It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 57


After staying on the Emperor Star for more than ten days, the emperor who Mutt was a little curious about has been lying in bed and never appeared. Princess Salome summoned all the people who came to report on her duties on behalf of her father, and conveyed the order from His Majesty the Emperor to everyone. The command.

Everyone left one by one, and Major General Troll, who remained at the end, was sent to the Guna galaxy to fight against the rebellion.

The Guna galaxy is an extremely remote galaxy. The living conditions of several planets there are extremely difficult, so the population is not large, and people don't pay much attention to it. However, taxes must be paid every three years.

To pay taxes once every three years, the royal family will send nearly a hundred tax officials to various galaxies to supervise and inspect the tax payment situation, and this time the tax officials sent to this route arrived in the Guna galaxy shortly after the people of the Guna galaxy suddenly rebelled, Killed the tax collector and declared that he no longer recognized the rule of the royal family.

Although the tax collector was not a high-ranking officer, he was sent out to represent the royal family. Now that he was killed by someone from such a remote and backward galaxy, the emperor of the empire was of course furious.

This time he was bedridden, and it is said that it was also caused by his urgency.

Therefore, this time, all the people who came to report their work were interviewed by Princess Salome instead of the emperor, but only Major General Troll was personally interviewed by the sick emperor, who angrily entrusted the task of countering the rebellion to He appointed Major General Troll and ordered him to eliminate the Guna Galaxy within 15 days, and promised him that if he could return triumphantly within 15 days, he would be promoted to Lieutenant General based on this achievement.

The major general who took over the emperor's order naturally planned to set off immediately on the same day, but the moment before he was about to board the landing ship, the queen's attendants came to convey the queen's order, saying that Major General Troll came to see her before departure, and there was a day. There are two things to explain.

Major General Troll initially planned to let Mutt wait on the landing ship, and he went there alone, but Mutt was very happy to get the piano and wanted to see Caesar again, so he wanted to go with him.

Major Robin said that his boss is almost unprincipled connivance to someone.

Basically, as long as a little guy opened his mouth, his boss almost never refused.

So this time, when Mutt opened his mouth, although the major general frowned slightly and seemed a little reluctant, he still took him with him.

Mutt originally thought he was going to the palace, but he found that the maglev was traveling in a direction outside the royal city.

Major General Troll was very calm. He knew that there was a secluded courtyard in that direction. The princess had invited him several times, especially in the current climate. The courtyard must be surrounded by a sea of flowers at the moment. It was the time when the princess liked to stay there the most.

As soon as he got off the maglev, Mutter was shocked.

As far as the eye can see, there is a sea of flowers, all kinds of flowers cover this exquisite courtyard.

Even the walls of the house are painted with flower vines, outlining a natural and fresh pattern. When you walk in, you can see the wisterias on both sides hanging down, forming a green corridor with some traces of light purple. The small flowers on the vines sway gently with the wind, sending a light fragrance.

Coupled with the huge trees covering the surroundings of the other courtyard, it gives people a feeling like the residence of elves.

Sure enough, even a princess is still a girl after all.

Mutt was so emotional.

The girl's heart that is about to overflow is just like these delicate flowers.

Just as he was thinking about it, he looked up and saw the princess sitting among the flowers.

Princess Salome is wearing a pure white tulle dress at the moment, her long golden hair like a waterfall is casually tied with a light blue ribbon, and scattered on the wooden chair with railings as smooth as white jade, the front of the dress is short and the back is short. Long, with white gauze scattered on the flowers at the back, and two long white legs in front sticking to the petals.

She smiled brightly at Major General Troll, then got up and walked.

She walked lightly among the sea of blooming flowers, her smiling eyes were like peach blossoms, her eyebrows were exquisite, and her white gauze was light, she really looked like an elf among flowers walking out of the delicate petals.

The beauty in the flower made Miute unable to look away for a while.

But before he had time to take a closer look, Major General Troll had already stepped forward.

