It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 85


The hall of the research institute, which was mostly in ruins, was silent at the moment. Time seemed to stop at this moment, and everyone's breathing seemed to stop at this moment.

The young man was floating above the ruins without a breath of wind, but his jet-black hair kept fluttering.

The dim sunlight fell through the roof full of holes, as if all gathered on him. In the dimly lit ruins hall, it seemed that only this young man floating in the air was shining.

Countless falling gravels stood still in mid-air, and the eyes of the people who were about to be submerged by the gravels widened.

Half of the broken column fell down and stagnated in the air, and the people who were crushed below held their breath.

Suspended in mid-air, the boy whose body became more and more slender through the sunlight raised his head. The huge roof rubble above his head was solidified in mid-air, and the shadow of the boulder completely enveloped the body of the brown-haired child on the ground.

Mutt glanced around lightly.

At this moment, his pupils are as blue as the ocean reflecting the bright sun, and the flickering luster is the brightness of azure sapphire under the brilliance.

At that glance, it seemed that the time in the still ruined hall flowed again.

Under the unbelievable gazes of countless people, the crushed stones, broken walls, and pillars that were pressing on people slowly floated upward at the same time.

A faint blue light could be vaguely seen flowing in the air, as if there were countless invisible big hands, slowly and gently lifting up all the things that were pressing on the person.

At this moment, it was eerily quiet.

No one made a sound, not even a loud breathing sound.

The minds of all those who watched this scene went blank.

The jet-black hair fluttered past the boy's azure blue pupils, the boy was suspended in the air, and countless gravels that were also suspended in the air were clustered around him.

He raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Above him, above the research institute, the clouds were churning, and the atmosphere covering the ground was churning.

Around his body, a bluish streamer loomed, like water waves gently gliding by.

"The Nadia Star Destroyer is fully charged!"


That was a dialogue that happened again in the universe. Ten seconds after the old Marquis gave the order, a beam as bright as nuclear fusion, which was dozens of times more dazzling than the sun, shot from the universe again.

In just a split second, it once again pierced through the gap in the protective shield on the Emperor Star, pierced through the atmosphere, and tore apart the churning clouds.

It is like a huge sword of heavenly punishment, above the clouds, thrown by the angel of destruction to the sinful earth.

The moment its shining sharp blade touches the earth, the mountains will crack and the sea will churn, and thousands of lives on the ground will be reduced to dust in its bright brilliance—

Whether it is the huge light curtains in the sky of all the cities, or the light curtains flickering unsteadily in the research institute, this scene is faithfully reflected. The direction pointed by the sharp sword of light was exactly the direction of the land of the research institute which was mostly in ruins.

The people in the institute stared blankly at the beam of light falling, their faces had no expression, and their brains had stopped functioning.

They looked up at the ray of light falling from the sky blankly and numbly.

After one tenth of a second, everyone here will become dust in the air.

Above them, Mut, who was suspended in the air, also raised his head, watching the light that was about to fall from the sky.

He knows what it is.

When this light fell, the place he was in would become a barren land, just like what he had seen not long ago, a cannon fire took away all the lives on that land.

Life is so easily trampled and destroyed in war.

The blood in his body was flowing, and he seemed to hear the sound of the ocean beating against the shore on the blue planet from the ancient time and space.

In that blue ocean, all life was born.

That blue planet guards all the lives it breeds.

The sharp sword of light has pierced through the clouds, piercing down—

Above the ruined research institute, the boy's figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

The tip of the sword of light fell, facing the direction of the earth.

Under the huge lightsaber, the young man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere blocked the unstoppable sword tip with his body.

Compared with the huge light beam, that figure is so small.

But it was this tiny figure who forcibly held back the star-destroying cannon fire that could destroy half of the royal city—

The blue light was flickering, surrounding Mutt like flowing water. From a distance, it looks like a blue round gem embedded in the dim sky.

The cannon fire of the beam of light that fell from the sky was like a sharp sword stabbing fiercely at the blue gem.

The blue streamer vibrated endlessly, like a jewel trembling unbearably, as if it would be pierced by a lightsaber in the next second and be smashed to pieces.

The energy of the impact of the beam artillery fire and the blue light that resisted the beam artillery fire exploded into an arc-shaped light film in the air.

Surrounded by blue streamers, the outstretched hands of the young man firmly resisted the artillery fire that could destroy half of the city—

Finally, the exhausted beam artillery fire stopped abruptly. And almost at the same instant, the invisible shield that resisted the flow under the artillery fire also shattered and shattered.

The last bit of shelling energy pierced through the shield that had exhausted all its energy in the stalemate with it for tens of seconds, and slammed hard on the boy below, instantly knocking down the black-haired boy from the sky.

