It Seems I Love You Very Much

Chapter 56: I can't get the jade pendant back


"I want to talk to daddy first..." Tang Xiaonai immediately hit the little boy on the head, eager to hear daddy's voice.

Tang Xiaorui glared at his sister with an unhappy look on his face: "I'm discussing a big deal with daddy, please step aside..."

"No, no, let me say a few words to daddy and let you say it." Tang Xiaonai's face was full of domineering.

Tang Xiaorui had no choice but to put the phone to her ear.

After the phone rang a few times, Ji Yanhan quickly picked it up, and his voice came over: "Who..."

"Daddy, it's me..." Tang Xiaonai's excited voice frightened Tang Xiaorui so much that he couldn't even hold his cell phone steady.

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let mommy hear it!" Tang Xiaorui immediately reminded his sister.

Tang Xiaonai was also frightened and quickly lowered her voice: "Daddy, do you miss me? I miss you so much!"

"Xiao Nai, Daddy has been thinking of you..." When Ji Yanhan heard his daughter's voice, the gloom on his face suddenly disappeared, and his voice was full of tenderness.

"My brother and I secretly called you. Mommy doesn't know..."

"Well, don't let her know, otherwise, Daddy won't be able to hear your voices." Ji Xiaohan taught his innocent little daughter a very bad lesson.

"Okay, brother has something important to tell you!" Tang Xiaonai heard her father's voice, and also heard her father say he missed her. She was very happy, but she saw the impatient look on her brother's face next to her. With such a small expression, she had no choice but to stick out her tongue and give up her position.

Tang Xiaorui is not as squeamish as his sister, because he is the elder brother.

"Xiao Rui, are you there? Why don't you speak? Are you still angry with daddy?" Ji Xiaohan immediately became anxious when he heard there was no sound over there.

"Daddy, let me ask you something, will you marry my mommy?" Tang Xiaorui thought his voice was serious.

Ji Xiaohan didn't expect that his son was still obsessed with this issue. Alas, it was really embarrassing for the child.

"As long as you can convince your mommy to move to my place, I can consider this matter." Ji Xiaohan also had a headache. This was no longer a question of whether he wanted to marry, but whether the woman wanted to marry. ah.

"But Mommy said she hates you." The little guy sighed.

Ji Xiaohan's tone immediately raised a few points: "Did she really say that?"

"Well, Daddy, did you do something to make Mommy angry, so she hates you? Why don't you apologize to her? Mommy doesn't like to hold grudges the most. You can reconcile with her. We can meet again.”

Ji Xiaohan felt a little annoyed. This woman actually hated him. Hey, does she have the qualifications

"Okay, I'll go over and apologize to her tomorrow. You and Xiao Nai should also say a few nice words to Daddy, you know?" Ji Xiaohan has already made a decision. He is willing to sacrifice for his two precious children. own self-esteem, and take the initiative to show kindness to that woman.

"Really? That's great..."

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Tang Youyou's voice came over: "Tang Xiaorui, are you playing games on my phone again? How many times have I told you..."

Tang Xiaorui didn't expect that Mommy would come in suddenly, and he was so frightened that he dropped his phone on the ground.

At this time, Ji Yanhan's voice came urgently on the other end of the phone: "Son... Xiaonai, are you still there? Daddy still has something to say to you."

Tang Youyou suddenly heard this man's voice, and her whole little face turned pale with anger. She grabbed her phone and immediately cut off the call.

The two little guys immediately lowered their heads, looking like pitiful little guys who had made a mistake and been caught.

"Who made the call?" Tang Youyou's beautiful eyes immediately swept over their little faces.

The two little guys also knew how to protect each other, their little mouths were tightly closed, and they didn't say a word.

Tang Youyou looked at the two little guys who were determined not to say anything, and suddenly felt confused.

She didn't want to punish them for their little mistakes anymore. She knelt down and patted their little faces: "Okay, it's getting late. You guys should quickly crawl into bed and go to sleep."

"Mommy... Daddy said he misses me!" Tang Xiaonai is a happy person who always has something to say. At this moment, she just wants to share the happy things in her heart with Mommy.

Tang Youyou's heart ached even more when she heard her daughter's words.

She kissed her daughter's little face and said gently: "I understand, go to sleep!"

The next morning, Tang Youyou had a nightmare all night, always dreaming of two children being taken away by Ji Xiaohan in various ways.

She ran and cried, chasing him all night long. She felt sleepy and tired, feeling exhausted.

"Asshole..." Tang Youyou sat up from the bed with a sore back and couldn't help but curse.

She first made a phone call to the kindergarten and asked for leave from the teacher.

Let her aunt take care of the two little ones at home. She took a taxi and went to Tang's house early.

Tang Xuerou got up early in the morning and called Zhang Huiyi. The other party stopped answering the phone. She was so angry that her face turned black and blue.

The servant came over and told her that Tang Youyou was here.

Tang Xuerou froze and became even more anxious and angry. Tang Youyou must have come to get the jade pendant.

This is how to do? Shameless Zhang Huiyi didn't even plan to return it to her, and now she doesn't even answer the phone.

Although she didn't get the jade pendant, Tang Xuerou hurried down to see Tang Youyou.

"Yuyou, are you here so early?" Tang Xuerou immediately showed a false smile and called her name so friendly for the first time.

Tang Youyou felt disgusted and said with a cold face: "It seems you haven't given me my jade pendant yet!"

"Um...Yuyou, have you noticed that I put an extra 10 million in your card? How about...can you sell the jade pendant to me even with the 10 million?" Tang Xuerou immediately said in a negotiating tone: "What about you? The jade pendant itself is not valuable, but I understand that it is of great value to you, so ten million is not a small amount."

Tang Youyou received the bank card remittance news early in the morning, and indeed found that Tang Xuerou actually gave her 60 million.

"Where is the jade pendant?" Tang Youyou asked with a frown.

"Maybe it was lost. My friend said yesterday that she didn't remember taking it away. It must have been lost. Yoyo, I'm so sorry. I knew that the jade pendant was so important to you, so I must have kept it well. There's nothing I can do about it now. Yes, I promise you, I will continue to find the jade pendant for you. Once I find it, I will give it to you as soon as possible, okay? You will go abroad today and don’t stay for a second longer!" Tang Xuerou really wished she could give it to you. Give Tang Youyou a pair of wings and let her fly out of the country.

Tang Youyou couldn't wait to leave. Judging from Tang Xuerou's expression, it didn't look like she was lying, but she was still a little angry in her heart.

"Then keep looking for it for me. If you find it, return it to me as soon as possible." Tang Youyou warned.

"Definitely, definitely, it's useless if I want that jade pendant!" Tang Xuerou quickly assured.