Because the flower path is not wide at all, once the major general walked to the front and greeted Princess Salome, he blocked most of Mutt's sight.

The princess, who was walking towards Major General Troll lightly and gracefully, paused. She was a little surprised when she saw the major general walking towards him on his own initiative.

Because she had known him for so long, she had never seen this person approach her actively.

She didn't think it was her beauty that shocked Major General Troll. After all, it was not the first time that this man met her in such a situation. There were times when she was even more beautifully dressed than now. I have never seen this iceberg respond in the slightest.

Today actually...

Princess Salome looked back over the shoulder of the major general who was walking towards her, and then saw the little guy who was blocked by the figure of the major general.

She raised her eyebrows, thinking she understood.

To be honest, since she has known Major General Troll for so long, she has hardly seen his emotions.

As a human being, he lacks human emotion even more than ordinary brains or even robots.

However, in just over a month, she saw more human emotions from him than she had seen in all these decades combined.

Well, how should I put it, sometimes it is quite enjoyable to watch.

To be honest, she didn't care much about Major General Troll's indifference and indifference to her.

After all, she likes Major General Troll very much, she really likes it, but the Major General's temper really gives her a headache, his cold appearance is not as human as the robot brain. However, even if she is sometimes a little angry by the major general's behavior that doesn't show any face at all, as long as she looks at that handsome face, she will lose all anger.

It's like the flowers she grows here. Some delicate flowers have thorns, but even if she is pricked and bleeds, she can't get angry when she looks at the beautiful flowers.

After all, she likes it.

After she becomes an empress, she naturally chooses a partner that she likes, makes her happy, makes her pleasing to the eye—in short, it must make her feel happy.

As for the princess in the little guy's story giving everything or being reckless for the one she one in the royal family would act so stupidly and recklessly.

So, she doesn't care whether the major general likes her or not, but she is quite happy to see the major general who always treats her coldly and makes her suffer from that little guy.

A group of people entered the house. The courtyard was very large, and the temperature in the room was slightly higher, but because half of the ground was covered with clear pools and surrounded by small streams and waterfalls, it didn't feel stuffy. On the surface of the pool, light blue water lily-like flowers fluctuated slightly with the clear water.

The roof is entwined with green vines, and several small people with transparent wings that look like fairy goblins in the legend are flying around, tending to the flower vines in the house.

It was a small robot specially used to take care of plants. This kind of goblin-like shape was very popular among noble women.

Princess Salomé and Major General Troll sat by the pool, drinking tea and talking while Major General Troll stopped after taking a few sips, and the princess recruited another attendant to refill a cup for herself. Then, she With a wave of his hand, those young and handsome servants all quietly stood back in the corner, waiting for the master's call at any time.

Regarding the rebellious Guna galaxy, the royal family has some information in private, of course it cannot be made public, but Salome doesn't mind telling Major General Troll in private to show her favor to him.

After talking for a while, the princess smiled when she looked up and saw the young man wandering around the room, as if he was looking for something.

"Caesar is not here."

"He's a bit allergic to pollen, I never bring him here," she said.

"Is that so..."

Mute was a little disappointed, and walked back obediently.

"By the way, thank you for that steel... that musical instrument."

"Huh? ~ How can you thank me?"

The princess raised her eyebrows and said with a smile. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the slightly pursed lips of the handsome major general who had been expressionless and cold when she was talking to her, and her mood suddenly improved a little.

"Oh, by the way, Major General Troll, I have one more thing for you, wait here."

As she spoke, she gestured to the attendants in the corner to serve some refreshments, then got up and walked to a side room on the left.

Because he couldn't see Caesar, Mutt was exhausted, and even the refreshments that were presented couldn't arouse his interest, so he lay down on the table listlessly.

Major General Troll glanced at him from the side, saw the dark, fluffy head resting in his hand, and rubbed it.

Mute, who was already used to having his head touched, didn't pay much attention and just looked ahead.

