It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 52


The blue-eyed major general sat quietly on the seat, crossed his legs, and rested his hands on the armrests.

The jet-black hair fell on the slender corners of his Danfeng eyes, and his expression was cold and clear, as if what happened just now had no effect on him.

He was still sitting quietly, turning a blind eye to the gazes cast from all directions.

The young man standing behind him with his hands behind his back had his eyes slightly bent, showing a slight smile, like a child who doesn't understand the world, that smile is a bit innocent, it looks like he has done something so ordinary But things.

There was a moment of silence in the audience hall where needles could be heard.

Then, the front suddenly brightened, and the heavy pure white curtain hanging in front of the hall slowly unfolded, and a tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

The appearance of Her Royal Highness with golden long hair like sunshine shifted everyone's attention to her. Even wearing a male noble dress did not damage her dazzling beauty, but the male noble dress set off her even more. Exquisite and tall figure.

The long flowing golden hair was scattered on the snow-white dress like a waterfall. She walked down from the front desk, her peach blossom eyes slightly curved up, condescending, looking down at everyone, extremely arrogant, a kind of arrogance that seemed to emanate from the bottom of her heart It further highlights her scorching aura that makes people unable to take their eyes off it.

Her beauty is not glamorous, but overwhelmingly proud and shining.

"Father is unwell, I will come here on behalf of Father."

The bright emerald green pupils swept across everyone's faces, said Princess Salome.

Several people looked at each other, and one of them stepped forward, bowed slightly, and then asked a question.

"I wonder how your majesty is in good health? Can you allow me to visit him once or twice?"

"You don't need to worry, Father is fine."

The queen replied calmly.

"It's just that today's interview is postponed. Please rest first, and the emperor will call you on another day."

"Understood... Your Royal Highness, then I will take my leave first, and hope that Your Majesty will recover soon."

Some people took the lead, and naturally one after another people began to leave.

Of course, many people stood still.

Princess Salome glanced over and landed on Major General Troll who had already stood up.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, she walked towards Major General Troll without hesitation. Her original cold and arrogant posture melted the moment she saw the major general. Not caring about the eyes of others looking over, he frankly showed a bright smile to Major General Troll.

Her Royal Highness is really infatuated with that handsome major general.

Seeing that the princess went straight to Major General Troll almost without anyone else around, many people couldn't help feeling so emotional, and the expressions of those young people who were infatuated with Princess Salomé all turned pale.

The queen's actions almost nakedly declared that she was different from the young major general—they were all flattering and flattering, and Her Royal Highness didn't bother to give them a good face, but the major general didn't do anything, just stood there , so that His Royal Highness can show her a beautiful smile.

This kind of differential treatment should have been a very unpleasant and unpleasant thing—but, looking at the princess and the major general standing there, it was a picturesque beauty, and one could almost see the invisible roses blooming around the two of them. generally. It's so picturesque that there's a sense that whoever steps in to spoil such a beautiful scene is unforgivable.

The young people suddenly feel embarrassed.

Mom's face is so good, isn't it


Let everyone else retreat, Princess Salome only let Major General Troll stay.

Of course, before Mir left, he did not forget to dedicate the retro earth musical instrument to Her Royal Highness, and she naturally accepted it happily. Although she didn't show up just now, particle monitors as small as dust are everywhere in the reception hall. The princess is very clear about what happened in the hall, and of course she also heard the wonderful music played by this instrument.

However, although she happily accepted Mir's gift, she didn't give Mir any special treatment. Mir could only leave like everyone else in frustration. .

No one cared about his displeasure, everyone just saw their Royal Highness smiling at Major General Troll.

The major general's expression was cold, and he couldn't see any emotion, but after the princess said a few words to him softly, he stepped forward and left here with Princess Salomé.

The backs of the two people who looked like Bi people quickly disappeared in front of everyone, and of course Mute and Robin who accompanied them could not follow, and were quickly invited out by the guards on duty in the hall.

As soon as they walked out of the reception hall, attendants came and took them to the arranged residence.

When seeing Princess Salome approaching, Mutt subconsciously smiled at her, wanting to say hello to this acquaintance.

But the princess didn't even glance at him from the corner of her eyes, and she completely treated him as if he didn't exist, let alone talking to him, she simply turned a blind eye to him from the beginning to the end.

Facing the arrogant ignoring attitude of the princess, Mutt remained silent a little embarrassingly.

