It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 73


The huge fleet returned, gradually shrinking in the process of sailing towards the Emperor Star, and the fleets of several regiments left one after another and returned to their respective stations. When the Ishtar ship approached the Emperor Star Field, only half of the regiment's fleet was left with escorts. All the captured rebels from the Guna galaxy have been handed over to the guard fleet directly under the royal family, and they will be responsible for escorting them to a satellite of Emperor Star, which is a small planet dedicated to detaining and disposing of rebels.

Because according to the laws of the empire, except for the fleet directly under the royal family, the fleets of any nobles and senior officers must be controlled within a certain number before entering the emperor star system, and any ships with ground strike capabilities are not allowed to enter for any reason among the galaxies.

Ishtar hovered in the universe at a certain distance from the Emperor Star. The owner of the blue-black flagship stood in the command hall. The air around Major General Troll with a radius of about 20 meters was slightly distorted, showing a spherical shape. The barrier, this invisible plasma barrier isolates the sound inside and outside, so that the busy soldiers outside cannot hear the conversations of the people inside.

The lieutenant colonel with green hair said a few words to the major general, then bowed slightly, turned around and retreated with the other two, and walked out of the sound wave barrier.

The landing ship is ready, and Major General Troll will take the landing ship to the Emperor Star to meet His Majesty the Emperor at this moment, and return to the military action to destroy the Guna Galaxy. Just when he raised his hand to press the virtual light curtain on his upper body, the light curtain lit up, and a communication request was sent.

Seeing the source of the communication request, the major general's raised finger paused slightly in the air, then moved down a little, and connected to the incoming letter.

The light curtain flickered for a moment, and it was so blurry that it was barely discernible that it was a human-shaped black figure appearing on it. No sound was made, but a few words were typed on the virtual light curtain.

[It will arrive in an hour.]

"Yes." Major General Troll hummed, expressionless, "I will arrange for Via to pick him up."

A line of small characters soon appeared on the light curtain again.

[Do you have to go to Emperor Star now? Short of this time?]

This line of words flashed past, and then, a sentence emerged again.

[What are you afraid of.]

" think too much." The major general said calmly, "The emperor sent me an order to have an audience immediately."

He said so, and then raised his hand to turn off the communication.

There seemed to be something fluctuating in the air, and the invisible sound barrier covering the podium melted away. At the same time, a circular platform slowly rose from the side of the podium until it reached the level of the podium. At the same height, Major General Troll stepped on it, and his figure disappeared into the air.

Soon, dozens of landing ships left Ishtar and flew towards the blue Emperor Star.


"It's so rare..."

Seeing that the light curtain communication in front of him was disconnected by the other party, the brown-haired man shook his head.

He had an incredible feeling in his heart.

That guy, Troll, is unwavering no matter what he faces. In the years he has been with him, how many times he has gone through life and death, no matter how tragic and desperate he is facing, that person can face it with the most calm and rational emotions—like today He had never seen such a disturbed look—although that guy's pretty face must still be expressionless now.

Although as a fleet commander, he must remain absolutely calm, even in the face of a cosmic black hole star explosion, but as a person, there is nothing wrong with wavering like now.

At least it looks like a human being, doesn't it

But having said that, he is obviously someone who values him, so why is Troll avoiding that boy now

Speaking of which, he didn't know a large part of what happened on that planet at that time.

Forget it... He also doesn't understand the thoughts of young people nowadays, let them figure it out by themselves.



Major General Troll's reinstatement went very smoothly. His Majesty the Emperor personally met him and praised him greatly. While bestowing a lot of property, he also hinted that he would be promoted to Lieutenant General as long as he made more contributions.

Although the emperor's words were not spoken in public, they spread quickly. When Major General Troll left the palace, a large number of people rushed forward to show his kindness to him. He received invitations from several nobles loyal to the royal family inviting him to attend the banquet tonight or tomorrow.

"Do you want to reject them all? Your Excellency the Major General."

The subordinate beside him asked him.

If he followed the major general's previous practice, he would not accept anyone's invitation, even the princess, and would only return to Ishtar directly after reporting to the emperor.

But this time, he was silent for a while.

"Accept Marshal Yujia's invitation."

Major General Troll said.

Major General Troll's abnormal behavior stunned the subordinates who were ready to reject all of them. After reacting, he quickly said yes, wrote the reply letter as quickly as possible, and handed it over to the attendants waiting below. hands.

Then, the group went to the mansion of Marshal Yujia.

Although Marshal Youjia was also from aristocratic background, he was actually promoted to the position of Marshal with his military exploits.

