It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 67


Seeing the child being taken away from his eyes and disappearing into the darkness, Major General Troll's pupils contracted forcefully.

His gaze turned cold in an instant. Standing at the door of the abandoned research institute, he stared expressionlessly at the place where the two disappeared, and an indescribably terrifying aura overflowed from his body.

He turned around, took two steps back, stretched out his left hand, and tore off a piece of metal from an instrument abruptly.

Major General Troll raised his right hand.

There is still a shallow mark on the palm of his right hand, which is the mark left by cutting the palm with a sharp weapon not long ago. The wound has healed, but the mark has not yet disappeared.

The major general stared at the mark, and with a wave of his left hand, the thin metal sheet that had just been forcibly torn off by him cut open the scar that had just healed—

The cut was so deep that the white bones could almost be seen through the flesh and blood.

Troll didn't stop, and the thin metal piece pushed hard, and a small thing was dug out from the side of the hand bone by it.

The nano-metal particle the size of a rice grain fell on Troll's left palm, bloody, and stained his palm with blood. Then, the bone-white nano-metal particle flew up, suspended in mid-air, and emitted shimmer.

"Didn't stop it?"

The major general stared at the metal particle suspended in mid-air, and spoke in a cold tone.

"Sorry, Troll."

A thick male voice came out from the bone-white metal grain.

"Interception failed."

The slender Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, and the major general's eyes were even more cold.

"All landed."

He gave the order.


The next second after Major General Troll gave the order, the dozens of battleships hidden around the planet immediately released their stealth function and ended their dormant state.

Battleships roared towards the planet, passed through the atmosphere one after another, and flew towards the location of the ruins.

When the major general returned to the ruined city on the ground, the first battleship had landed with a crash.

The hatch opened, and a man in a pitch-black combat uniform jumped out. This man was slightly shorter than Lore, but stronger in stature, with brown hair tied in a bunch behind his head.

I couldn't see his face, because most of it was covered by a silver-black metal mask, and only the lips under the mask could be seen, with sharp edges and corners, and the lines of the face were quite rigid.

"Sorry, Troll, let that guy go."

He walked up to Major General Troll and spoke, but he did not use honorific titles in his address.

After all, after decades of acquaintance, it has become a habit to call people like this, and it would be awkward to add an honorific title now, and Troll doesn't seem to care about it.

Anyway, as a lurker in the dark, he usually would not show up in front of people other than Major General Troll, and his shout would not be heard by others.

"what happened?"

"That guy's ability to pilot a battleship is too good. I'm afraid it's no worse than you. Even a dozen of our warships couldn't stop him, and two were shot down. Finally, he broke through and entered the planet."

The brown-haired man wearing a mask replied, "I didn't get your order, and I can't chase it into the planet's atmosphere without authorization."

"... Immediately search for all the teleportation devices in the ruins, and analyze the location of the teleportation."


While the two were talking, warships one after another had fallen from the sky and landed in the ruined city.

The hatches of battleships opened, and people wearing the same black combat uniforms as the brown-haired man jumped out of them and assembled in front of the two of them.

They belonged to Major General Troll, but the identity information of all of them belonged to the list of 'dead in action' in the intellectual brain records of the imperial army.

They all used to be the elite of the imperial army, but now they are all 'dead', and now they will only obey the orders of one person.

When the brown-haired man conveyed Major General Troll's order, those people moved quickly.

"Troll, you've done enough to risk yourself this time." The brown-haired man said, "I know this is an opportunity to pursue the truth, but you don't have to work so hard."

When he said this, he looked at Troll beside him still with a calm expression, without saying a word, he could only sigh secretly, and said no more.

Since that incident, he has also become reticent, but when he met Troll, he couldn't help but talk more. Speaking so much now is also to persuade Troll not to do such dangerous things again.

Although he also knew that his persuasion would basically not work.

How persistent Troll is in pursuing the truth of the past, he knows it best after knowing Troll for decades.

The first time I met Troll was when he was sent to help deal with the crash of the spaceship when he had just joined the army.

Almost all the people on the spaceship that crashed on the ground died, except for a young man who was the only survivor, and he was assigned by his boss to send the young man to the hospital. And the young man's identity was unknown, and he didn't have any property on him, so he naturally emptied his pockets to cover the medical expenses.

When they met for the second time, he was taken aback.