Thinking about it, he is too self-righteous, even those noble children and meritorious officers of the Imperial Army are not qualified to take the initiative to speak to the princess. Isn't it a matter of course that he, a little soldier without a military rank, is ignored by the princess? what

What's more, she can be regarded as half a lifesaver, but I have lied to her, so even if I am not treated, I deserve it.

Thinking about it this way, the boy had nothing to lose, and he, who was already very nervous, didn't take this matter to heart.

It is rare to come to the capital planet of the Galactic Empire. This is said to be the most prosperous planet among all the planets. Mutt thinks that he should go out and have a look.

After getting the answer from Robin that they could move freely in the capital without restrictions, Mute couldn't wait to go out for a stroll.

Robin thought for a while, and it happened that he was also bored. The BOSS and the beautiful princess don't know how long they will talk, but they probably won't be back in a short time, so it's good to go out to pass the time, anyway, the BOSS doesn't Tell them to wait in the room obediently.

To be honest, since Mutt came to the interstellar era, he really hasn't seen the so-called bustling interstellar city.

After all, when he just woke up, his grandfather was worried that something would happen to him who didn't understand anything, so he almost kept him at home and didn't let him go out. Later, he just boarded the spaceship and left the planet. And on the major general's planet Fona, he also stayed in that villa and never went out. Therefore, Mutt still has great expectations for this most prosperous planet of mankind.

I thought that what I saw after I went out would be a three-dimensional fantasy city full of technology, just like the interstellar movies I watched on Earth before.

As a result, he was really disappointed.

There are no alloy high-rise buildings in the city, nor any light-wave pipelines, and there is no sense of three-dimensional magic technology. Instead, they are all ancient villas, small castles and other buildings.

The imperial palace located in the center of the city occupies almost one-third of this huge city. The building is built on the middle of the mountain. It is majestic and majestic. Exquisite, the arc of the shape is beautiful, it is like a huge artwork, beautiful to the extreme.

No matter who it is, it will be shocked and amazed at the first glance.

The teenager was indifferent to this.

In his time, the earth has already restored all the ancient palaces that were destroyed by wars in ancient history. Even the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the ancient city of Atlantis submerged under the sea have all been destroyed. The authenticity has been restored, and as a scenic spot, it is open to everyone in the world free of charge.

He has long been immune to this magnificent and majestic antique-style palace.

What he wants to see is the interstellar style of metal buildings soaring into the sky, light wave orbits winding the entire city like cobwebs, various spaceships and light rail cars all over the sky.

"Huh? What's so good about that? There are cities like that all over the place." Robin replied, "These royal families and nobles don't live in such an unfashionable city."

No, no, for me, that style is called compelling!

Mutt thought so expressionlessly.

"The sky above the capital is covered by huge electromagnetic waves. Once any flying facility enters, it will automatically crash due to the interference of electromagnetic waves. Oh, by the way, even weapons such as laser guns are in places like this near the palace. Not allowed to wear."

Robin spoke casually, arms folded behind his head, looking around as he walked.

Seeing something at a glance, his eyes lit up.

In the direction he was looking at, leaving the busy avenue, at the end of a winding and secluded path, an antique wooden building stood there. Dye a little enchanting and alluring color.

"Well... little guy, I have some personal matters, you should go back first."

Robin swallowed and said.


"Didn't you say that shopping is boring? Then go back."

"I'll walk a little longer."

It's rare to be able to move freely, and Mutt doesn't want to go back too early.

"Okay, try to go back as soon as possible, and if the boss comes back, please send me a message."

Robin said that his information ring has been docked with Mutt's information ring and can communicate with each other.

He laughed, waved his hands casually, then turned around and walked towards the wooden building over there.

He wasn't worried that something would happen to Mute. After all, this was the capital of the emperor, and no weapons were allowed. If you dare to make trouble here, you would be challenging the emperor's authority. No one would do such a stupid thing.

After separating from Robin, Mutt continued to wander on the road alone. There were many soldiers wearing imperial uniforms on the road, and he was not very eye-catching among them. He walked slowly, squinting and enjoying the comfort of the sun on his face.

There are quite a few small shops on the side of the road, colorful fruits he has never seen before, translucent blue eggs, branches and leaves exuding a sweet smell, which look like a lump of black charcoal but when you pinch it gently Just the drink that shattered and melted into a drinkable liquid, and many strange things he had never seen before. He stared at those things curiously for a long time, wondering if he should buy some to take back It suddenly occurred to him that he had no money on him. Although he became a soldier under Major General Troll, he didn't seem to have mentioned salary at all.

