It’s Over! The Major General is Bent!

Chapter 89


A blindingly bright light beam spurted out, shooting straight lines in the dark starry sky, like a sharp arrow bombarding the blue planet with a thunderous momentum.

That bright light illuminated the pitch-black cosmic stars, and also illuminated the countless warships in the starry sky. Everyone in those battleships, even the soldiers in the defeated Mia fleet, watched with a dazed expression as the beam of destructive power bombarded the satellite named Zimir above the Emperor Star. On the ground, the satellite was blasted to pieces in an instant.

Almost everyone's minds went blank at this moment.

Major General Troll's mutiny? He is actually a senior undercover agent of the Mia family

That's what goes through the minds of totally unreliable people.

Ishtar battleship was controlled by the Mia rebels by what special means

This is the idea of a person with a little thinking ability.

No matter what other people think, [The Scepter of Heaven] Zimir, the eleventh satellite, was bombarded by Major General Troll's flagship Ishtar's Star Destroyer. This is the fact that is currently happening.

A huge gap appeared on the defensive cover of [Scepter of the Kingdom of Heaven]. The huge wave pressure generated when the Zimir satellite exploded even pushed away the satellites approaching it by a little distance, so the gap widened even more.

Before everyone could react, Ishtar moved. This flagship, famous for its explosive power and aggressiveness, moved like a tiger, and it only accelerated to the maximum speed in an instant. In his eyes, Ishtar looked like a blue-black lightning, tearing apart the starry sky, passing through the gap in the defensive cover of [Scepter of Heaven], and heading towards the blue planet.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the huge blue-black battleship sinking into the clouds and into the atmosphere of the Emperor Star—this was the first time in tens of thousands of years that a large flagship not directly under the royal family broke into the airspace of the Emperor Star— This is even more shocking than the fact that the Marquis of Mia brazenly attacked the Emperor Starfield.

"His Royal Highness! Ishtar has broken into the atmosphere!"

"Current ground air defense weapons cannot cause devastating damage to large flagships!"

"Ishtar is traveling in the direction of the king's capital!"

"The battleship is expected to reach the sky above the capital in three minutes and sixteen seconds!"

"His Royal Highness! Please issue an attack order—"

In the huge and luxurious hall of the palace, the blond princess stood on a high podium, silently watching the huge blue-black battleship on the light curtain.

The white clouds collapsed around the blue-black flagship, and a layer of burning light appeared around the giant battleship that was heading down in the atmosphere of the Emperor Star. It was the high heat caused by the friction between the atmosphere and the flagship's protective cover. At first glance, it looks like Ishtar is shining brightly, scorchingly dazzling.

"...Immediately correct the friend-or-foe identification procedure of [Scepter of Heaven]."

Salome spoke, her voice was not loud, but it had an invisible majesty.

The Marquis of Mia can only destroy a satellite with heavy losses, but the reason why Ishtar can easily destroy a satellite is that [Scepter of Heaven] has the ability to identify friend and foe, and Major General Troll's fleet belongs to The friendly side will not attack the fleet under the command of Major General Troll, so Ishtar is allowed to pass through the gap and enter the airspace of Emperor Star.

Otherwise, even if the destruction of the satellite creates a gap in the defense cover, the battleships of the Mia rebels will not be able to approach the gap, because if they want to pass through the gap, they will suffer simultaneous attacks from other satellites.

What Princess Salome gave at this moment is the most correct order.

Ishtar has entered the atmosphere of the Emperor Star and cannot be stopped, but there is still a gap in the outer space defense cover of the Emperor Star. If other warships under Major General Troll follow in, other satellites will still not attack, so now the most important thing is to The most important thing is to change the intelligent friend-or-foe identification program of [Scepter of Heaven] to prevent other warships from following Ishtar into the neck of the Emperor Star.

Marshal Yujia, who is the marshal of the empire, has already secretly gone to the Mia galaxy, and it is impossible to command the current war. Some people once felt that the attack strategy on the Mia galaxy this time was not like Major General Troll's usual style of "fast, accurate, and ruthless", and attributed it to Major General Troll's first command of a large-scale battlefield. —However, this time the attack on the Mia star was actually directed by Marshal Yujia who secretly went to the Mia galaxy, so the natural style was wrong.