Seeing the boy's figure falling in the air, smashing through the remaining roof of the research institute, and falling heavily to the ground.

It was like a meteor passing through the sky and hitting the ground heavily, smashing the ground into a huge pit, and the dust flew up for a while.

The huge light curtain that faithfully displayed everything was still suspended above all the cities on this planet, broadcasting everything that happened just now.

At this moment, the entire planet was silent.

"Report! Star Destroyer attack failed!"

"Why? There was only a slight deviation in the first strike, but this time it can hit the target completely!"

"There is no deviation in the target angle, and the reason for the attack failure is unknown."

"Then find out the reason for me immediately!"

The lieutenant general who was in charge of hitting the target roared angrily, watching the gaps in the protective shields covering the emperor star narrowed little by little by the dozen or so satellites in the universe, his heart was bleeding at this moment.

He knew very well what two consecutive attack failures meant—it meant that their assault this time was likely to fail!

[The Scepter of the Kingdom of Heaven] is a super weapon that integrates offense and defense. The sixteen satellites are linked to each other without giving people the slightest gap. Even if one of the satellites has been damaged, the loophole caused by the damage of this satellite is only a few minutes. After a few minutes, other satellites will quickly calculate their orbits and re-link each other to make up for the defense and attack of the missing satellite. scope.

In other words, if they want to attack the ground with the Star Destroyer Cannon, they can only attack twice at most, including various times such as cooling down and energy storage. Under this premise, they are not randomly launching indiscriminate strikes on the ground, but they have calculated the correct angle of the target before launching the Star Destroyer strike.

And their goal is the underground control post of the [Scepter of Heaven] super weapon hidden in the royal city. The first strike of the Star Destroyer had a slight angle deviation and failed to hit the control post correctly, but the adjusted second strike, they were obviously 98% sure to destroy the control post of the super weapon! Why can the attack fail with such a high probability

"The cause of the failure has been found out, and all the energy of the Star Destroyer Beam fire has disappeared after entering the atmosphere!"

"Impossible! So far, there is no ground defense weapon that can resist the attack of the Star Destroyer!"

The lieutenant general retorted reflexively.

The soldier in charge of monitoring the energy fluctuations of the beam artillery fire lowered his voice in embarrassment.

"But... the energy fluctuations I monitor here are indeed..."

After the failure of the second Star Destroyer cannon attack, the old Marquis who was standing upright on the podium only had gloomy eyes, and his face was still extremely calm. The failure of this assault did not seem to have shaken him. And the calm expression of the old marquis also calmed down the people around him a lot.

They haven't failed yet, they still have a chance.

"Can you capture the message spreading inside the planet?"

Marquis Mia asked in a deep voice.

"Relevant information can be intercepted!"

"Immediately intercept and send the image information after the beam artillery fire enters the atmosphere."


When the intercepted image was played on the light curtain in the midair of the Nadia flagship command hall, the entire hall was silent.

"… what is this?"

The voice of the speaker was almost forced from the throat.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible!"

"This is false information released by the royal family to deliberately confuse us!"

"This is absolutely not something humans can do!"

The entire command hall exploded in an instant, and those fleet commanders who were able to stand still in the face of the hail of bullets and the explosion of stars felt absurd that their worldview was completely shattered.

"Let's not talk about how that person appeared there..."

"That's the Star Destroyer Beam Fire! Star Destroyer Cannon!"

A staff member interrupted his colleague almost roaring, and shouted out.

"One blow is enough to penetrate the Star Destroyer of the cruiser with the strongest defense! How could it be blocked by a human?! How could a human have such power?!"

"... No, it can be done."

When the entire command hall exploded, the only man who frowned and stared at the image on the light curtain suddenly said that he looked at the young man on the light curtain with a dignified expression.

"Stop joking! Do you want to say that a human being can block the Star Destroyer with his bare hands? Compared to this kind of thing, I would rather believe that the universe can be reversed—"

"Not human."

"What did you say?"

"Humans can't do it, but..." the man said, his eyes were serious, and there was a fear hidden in the depths of his eyes that no one else could see. He uttered a word slowly.

He said, "[Ga]."

The command hall where the pot exploded just now was once again deathly silent, different from the silence caused by shock and disbelief last time, this time the silence of everyone was filled with an indescribable weirdness mixed with panic breath.

After a long while, only one person broke the strange silence.

"Why... this kind of monster... didn't it mean that it had been killed long ago?"

His throat rolled.

"Why did it appear here?"

The 'Ga' with infinite spiritual power is terrifying, they can even use their spiritual power to tear apart distant warships.

