It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 70


The sound in the hall was very noisy, and the researchers here were all talking to each other, and they all looked at the experimental subject on the light curtain with expressions of disdain and disgust. However, even though they said that they looked down on the behavior of the experimental subject that was no different from a beast, their eyes were still watching the experimental subject's every move with great interest, and even many people's eyes showed unconcealable The color of excitement.

Someone stared at the blood flowing from the corner of the experimental subject's lips with an interested expression.

Immediately afterwards, in the next second, someone stood up abruptly.

The hall, which was noisy just now, was suddenly silent at this moment. Whether it was the people who were still sitting or the people who stood up suddenly in horror, they were all staring at the light curtain at this moment.

The pupils of the boy standing next to these researchers shrank severely.

At this moment, there was only an extreme blank in his mind.

In the hall that suddenly turned into a dead silence, he stood there, staring blankly and blankly at the front.

The familiar figure in that light curtain—

The black-haired young man half-kneeled on the gray-white stone floor, with his head raised, his jet-black hair fell into his eye sockets, blocking his eyes, making it difficult for people to see the expression in his eyes.

Blood was still oozing from the corners of the bright red lips, and a line of blood dripped from his chin.

He tilted his head up, breathing lightly and shallowly.

He maintained this posture for a long, long time, until the researchers who watched him through the light curtain impatiently started to discuss on their own, he finally made a movement.

The upturned head slowly lowered, and he was still half-kneeling beside the corpse, looking at the angle of his face as if looking at the corpse, the shadow of the hanging hair covering half of his cheek more and more gloomy , people can only see the young man's lips tightened into a straight line at this moment.

At this moment, the blood red lips were tightened into a sharp line like a knife's edge, and the corners of the mouth were a little bright red, which was extremely dazzling.

He raised his hand, and stabbed down with the blood-stained dagger vigorously. With a sharp blade, he gouged out a small piece of the softest piece of flesh from the neck of the corpse on the ground.

It was such a move that instantly silenced the entire hall of the institute—

At this moment, almost everyone guessed what this experimental subject was going to do.

All the researchers stared straight at the subject with horror, disbelief, or even stimulation. The hall was eerily quiet, and one researcher swallowed saliva. .

If quenching thirst with human blood has broken through the moral limit of human beings, then this experimental subject actually intends to satisfy his hunger with human flesh—this is——

This kind of animal-like behavior is simply outrageous!

This experimental subject is simply a beast in human skin!

Everyone thought so, but their eyes were fixed on the scene on the light curtain, and they were reluctant to blink. They would never admit that their hearts were beating hard, excited, excited, and even Then a little expectation that they would never admit to—

The small piece of flesh that had been gouged out was held by the young man, and his hand was bloody.

He still hung his head, and the scattered jet-black hair blocked his face, making the researchers feel a little regretful that they couldn't see the expression reflected in this experiment.

The researchers' breathing suddenly became rapid, and they stared straight at the young man in the light curtain, waiting for the horrifying scene that was about to happen before their eyes—

Contrary to the short-breathing researchers, the black-haired young man on the light curtain seemed to be still. He half-kneeled there, his right hand holding the dagger pressed to the ground, and the blood on the blade seeped into the gray-white rock. .

He just lowered his head like this, motionless, the bloody hand holding the piece of meat was right in front of him, presumably he could clearly smell the bloody smell in his hand.

Where he was half kneeling, his whole figure seemed to be a lifeless statue, only the slight ups and downs of his chest leaked a little breath of life.

Then, under the scorching white sun, in this almost dead silence, his lips opened, and his left hand slowly raised, approaching his lips little by little...


The whole earth seemed to vibrate, and the projected image hissed in the air, and suddenly froze at this moment.

The huge metal door was shaken endlessly by the terrifying waves, revealing a crack, and a sharp blue light pierced through the crack, cutting a huge hole in the metal door in an instant.

The pieces of metal shredded by the blue lightsaber scattered in all directions, hitting the projections in the air, causing those images to hiss and distort.

Someone walked from the splashed metal blocks, and bright light shone from behind the person, covering the person's whole body in the light, even the jet-black hair that flew up was shining through, revealing every detail.

The already slender body was illuminated by the light behind it, drawing a long shadow on the ground.

The lightsaber in his hand was heavily inserted into the incomplete metal door, and almost in the next second, the entire laser sword exploded, blowing up half of the broken metal door. Then, his hand quickly pulled out a gleaming silver dagger from his waist.

