It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 66


The silver-white room is very quiet, the door is open, and the living room outside is also empty. The brain automatically adjusts the temperature in such a large room to the most suitable temperature for falling asleep.

The young man was lying sideways on the soft bed, his jet-black hair was scattered beside the pillow, his sleeping face looked very peaceful, and only his breathing sounded softly and shallowly in the silent bedroom.

His right hand rested on the side of the bed, hanging down, the silver-blue metal ring refracted the soft light, making the skin on his wrist a little whiter than other places.

The silver-blue metal ring was quietly put on his wrist, but suddenly, a rather sharp thorn protruded from the smooth inner surface, and it stuck on his wrist.

The sudden tingling sensation woke up Mutt, who had been sleeping deeply due to exhaustion. He propped up his upper body with his hands, blinked his dazed eyes, and slowly became sober.

Mute looked around for a week, making sure he was the only one left in the room.

It worked.

he thinks.

He didn't think he could pretend to be asleep under that person's nose, so he just fell asleep. Anyway, he was already very tired these days because of his high mental tension.

When cleaning in the bathroom not long ago, he set one thing for the information ring - "There is no one else within 50 meters around". After this situation lasted for 15 minutes, use the most effective Way to wake yourself up.

If there is no problem with the setting, then that person should have left the room and headed to the meeting hall. If that person wants to discuss with Robinvia and the others about the conquest of the Guna galaxy, then he can at least have more than half an hour.

Mutt stretched out his hand, and the silver-blue metal ring automatically grew larger, slipped off his wrist, and landed on the snow-white soft bed.

The boy quickly climbed down from the bed, his face that was relaxed and calm not long ago has become highly tense at this moment. He quickly ran out of the room, opened the storage cabinet in the corner of the hall, and quickly glanced at it. He didn't find the glass bottle of elemental liquid that the major general often drinks. , into the bosom.

He still doesn't know exactly when that person switched bags with the major general, but if counting from the day he fell to that planet, it would be five or six days... If the major general didn't replenish any food during this time With water...

Mutt shook his head vigorously, shook off the bad thoughts in his head, then turned around and ran into the gym. There were not only fitness equipment, but also various new weapons. Major General Troll would also be here sometimes. Training in weapon use and disassembly.

He hesitated for a moment, and took the simplest laser gun, the only one he knew how to use, because he was wearing short-sleeved casual clothes, unlike the military uniform, which had a leather holster around his waist to fix the gun, and now he didn’t have time to change into the military uniform, so he simply dropped the gun The holster was strapped to his thigh, and he turned and took another laser sword.

At this time, the boy was very grateful that Troll had the privileged status as a major general.

It stands to reason that there are many small ships on the Ishtar ship, which can be piloted to fly back to the planet. However, those ships are all recorded and closely monitored. If you want to drive and leave the ship, you must obtain the permission of your superiors. Even if you secretly drive a small ship to leave Ishtar, you will be discovered by the monitoring department immediately.

However, as the master of Ishtar, as the major general with the highest authority, there is a teleportation device in his room leading to the location of his private small spaceship, and going to that place from here will not be monitored by anyone. Moreover, that small spaceship itself is a spaceship with extremely high performance in the current universe. At the same time, it also has a stealth function. According to the authority setting, the monitoring department on Ishtar cannot monitor it.

The silver-blue bracelet allowed this room to open some permissions to Mutt, and entering and driving this small spaceship through the teleportation device was also one of the permissions.

It was for this reason that he was going to sleep here.

After successfully flying the small spaceship away from Ishtar, Mutt heaved a sigh of relief after setting the landing location and handing it over to Zhinao to drive.

Fortunately, this planet is not surrounded by a layer of gravel curtain like Mia Star, which requires superb driving skills to enter, otherwise, I'm afraid he can only stare blankly.

He sat in the driver's seat, nervously watching Ishtar who was gradually moving away from him through the side window, and he was not relieved until the spaceship got farther and farther away from the huge flagship, almost invisible.

Every second must be raced.

he thinks.

He knew how terrifying that person was, and he was no less powerful than the real Major General Troll, no matter how he looked at it.

It was a blessing to be able to deceive that person for a while, he didn't expect to be able to hide it from that person for too long, but he had to rescue the major general before that person could react.

