the room.

Mutt felt that he could suddenly understand why Da Da was so verbose. If it was him who stayed alone in such an empty room for a few years, he would also become a chatterbox talking to himself.

It's no wonder that Da Da said he likes the Major General the most, but these days he has been wandering around him... because even if it revolves around Major General Troll, as long as he speaks for less than half a minute, he will get a "shut" Mouth' order, and then flew over limply to him for comfort and a pat on the head.

However, although this huge villa is a bit deserted, Mute really likes the woods outside.

The snow-white trunks, fiery red branches and leaves, and the dense canopy overlap together, and it looks like a burning cloud at first glance, especially in the evening, when it reflects the fiery red sunset in the sky, it looks like a cluster of burning red flames .

Major General Troll seems to have been outside for the past few days and didn’t come back. He stayed at home alone, and he liked to sit under the fiery red tree, letting Da Da, who followed him every step of the way, teach him some common knowledge, The imperial language also needs to be learned. After all, it is not enough to just speak and listen. You still have to learn to write proficiently and use the virtual optical keyboard to type.

So the daily routine for the past few days is that Mute sits on the soft grass leaning on the snow-white tree trunk, and the white ball obediently shoots light from the pair of triangular eyes, forming a light curtain in front of Mute, and then da da Start teaching Mutt.

This afternoon is still a daily study, but the sun is too warm today, and Mute went to the gym on a whim at noon and ran for half a day at double gravity, and his body was a little tired.

Now he was lazily leaning against the tree trunk, sitting on the soft grass, and when he was illuminated by the warm sunshine, he suddenly felt a little sleepy, and fell asleep in a daze amidst the crisp teaching sound.

The fiery red treetops swayed gently in the breeze, and the bright sunlight shone through the branches and leaves, leaving spots of light on the boy's face.

The boy leaned against the snow-white tree trunk, tilted his head, soft black hair hanging down the corners of his eyes.

He slept soundly, with his light-colored lips parted slightly, occasionally uttering a little sleepy talk, and his fine eyelashes cast light shadows on his tender cheeks.

The round white ball was floating beside the sleeping boy, slowly circling him, thinking about it, he knew that the boy was asleep, so he stopped making noise, and stayed by his side obediently.

A few fiery red leaves fell, and one of them quietly landed on the boy's face, half covering his nose, moving with his breathing.

When Major General Troll walked in with his subordinates, this was what he saw.

The red-haired subordinate who followed behind him couldn't help laughing at the movement of the leaves on the face of the young boy under the tree.

And Da Da floated over happily when the major general entered the gate.

"Your Excellency, Major General~~ Da Dayou obeys your orders honestly, Da Dayou protects Master Miute~~"

It circled around the major general, happily claiming credit for its master.

You know, since His Excellency the major general gave him an order to protect the new owner, it has been guarding the new owner all the time.

Major General Troll hummed.

He has been outside for the past few days, leaving the child here alone.

Don't look at the small, round, and cute white ball, it is the most advanced intelligent brain in the specially customized universe.

Even though this villa doesn't seem to have any defensive facilities, the invisible particle shield can't even be damaged by the annihilating cannons of cruisers in space.

And under the cover of those beautiful scenery, there are countless cutting-edge and sophisticated offensive weapons that are also extremely powerful. Once the counterattack mode is turned on in the alert state, under the control of this white ball brain, how many people come? How many people have to stay.

Unless this planet is destroyed, this villa is absolutely impenetrable.

The red-haired major smiled and patted the white ball, which was begging the major general to touch his head for praise, but was hit by the white ball unhappily.

Robin wanted to speak to Major General Troll, but when he looked up, he saw that his boss had left him and was walking towards the boy under the tree.

He watched as his boss leaned over and picked up the child. The boy's head tilted and nestled into the major general's arms, and the red leaves covering his face also fell on the major general's chest.

The major general with a slight obsession with cleanliness didn't seem to notice the red leaf that had fallen to his chest, but he just lowered his head and squinted at the young man who was sleeping soundly on his chest.

Then, Robin watched his boss enter the house with the child in his arms.