He is about the same age as Marquis Mia, and it is said that he studied at the same military academy as Marquis Mia when he was young, and has a good relationship with him, but unlike Marquis Mia, he is a die-hard royal supporter, Therefore, as the two people's ideas differed, the friendship in their youth broke down.

Troll has no dislike for the marshal, and Marshal Yujia's invitation this time is just to invite him to have a light meal and talk about the situation of the Guna galaxy war, not to celebrate like other nobles Banquet, so he chose the old marshal's invitation.

[What are you afraid of.]

He never knew what fear was, but he always hesitated to face that child.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just... As long as he thinks that the child is thinking of another man when he looks at his face, he will feel an indescribable anxiety in his heart.

That person died on that planet, but remained forever in the memory of that child.

They have the same face, so when Mute sees his face, he will definitely think of the existence of that person.

He is running away.

This kind of behavior like a coward, this kind of thing he never bothered to do, is actually happening to him now.

There seemed to be an unknown flame burning in his heart, which made him unable to calm down.

He always thought that he was so strong that he would no longer be controlled by anyone, but now all his emotions are controlled by that boy.

It's like an out-of-control spaceship, no one knows what kind of future it will go out of control.

He doesn't know either.

The only thing he knows now is one thing.

That is, no matter what happened, he didn't want to let go of that boy.



It was already late at night when Rear Admiral Troll finished his dinner and conversation with Marshal Yuga and returned to the Ishtar ship. Because it was a non-war period, according to regulations, except for the soldiers and officers on duty at night, most of the other people on the ship had already fallen asleep. He asked all the subordinates who followed him to retreat to rest, and returned to his room by himself.

With a swish, the automatic door opened silently in front of him, and he walked in while wondering if the child had fallen asleep.

The hall was very dim, with only a little faint light. The major general looked towards the bedroom. The light in the bedroom was also dim, but the door was open. With the faint light, it was clear that there was no one on the bed in the bedroom.

He listened attentively, and could hear a very light breathing coming from the viewing room. It seemed that Mutt was in the viewing room now.

The observation room has special projection equipment, various scenery, the beauty of each planet, can project the most real scene there, no matter the landscape, temperature or air can be restored to the maximum extent, giving people a sense of The feeling of being there.

There is actually a lounge for people to relax and rest.

When Major General Troll walked in, he found that the stereoscopic projection equipment in the room hadn't been activated, and it still showed its original appearance—a huge silver-white hall with a cold luster.

When the silver-white hall showed its original appearance, the giant glass window, which was five meters wide and ten meters high, would be revealed. Through the glass, one could clearly see the cosmic starry sky outside the ship.

The slender boy was sitting on the long sill of the huge glass window, leaning to one side, as if sitting on a bed.

The window sill was long and wide, and it was more than enough for a person to sit and lie on it.

Probably feeling a bit cold, Mute who was sitting there was wearing a thin white sheet, which was draped over the boy's arms like a shawl, wrapping the boy's body, and a corner of the sheet was hanging down from the window sill. fall to the ground.

Mutt sat on the window sill, his hands wrapped in a white shawl resting on his upright knees, he leaned against the cold silver-white wall, turned his head sideways, and looked at the universe outside through the huge transparent glass window starry sky.

In the dark starry sky, a blue planet slowly rotates in the dark night.

In the cosmic sky, tiny spots of light flickered around the blue planet.

The silver-white hall was not turned on, and the light was very dim. The clusters of star-like fragments of light slid like flowing water in this hall, and countless fine fragments of light sometimes scattered and sometimes gathered together to form a A galaxy of light slowly flows past the boy.

When the fine stream of light passed by, the shimmer illuminated the boy's side cheeks.

The slender eyelashes were fully revealed under the broken light, the skin on the cheek that was still a bit childish was glowing, and there was a little light on the lips. The boy sat there quietly, staring at the blue planet outside the window with his dark pupils.

He sat there quietly, as if he had forgotten everything.

His expression was so serene and peaceful at this moment, as if he had already melted into the blue night...

A hand stretched out abruptly, grabbing the shoulder of Mutt who was sitting there.

Mute was taken aback, and when he looked back, he was facing a pair of dark blue pupils, those eyes were staring at him closely, those eyes were so sharp that they almost hurt people.

"Major General?"

He asked with some astonishment, Major General Troll's hand was still clasping his shoulders forcefully, causing his body to forcibly twist to one side, his eyes staring at him, and he didn't intend to let go.