If I had known that when I separated from Robin just now, I should have borrowed some from him first.

Mutt thought so regretfully.

He was looking at something interesting that he had never seen before, when suddenly someone stood in front of him.

Mute looked up, and saw that it was the noble boy who dedicated the piano to the princess in the reception hall not long ago... Well, it seems to be Mir.

Looking at this young man and the burly imperial soldiers following him, he was a little nervous.

He just slapped this noble boy in the face in the hall, so did this person come to block him on purpose to teach him a lesson

"Your Excellency Mute Uriel, hello."

Mir gave him a gentle smile and held out a hand to him.

"… Hello."

This Mir's attitude was so different from what he had imagined, Mute was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and reached out to hold the other's hand.

"I'm here to apologize to you. I was too rude to you this morning."

Mir's attitude at the moment is extremely humble and polite, and it seems like a different person compared to the morning.

"I hope you can forgive me."

As the saying goes, if you don't reach out to hit a smiling person, no matter how bad Mutt's impression of this person is, at this moment the other party bows his head to apologize, of course he can't say anything else, he can only smile to show that he doesn't care.

"If you are free now, I hope you will give me a moment."

"No, I have something to do right now..."

"About the instrument you used, I want to talk about that."


"About the musical instrument that came from the earth, I heard the music you played this morning. I think it can shine only in your hands. Oh, yes, we have imitated more than one."


"May I take a moment of your time?"

Mill said with a smile.

The boy compromised.

He probably also guessed the reason for Mir's sudden change of attitude towards him.

This Mir must have investigated his identity and learned that he has obtained the 'SS-level' badge and has the 'SS-level' professor qualification, so he became polite to him.

His attitude of being arrogant and respectful must be asking for something from him.

The greatest possibility is to hope that he can teach them the skills and methods of playing the piano. Otherwise, they hold the imitated piano but don't know how to use it, just like guarding the door of a treasure without the key to open it.

Only by understanding how to use the piano and obtaining truly wonderful music can this musical instrument inherited from the earth play its greatest role, making the piano loved by the upper-class nobles and even the royal family, thereby enhancing the influence of their families, and popularity among the public.

Mutter felt that it would not be impossible for him to get a piano from them in exchange for teaching them a piece of music.

Since he was a child, he learned piano from his mother, who is a pianist. Under the influence of his mother, he always felt that art has no boundaries. No matter what the purpose of the Mill family is, their purpose is to improve the influence of the piano after all, so that everyone likes it and pays attention to it.

After this period of time, he has learned that because of too many wars in the interstellar world, human beings pay attention to the development of technology and weapons, so culture and art are quite poor. If arranged properly, the piano would soon flourish among the upper class of the nobility.

After thinking about it for a while, he agreed to Mir's invitation. Of course, he didn't agree to go to Mir's residence, but chose a restaurant on the street that looked quite high-end.

The double-seat box is very quiet, because it is facing the street, people can see people coming and going on the street through the bright glass, and naturally, people outside can also see the people inside the box.

Regarding the location that Mutt obviously chose to guard against himself, Mir had a good temper and seemed completely indifferent, because he didn't intend to really do anything anyway. He randomly ordered two drinks, and then asked the waiter to exit the box. The few burly imperial soldiers who followed him stood outside the box to prevent other people from approaching here.

In the quiet box, Mute took a sip of the creamy drink in front of him. It was salty and seemed to be mixed with a little alcohol. The taste was weird, but the taste was surprisingly good, so he took another sip .

"I don't know what position Your Excellency Uriel holds now?"


"Your Excellency Uriel?"

"... Uh... That." Because he was not used to hearing the surname Uriel, Mutt didn't react at first, he swallowed the drink in his mouth, and then answered, "It's just like what I said at the beginning."

At that time, he said that he was just an orderly in front of everyone, and of course it is difficult to change his words now.

"How is it possible? For a knowledgeable professor like your Excellency, Major General Troll just asked you to be a small orderly, isn't it a waste of money?"

"Well... not bad..."

"This is an insult to your Excellency."

Clearly, Mill said.

He watched the silence and stopped talking. Mutt said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency Uriel, you are too young. I am afraid that you were deceived by that major general Troll, and you are overqualified. You must know that the knowledge you possess It should allow you to get the best treatment, instead of being wronged to be a little soldier who can be called around at will."

He said, looking at Mute with eager eyes.