During the day, he was only focused on sending the dusty, comatose young man to the hospital, but he didn't pay attention to what this person looked like, but looking at him now, he was quite shocked.

This young man is also really good-looking.

He looked at the young nurse girls who surrounded the ward and found all kinds of excuses and refused to leave, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion in this face-seeking world.

"I owe you a favor."

The young man with a handsome face and a cold expression sat on the hospital bed, looked at him and said.

He laughed out loud at the time.

"Ow me a favor?" He glanced at the young man's thin and frail body, and teased, "Just like you? In what life can you pay me back?"

He glanced at the young man's incredibly beautiful face, and couldn't help but sneer.

"What? Going to find a noble lady to take care of you and make money to pay me back?"

... In his later life, he deeply realized that being a human being should not be so cheap.

This was the first time he and the young man met, and it was a bad breakup.

Not long after, the young man was discharged from the hospital and disappeared before his eyes. He didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was nothing, and he would soon forget it.

But the second meeting will come soon.

As a good recruit, he was sent to the Star Wars Corps, and was surprised to find that the good-looking young man became his colleague, also sent as a good soldier.

But they belonged to different teams, so he just glanced at it from a distance, and didn't talk to the young man at all.

The young man didn't even look at him, as if he didn't remember him at all, and it made him angry for several days.

Later, he couldn't bear it anymore, and asked about the whereabouts of that person. He heard that the young man voluntarily applied to join the advance combat force and was sent to the front line of the battle.

He froze for a moment, sighed, and didn't ask any more questions.

Although entering the advance team to fight is the best way to accumulate military exploits, but few people are willing to do so. Because the advance unit has the highest casualty rate, as high as 70% or 80%. Most of the soldiers who enter this unit are either dead or disabled. Judging by the young man's not very strong body, it is estimated that he will not last long in the advance team. will fight to the death.

Desperate for quick success, desperate for promotion.

He sighed in his heart, forgetting the young man who was no different from a dead man in his heart.

As the years passed, he was promoted at a slow but steady pace in the combat unit, becoming a low-ranking officer.

He originally thought that his whole life would pass smoothly like this, but trouble came.

He found out by accident that his superior had secretly conspired to rebel against the galaxy, and this leak led to their defeat on the battlefield, with heavy casualties, and many of his colleagues who had fought with him for several years died here. in battle.

Extremely angry, he ignored the coercion and lure of his boss, and angrily complained about the matter to the Procuratorate.

He thought that he could make the boss who caused the defeat and caused countless casualties to be judged by the military court. However, what he waited for was the arrest of the military police-the charge of leaking secrets was placed on him, and he was slandered as a criminal who sneaked into the country. The spies in the imperial army were spurned and insulted by countless people.

He suffered a strange injustice, but he was in prison, and there was no way to ask for help.

Immediately afterwards, one day, because of an 'accidental' explosion, his cell was surrounded by raging fire, and the monitoring brain 'accidentally' got out of control and could not extinguish the fire.

He was locked in the cell, standing in the raging fire, looking at those people standing outside the fire with crazy and spiteful eyes.

He lost consciousness in despair and unwillingness.

He didn't expect that he would wake up again, in the snow-white ward, the skin all over his body was throbbing with pain.

He saw the young man standing by his hospital bed.

Seven or eight years have passed, and the young man is still as tall and handsome as when he first met him, and he still has that cold and indifferent expression. Time seems to have left no trace on this person.

The only difference was that the young man wore a major's insignia on his shoulders on the imperial uniform.

"I owe you once, and I will pay you back."

The young man looked at him and said, then turned away.

Lying on the hospital bed, he stared blankly at the back of that person who was about to leave. In a blink of an eye, he suddenly realized that this person had brought him a chance—the only chance for him to take revenge.

At that time, regardless of the tingling pain caused by the burns all over his body, he abruptly got up from the bed and knelt down at the young man's feet.

"Avenge me."

At that time, he knelt on the ground and looked at the man with bloodshot eyes.

"I'm willing to pay any price."

As an imperial soldier, he 'died' from then on, becoming a shadow without any identity hidden in the darkness.

The current medical technology can easily restore his burned skin, but he didn't heal the burn marks on his face, but just covered it with a mask. He wanted to let the burns on his face stay and firmly Remember his hatred.

He devoted his life to this man, and he firmly believed that this man was the only one who could help him take revenge.

