It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 86


There seems to be a flame burning in the body, as if the tongue of fire is burning, licking the flesh and blood, little by little, the blood in the body is boiling, rolling, vaporizing and seeping into the flesh and blood. The burning pain spread to the limbs, infected the internal organs, and penetrated into the deepest part of the bone marrow, so hot that it seemed that even the bone marrow was vaporized.

The blood in the body seemed to be gradually burned out and dried up, and the flesh and blood were forcibly drawn out from the body bit by bit.

The head was in severe pain, as if something had been forcefully pulled out from the spirit and soul, the so-called pain of cramps and peeling skin was nothing more than that.

With his own strength and flesh and blood, the young man forcibly resisted the horrifying beam artillery fire that could turn half of the royal city into ruins.

Terrible strength and burdens were all on his shoulders, and the oppressive force caused by the rampant energy almost made him unable to breathe.

If only I could escape.

He couldn't help thinking this in pain.

It only takes a split second for him to escape from the artillery fire he resisted, and as long as he disappears under the artillery fire, he no longer has to desperately hold on to the energy that will almost crush his whole body .

But I can't go.

He couldn't escape, even if the pain made his whole body and even his soul scream unbearably, even if he gritted his teeth, he still had to hold on.

If this breath is released, under his feet, on the ground, thousands of lives will be wiped out in a single thought—

The heavy load on his body like a mountain finally weakened gradually, and at the last moment when the light beam disappeared, the overwhelmed protective cover full of cracks that he tried his best to support finally couldn't support it anymore, like It burst like a bubble in an instant.

The remaining energy hit him hard.

His already blurred vision suddenly went black, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

The body fell from the air, and he could only hear the whistling of the wind in his ears. He stretched out his hand in a trance, but he could only see the sky moving away from him.

Then there was a loud bang, and his world became dark.


It was as if a sea breeze brushed through the tips of his hair, and he felt the breath of sea water, with a salty and bitter taste.

But he couldn't see the endless blue, his body seemed to be imprisoned, his vision seemed to disappear at this moment, and he seemed to feel that piece of blue was rapidly moving away from him in a trance.

In the dark sea of stars, the blue planet quickly moved away and disappeared in front of him.

He reached out, but couldn't catch anything—

... ... ...

Mutt opened his eyes suddenly, his whole body was in severe pain, and when he moved, rustling gravel rolled down from his body. His chest was oppressed, as if all the oxygen had been emptied, he opened his mouth trying to take a breath, but when he opened his mouth, he choked in a mouth full of dust, which made him cough several times in pain. This cough pulled his chest, and as soon as the oxygen was inhaled, his ribs throbbed violently.

He didn't know whether the ribs in his chest were broken or misplaced, he only knew that every time he took a breath, his chest was throbbing with pain.

With an uncontrollable cough, he felt a warm liquid flow down from his forehead and seep into his eyes, his vision seemed to be dyed red. He lowered his head, his black hair was messily scattered in front of his eyes, the warm liquid flowed down his cheeks and seeped into his lips, and he could feel a faint smell of rust.

He took a few breaths, and struggled to prop up his body, gravel and dust fell from him, and he closed his eyes to prevent the dust scattered from the ends of his hair from falling into his eyes.

The surrounding area was very quiet, only the sound of fine stones falling to the ground could be heard, Mutt thought, it was a good thing he fell in a place where there were not many people, otherwise the huge impact force would definitely cause harm to others small injury. He knelt on the ground, propped himself up, coughed again, took a few breaths, and then slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, Mute suddenly found that the surrounding scene was very familiar. He didn't fall to an unfamiliar place, but was still smashed back into the ruins of the research institute by that blow.

The research institute is still the same as it was at the beginning, and most of it has collapsed. Only the roof has collapsed again, and it looks like it was smashed through by him. That mysterious and strange force protected him from the fall in the end, and didn't make him fall into a pulp, but maybe his ribs were broken, and his whole body was covered with bruises.

He got up from the pile of rubble, knelt on the ground, took another breath, and slowly raised his head.

One eye was infiltrated by the blood flowing from the forehead, and the vision was a little blurred, and only the right eye could barely see the scene in front of him.