That person pretended too much. At first, he really thought it was Major General Troll who had lost his memory. He just felt that a pot of dog blood was poured on his head like this—the TV series on the earth used to act like this and quickly became a routine. Okay, bad review!

However, just when he bit the bullet and planned to protect the major general who lost his memory with his own strength, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

Although the major general after amnesia is still very kind to him... He can't explain why, no matter where he looks, he is a major general, and the eyes that sometimes look blankly at the void are indeed only people with amnesia The expression that can only be revealed, but... He just has an indescribable feeling of awkwardness.

No, not awkward.

is strange.

One day he finally realized this.

Why do you feel strange

Obviously due to the frequent mental attunement, he has even reached the point where he can fall asleep in that familiar embrace... Even if he lost his memory, he shouldn't feel that this person is strange.

So when he first realized this, the boy was a little confused, and he even wondered if his brain was damaged by the impact of the sound waves.

Only in an unexpected incident, in a split second, the head that was snapped off by the outstretched hand suddenly emerged from his memory.

At that moment, my mind seemed to be broken, and it went blank for a moment.

In the next second, he saw the face in front of him. It was handsome, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes. It was an all-too-familiar face, but the moment it caught his eyes, it made him shudder.

He suddenly figured it out.

He felt strange because he was a stranger.

Because he is not a major general at all, it makes him feel that something is wrong.

If this person who looks exactly like the major general is not a major general, then where is the real major general

The boy began to think carefully.

Then, he was horrified to find that during the past few days, it seemed that he was leading, but he was always secretly guided by that person unconsciously.

In other words, it wasn't his luck that he found the ruined city by mistake, but that person deliberately guided him to discover the ruined city.

The planet's magnetic field is very strange, and the signal cannot be received in the forest. However, after entering the ruined underground research institute, he quickly got in touch with Robin and the others.

Therefore, that person's purpose is already ready to come out.

That man wanted to replace the real Major General Troll.

After realizing that person's purpose, Mutt felt his scalp go numb for a moment.

But even if he knew the truth, he still couldn't expose that person, so he could only pretend that he didn't find anything and continue acting with that person.

You know, with his force value... Forget it, he doesn't have such a thing as force value.

With that person's strength, let alone one hand, it is estimated that one finger can crush him to death.

So he still pretended not to know anything, but secretly turned on the recording function of the information ring, and recorded the actions of that person after he fell asleep. After realizing that it might be the location of the real Major General Troll, he didn't dare to act rashly.

When seeing Robin, Mute thought about whether to tell the truth and let Robin and others join hands to catch the impostor, but when he thought about the terrifying skill of this "major general" to kill those monsters cleanly... Mute still He kept silent, and even took the initiative to board the ship with this 'major general'.

He can't take any chances.

Major General Troll is in the hands of this person. He is not sure whether this person will kill the imprisoned major general in a fit of anger if his identity is exposed, so he can only continue to pretend that he knows nothing , managed to get out of this person's sight, and then hurried back to the planet as soon as possible.

Perhaps that person had already discovered that he was acting.

Maybe that person deliberately let him leave Ishtar, so that no one can reveal the identity of that person in the future.

Maybe there is still some danger waiting for him on that planet.

Perhaps after returning to that planet, not only could he not find the major general, but he would also be trapped there forever.


Maybe the young man never thought about these things, and he didn't have time to think about them.

He just thought of himself when he just woke up. At that time, in this strange interstellar age, facing strange relatives, he was alone.

After tens of thousands of years, it seems that everyone left him, and he was left here alone.

He doesn't like that feeling.

He thought that Major General Troll would not like to be left alone either.

Therefore, he did not consider any consequences and dangers.

So, he just did what he wanted to do.


Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Mute was still taken aback when he actually saw the imprisoned major general.

For a long time, since he met the major general, Troll has always been an unattainable and unbelievably strong existence in his heart, so he never thought that the major general would have such a embarrassing moment.

The man who always gave people a dignified and cold and arrogant posture sat on the ground, his dark hair that had lost some luster was messy scattered around the corners of his eyes.

The skin is pale without luster and blood, even facing the light, it gives people a dull feeling.

Those lips were terribly dry, like cracked ground, full of bloody holes.

Silver-white chains locked his hands and feet, tied his body, and imprisoned this man who was supposed to travel the stars and seas in this small and cold cell.