The huge vibration seemed to have damaged the projection equipment in the hall, and the image of the entire hall was still at the moment when the virtual images of everyone stared straight at the young man who was about to swallow the piece of meat in his hand—

Even if the projection is slightly distorted, it faithfully shows the scene that appeared in this hall long ago.

This moment was clearly reflected in the eyes of the young major general who suddenly appeared here.

The dark blue pupils became slack for an instant, as if all the blackness in his eyes had dissipated. He stood there, staring fixedly at the scene on the light curtain. His face was darkened at this moment. Shadows loomed over him, and not even the bright light from behind him could dispel the deep darkness that seeped from him like it was sucking everything in.

He turned his head and looked at the man with the same face as himself. Under the fine black hair, there was no expression on the major general's handsome face.

He couldn't see himself looking into the man's eyes, but at that moment his eyes made Mutt, who was looking at him, take a step back abruptly—as if in fear.

His eyes stared at the man who was exactly the same as him with a look that he didn't know how terrifying. He didn't look at the expression that the child was looking at him at the moment, but the corner of his eye allowed him to see the child clearly. Take a step back.

The blackness in his eyes settled down, as if it had shrunk and stagnated to the point where a ray of light could not penetrate at this moment, and it seemed that something was torn apart in the depths of his eyes.

The young major general gripped the silver dagger with his fingers to the extreme, and he could clearly see the whitening of his knuckles.

There is an indescribable tearing pain gushing out from the deepest part of the body, even the breathing has a tingling feeling.

He didn't look at the child's figure anymore, a trace of blood red glowed from the bottom of his dark blue eyes, and there was a bit of ferocity in his eyes, and a kind of almost substantive terrifying hostility emanated from his whole body.

The major general stood there, staring at the man across from him. He obviously had an extremely handsome face, but standing there, he gave the impression that he was a ferocious beast.

He took a sudden step forward, and in the next second, his figure had almost become an afterimage—

The moment Major General Troll raised his foot, Tran suddenly raised his hand and pushed Mute away behind him, pulled out something from his waist, and raised his hand at lightning speed.

The sharp silver gleaming dagger forcibly held the dagger that was slashing at him heavily.

On this planet with a special magnetic field, thermal weapons such as guns and lasers can easily get out of control and become unusable, so the best way to fight is to use the most primitive blades to fight in the most primitive way.

Two young men who could hardly tell the difference except for the degree of damage to their clothes were fighting together. Because of the same perverted skills of the two, Mutt at the side could only see the afterimage of the two fighting. He could only see the sparks that exploded violently in the air when the two daggers collided heavily together.

Mutt, who was pushed away by Tran, stood in a daze with his back against a damaged and empty culture vessel. He looked at the two people who were fighting together, or at the afterimages of the two people, the coldness of the glass The meaning seeped through his clothes, making his back even colder.

His mind was still blank, he couldn't think of anything, he couldn't think of anything.

The image he saw just now was frozen in his mind, and that scene seemed to be deeply imprinted in his memory, stained with dazzling blood, and lingering.

He slowly raised his hands, hugged his head with both hands, pressed his fingertips firmly on his head, his eyes were fixed on the metal floor under his feet, and his face looked extremely blank.

There was a clanging sound of a weapon hitting, accompanied by a muffled sound, a shadow suddenly flew past his eyes, and Mutt raised his head reflexively.

With a crash, the figure that flew out of him hit a glass vessel in front of him heavily, smashing the already somewhat broken culture vessel into pieces. The man who was scratched by glass shards fell to the ground. His right hand was cut with a long bloody gash, bleeding profusely, and bones could be seen from the opened flesh.

Tran lay on a pile of glass shards, just took a breath when a black shadow enveloped him.

The major general lying on top of him put his knees on his chest and grabbed his throat with one hand with a force that almost broke his ribs. In the shadow of the drooping black hair, the dark blue pupils There was a chilling gleam.

Troll, who had completely lost control, looked at him with a terrifying look that could not be described in words, making people afraid to take a second look.

He saw that the dagger dripping with blood on Troll's right hand had been raised in front of his eyes. He looked at the cold light that was about to penetrate his head, and a slight smile leaked from the corner of his lips.

He will die at the hands of this man.

Some things seem to be doomed from the beginning.

As early as decades ago, he should have died in that final trial, at the hands of this person.

After going around for so many years, he is still going to die at the hands of this person.

It was like a predestined fate, he was powerless to resist after all.

He stared at the man who was pressing on him and strangling his throat. In fact, his body still had strength, but he did not make any resistance again. The moment he stared at Troll's eyes was only coldness and sarcasm .