He raised his eyes slowly, and saw not far away from him, a brown-haired boy slumped on the ground, staring at him with wide-open eyes, with a dull expression on his face, as if he was still in shock.

... Well, it's all right.

At this moment, the breath that he held on desperately was finally let out, and Mutt exhaled in a low breath.

He knelt and sat among the ruins and rubble, pressing his hand on his painful chest, tilting his head slightly, and the warm liquid was still flowing down from his forehead, staining half of his cheeks red.

He looked at Ya Rui, who was sitting slumped on the ground and stared at him blankly, with the corners of his blood-stained lips raised, revealing a faint smile.

The originally dull pupils of the brown-haired boy contracted vigorously at this moment, shrinking like pinholes. The moment his pupils constricted, his face revealed an expression of incomparable horror, so frightened that his entire face was distorted into a strange appearance.

He seemed to have seen something horrifying and terrifying, and his hands on the ground trembled. In just a split second, the trembling in his hands spread throughout his body. His whole body trembled, and his eyes were full of fear as he stared at the young man who was smiling at him.

"Don't...don't kill me!"

His lips were trembling, pale and pale, and the sounds he made were all indistinct trills.

He propped his hands on the ground and tried to get up, but his whole body trembled violently, and he fell to the ground after climbing several times. He was so embarrassed that he crawled on the ground more and more desperately.

"Don't...don't...please! Don't kill me! Don't!"

The extreme fear made his voice change at this moment, and he howled brokenly. He couldn't get up after climbing several times, so he just lay on the ground, using his hands and feet, rolling and crawling to escape.

The boy's smile froze at this moment.

He opened his eyes and stared blankly at the brown-haired boy who was always around him and looked at him with shining eyes, scrambling away.

He saw the boy's eyes, just like the man on the planet who was devoured by the flesh-eating flower monster looked at the flesh-eating flower at the moment before he died.

"... 'Gal'."

"It's 'Ga'!!!"

"It's that kind of monster! A murderous monster!!"

"It will kill us!"

"Ah, help!!!"

The ruins of the research institute were originally extremely quiet, so quiet that no trace of the wind could be felt. All the people stuck in place were like sculptures. Their expressions froze for a moment, their eyes froze for a moment, and even breathing They all hold this moment.

However, the boy's scream was like a ladle of boiling water being poured into a hot oil pan, and the extremely suppressed volcano erupted instantly. Horrified screams came and went at this moment, and many people screamed, howled hysterically, and fled desperately. The ruins that were originally dead and silent exploded at this moment, fear erupted in everyone's hearts, and everyone was running away, crazy and terrified.

Their expressions were as if they would be torn apart by the horrible monster behind them if they stayed just one more second.

Fear filled their brains, and the spreading panic gripped everyone's hearts. This fear was even worse than the moment the Star Destroyer dropped from the sky. From their point of view, it doesn't matter where you flee, as long as you can stay away from that monster, as long as you can escape from the sight of that monster with a human appearance—

That horrible monster—

The boy who was regarded as a monster was still kneeling and sitting in the ruins. He watched the crowd running around in panic, and the horrified shouts pierced his eardrums, stabbing his head with a dull pain.

He held his chest that was still throbbing, the warm blood on his forehead was still slowly flowing down his cheeks, his dark pupils were empty, and at this moment, he was full of bewilderment.

[That is a murderous monster!]

[It will kill us!]

[Help! Do not kill me!]

"I didn't do anything."

He said, murmuring, in a voice so soft that only he could hear.

He stared blankly at the way people were afraid to avoid him.

"...I can't do anything."

He said, in an inaudible voice, the last word was so soft that it seemed to melt into the air.

He lowered his head, his blood-stained eyelashes drooped down, casting deep shadows on his pale cheeks, and the blood that had stained half of his cheeks looked even more shocking against his bloodless cheeks.

There was a sound of laser cutting through the air, and a white laser shot from the air, instantly piercing Mutt's shoulder.

The sudden severe pain in his shoulder made the young man let out a muffled sound, a blood hole appeared on his right shoulder, bleeding profusely. Before he could react, the sound of laser piercing through the air came again from behind him.

His pupils flashed a very weak blue light at this moment, and an invisible barrier appeared behind him, blocking all the laser beams that came.