Unable to explain why, Mute suddenly felt distressed.

Maybe it's because I'm used to seeing this man's aloof and arrogant attitude, and seeing his awe-inspiring appearance when he is all-powerful, suddenly seeing the man's appearance at this moment, I just...

It felt like a delicate and smooth white porcelain bottle was smashed into soot, like seeing a lion that should have been running freely on the prairie was chained and locked in a cage.

The feeling of something beautiful being broken made him feel unspeakably sad.

After regaining his composure, Mutt hurriedly took out the nutrient solution, tore it open and sent it to Major General Troll's mouth.

Holding the nutrition bag in both hands, he looked at the major general's face without blinking, feeling extremely worried.

When he saw that the major general did not swallow the nutrient solution, he became even more nervous. It would be fine if he could swallow things by himself, but he was afraid that the major general would not even be able to swallow the liquid by himself now.

Mutt was concerned about the physical condition of Major General Troll, but he didn't notice that the major general suddenly reached out and pressed his neck.

The terribly cold finger made the back of his neck suddenly chill, and before he could react, the finger pressed hard.

His head was pressed down forcefully by the major general.

He opened his eyes wide, watching the slightly dull but still soft jet-black forehead hair passing by the tip of his nose, watching the slightly haggard but still extremely handsome face approaching.

The major general's lips pressed heavily against his lips, a rough touch came, and he could even clearly feel the slight tingling sensation from the cracks rubbing against his lips.

He opened his eyes blankly, and could clearly see the slender eyelashes that were half-closed and drooping on the handsome face that was terrifyingly close.

The shadow of the drooping eyelashes fell on his cheeks, and the metal chains clashed crisply. In the next second, he felt a hand wrapping around his waist, wrapping his whole body into a familiar embrace. middle.

Mutt grabbed the nutrient solution on his right hand vigorously, and seeing some of the liquid leaked down, he was a little panicked.

"That... um... battalion... um..."

He opened his mouth and tried to speak, for fear that the only bag of nutrient solution he brought would be accidentally spilled.

However, Major General Troll, who was supposed to be most thirsty for nutrient supplementation, seemed not to hear it at all, and he didn't care at all. The hand clasped around his waist became more and more forceful, almost embedding him in his arms.

The boy was already short of breath due to the strenuous activity not long ago, and now his mouth was blocked by the major general, and his breathing became even more difficult. He tried to turn his head to hide, but he struggled a bit, and the hand that pressed him became more forceful. Clasp the back of his head so he can't move.

The right hand moved involuntarily, and a little more liquid was spilled out. Mutt looked at the liquid dripping on the ground from the corner of his eyes, and grasped the bag tightly.

He is not in a hurry, why should I help him

Mutt grabbed the bag of nutrient solution and couldn't help but think about it. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable, so he wanted to leave the bag alone and struggled to open it.

But he just moved, and suddenly a blood-specific rusty smell seeped in. Mute was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was the blood seeping from the dry cut on the major general's lip, and the blood had seeped into him. mouth.

As soon as he felt the blood and thought of seeing the major general sitting quietly on the ground just now, the young man suddenly softened his heart.

However, at the moment when his heart softened, when he opened his lips in a daze, the other party took advantage of the opening, and a soft thing that did not belong to his body penetrated from his slightly parted lips.

Almost at the same moment when he penetrated, the soft thing unceremoniously wrapped around the tip of his tongue.

——When Mutt, who was a little confused, realized what the soft object that stuck into his mouth and wrapped around his tongue was, his whole body was in Sparta for an instant.

He swears that in the sixteen years of his life, or tens of thousands of years now, he never thought that he would actually be entangled with a man to such an extent.

No matter how handsome or handsome that man is!

The boy tried hard to retract his tongue and escape from the other party's entanglement, but his clumsy escape seemed more like a tease to the other party.

If at first the major general's kiss was gentle enough to accommodate him, then in the next second, the kiss became unceremoniously rough.

As greedy as wanting to swallow him whole because of extreme hunger and thirst, Mute felt as if the oxygen in his mouth had been taken away by the other party's invasion.

The boy's face turned red quickly.

The mouth is full of faint blood, and the lips already have a slight tingling sensation from being licked and bitten too much. It is not enough to breathe only through the nose, but the lips are tightly blocked and cannot absorb any oxygen.