They are monsters, monsters capable of doing anything, no matter how horrible and unimaginable. At the beginning, it was only a few 'ga's that destroyed the entire royal city and made the imperial family decline from then on.

It's not impossible for this kind of monster to block the Star Destroyer Cannon with one person's strength.

"Now is not the time to think about such things. If we can't break the [Scepter of Heaven] now, we will definitely lose this battle."

An aide put aside the possibility of panic among the soldiers.

"Report, what is the current itinerary of the Imperial Fleet?"

"Yes! The Imperial Fleet has just started returning from the Mia galaxy. Calculated by the fastest advance team, even if it does not count the losses and continues to jump, it will not be able to return until noon in three days at the earliest."

"How about the forces in the nearby Trimir galaxy, Wall galaxy, and South Anya galaxy?"

"The movement of the forces of these forces has not been detected for the time being. Even if the fleet of the nearest Wall Galaxy departs immediately, according to calculations, it will not arrive until tomorrow evening at the earliest."

The staff member nodded.

"That is to say, in the worst case, we still have a day and a night. What we need to think about now is how to break through the [Scepter of Heaven] in a day and a night."

"8% of our warships have been lost, and 23.45% of the artillery energy of our armaments has been consumed."

"The situation is not optimistic."

Just as the staff began to discuss, the old Marquis who had been silently staring at the image in the light curtain spoke.

"Again," he said in a deep voice, "crash the satellite with a cruiser."

The staff member was taken aback for a moment, and quickly opened his mouth to remind.

"But, sir, we have only one cruiser left, and if—"

"If you don't solve the linkage satellite, how much combat power is left is useless."

The old man stood there steadily, like a towering mountain.

"Last chance, win or lose."

"That 'ga'..."

Another person opened his mouth to raise an objection, but just as he raised it, he was refuted by another person.

"Even if it is 'Gal', there is a limit to mental power." The man pointed to the scene on the light curtain where the boy was hit by the residual energy of the artillery fire and fell to the ground, and said, "Blocking that beam of star-destroying artillery fire may have already It's the limit of that 'ga'."

"Get ready, let the battleship launch an attack and cover the cruiser!"

The order after order was conveyed in an orderly manner, and the officers at the first level received the order to charge again. All the battleships that were suspended in the universe and suspended their attacks moved again, arranged in a neat queue, and spread their wings.

Their muzzles lit up again, and they roared and charged forward—

The soldiers on the Nadia ship who were in charge of monitoring the battlefield tapped on the keyboard quickly, monitoring the situation in all directions of the fleet, and constantly relaying the situation on the battlefield to their superiors.

Suddenly, the soldier's eyes widened.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Sitting in his seat, he let out a nearly broken roar.

"Rear! Enemy attack!"

At the moment he roared, behind the Mia fleet, in the depths of the dark universe dotted with stars, countless warships came from the darkness.

The blue-black flagship, like a giant whale swimming in the ocean of stars, slowly appeared in front of the Emperor Star surrounded by countless warships.

"... Ishtar...! Why?"

"Impossible! Even if it jumps at full speed, it's impossible to—"

"Not impossible."

Amidst the panicked denials of his subordinates, the old Marquis stood in the command hall with a steady expression, his gaze sinking deeply into the deepest part of the shadow.

He said, "As long as [Ishtar] never left from the beginning."

It is not impossible for Ishtar to be here.

As long as it never left the Emperor Star System, as long as that young major general saw through all his strategies from the very beginning and waited for him to throw himself into the trap—

The last word of the old Marquis fell silent, the room was silent, and everyone was silent.

In such silence, everyone watched as the rear of their fleet was gradually filled with battleships pouring out of the darkness.


The huge blue-black flagship sailed slowly in the star universe, and countless battleships clustered around it, arranged in neat rows. The fleet spread out, and a large impenetrable net was opened around the Emperor Star, covering the entire Ermian fleet in the net.

On the high podium, a young major general in a black-and-silver-patterned imperial uniform stood upright on it. The golden badge tassels fell from his shoulders, and the dark cloak spread out behind him, as if on his back. wings spread out.

The ice-blue phoenix eyes are long and narrow like the sharp traces of a blade.

The black hair like the night is scattered in the sharp corners of his eyes, casting cold shadows in his pupils. He stared at the battlefield ahead with a frightening chill, like the cold and ferocious gleam in the eyes of a hunting beast.

The flickering light in the command hall illuminated the black-haired major general's ice-like skin, and illuminated his handsome face, which inexplicably gave off an extremely cruel beauty at this moment.

Major General Troll raised his hand, and his slender fingers in dark leather gloves swayed slightly in the air.

The thin lips moved.

He said, "Strike."

In the starry sky, countless warships roared out.

Sword unsheathed—