Because of the attack by the Nadia Star Destroyer, the flagship of the Marquis of Mia not long ago, some areas of the capital city have been bombarded and turned into ruins, but most of them are still intact, and most of the citizens are safe and sound.

At this moment, the entire royal city was silent, and the citizens looked at the ships visible to the naked eye hovering above the royal city with nervous and frightened eyes. The huge blue-black ship was parked above the palace in the royal city, like a dark cloud, and the shadow shrouded the entire palace.

Not long after, the belly of Ishtar's ship opened the hatch, and three small landing ships flew out of it, heading downwards. The place where they landed happened to be on the ruins a little far away from the royal city. And that area, for some reason, the entire huge area has been urgently blocked by the Royal Guards, and the people who were stopped outside could only see that many wounded were being carried out of the blocked area one after another. .

However, the landing ship coming from the huge ship in the sky could not be blocked, and the soldiers of the guards who were notified not to act rashly could only watch the landing ship land on the ruins.

In the hall, a huge light curtain is suspended in mid-air, broadcasting everything that happened in the blocked area at this time, and another light curtain can see the Ishtar battleship hovering quietly above the royal family. .

The landing ship landed, and the hatch opened in the gust of air. The wind whizzed past and rolled up the dust on the ground. Everyone in the hall looked at the figure coming out of the hatch with extremely complicated eyes.

With a tall and slender body, the imperial military uniform with black background and silver stripes made the man's figure even more straight.

The jet-black hair was brought up by the updraft, and the handsome face of the young major general was instantly enlarged and appeared on the screen. The long and narrow phoenix eyes like frozen dark blue jewels, and the snow-white skin covered with frost and snow were like a beauty carved from ice and snow. , on the magnified screen, it gives people a visually extreme aesthetic feeling.

The beauty of this major general is very attractive, but at this moment, at the first glance, everyone felt as if they saw a terrifying monster, and they were terrified. a bit.

Vision is the first sense, but the terrifying aura emanating from this major general has completely overwhelmed everyone's visual perception of his appearance.

It's an instinct.

The instinct of a creature to feel fear when it feels a presence thousands of times more dangerous than itself.

Someone swallowed.

"Major General Troll... what do you want to do?"

No one answered, because no one knew why Major General Troll turned his artillery fire on the Emperor Star.

This happened so fast that no one could fully understand what happened. And the only one who can guess the reason is perhaps only Princess Salome standing on the high podium with a blank face. However, even she could not have imagined that Major General Troll would do such a thing.

Do you know what you are doing

She looked at the man on the screen silently, her face was expressionless, but the bottom of her heart fluctuated violently at this moment.

For one person, give up the power and status at your fingertips.

For that child, against the royal family.

... That's all.

But that's 'Ga', the enemy of the entire human race. If you choose him, you are the enemy of all human beings in the entire universe!

Staring at the person on the screen, Wang Nu clenched her hand hanging by her side tightly.

Troll, do you really know what you're doing

"He has left the ship now, and there is not much protection around him, or we will send troops to give him..."


The princess' cold voice interrupted the man's proposal.

"You think Ishtar above our heads is just a display?"

Since Major General Troll dared to come to the ground, he naturally left behind. Ishtar is monitoring all the movement in the royal city above the royal city. As long as the royal guards move, the Ishtar ships above the palace can fire and bombard the ground at any time.

The powerful Star Destroyer can destroy even a single satellite in the universe. Now if it strikes the palace at such a close range, any ground defense weapon will be useless.



The ruins have become a dead place, and the wind is raging, whistling over the ruins.

What makes people feel weird is that these icy winds are only hovering in this ruined area, endlessly ravaging the earth, rolling up the gravel on the ground, and blowing over the ruined walls on the ground.

A huge ball like an eggshell was suspended above the ruins, only a few centimeters above the ground. It is not an entity, but a spherical object formed by the whirlwind winding countless fine pieces of glass, sharp stones, etc., just like a spherical hurricane.