Excessive hypoxia had blurred his vision, he looked vaguely at the nutrient solution bag he was holding tightly in his hand, and in a rage, bit down hard.

The tongue that had been raging in his mouth for a long time suffered from his bite, and finally retracted to its owner.

The black-haired major general looked at him and pursed his lips lightly. His lips were stained with blood.

The dark blue pupils stared at him, no matter how you looked at them, they seemed a little aggrieved.

You are wronged!

It was Lao Tzu who was kissed by force!

Mute, who was not deceived by the appearance of the major general, still glared at Troll, and then slapped the nutrient solution on that handsome face vigorously.

"Drink it!"

The boy who came to save people with good intentions but was eaten tofu and took advantage of it and lost his first kiss said that now he has not only small emotions but also big emotions!


... ... ...

"Who is that guy? Do you know him?"


"Then... then when did he exchange with you?"

"When the rescue capsule is opened."

"Impossible! I've been guarding you since the hatch opened—"

Mutt's voice disappeared in the middle of his words, and he suddenly remembered that at that time, although he was indeed guarding the cabin door, he fell asleep halfway through.

And when he woke up, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was the 'major general' who had lost his memory.

He hesitated, then asked in a low voice.

"At that time, were you awake?"


Major General Troll still did not answer this question.

He just turned around and held out his hand to Mutt.

Mute held his hand and jumped down from a high place under the strong support of his hand.

They had already left the underground cell and returned to the abandoned research institute. Major General Troll did not leave immediately. Mutt sat aside, watching the major general tap the still usable virtual keyboard at a very fast speed, Then, one piece after another, light curtains quickly appeared in different places in the hall of the institute, almost covering the entire air of the hall.

The incomprehensible data characters swiped the screen at a speed that dazzled Mutt. All the light curtains had no images, only countless characters. After a rough glance, he lowered his head in disinterest, and obediently waited aside.

Major General Troll seemed to want to find out something from the remaining information, but until the light curtains closed with a bang and there was no more movement, the major general's brows were tightly furrowed, and it seemed that he hadn't found out about himself. want something.

He looked around the abandoned research institute coldly, with a chilling coldness in his eyes.

The shadow shrouded half of his cheeks, as if permeating into his flesh and blood, making his whole body surrounded by an indescribably gloomy and cold aura. His eyes slowly scanned everything around him, his eyes seemed to be able to tear apart the place where he had lived for more than ten years.

When this shocking gaze came to Mute, who was quietly sitting aside and waiting for him, the almost substantive coldness and hostility in the depths of his eyes dissipated slightly.

The young man was sitting on a high platform, wearing a simple and refreshing short-sleeved casual dress, with his hands propped by his side, because the pants were very short, his two slender legs were exposed to the air, his young skin was glowing with soft light, and his calves were hanging in the air, Shaking once and for all, it seemed a bit boring to wait. When he noticed Troll's gaze, the boy raised his head to look at him, and cast him an innocent questioning look.

Troll looked at the child's clear black eyes, and his gaze eased little by little.

"Go." He said, "Go back."

Mutt, who was waiting a little bit bored, jumped off the high platform where he was sitting when he heard this.

He didn't want to stay in this uncomfortable underground research institute for a long time, and he was worried that the small spaceship placed on the ground would be discovered by others, so when Major General Troll said this, he almost couldn't wait to move towards Run to the exit of the Ruin Research Institute.

As soon as he ran to the door, he suddenly remembered something, stood at the door and turned around to look at Troll, opening his mouth as if to speak.

However, he just opened his mouth, and before he could make a sound, a hand suddenly stretched out from the darkness behind the abandoned door behind him—

The mouth of the boy who opened his lips just now was covered by that hand—

Mutt was dragged by that hand into the darkness behind the abandoned gate—

Everything happened so fast, almost in a blink of an eye.

Mutt was dragged into the darkness, it was obviously a slight flash of white light belonging to the transmission device, and he disappeared into the darkness with the person who dragged him into the darkness.

Major General Troll, who was tens of meters away, was too late to save him.

At the moment when the faint light flickered, the face of the man who dragged Mutt away looked at Troll with a glimmer of light in the darkness.

The face is exactly the same as that of Troll, and the dark blue eyes that gave Troll a cold look before disappearing.