After staring at Mute closely for a while, Major General Troll slowly let go.

He thought it might just be an illusion.

The figure of the young man sitting by the window watching the blue planet being embraced by the night was blurred for a moment, as if he would disappear from his eyes. That feeling made his chest tighten, and the next second he stretched out his hand uncontrollably. Grabbed Mutt's shoulder tightly.

"What are you doing?"

asked the major general, standing in front of Mutt.

After closing the thin white quilt that slipped off his arm just now, the boy smiled.

"Look at [Earth]."

"That's not Earth."

"But it's very similar."

Mutt said, turning his head to look out of the window again, the beautiful blue planet in the dark cosmic starry sky was rotating quietly, so similar to the planet in his memory.

He said, "Want to watch it together?"

Troll didn't answer, and after a while, he sat and lay down on the windowsill on the other side, facing Mutt.

One hand rested casually on his raised knee, and the other slender leg stretched out flat on the window sill. The major general raised his head and looked at the blue planet outside the window. The thing that looked like a firefly was wandering endlessly in the hall. Fragments of light lightly passed by his side, and the faint light illuminated his face.

The handsome face under the jet-black hair scattered like satin, the snow-skinned star eyes, the dark blue pupils and irises glow with strange light, the shadow of the blue planet is reflected in it, two different blues blend in Together.

Just like Mutt, he was sitting on the window sill, looking up at the stars and sky outside the window.

The two of them sat leaning against the huge glass window like this, one of them sat on one side, facing each other, looking up at the blue planet slowly rotating between them.

The major general stared quietly at the blue planet for a long time, then lowered his eyes, a light shadow cast on his ice-like skin.

He turned his head to look at the child sitting across from him. The child was still quietly staring at the blue planet outside the window, with a strange serenity on his face.

He said, "I thought you wouldn't want to see my face."

Mut looked back at him, tilting his head slightly.


The boy looked at him puzzled and asked.


The major general didn't answer, just looked at the other party with his dark blue eyes glowing with strange light.

Looking into those eyes for a while, Mute blinked lightly, and suddenly a look of enlightenment appeared on his face.

"You think I think of Tran when I see your face?"

The boy simply and clearly said what the major general was unwilling to say, without hiding anything.

"Will not."

When Mutter said this, his expression was very calm when he spoke.

"You are not like, you are Major General Troll, he is Tran."

He said, "Maybe at first I did feel sad for his death, but now I have figured it out, I want him to live, that is my selfish idea, and for him, being tied around the neck To live in chains like an animal is the cruelest thing."

he said, letting out a soft breath.

"Now he's free, which is great."

The major general said nothing more.

He lowered his head, and after a long while, he suddenly said something.

"I do not have."


"At that time, I did not drink the blood of other people, nor did I eat the flesh of those people."


"I only drank my own blood."


The hall was unusually quiet, only the countless tiny light spots scattered randomly in the dark room, and only the blue planet outside the window was slowly rotating.

The major general lowered his head, his jet-black hair hung down in front of his eyes, blocking his face, all he could see was his light-colored lips tightly pursed, which were clearly thin and sharp lines, but for some reason at this moment gave people a kind of Feeling wronged.

Mute thought for a long time whether this feeling was an illusion.

He didn't want to understand, but he had already got up, climbed a few steps, and climbed from the window sill to Major General Troll.

Then, he straightened his upper body and sat up on his knees in front of the major general. The major general was still sitting quietly, with his head lowered. Mutt could even see the whirling hair on the top of the major general's head.

He thought for a while, then reached out and touched the major general's head.

"I am very happy to meet you."

He said, gently stroking the black hair in the palm of his hand, it felt as delicate and smooth as velvet.

He stroked the head of the man in front of him and smiled at the man.

"So, Major General, I am very happy that you are alive, from before to now."

[I am very happy to meet you alive.]

The major general moved his head, and looked through the gaps in the black hair, looking at the boy who was touching his head.

Those red phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of the eyes were slightly raised, making them look more and more slender.

After being so stared at, Mute, who originally planned to touch it lightly but couldn't stop because of the cold and smooth touch like satin on his fingers, quickly stopped, raised his hands and quickly admitted his mistake.

"Cough, that, I apologize, but I couldn't hold back for a while, that, um, I will reflect on it, so please don't worry about it..."

Let Mute explain his mistake for a long time, and the major general stared at Mute with his red and phoenix eyes for a long time, and finally, he moved his lips and uttered two words.

He said, "Go ahead."

Mute: "..."

The boy felt that something might be wrong with his hearing.