He did not trust the wrong person.

This young man did what he had promised him at the beginning. Eight years later, the boss who secretly had an affair with the rebel galaxy was found out that he accepted bribes and leaked secrets to the rebel galaxy, and then fled the army and defected to the villain galaxy. Then, the young man who had been promoted to a colonel went to that galaxy to suppress the rebellion according to the emperor's order. His former boss was defeated in the war and died, and the rebel galaxy surrendered.

Because of this military merit, the young man was promoted to brigadier general.

In this way, he has been with this person for decades.

He never regretted his original decision.

Even to the point of death, he can only be a shadow hidden in the darkness.

He has stayed by Troll's side for decades. Although in his opinion, Troll is a very mysterious person with many mysteries in him, he also has some understanding of Troll.

This person looks cold-hearted, indifferent to everything, as if he has no human emotions at all, but there is a deeper obsession in this person's heart than anything else.

He didn't know what that obsession was, Troll never told anyone, including him.

But even if you just look at him from the sidelines, you can see that Troll's obsession is very deep, so deep that it is terrifying. Everything this person has done so far, the rapid promotion of the military rank that he risked his life, The rapidly expanding and expanding forces are all in pursuit of that obsession—finding the truth of the past, the hidden black hands.

But the black hand hiding behind the scenes is too big and deep, it hides where no one can see, and controls everything with invisible hands. Even if Troll has become the overlord of one side, as the youngest major general, sitting in a galaxy, he still can only check a few clues.

This is also the reason why Troll would risk his life this time even if he knew that his life might be in danger.

As long as it has something to do with the shady scene, Troll will pursue it regardless, even if it means risking his life.

... In fact, he always felt that Troll never cared about his own life, whether it was before or now.

He didn't want Troll to go on like this.

At the beginning, Troll saved him in despair. Now, he has been thinking about whether there is anyone who can pull Troll out of such darkness and obsession.

At least, let Troll care about his own life.

The brown-haired man was silent for a moment, then asked suddenly.

"... The child was taken away?"


It was an accident that Mute followed. Troll himself put himself in danger, but he didn't intend to put Mute in danger.

Those people were targeting him at that time, and as long as Mutt was unconscious like the others, he would stay with the princess. However, Major General Troll himself did not expect that Mutt was not stunned, but was taken aboard the spaceship by those people because they wanted to save him.

"I don't know what the 'truth' you've been pursuing so hard, but..."

The brown-haired man raised his hand, and his fingertips touched the cold metal mask on his face.

"Actually, I'm not qualified to talk about you, but I still want to ask you something... If it was before, I wouldn't say such nonsense, but now... I want to ask, for you now."

He says,

"What do you want most now, is to pursue the truth of the past, or the future with that child?"

Major General Troll looked up. He stood on the ground and looked at the man who asked this question.

Above the ruins, the howling wind blows his jet-black hair flying high.

The strong wind raged through the huge canopy, shaking the dense branches and leaves with a rustling sound.

The land of the ruins is very quiet, only the sound of tree branches shaking.

… … … … … … …


When Mutter woke up, he found himself in a strange room. This room also seems to have been built a long time ago, and it looks a bit dilapidated now, but it is still very clean, and there is hardly any dust.

And he was lying on a metal bench extending from the wall at the moment, because he was wearing very little and thin clothes, the cold touch of the metal permeated through his bare skin, making him feel a little cold.

He got up and rubbed his heavy head, only then did he remember what happened before he passed out.

At that time, his mouth and nose were covered by someone, and the hand was so strong that he couldn't break free at all. The covered mouth and nose made it difficult for him to breathe, and coupled with passing through the teleportation device one after another, that kind of The intense discomfort made him lose consciousness.

It seems that the person who caught him brought him here.

Mutt stretched his hands and sat up on the cold bench. He looked around and found that the room was strange. It was in the shape of a hexagonal diamond, and there was a door on each wall.

This shape is a bit like a honeycomb...

He was still thinking this in confusion when a door opened and someone walked in.

Seeing the person coming, Mutt subconsciously tightened his body, showing a nervous expression.

The man glanced at him, walked over and stood in front of him.


"… what?"

The boy was sitting on a metal bench with his back against the wall, looking up at the man standing in front of him blankly.

This young man has exactly the same appearance as Major General Troll, they are so similar that even the fingerprints of their fingers are the same.