The red-haired major couldn't help but clicked twice.

"It seems that the boss has been planted."

As he spoke, he patted the white ball beside him vigorously.

"You have a new owner to play with you, are you happy?"

Speaking of which, Major General Gao Leng's family's brain is actually out of stock, and this matter has nothing to do with Robin.

At the beginning, Troll almost always fought outside. Even if he was canonized as a major general by His Majesty the Emperor and obtained the territory of Forna Star, he seldom stayed in Forner Planet. If he is not around, someone will naturally help him arrange to build his private residence on the star leader.

At that time, because Robin was injured in a fierce battle, he couldn't fight around with the major general for the time being, so Via threw him to Verna Star to take charge of this matter.

And this brain responsible for managing the private residence on Major General Troll's star was specially customized. It is the most high-end intellectual brain in the current universe. It possesses human emotions, is loyal to its master, and has the ability to learn by itself.

Its personality is developed within one month after it is turned on. Let’s put it this way, within a month after its intelligence is turned on, no matter how others teach it, what kind of personality it will develop, just like raising a child.

And during the month when Baiqiu Zhinao developed its character, the one who was with it... was Robin.

Every time I think about it, Via regrets it.

Why did he lose his mind at the beginning and leave such a big thing as the Major General's residence to such a guy

As for the major general's reaction...

Well, the major general didn't say anything, but after coming to this villa for the first time and meeting Zhi Nao Da Da for the first time...


The next day, after practicing fighting skills with the major general, Robin, who has always been rough-skinned and thick-skinned, lay in the hospital ward with a bruised nose and swollen face for ten days without getting out of bed.

Although there are many people who are dissatisfied, the intellectual brain has been finalized, and it has been locked with the information flow of the villa, and it is impossible to change it.

"What's the matter, da da, you don't look very happy?"

Robin asked with a smile, "You don't like the new owner?"

"Da Da likes the major general's wife very much."

Because Mutt was not there, Bai Qiu continued to call Madam unceremoniously.

"But the major general's wife won't let Da Da call him the major general's wife~~ Da Da is worried that the major general's wife will leave, will you major general~~"

Before it finished a sentence, the red-haired major had already squatted on the ground laughing wildly.

Mrs. Major General - ha ha ha! lady-

Oh my god, you are so good—madam of the major general, my god, I laughed him to death!

"What should I do? Tell Da Da what to do? The major general's wife said that he had a quarrel with His Excellency Major General, and Da Da wants them to reconcile."

"That's right, that's right~~ The lifelong happiness of the BOSS is left to you to protect, da da, you have to work hard hahahahaha, oh my god, I laughed so hard hahahaha!"

"Okay! DaDa must work hard! Make them reconcile!"

Encouraged by Robin, Bai Qiu's black triangular eyes sparkled.



When Mute woke up, he found that he was no longer on the grass, but lying on the soft sofa in the middle of the lobby on the first floor.

Da da that little white ball can't move him, so only the major general can carry him back. And Da Da has been following him for the past few days, never leaving him, and now he can't see the shadow, it must be because the major general came back and it went around the major general.

Sitting up, Mutt was still in a daze.

To be honest, he seemed to be joking and joking all day as if nothing had happened these few days, but he was still a little messed up in his heart.

Not long ago, Major General Troll's gesture of brushing his lips against his lips, which he couldn't tell whether it was intentional or unintentional, made him a little confused.

He couldn't figure out what the major general meant, whether it was on purpose or if he brushed it off accidentally.

... At the beginning when he told the major general that he didn't like him, he didn't think that the arrogant major general would have any good feelings for a person who didn't like him. Moreover, the major general really liked Princess Salome!

Even just looking at their faces, they feel that they are a perfect pair standing together.

However, no matter how dull Mutt was, he also noticed that the major general treats himself differently from others.

...Rubbing his head at every turn, or hugging him back like just now, this kind of obviously intimate behavior...

Ahhh—I don't understand!

The young man clutching his head with both hands felt that he really couldn't figure out the thoughts of that cold and aloof major general who was always expressionless.