From the moment he knew he had lost, he had been waiting for this moment—

From the moment Mut was kidnapped, it was for this moment—

He wants the child to watch this man kill him with his own eyes!

The sword blade reflected in his pupils pierced down, suddenly enlarged, from far to near.

The moment it was about to penetrate his forehead, it stopped abruptly.

Because a second before the stabbing, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and the palm covered Tran's forehead.

The point of the stabbing sword stopped at the moment when it was about to touch the back of that hand, and pierced an extremely small hole on the back of the hand, a little blood seeped out from the back of the boy's hand.

The blood-stained dagger was still hanging in the air, the major general didn't move, he stared at the bloodshot on the back of that hand, his eyes were shrouded in bottomless darkness at this moment, and he couldn't see any light anymore.

After a while, he looked up at Mut who was kneeling beside him and stretched out his hand.

His eyes were rarely confused, like a lost child, looking at Mute blankly.

"… monster."

The boy who was kneeling on the ground with one hand on the ground and the other on Tran's forehead made a somewhat vague sound.

"Really kill him... and you will become what those monsters want you to be."

The boy said that he clenched his hands on the ground so tightly that his fingers trembled.

“…you can’t be like those monsters,” he said, “you can’t do what they want you to do.”

He knelt there, lowered his head, didn't raise his head, and couldn't see his face, but he could see the muscles on his shoulders tense to the extreme, so that they twitched once and for all.

But the trembling was not because of fear, but because of anger, which spread throughout his body and made him unable to restrain his anger.

Mute took a deep breath, suppressed the surging anger, and calmed himself down. He withdrew his hand from Tran's forehead, and his eyes met Tran's.

"That person on the you, isn't it?"

Mutter looked at Tran and said.

Tran's pupils contracted, and he stared at Mute's face, trying to judge from the child's expression whether the child was testing himself. But he didn't see anything, the child looked at him with calm and determined eyes.

The man's breathing became slightly rapid, he closed his eyes slowly, raised that bloody hand and pressed it to his face, just like the bloody right hand of the young man on the light curtain.

He let out a low laugh, a laugh that made people feel uncomfortable when they heard the inexplicable heart constriction.

"No exceptions."

Tran's laughter was terribly deep, and he said, "That's the only way to survive. People who live to the ninth day do such things, and this guy is no exception, otherwise he won't live to the end. Can't be the ultimate winner."

"We're all the same, killing another self and eating another self's flesh to survive, and it's the same for Troll—"

Tran's voice fell, and Mutt had already been pulled up from the ground forcefully.

A pair of arms hugged him tightly, so hard that his shoulders ached a little, and he could almost feel the beating marks of his heart in the chest he was pressing against.

The major general who was holding him took a step back, and he was also forced to take a step away from Tran who was lying on the ground.

Tran lay on the ground and laughed for a long time, as if he had completely lost control of his emotions. After a long time, he sat up slowly with his hands on the ground. His left hand was pressed against the broken glass, but he didn't realize it. He sat on the ground, bloodstained looking shocking, blood stained his coat.

He raised his head and looked at the two of them, his eyes were terribly gloomy, showing a hint of madness.

"Troll, I know what the truth you've been looking for is."

He stared at the man and said.

"I know that everything you have done, the power you have built, the power you have gained... everything you have done in the past few decades is to find this truth."

"The secret of this planet, the secret of this institute, the purpose of us monsters..."

"I know that the purpose of your life is to understand the truth, for hatred, you live for revenge."

After a pause, he continued.

"I know the truth you want."


"Give him to me."

Tran stretched out his hand towards the direction of those two people, his raised lips seemed to be smiling, but there was no trace of a smile in his cold eyes.

"Find the truth and take revenge on that person. This is the only meaning of your life for decades, isn't it?"

he said, looking intently at Troll.

"Then give me that child and you'll have 'it'."


[Troll, do you choose the past where all the secrets are revealed, or the future with that child?]

At that time, he did not give any answer to the person who asked this sentence.

He couldn't answer because he didn't know what the answer was.

The pursuit of the truth has run through his life for decades, and that obsession has almost merged with him.

Just as the person in front of him said, finding the truth and taking revenge are the only meaning of his life.


At this moment, his eyes met the man sitting on the ground for a moment.

He still didn't answer.

He no longer needs to answer, his body has already answered on his behalf.

He turned around and walked out quickly without any hesitation.

His hand clasped the hand of the child beside him.