Probably because it was time for watering, a slender silver-white metal wire emerged from the air and sprinkled thin water on the green vines wrapped around the walls and roof. The soft vine leaves were soaked by water vapor It became more and more lush.

Mute looked interesting, so he stared at it for a while, but after half a minute of watching, he was shocked to find that the sprinkled silver wire was coming towards him.

Soon the silver thread reached the top of his head, and the thin water sprinkled down, but it didn't wet him, because the water vapor was too thin, at most, it formed a layer of water mist here, making the air much more humid.

And even if it was water mist, it quickly dissipated as the silver thread left.

The young man took his gaze away from the departing silver thread, and when he turned his head, he was suddenly taken aback.

The major general who had been sitting peacefully next to him fell down on the table at some point, his slender eyelashes cast deep shadows on his snow-white skin, looking as if he was in a deep sleep.

Mute subconsciously reached out and pushed in surprise, but the major general showed no sign of waking up. He looked up and wanted to ask someone, but found that there was no one else in the room.

He felt something was wrong now, and suddenly remembered what the princess said just now, which seemed to have some deep meaning.

The princess said just now that she had something to give to the major general.

Specially invite the major general here before the major general leaves...

Dressed up specially to be as beautiful as an elf in a flower...

They didn’t even bring Caesar here…

And, specially let those attendants who only obey her orders leave quietly at this time...

The boy became horrified for a moment.

Could it be that the princess is thinking—the overlord is going to force his bow? !

This princess can definitely do such a thing!

Mute felt that the princess could not be allowed to act like this.

He is now the major general's subordinate anyway, and he has the responsibility to protect the major general's virginity... Oh, no, he has the responsibility to protect the major general.

It's better for him to persuade the princess to let her give up this idea.

Thinking of this, he got up and went to the side room where the princess had just been. As soon as he entered the room, he felt that the air in this room was also extremely humid, just like the feeling when the silver thread sprayed water mist on his head.

Looking at it again, the boy was suddenly dumbfounded.

He saw that Princess Salome fell sideways on the ground, her blonde hair covered most of her face, and a delicate ship-shaped silver-blue gemstone pectoral fell to the ground beside her hand.

And there were two maids who fell at the door, not far in front of him.

This is wrong, the princess wants... What's the matter, major general, it's impossible to faint yourself

The confused Mute felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously ran out again.

It suddenly occurred to him that he didn't see those attendants when he glanced just now, probably not because they went out, but because they also passed out and fell to the ground. He didn't see them because they were stopped because of the dense green vines in the water hall.

So is this accident aimed at the princess, or—

When he ran into the water hall, his heart skipped a beat.

A man who looked like a servant was standing there, moving the unconscious Major General Troll to a small maglev vehicle that drove into the house at some unknown time.

Almost subconsciously, Mutt reached out to touch the laser gun tied around his waist.

But after touching it, he was in vain, and then he remembered that because he was not allowed to bring weapons into the royal city, he didn't bring a gun at all, and I'm afraid Major General Troll didn't have it either.

The man over there was also surprised when he saw Mutt appear. He thought everyone was unconscious, but he didn't expect that there was another fish that slipped through the net.

He winked, and one of the maids who were lying quietly on the ground suddenly got up and came forward quickly, hitting the back of Mutt's neck hard with an elbow.

My eyes went dark, and Mute fell to the ground.

In a trance, he vaguely heard the two talking.

"kill him?"

"No." A female voice said, "There is no time. Take him and Major General Troll away."


The male voice seemed to smack his lips in displeasure.

Then he seemed to be picked up by someone, and he was roughly thrown into the maglev vehicle. The cold and hard steel hit his head hard, making him completely unconscious all of a sudden.



In a distant galaxy, on a beautiful planet that seems to be wrapped in the tulle of two celestial maidens, the old man who is the ruler of the planet received a message from a secret spy.

[The prey has been captured.]