This eggshell-shaped spherical hurricane has a height of ten floors. It is huge and suspended above the ruins, giving people a huge sense of oppression. Standing alone, the whole person will be shrouded in its shadow, like an ant under the shadow of a giant.

"Major General, please think again!"

The subordinates who followed looked at this weird spherical hurricane, and tried hard to persuade their superiors to stop this dangerous move.

"I tortured the person guarding here just now. He said that several teams of elite troops were sent in before, but all those people had a mental breakdown. No one knows what's going on inside."

"It's too dangerous for you to go in like this!"

But no matter how much they persuaded, the major general standing under the spherical hurricane turned a deaf ear, completely ignored them, and directly stepped on the collapsed ruins and walked towards the weird spherical hurricane.

The moment Troll stepped into the range of the hurricane, the metal ring on his right wrist lit up, and a luminous protective shield emerged around him. The sharp rocks and pieces of glass carried by the hurricane smashed hard on the protective cover, sparking countless sparks. The blue-black metal ring on his wrist was constantly flashing, and the protective shield around him was also constantly exploding sparks.

The thick layer of hurricanes and sharp gravels outside is extremely dangerous. The knife-like hurricane is whistling around, and countless broken stones or glass fragments are colliding and tearing each other, just like howling in the starry sky. The traces of passing comets.

However, after passing through the shell region where the hurricane roared, the air suddenly became quiet.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see anything. Troll could only vaguely see a faint blue light flickering indistinctly far away from him. He wanted to walk towards the faint blue light, but just as he took a step, a whirlwind suddenly hit, which was almost substantive oppression formed by powerful spiritual power, sweeping past him. He stabilized his body and didn't retreat, but the mental force that was so powerful that it already existed hit his brain, causing his head to feel like a needle prick for a moment.

The pain was only for a moment, but when Major General Troll recovered and opened his eyes again, everything in front of him changed. He was no longer in that pitch-black world where he could not see his fingers. At this moment, among the boundless stars, although he was still pitch-black, there were countless stars shimmering in the darkness.

And he was standing in this infinite starry sky.

Major General Troll was slightly taken aback.

He has a very familiar feeling...

... ... ...

... Spiritual attunement.

Yes, this is the child's spiritual realm.

In the dark starry sky, in front of him, a familiar figure emerged from the darkness and appeared in front of him.

It's just been dozens of days since I've seen him. The black-haired boy is terribly thin, his complexion looks bloodless, and he is wearing a large white top and shorts. Arms and calves, the whole person looks thinner and thinner.

His face was abnormally pale, and the round face that used to be a little baby fat now had a pointed chin, and his cheeks were slightly sunken, making those dark eyes even bigger.

The young man stood quietly opposite Major General Troll, without saying a word, just quietly watching the major general with those dark eyes that got bigger and bigger.

"Major general."

After a while, Mutt called out softly.

He met the major general's eyes, and there was a sad look in his eyes.

"… late."

He walked over slowly, and a very light mist slowly appeared in his eyes as he stared at Major General Troll.

"You are too late."

The young man said that his dark pupils were immersed in the water mist and looked at the major general, and his gaze made people feel distressed.

"I've hurt too many people, I've got too much blood on my hands... I can't follow you anymore."

He said softly, his voice seemed to be trembling faintly, oozing with an indescribable pain.

"Please leave."

The major general stood still. He quietly looked at Mutt, who was walking towards him. His dark forehead hair was scattered in the corners of his long and narrow eyes, and shadows shrouded his eye sockets, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment.

He looked at Mutt and didn't move.

"... I have been waiting for you." The young man said softly, "But now, it is impossible for me..."

While speaking in a low voice, he stretched out his hand and gently grabbed the major general's cuff. He seemed to want to say something, but before he could say it, the hand that had just grabbed the major general's cuff was thrown away by the major general.

The major general shook off his hand so hard that his thin body took a step back unsteadily.

Mute, who was thrown away and staggered back a step, raised his head and looked at Major General Troll with disbelief. What greeted him was the major general's cold eyes without a trace of emotion. Those eyes, as if looking at a stranger, made Mute pause for breath.

"Major general?"

He couldn't help shouting in a low voice, he looked at the major general with nothing but blankness in his eyes.