"When did you realize I wasn't that person?"

The dark blue pupils looked down at Mutt, and the drooping eyelashes cast deep shadows in Tran's eyes.

"From the beginning?"


The boy avoided his gaze, lowered his head, and sat against the corner of the wall, silent.

He looked down at the child for a long time, then slowly bent down.

He bowed his head and brought his lips close to the other's ear.

"...from the time I let you kill?"

The boy still bowed his head and said nothing, but his head seemed to move uncomfortably.

Tran knew he was right.

He remembered that time, he held the child's hand tightly, took the dagger in his hand, and pierced the throat of the man lying on the ground fiercely, the blood spurted out stained his and the child's fingers red.

At that time, the child stared at him with a kind of disbelief.

Then, the hand he stretched out was swung away by the child.

At that time, the boy who waved his hand looked at him with a look of fear, but he thought that the boy's fear was only caused by seeing him kill—

Tran lowered his head and looked at the people below him.

The young man kept his head down, avoiding his gaze, and shrank into the corner of the wall. Looking down from his gaze, he could see the child's fluttering eyelashes, and he could see the child's nervousness at the moment.

His chest seemed to constrict for a moment.

He couldn't tell what it felt like, he always felt that the thing in his chest was just like other internal organs, it was just a member of the internal organs, and it had no other purpose except to keep him alive.

But at this moment, obviously without any external damage, he clearly felt the suffocation of the organ in his chest tightened for a moment.

He didn't understand what it was.

All he knew was that he didn't like the feeling.

It was too uncomfortable, like suffocation.

"... Are you afraid of me?"

He said, leaning over, bowing his head.

He closed his eyes, buried the tip of his nose into the soft black hair of the child under him, and the warmth seeped in, but not into his skin.

"What do you think I will do to you?" He buried half of his face in his soft hair, his voice was soft and muffled, "Pierce your throat like I did to that person last time?"

He said, slowly opening his eyes, the dark blue tone was like the jet black that dyed the hair below, and turned into a precipitated dark color, but his outstretched hand pinched the throat of the boy below him with great precision.

The bony fingers lightly stroked the child's slender neck, and they tightened suddenly.

"Answer me, why?"

Tran's voice was very soft, because it was close to Mutt's ear, giving people a feeling of being as gentle as whispering in a lover's ear.

But his fingers were getting heavier little by little, and the fingertips sank deeply on the young man's neck.

He heard the breathing of the child under him became quicker, and the strength of his fingers tightened little by little. The speed was very slow, but very clear. Walk towards yourself slowly.

The rhombus-shaped room was eerily quiet for a moment, only the sound of slightly rapid breathing could be heard.

After a while, Mute, whose cheeks were slightly flushed, raised his hands to hold the hand that was clasping his throat.

He covered that hand with both hands and groped for a while, then groped along Tran's fingers, breaking the other's fingers from his neck one by one.

In fact, with his strength, there was no way to break Tran's fingers, but as soon as he exerted force, the snow-white fingers that were clasping his throat were released immediately.

It's not so much that Mute broke it apart, it's better to say that Tran himself took advantage of the situation to loosen it.

Mute held Tran's right hand with both hands and pushed it away from him.

His eyes fell on the palm of that hand. The snow-white skin, well-articulated fingers, and just the right amount of calluses made this hand look very beautiful.

The major general's hands have always been good-looking, he knew it.

At that time, when this man grabbed his hand and stabbed him with a sword, and when hot blood splashed on his hand, he suddenly remembered—

He remembered that day when he was lying on the ground, he watched with wide eyes the tip of the table knife that had pierced his brow away from his eyes little by little, and with his eyes open, he saw blood flow out from the hand that was clenched tightly on the table knife , the bright red liquid fell drop by drop on his face, scorching and hot.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

This kind of abnormality may be due to the major general's amnesia, or the major general's personality has changed due to his amnesia, or it may be because he is too restless on this planet.

It just felt wrong, but he couldn't find out what was wrong, so he could only keep this feeling in his heart silently.

Until the moment when his brain seemed to be broken in the blink of an eye—

At this moment, he looked at the hand in front of him.

On the palm, the handprints are clearly visible.

Nothing but handprints.

There is no pale pink mark that seems to split the entire palm.