Mutt wobbled, barely stood up, turned around, and saw dozens of black muzzles aimed at him.

Not long ago, those heavily armed imperial soldiers had tightly guarded him and other professors to protect him, but now, these soldiers looked at Mutt with tense faces, laser guns in their hands. All the guns were aimed at this frail young man covered in bruises.

Mutt stood among the ruins, panting lightly, blinking his left eye, because the blood flowing from his forehead had made his red left eye gradually unable to see clearly. He felt as if his heart was tightly grasped by an invisible big hand, and his chest was oppressed by something, which made him unable to breathe, and a hazy mist emerged from his pupils uncontrollably.

He shook his head slowly.

"I'm not going to do anything ... I'm not going to hurt anybody," he said.

Before he could finish his words, dozens of laser beams had already shot towards him. Mutt gritted his teeth, and an invisible barrier in the air appeared again, blocking most of the laser beams. However, the opponent's laser rays have been shooting continuously, and the fragile protective cover is cracked little by little under the impact of strong energy, and even a small amount of laser rays have broken through the thin protective cover at the edge. After rubbing on the body, several bloody cuts were wiped on the already scarred body, and the blood splashed in the air.

The young man clenched his teeth, his face was so pale that no trace of blood could be seen.

The head was in severe pain, and the shortness of breath could not replenish oxygen. He could feel the strange power in his body decreasing rapidly and was about to be exhausted.

He clenched his teeth, the veins in his temples bulged, and he used his last strength to block the lasers that were shooting at him, but his vision had already begun to blur, and his eyes turned black in bursts, his breathing was very heavy, maybe in the next second he would Will fall headfirst to the ground.


A voice sounded from the opposite side, and Mute saw the speaker.

The old man who had always looked at him with kindness and admiration, and wanted to take him to protect him even when he was escaping against time, stood opposite him at this moment, standing behind those dozens of imperial soldiers, watching His eyes were full of hatred.

"I was almost deceived by you monster! You actually deceived an old man like me... In a place like this, a monster like you dare to sneak in, what exactly do you want to do?!"

The old dean, who felt deceived, was full of anger, and his chest heaved rapidly.

"Want to steal the earth's information? Delusion! You dirty monsters don't want to tarnish it!"

I do not have.

The boy shook his head, he shook his head blankly.

I didn't lie to you, and I didn't lie to anyone.

I won't kill anyone, and I won't hurt anyone.

He opened his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound. Any excuse seemed so powerless under the vigilant and disgusting eyes of the person opposite.

He is a monster.

In the eyes of these people, everything he did was wrong.

His body was already exhausted, and his spirit felt exhausted. He didn't know how long he could last. He just instinctively didn't want to die in this kind of place.

He lowered his head, his vision had begun to blur, and the scenery in his vision gradually turned into black and white. His mind was already in a trance, but he failed to see the sniper rifles aimed at him by the two soldiers on the opposite side. Two shots fired in succession, and the shield, which was already fragile to the limit, shattered in an instant.

Two pitch-black bullets broke through the shield, penetrated his body, and passed through his body with blood. The huge inertia brought about by the bullet penetrating through his body made his barely standing body unable to support it any longer, and he fell backwards, falling heavily to the ground.

The young man fell into the ruins, lying on the ground, his jet-black hair messily scattered in front of his eyes, he opened his eyes slightly, watching the blood flowing from his forehead stain the gravel in front of him red.

Someone came over, and his trance made him unable to hear what those people were saying.

It hurts.

he thinks.

It hurts everywhere.

He lay on the gravel with his eyes slightly open, thinking unconsciously, his pupils rolled, and he saw those heavily armed soldiers approaching him slowly with vigilance on their faces, and he saw someone walking up, stomping heavily on his face. At his ankles, someone's army boots stepped on his wrists, restraining all his movements.

They pulled the trigger in their hands, and the scorching laser pierced through his wrist and ankle, and severe pain swept through his body. He clenched his lower lip tightly without making a sound.

Finally, in the corner of his eye, in the blurred vision, the boy saw a soldier smashing the heavy black gun handle down towards him.

The hard metal hit the back of his head hard, and the blood seeping from his forehead slipped from the corners of his eyes.

Eyelashes stained with blood fell, and the whole world fell into silence and darkness.