Mutt was still here in a daze, thinking about something on his mind, when suddenly a shadow fell on him.

He looked up and saw that the major general's slender body had stood in front of him at some point, looking down at him.

Those dark blue pupils looked straight at him, as if they couldn't see anything but him.

The boy suddenly panicked for no reason.

He couldn't help but wanted to speak, to cover up his panic at the moment, but before he could make a sound, the major general moved first.

The major general standing in front of the sofa bent down, knelt in front of him on one knee, pressed his hands on the sofa beside him, and wrapped him in his arms while he was sitting.

Originally he was sitting, the major general was standing, and the major general was looking down at him.

In this way, he is still sitting, but the major general is half-kneeling, and he looks down on the major general.

Under the shiny black hair like velvet, the major general's slender Danfeng eyes stared at him without blinking.

He watched the major general's lips move slightly, making a familiar cold voice.

"I like you," said the major general.

"… what?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and looked at the major general who suddenly confessed in astonishment.

Those dark blue pupils were still staring at Mutt, and Major General Troll spoke softly again.

He said, "I love you."

As he spoke, he brought his handsome face closer, wanting to kiss the boy.

Mute, who was stunned, was startled, and stretched out his hand reflexively, trying to push Major General Troll away.

But just as he raised his hand, the major general raised his hand first to hold both of his wrists, pressed against the back of the sofa, and leaned towards him with his upper body still upright.

"Wait… "

Mute instinctively hid back, but was blocked by the back of the sofa behind him, and there was no way to hide.

He struggled hard for a while, but his hands were pressed hard, and he couldn't break free. When he struggled again, the major general clenched his wrist tightly, and the fingers strangled his wrist so that it was painful. He was pinned tightly on the sofa.

There was a trace of anger in the young man's bright black eyes. He looked at the handsome face leaning towards him, and the expression on his face sank a little bit. He didn't struggle in vain anymore, and he was no longer as flustered as he was at the beginning.

He just opened his eyes and looked at the man who wanted to kiss him forcibly, with expressionless eyes and cold eyes.

Seeing that pink lips and cold lips are about to touch—

Suddenly, a hand stretched out and grabbed the major general's head, twisting it fiercely—

Under the stunned gaze of the young man, the head of the major general who was half kneeling in front of him was snapped off by that hand.

For a moment, Mute only felt that he was not well.

What kind of rhythm is this, this, this, this -? !

Everything happened so fast and so weird that he couldn't react at all. Mute just watched blankly as the major general's head that had been unscrewed was thrown off by the hand, and hit the ground heavily, turning into a puddle of silver. white liquid.

It's brutal! The brains are smashed out!

… and many more.

Silver-white liquid

Mutt's brain on strike finally started to work again. When he looked up, he saw a Major General Troll standing behind the 'Major General' squatting in front of him.

Familiar handsome eyebrows, familiar pitch-black hair, and familiar cold and terrifying eyes.

And the hand that broke the head of the 'major general' who was squatting on the ground was the hand of the major general Troll behind him.

The man lowered his head, and looked at Mute with his red phoenix eyes under the fine black hair, and the cold light in his blue eyes immediately made Mute's chest tremble.

He opened his lips to ask something, but before he could open his mouth, he saw the major general behind him raised his long legs and kicked hard, kicking the whole body of the headless 'major general' all at once. Going out, it fell to the ground with a slap, and fell into a pool of silver-white liquid.

Then, Mutt stared dumbfounded at the two pools of silver-white liquid metal slowly approaching each other and merging together as if they were alive.

The glowing silver liquid metal floated in the air, gradually turning into a white metal ball that he was all too familiar with.

Fuck! Da da!

Mutt, who was completely dumbfounded, swears in the bottom of his heart.

The white ball fluttered up and down in mid-air, a pair of black triangular eyes were completely dark, and looked at the major general who was staring at it coldly.

"Da da... da da just want to help your Excellency the major general reconcile with your husband... Master Mutt... huh."

The white ball that turned into a major general with the liquid metal simulation ability chattered.