"I invite you to join our family in the name of the Tammy family. I can promise that we will give you the best treatment. If you have any requirements, you can ask as much as possible, and we will satisfy you as much as possible. As long as you join us , we will treat you with courtesy."

It seems that the Tal family is very greedy and shrewd. They are not satisfied with what they got from him. They want to poach him directly.

The boy sighed.

It seems that the possibility of exchanging a score for a piano from them is gone.

He really wanted one.

He sighed and stood up.

Since the goal is impossible to achieve, there is no need for him to continue talking.

"Your Excellency Uriel?"

Seeing Mute standing up, Mir's eyes darkened slightly, but he still asked gently and politely.

"Here, let me think about it first."

Seeing Mier's slightly darkened eyes, Mutt hurriedly said.

Now that he is alone and weak, he can't fight this person hard, so let's use the strategy of delaying the attack first.

He pretended to be hesitant and said: "After all, it was Your Majesty the Major General who saved me, if I just leave like this, I don't feel very good..."

"Your Excellency Uriel, I can understand your feelings, and I also appreciate your character of repaying your kindness, but if you want to repay your kindness, you can't take your next life into it. As long as you promise, we will give Major General Troll enough Benefit, how about helping you repay his kindness?"

Seeing Mute's hesitation, Mier felt that Mute's heart was moved, so he hurried to pursue the victory.

" let me think about it."

Mutter continued to pretend to be indecisive, but his appearance made Mier relax a little more.

After all, it is much easier to deal with indecisive people than to deal with resolute and decisive people, so he relaxed again, smiled and continued to talk to Mutt.

"Please don't worry, I'm very sincere, you can wait as long as you want, I will be waiting for you at any time, and no matter when you come over, the promise I just made to you is still valid."

Miu Te nodded, then got up and opened the door of the box.

As soon as the door was opened, the people standing at the door gathered around and blocked the door. Mutt looked back at Mir, Mir smiled and raised his hand to make a gesture, and those people moved out of the way.

The boy had already started to feel dizzy, probably because of the drink he drank just now, because the taste of alcohol was very weak, he thought it would be okay to drink a little, but who knew that now that the stamina was picking up, his consciousness became a little dazed.

He shook his head vigorously and walked slowly towards the door.

Miller's voice came from behind.

"Your Excellency Uriel? Are you okay? Do you need me to take you back?"

"No need..." Trying to regain consciousness, Mutt quickly replied, "If you send me back, it will be terrible if the major general sees you."

"Well, you're right."

Mill nodded, not forgetting to discredit Troll.

"After all, Major General Troll has a bad temper, is extremely arrogant, and is very self-righteous. I'm afraid he will treat you very badly."

It's a pity that Mill's attempt to smear Major General Troll was in vain. Mutt's mind was so dizzy that he didn't hear what Mill said.

He walked out of the restaurant door in a daze, and the wind outside made him a little more awake.

After identifying the road, Mutt walked down the steps, intending to walk back along the way he came.

Because he refused Mir to send him back, Mir couldn't follow him, for fear of making him unhappy, so he just sat here and finished the glass of wine first.

With a satisfied smile, the noble boy sat calmly in the box. Through the bright glass window, he drank slowly while watching the young professor who had been impressed by him walk down the steps of the restaurant.

He probably felt that the professor was already tempted, and it would be a matter of time before he took refuge in him. With a smile on his face, he was thinking about the reward he would receive for bringing this precious professor back to his family.

But in the next second, the smile suddenly froze at the corner of his mouth.

Someone suddenly jumped in front of the young man who had just walked down the steps, and waved his hand high.

The sharp table knife in his hand swept across an arc in the sun, flashed a cold light, and stabbed heavily into the unsuspecting young man's body.

The blood-stained knife was pulled out abruptly.

The blood sprayed from the boy's chest splashed the man's ferocious face with blood—

It was as if Mir stood up abruptly, his expression changed drastically, and he fell to the ground with a bang, splashing the bright red of the wine all over the place—

"Hahahaha! It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

The young man who pierced the boy's chest with a knife laughed like crazy, his face twisted to the point of horror.

"If it wasn't for you—if it wasn't for you! I would be the most eye-catching person in that exam! I would be the genius praised by everyone! I would definitely be the best!"

"You've ruined it all! You've ruined it all—so die! Die! Die! I'm the only genius!"

The ferocious young man seemed to be screaming with all his strength, and the veins on his forehead were bulging.

He raised the sharp table knife high in his hand, and stabbed fiercely at the boy who was lying in a pool of blood at his feet again.