Major General Troll didn't seem to hear his shout, but just looked at him indifferently, with a cold and expressionless face.

The light in Mutt's eyes dimmed.

"You really are the same as those humans."

He said, talking to himself in general.

"you… "

Before Mute finished his second sentence, Major General Troll suddenly stepped forward and stretched out his hand. Before Mute could react, he had already been slammed to the ground by the major general.

The pitch-black boots stepped heavily on his chest, with such force that it seemed to crush the ribs in his chest, causing him to let out a painful whine.

He opened his eyes and looked at the man above him with an indescribably painful gaze. The black hair was messily scattered around his thin cheeks. The young man looked at the man with tears already seeping from the corners of his eyes.

The major general who stepped on Mutt's chest looked down at the young man under his feet. He looked at the pained expression on Mutt's face without being moved in the slightest. He looked down at Mutt from a high position, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were as cold as blades.

He said, "Where is he?"

The painful expression on the young man's face seemed to be frozen at that moment, giving people a very strange feeling. Then, in the next second, the boy who was stepped on by Major General Troll disappeared as if melting into the darkness.

And when that figure appeared in front of the major general again, the appearance belonging to 'Mute' gradually faded away, and a girl with dry yellow hair came out from the darkness.

The young girl's face was bloodless, horribly pale, and her eyes seemed to be sunk in the deepest darkness, unable to see any light. Because of her thinness, her cheekbones were swollen high, which made her face even more hostile. She was wearing an old white robe, which was empty, and the exposed wrists and calves were so thin that they were almost covered with skin and bones.

As soon as she appeared, the air was inexplicably enveloped in a depressing and gloomy atmosphere.

When she smiled, that smile gave people a cold feeling, which made people feel numb in their hearts and feel cold in their backs.

"Where is he?"

Major General Troll repeated this sentence again, his sharp eyes fixed on the strange girl who appeared in front of him.

"You can't find the kid."

The girl with dry yellow hair floated lightly in mid-air, like a ghost.

"You can't find him." She repeated again, "You can't take him away."


The major general didn't speak any more, he was silent for a while, then suddenly stepped forward.

In front of him was a boundless starry sky, but the second he took a step, it suddenly changed. An abyss appeared at his feet. As long as he took another step forward, he would fall into the bottomless abyss.

The yellow-haired girl floated beside him, like a ghost haunting him, and let out a low laugh.

"You can't find his, and you can't take him away."

She smiled and fluttered around the man, repeating this sentence over and over again.

As if he didn't see the abyss under his feet, the major general stepped on it, and the abyss under his feet shattered.

The next moment, the scene under his feet changed again. An erupting volcano appeared in front of his eyes. Hot magma erupted and flowed violently, and it was about to rush to the major general's legs.

"Go back, leave, you can't take him away."

The girl's ghost chattered beside her.

The pitch-black boots stomped heavily on the ground, and as he stepped forward, hot magma roared like sea waves, and it was about to drown the man—

The major general stepped on it with one step, and in the next second, all the fiery red magma that had rushed in front of the major general shattered into powder.

Then, when the scenery changed, and he was on the ship again, countless meteor fragments in the universe in front of him flooded the sky——


... ... ...

One illusion after another was shattered in front of the young major general, and the girl with yellow hair became silent.

Any illusion can easily destroy a person's spirit and completely break him down, but it is useless in front of this man.

The spiritual power of this human being was beyond her expectation. It should be said that she had never encountered a human being whose mental power was strong enough to resist the power of 'Gal'.

And what this human being wants to do at this moment also makes her feel puzzled.

"what do you want to do?"

After a long silence, she spoke again.

Her translucent figure floated lightly in mid-air, looking down at the human below.

"As I said, you can't take him away."


There was no answer, the yellow-haired girl was silent for a long time again, and suddenly smiled coldly.

"Even if you find him, it's useless." She said, "It's the child who closed himself up, and he didn't want to leave, so I said, you can't take him away."

She said, "That child is too cowardly, all those humans deserve to die, and he couldn't do it."

There was a strong resentment in her eyes, as well as unwillingness.

"He can clearly kill all the humans in this city. With his power, he can easily take revenge on those humans who tortured him. He can even destroy the entire city! But he actually doesn't do anything!"