Mutt raised his eyes, and he looked at those dark blue eyes, the familiar luster, like gems immersed in the deep sea, during the five or six days on this planet, all the time, as long as he raised his head and blinked his eyes, He will see these eyes looking at him.

He could see the softness in the man's eyes when he looked at him.

This person's eyes are blank when looking at other directions, as if looking at the void, as if nothing can be seen in the eyes, but only when looking at him, there will be light, shining through the deepest darkness. A glimmer of light.

But now, when those eyes looked at him, they no longer had the light they once had, as if they had sunk into the deepest dark seabed.

The pupils were shrouded in shadows, reflecting his face, leaving only darkness.

"He'll catch up right away..."

Tran whispered that he remembered the dozen or so warships that suddenly appeared around the planet when he returned to the planet in his spaceship.

That person was not imprisoned by him, but just used himself as bait.

This planet has already been laid down by that person.

"I lost."

Tran said, maybe because he got the answer from Mutt's gaze, or because he felt that everything didn't matter, he didn't ask any more questions.

This time, he lost to that person again.

If he didn't feel much when he lost for the first time, then this time, for the first time, he experienced the feeling of unwillingness that he only mentioned from others.

"I lost."

He repeated this sentence again, and he stared at the boy in front of him like a pupil drowning in the darkest seabed.

He said, "And he..."

Tran stopped after saying two words. He looked at Mute, as if he hadn't made a final decision yet.

He didn't shake off Mutt's two hands, and let Mutt continue to hold his hand.

Suddenly, the light in the rhombus-shaped metal room suddenly dimmed. The long-term abandonment made its function unstable, and the whole room flickered several times.

Tens of seconds later, the light returned to its initial brightness, and a beam of light slanted down and landed on the bench by the wall.

The boy was still turning his head and looking around, with a panicked look on his face.

Instinctively and unconsciously, Mute tightened his grip on what he was holding.

Tran felt the sudden tightening force. He looked at Mutt deeply, and felt the tightness of Mutt's fingers clenched in his hand.

He lowered his eyes and his eyes fell on the boy's lips.

He saw a little bright red blood on the pale pink lips, and he guessed who left the blood. The slender eyelashes drooped down, casting a shadow in his eyes, his fingers slowly bent, and he held the hand that was holding him.

He leaned over, stretched out his hand, and slowly but vigorously wiped the corner of his lips with the pulp of his thumb, wiping away the bright red blood stains from the corner of the boy's mouth.

Mute looked up at him with a dazed expression, as if he didn't know why he did such a thing all of a sudden.

He saw the black hair softly sticking to the childish cheeks, one of which fell on the tip of the nose, and as he breathed, the strand of hair was blown up and fell to the other side .

"I can give up."

Tran said that the dark hair ends cast deep shadows in the man's eye sockets, which were full of gloomy tones, but the eyes he lowered to look at the boy were unusually soft, and his fingers seemed to be caressing with infinite love. The sideburns of a teenager.

"… Hey?"

"Troll, I can give up, but you have to follow me." He said, "As long as you agree, I will give up fighting him."

It doesn't matter if you give up competing with that person for the name of 'Troll', even if you become a shadow that cannot see the light forever.

He never cared about those, what he wanted, the only thing he wanted was this child in front of him.

he thinks.

In order to protect that person, the child will not refuse his request.


Mutt looked at him with a strange expression on his face.

It was so strange that he couldn't understand it.

It stands to reason that he proposed this exchange condition, and it is understandable whether the child has a tangled or sad expression on his face.

However, after the child listened to his words, an extremely incomprehensible and strange look appeared on the child's face.

"So, what does it have to do with me?"


"I'm not quite sure what the relationship between you and the major general is... But, whether you want to be hostile or reconcile with him, that's all between you two, right?"

The boy looked at him incredulously.

"What does it have to do with me? Why do you want to involve me? I still have to decide? Make your own decisions!"

I don't know if there is something wrong with his thinking, or if the child's thinking is not on the same channel as his, Tran feels that the conversation between the two of them has gone awry.

"... If you come with me, you can protect him."

"Hehe, don't do it."

The boy answered cleanly with a hehe.

"You go and fight him."

Secretly sacrifice and sacrifice for the male lead without complaint or regret, and then being misunderstood by the male lead and being caught, all kinds of abuse of body and mind are the things that the female lead should do, whoever is stupid will do it.