She gritted her teeth and said, stunned for a while, looking at her hands.

She seemed to be able to see the indelible blood on her hands, and her eyes were a little dazed at this moment.

She had already died. Ten thousand years ago, after destroying most of the city and killing countless humans, she also died because she ran out of power and lamps. What is left here now is the resentment of the remaining spiritual power, the fusion of hatred, strong negative consciousness and the spiritual power left by countless Jia who died of torture, and only then did she exist.

If I had to say it, she might just be a wraith haunted by unwillingness and hatred for human beings.

The faint blue light illuminated her skinny and pale cheeks, and the blond-haired girl looked up, with a look of surprise on her face.

She didn't expect that in such a huge and boundless spiritual realm, that human actually found the core of this spiritual realm, where the child's spirit was.

In the darkness, there is a white light cocoon emitting a faint blue light.

The boy lay quietly in the light cocoon and fell asleep, his body curled up slightly, his fine black hair scattered on his peaceful sleeping face.

Troll stood in front of the light cocoon, he stretched out his hand to penetrate the light cocoon, and lightly touched the sleeping boy's cheek with his fingertips, he saw the teardrop in the corner of the boy's eye.

"It's useless, you can't wake him up, and even I can't wake him up."

The yellow-haired girl floating in the air said lightly.

"As I said, you can't take him away." She said, "It's not me who put him to sleep, but himself."

"I don't know what this child is thinking." The girl shook her head lightly, she looked at the sleeping Mutt, her eyes were full of vicissitudes, and there was a bit of bitterness, "It's him himself Block here."

"He closed himself off, in order not to hurt others."

This young 'ga', he doesn't want to use his power to hurt others.

He didn't want to kill thousands of humans because of hatred like her, and he didn't want to be a bloody monster like her... So he chose to close himself and sleep here forever. "

The girl with yellow hair watched silently. She watched the man's hand penetrate the light cocoon, and gently held the sleeping teenager's hand with her fingers.

She saw the man looking at the child's eyes, that indescribable gaze made her suddenly understand why this man could see through her disguise at a glance.

Why would a human being do such a thing for a Jia

Why do humans look at Ga with such tender eyes

She doesn't understand.

All she knows is that humans are unforgiving and untrustworthy.

Yes, all humans are, all humans deserve to die.

She thought so, but couldn't control her eyes from falling on those two people.

Can there be no hatred between Jia and human beings

she does not know.

"You want to take him away?"


"You can't protect him."


"Ga is the enemy of mankind."


"He knows about your arrival. This is his world. He actually knows everything, but he still chooses to continue sleeping and refuse to wake up because he knows what he will face when he leaves here."

"He is the enemy of mankind. If you take him away, then you will be the enemy of the entire universe. He knows this, so he will not wake up and go with you."

Looking at the peacefully sleeping boy's face, the blond-haired girl said calmly.

"The universe that belongs to humans refuses to accept his existence, so he chooses to sleep here all the time."

She shut her mouth after saying this and said no more.

Gaga is the enemy of mankind.

Therefore, this universe belonging to human beings will always exclude the existence of Jia, and there will never be any change.

Major General Troll glanced at the blond-haired girl who fell silent. His hand was still holding Mute's hand, and the fingers held in his palm were very cold, with almost no temperature.

Then, his gaze fell back to Mutt's face again, slowly sweeping across the peacefully sleeping face of the child.

"You can hear me."

He said, not asking, but determined.

His hands tightened slightly, and he clenched the cold fingers in his palm. He lowered his eyes, and the slender eyelashes fell down, casting a light shadow on his cheek.

He stared at the sleeping Mutt, then leaned over and lowered his head.

"Come with me."

The young major general said that he lowered his head, but raised the hand holding the young man's fingers, so the jet-black hair that fell down fell on the back of the young man's pale hand.

In the shadow of eyelashes, his half-closed pupils reflected a bluish luster, like dark blue gemstones gleaming with light. The light-colored lips were extremely thin, forming a sharp arc, but at this moment they fell on the young man's pale fingertips with infinitely soft traces.

He said, "I give you the universe."